What is a hexagon jungler?

656: Perfect rhythm after taking off the weight (12)

"What should we do next?" Wunder suddenly looked panicked when he saw that the attack was not going well.

Beryl frowned and remained silent for a while.

Cold sweat broke out in the palm of my hand that was holding the mouse, and it was greasy and uncomfortable.

Although he is precocious and mature, he is still just a rookie.

If he were just a marionette thug, it would be boring, and the pressure would not be that great.

But he is the commander of G2!

Coming to the MSI decider, every decision will determine the championship!

Beryl's heart felt heavy.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the team was heavy and negative, Perkz took the initiative to speak, "Let's stabilize and develop for a while. Jankos, I will come to the middle when I am at level 6, and we will link up in the middle and jungle!"

Ah P also knows that the key to winning this game is the middle and jungle. The wing heroes selected by both sides either have no damage or no control. The middle and jungle must be combined to drive the rhythm!

Xiaoyang agreed without hesitation.

However, the situation he is facing now is not optimistic.

Even though Jankos was not killed in the fierce battle between the two sides in the last wave around the middle and lower lines.

However, teammates suffered casualties. Not only did the mid laner Yasuo give up his life, but Beryl in the bottom lane also resisted two shellings in the tower-crossing offensive just now. Because it was only after Thain died that he attracted the hatred of the defensive tower, the warm-up was completed. The damage of the turret was so astonishing that Level 1 Braum couldn't bear it at all. After his health was damaged, he had to return to the city to replenish his supplies.

With all the midfielders and assistants absent, Jankos did not dare to continue brushing the lower jungle area of ​​VG, so he could only retreat and brush the three groups of camps in the lower half of his side first.

On the other hand, Gu Xing, after helping Kuro push away the middle lane, swaggered to the upper jungle area of ​​G2, and with the help of Smeb, who also pushed away the lane, captured the Demon Swamp Frog!

Jankos knew that the other party was going to rebel, but he still dared not speak out.

Don't forget that after Wunder was resurrected, he teleported to the top lane and was able to protect the jungle.

But Thane is only at the cricket level!

Song Jinghao's Ornn, after dealing with two waves of troops, is already at level two and a half.

The combat effectiveness of the top laners on both sides is simply not on the same level!

Even in the upper and jungle battles with G2, they are weaker than their opponents!

Jankos could only give up the wild monsters.

Of course, Gu Xing didn't push beyond his limits.

He didn't dare to counterattack the three wolves located in the deepest part of the G2 wild area, for fear of annoying the opponent. After eating the Demon Swamp Frog, he stopped as soon as he was ready and quickly retreated back to a safe position.

Calculated, it means that Jankos loses a group of camps, which is the economic gap between the two wild areas every time!

Gu Xing felt happy and went back to continue brushing his jungle area, asking his teammates on the way.

"Jack, do you need help pushing the line?"

Previously, he noticed that after the bottom lane was overrun by a tower, the handover point of the minions of both sides was located in the next tower of VG.

It stands to reason that the troop line will push back towards the G2 defense tower.

Gu Xing was afraid that the VG duo would encounter a forced sniper attack from G2's bottom lane when they went online to deal with the pushback line at level 1.

"No need," Jack said very optimistically, "The soldiers line can't get out at all. The guys are wiring and eating under the tower. It's really a comfortable group!"

Just because G2 has a small cannon.

E [Explosion Spark] will automatically push the splash damage after killing the minion.

Gu Shengbin couldn't even block the line. As long as he used the tail knife, he would definitely push the line to the VG side!

Jack was able to take his time and eat ice under the tower.

After he and Duan Deliang both reached level 2, he was not afraid that Jankos would repeat his old tricks and jump over the tower again.

Now G2's two single-lane heroes in the top and middle lanes are trapped in the lane and cannot move. The only one who can launch an attack on the bottom lane is Xiaoyang. It is impossible for the troll without hard control to jump over the tower and kill Xayah + Tahm Kench. This pair has a complete set of skills and is extremely capable of protecting themselves!

If the opponent dares to freeze his hands, Jack with Barb in hand and W [Feast] + E [Thick Skin] will have no problem holding on to the tower, and he can even seek counterattack!

"OK OK..." Gu Xing felt relieved and casually told his top laner, "Then I'll finish clearing the upper jungle area first. Maibo, you can play a little more aggressively, don't be afraid."

Use the blind monk to punch and kick to get rid of all the remaining stone beetles and sharp-beaked birds. Return to the city to make red punishment and replenish the long sword and a real eye.

