What is a hexagon jungler?

659: Public opinions from all sides erupt!

When Gu Xing ended the interview, the cheers in the stands continued and even intensified!

Everyone here knows very well that with the end of the mid-season, it will not be so easy for them to see Gu Xing play live.

At least for the next year, League of Legends international competitions will not return to Europe!

The audience was extremely reluctant to give up. Even though the mid-season tournament had come to an end, they still did not leave. They kept shouting Gu Xing’s ID and VG team name in the venue!

Even G2 fans are no exception.

Rao is a die-hard supporter of the Snickers team. After emerging from the haze of the home team's defeat, he had to admit that VG deserved the MSI championship trophy.

Many people were moved by VG's perseverance and teamwork spirit in facing difficulties in the final stage.

Some of the spectators in the front row of the stands could hear the high-pitched and powerful communication sounds coming from the VG player seats during the game.

Even though the local French people didn't understand the meaning, the excitement revealed in the tone of the exchange made everyone empathize and get excited!

The essence of competitive events cannot be separated from Mu Qiang.

The audience was impressed by the competitive charm displayed by VG, and some unsteady G2 fans defected directly to the VC camp!

Gu Xing listened to the warm cheers from the audience and did not forget to respond before handing back the microphone.

"Thank you all for coming to the scene****," he bowed and expressed his sincere thanks. "I have always believed that the audience is the source of the e-sports ecosystem. Without you, no matter how legendary the competition is, it will lose its charm...Thank you again for letting me Experience the vibrant e-sports enthusiasm in Europe and hope to meet again one day!"

Gu Xing waved goodbye to the audience and stepped off the stage holding the FMVP trophy in his other hand.

Kuro beside him, although his steps were frivolous, held the MSI championship trophy firmly in his arms as if he were a treasure.

"Rui Xing, what do you want to eat tonight?" Gu Xing put his arm around his waiter's shoulder and asked cordially, "I'll treat you as you wish!"

Jack, who transformed into a Shiba Inu, immediately came forward with a shy face after hearing this, "Can I eat French baked snails?"

"Go, go," Gu Xing pushed Yu Wenbo angrily, "I know how to eat all day long... Why don't I give you some Australian dragons and send them to the hospital!"

Kuro couldn't help but smile as he listened to the chatter and banter between his teammates.

"To be honest, I just want to take a nap right now."

"...Yes," Gu Xing leaned closer and took a concerned look, clearly seeing the bloodshot eyes in Kuro's eyes, and his voice was a bit gentler, "You have been under a lot of pressure in the past two days, not to mention that you haven't rested in between. .”

Gu Xing had a good night's sleep to make up for his sleep. After completing the high-intensity BO5, he was a little brainless as he took on the important task of commanding. You can imagine the mental state of the old man Kuro after staying up late and playing two back-to-back BO5s!