He did not clear out the two groups of camps that were still alive in the wild area, but went out and headed straight for the road!

Previously, Song Jinghao artificially pushed the line of troops into the upper tower of G2, which also created a wave of pushback lines.

Smeb is not a small cannon who can't hold a line of troops. He can easily let the line of troops cross the river by just repairing the tail knife.

Then he followed Gu Xing's suggestion and took the initiative to invite Thain for a blood exchange.

Taking advantage of Ornn's passive online update of red crystals and the advantage of being the first to reach level 3, Smeb successfully made up for the hero's early combat power gap, slightly overpowering Wunder in the duel!

It was against this background that Gu Xing came on the road.

He knows very well that for G2, the problem of top lane troops needs to be solved urgently.

Wunder, who is at a disadvantage, can hardly successfully advance his troops into the VG tower by himself!

So it makes sense to ask for foreign aid!

As far as the current situation is concerned, the only jungler Jankos can take on the important task of relieving the top lane!

According to the information currently available, Xiaoyang is destined to brush from the bottom up. Calculating the time, he should appear on the top road not long after.

He was the one Gu Xing arrested!

"Mai Bo, you're almost done," Gu Xing saw that Song Jinghao was going a little too far and quickly reminded him, "If you keep fighting, the other side might notice it!"

Now the health of the top laners on both sides has dropped by half, and they are getting closer and closer to the danger line.

Jankos's jungle opening movements are almost obvious. If Song Jinghao continues to fight frequently even though he knows that the enemy jungler is nearby, it will be hard not to make people suspicious that there is someone behind Smeb.

Song Jinghao also came to his senses. When he realized something was wrong, he quickly acted cowardly and apologized, "My, my, my, I got a little carried away in the final game..."

There are really too many emotions that have been accumulated previously, and I am eager to find an outlet to vent.

Throughout the entire MSI, he was frustrated to death.

After the Flag of Command became unusable in the middle lane, it went to the top lane to cause harm to people. The top laners changed from warriors fighting each other to Orn Thain fighting against each other. Smeb was so uncomfortable that he almost went crazy!

I know how to play tanky top lane, but I can't play double favor, right?

Furthermore, for most of the past year and a half, Gu Xing has raised him as a big treasure and given him enough tactical resources.

Song Jinghao couldn't adapt to the sudden change to a tank top laner!

This has led to his current hatred of designers.

Riot, are you updating NM? Cheng Tianjing puts something without the soul of the top laner on the top lane!

But the version is bigger than the sky. Even if Song Jinghao doesn't want to do anything, he still has to choose the top laner of the Flag of Command to be a green leaf for the team.

As a result, not to mention teammates coming to help, I guess I won’t even be able to get a single shot of the guide during the laning period!

Smeb finally waited for Gu Xing's help for the first time in this BO5 match. He couldn't help himself and was a little too aggressive.

But G2 didn't realize the flaw.

Wunder has played against Song Jinghao several times, and he knows how aggressive the other side is. As a carry-type top laner, he retains his previous habits when playing blue-collar tanks. Isn't it normal for him to trade two waves of health for himself when he has nothing to do?

Look, isn't it going back again on the other side?

He obviously realized that there was someone behind him!

Jankos was suspicious.

However, the doubts that had just arisen were dispelled in the blink of an eye by his top laner's steadfast promise.

Xiaoyang did not doubt Wunder's judgment on whether there was someone behind the enemy Ornn.

After all, he is a serious player who has played against Song Jinghao for four consecutive games. Logically speaking, he must be well aware of the enemy's laning ideas and habits!

Jankos decided to come to the road as usual to help solve the problem.

However, as soon as he swung his big stick and hit the enemy's long-range soldier A twice, he saw Ornn cast Q [Volcanic Chasm] on him.


Xiaoyang sensed something was wrong, but before he could react, Ornn handed over E [Fierce Charge]!

The sheep blacksmith's bulky body hit the chasm formed, knocking the troll into the air!

At the same time, a blind monk suddenly emerged from the shadow corner behind Ornn!

Jankos's eyes were splitting, and he quickly pressed the keyboard to hand over the flash.

Unfortunately, Gu Xing's Tianyin Wave hit the ground before it hit the ground!

Immediately, the blind monk's W golden bell stuck to Ornn's side, thus shortening the distance between him and Jankos. He put on Challenge Punishment, raised his fist and hit his face with a basic attack!

The connected E Sky Thunder Break triggers electrocution, and combined with the fragile effect of Ornn's W Bellows Flame Breath, the troll's health is at stake in an instant!

Jankos regained his freedom after landing, but the Tianyin wave mark hanging above his head made him completely lose his desire to flash!

In the end, Gu Xing easily took the kill with his second echo attack, and only Wunder flashed to escape hastily!

"Beautiful reverse squat!" the doll said happily, "Brother Xing stood up again!"

"He has a very good grasp of Jankos' psychology. He has already guessed that the troll is coming to help the top laner solve the problem!" Miller's face lit up when he saw VG further expanding its advantage.

Under the camera, Gu Xing's smile was extremely bright.

He once thought that Smeb's aggressive fighting behavior would cause his anti-squatting plan to be exposed and aborted.

Who could have imagined that the Ueno and Ueno on the opposite side are actually a pair of idiots, and they insist on pushing the lane without any clue!

All the VG fans in the stands burst into deafening cheers, applauding the outstanding performance of the home team’s star!

Many netizens in the LPL live broadcast room were even more excited.

[Good boy, Brother Xing's reverse squat is like a ghost's seven feet! It’s all the shadow of a hot man]

[Nicole, pull him down, the blind monk of the Seven Guilds? Will you do reverse squats on the road? Just think about it and you’ll know it’s impossible! 】

[I believe Brother Xing’s blind monk, after all, he left two footprints on Pray’s back]

[Something's wrong, Brother Xing's C game is outrageous! 】

[There's something wrong. Isn't this normal? Don't do six basic things! 】

[I can only say that Brother Xing in the decisive game understands everything and always strikes hard]

[After all, you want to win the FMVP. If you don’t show your strength in the last round, how will you win the award? 】

Correspondingly, the G2 player bench once again fell into an atmosphere of silence.

"No, didn't you make sure there was no one behind him?" Jankos, who vaguely heard the noise and shouting from the outside world, was extremely depressed.

"I can't do it!" Wunder looked very innocent with his big eyes open, and put the responsibility on the other person, "It's all Virtue's fault. This kid is too insidious and cunning. He should have brushed to the lower half of the area, but he just didn't click. Common sense plays the cards, how do you replenish your equipment and go on the road again?"

"Too despicable and disrespectful of martial ethics!"

The little sheep was almost furious.

He has been following Perkz's suggestion and does not want to take the initiative to attack before Yasuo reaches level 6.

But I never expected that just coming to the road to help clear a wave of troops would actually lead to a fatal disaster!

Wunder looked at the corpse of the troll and felt extremely helpless.

The jungler came over and died on the street before clearing the army line. At present, the top lane army line still has not advanced to the VG tower!

He didn't even dare to push the lane in a 1v1 duel, not to mention that there was a blind monk beside Ornn now!

Wunder could only continue to endure the pain of being blocked by the enemy on the top lane.

When the difference in CS between the two top laners increased to about 15, the troop line finally became unblockable. As the melee soldiers broke into VG's upper tower and were bombarded to death, the situation of the troop line on the top lane finally changed. VG had the upper hand. The army line will slowly advance towards G2's tower!

He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the last hit was missed a lot, at least I can still have a sense of participation in the future, instead of standing behind the line of soldiers and watching Ornn slowly touch up the tail knife to control the line!

At this time, the game duration has reached 6 minutes and 20 seconds.

Perkz successfully reached level 6. Knowing that the current situation was not optimistic for his side, he couldn't wait to call the jungler, hoping to restore the situation through mid-jungle linkage as soon as possible, "Jankos, come quickly, I'm ready!"

Xiaoyang cut the screen to take a look at the troop line, thought for a moment and rejected it, "No, your troop line is pushed too far forward. I'll come over and provide pillars, and they can retreat to the tower on foot!"

"You push the lane first and gather a wave of soldiers to push back," Jankos suggested, "I'll just farm some wild monsters!"

There are only two groups left in the second round of camps in the G2 wild area. After being invaded by Gu Xing in the early stage and killed in the top lane, Xiaoyang's development is now terrible, and the need for wild monsters is very urgent.

After hearing this, Perkz had no choice but to wave his sword back and forth among the soldiers, and with Q [Steel Flash], he quickly sent all the soldiers stuck in front of the VG tower into the tower.

Although he lost a life in the early stage, Yasuo still maintained his dominance in the lane when facing Ryze, who was still under development.

Especially when it comes to pushing the line, the happy man does not use mana to push the line and the cooldown time of his skills is very short. Three times, five times and two times can clear the minions!

Ryze, on the other hand, consumes quite a lot of mana for his early skills, and the current version of Single E [Spell Surge] cannot produce a spread effect to create area damage when no minions are killed, so the push speed is far slower than Yasuo!

Kuro can only connect and eat under the tower. When the next wave of soldiers arrives, the G2 minions have not yet been dealt with, and the soldier line transfer point is pushed into the VG middle tower, forming a pushback line!

Although the middle line is short and the pushback line is difficult to snowball, as long as it advances towards the G2 tower, it will be regarded as meeting the requirements of the lamb!

Jankos immediately became energetic when he saw that Ryze had left the protection of the defense tower and was about to cross the center line to finish the attack. After finishing the jungle, he rushed to the middle lane without stopping.

Then he took advantage of the gap where Rizpin's A was unable to finish his last strike, and decisively handed over his E skill!

The pillar of ice rose into the sky, forcing Ryze to move!

As usual, Perkz takes one step ahead with EQ to kill the minions, and then uses R [Wind Breath Slash] to bring the damage and stacks of Steel Flash to Ryze!

Double wind!

Don't forget to hang up the ignition in the air to further reduce the enemy's health!

Ah P was filled with joy and thought that Kuro would definitely die!

In the team chat channel, the summoner skills records of enemy heroes are very detailed and accurate.

Ryze's flash will take another 10 seconds to turn around.

With the burst of G2's midfielder, it's no problem to kill Ryze within 10 seconds!

However, the tens of thousands of G2 fans in the stands of Zenith Stadium could not be happy. Instead, they exclaimed unbearably, and many supporters even shouted loudly urging Perkz to run away!

The scene echoed with European commentator Caedrel's angry screams.

"Run quickly...Virtue is not far to the side!"

From a God's perspective, everyone from the audience to the commentators could see very clearly. Gu Xing's blind monk was running towards the middle just after finishing the red buff. Halfway there, he caught up with G2's midfielder and launched an attack on Kuro. Now it only takes a few hundred yards. Then you can rush to Ryze!

When the blind monk turned the corner and officially appeared in the middle, Perkz, who was performing exquisite sword skills in the air, was full of enthusiasm as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him!

Now the only thought in Ah P's heart is to run!

Because the number ‘6’ suddenly appears in the level grid next to the blind monk’s health bar!

The blind monk with the ultimate move will undoubtedly usher in a qualitative change in combat power!

And Jankos's troll is only level 5 now, and its role in the battlefield is obviously not as good as Gu Xing's!

Perkz wanted to get back to the tower, but Yasuo on the screen was still zooming in!

He could only watch helplessly as the blind monk used the golden bell mask to apply the film to Ryze and bring it closer to his face.

R [Raptor swings its tail]!

The silver dragon on the Tang suit danced, twitching its tail and kicked Yasuo away hard!

In the air, Gu Xing followed up with a basic attack and immediately kicked out Tianyin Wave.

Gu Xing was not Ming Kai, so he would definitely not make a low-level mistake.

The trajectory of the Tianyin Wave is so precise that Yasuo, who can't launch a wall of wind in the air, can't even turn around to dodge!

RQ will hit!

Seeing the Tianyin wave mark on Yasuo, Gu Xing did not immediately follow the second stage of Q.

He knew that Perkz's flash was only just about to turn around. Without the ability to avoid the damage of Echo Strike, Yasuo was already dead.

But Gu Xing was not satisfied with just killing Feng Nan.

There are also trolls among the hunting targets!

When kicking out the Raptor's Tail Swing, he adjusted the angle and let Yasuo fly straight towards Jankos, intending to use Perkz for displacement to get closer to the lamb.

If Gu Xing had followed up with the Echo Strike as soon as the Sky Sound Wave hit, Yasuo would have died suddenly in mid-flight and would not have survived the 800-yard distance that the Raptor's tail swing hit!

Therefore, he deliberately slowed down for a moment, during which he could show his thumb to give a thumbs up, and waited until Yasuo landed before following up with the echo attack!

Perkz's health bar was instantly cleared!

"Isn't this damage too exaggerated?!" Vedius couldn't believe his eyes, "Kuro's Ryze only made up for the damage of Q and basic attacks, and the rest of the damage was done by the blind monk alone. At the beginning of the battle, Perkz The blood volume is obviously still more than 60%!"

"Virtue has a warrior jungler who is a fool!" Caedrel lamented, "His equipment completely overwhelmed the G2 midfielder, and the output was astonishingly high!"

The previous two heads and the process of dividing the army line not only allowed Gu Xing to be far ahead in terms of level, but also the equipment!

In less than 7 minutes, the warrior's jungle knife provides damage to the blind monk that can only be described as terrifying!

Caedrel didn't even have time to mourn Ah P's death. Next, he saw the blind monk using Perkz as a springboard to challenge the troll and punish him, slamming the floor and breaking bones to slow down!

Thunder is rolling in the sky, and the full skill special effects make it difficult for the lamb to escape!

"What do you mean, Virtue, you're not done yet?!" He was dumbfounded, "Kill them all, right?"

Jankos knew something was wrong, so he quickly handed over the flash and escaped into the tower.

But Gu Xing dodged, and with the help of the red BUFF and Challenge Punishment, he punched the troll one after another. The real damage broke out frequently, causing the underdeveloped Trundle's health bar to disappear a lot. !

However, Jankos relied on W [Ice Field] to accelerate and still ran very fast.

Seeing that he was about to escape back to the middle tower, Xiaoyang breathed a sigh of relief.

However, before he could be happy for two seconds, he saw a golden light flashing out of the canyon!

Ryze, who was following behind earlier, moved forward 400 yards, bringing the troll within his attack range!

"Kuro's flash has turned around!" Caedrel covered his face with his hands, not daring to look any further. "Jankos won't escape death either!"

QEWAQ, Li Ruixing's combo of basic attacks was smooth and smooth, clearing the troll's health bar!

"Zero for two..." Vedius' eyes widened and he murmured, "G2 is going to collapse!"

He could hear the shouts of the LPL commentators next door. Although he couldn't understand Chinese, he could still distinguish the joyful emotions contained in them.

Thinking of this, Vedius became even more depressed.

"What a good fight!" Wawa clenched his fists fiercely, with an impassioned expression, "Brother Xing successfully helped the team establish a huge advantage through continuous counter-crouching!"

Miller's mouth couldn't close, and he was still expressing his inner confusion, "How did Brother Bo Xing realize that G2's midfielder and jungler were going to start a linkage?"

"It came at the perfect time. If we hadn't moved to the middle after finishing the red BUFF, G2's midfielder would have had enough time to kill Kuro before retreating calmly!"

In fact, Gu Xing was really not sure that the enemy wanted to take action against Kuro.

At first, he simply wanted to come to the middle, and while Perkz's flash had not improved yet and he was promoted to level 6 in advance, he could kill Ah P with his mid-range single shot!

It's just that by some mistake, he encountered an unexpected gain. He adjusted his decision on the spot and killed Jankos with perfect operation!

Gu Xing was not satisfied at this point, "Rui Xing, please go back to the city quickly. I have to rush up. I will teleport you directly to the eye position later..."

"Let's jump over the tower and kill a wave of Thain!"

With Gu Xing's help and Smeb's blocking, the top lane situation is now completely in Song Jinghao's hands.

Now the army line has been hoarded by him and is pushing towards the upper tower of G2!

Gu Xing's idea is simple.

Your midfielder and jungler are all killed, and your top laner is an orphan left to be slaughtered!

Now that Kuro's teleportation has improved, it's natural to use it to get some profit!

"Okay!" Li Ruixing was excited. Just as he was returning to the city to replenish his health, Gu Xing had already arrived behind the first tower on G2, blocking Thain's retreat!

The eye position falls, and the scarlet teleportation light lights up!

Wunder's heart skipped a beat, and when he saw something was wrong, he wanted to moisten it quickly.

Turn on R [Rage] and retreat towards the second tower of your home. When the car just started, Thain was still reciting his lines.

“Only cowards fear death! (Only cowards fear death!)”

The old driver pressed against the wall away from the blind monk, wanting to show off his escape driving skills.

But a true eye popped out, and the blind monk's W golden bell shifted laterally, right in front of Thain!

Wunder moved the mouse wildly, trying to control Thane to avoid Lee Sin.

However, the control of the vehicle is not very strong, and experienced drivers simply cannot complete the steering in such a short distance!

With a roar, Thain knocked the blind monk away and was stopped himself!

What followed was a dull and loud sound of the furnace turning on!

R from Ornn [Call of the Forged God]!

One stage of slow speed combined with two stages of knockback...

Wunder, who didn't flash, tried his best to avoid it!

After being knocked into the sky, Kuro teleports to the ground and provides EW rune imprisonment.

The continuous control made Wunder unable to move!

Gu Xing hangs up the Sky Sound Wave and rains down the basic attack, easily taking the head off of Thain's neck!

I was called to work as a toolman during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I almost didn’t finish writing...

There will be an additional update this afternoon to wrap up MSI.

Then there will be a normal chapter update in the evening.

PS: I can still lose to Vietnam?

After losing to South Korea and Vietnam, no one loses next. I really don’t feel ashamed!

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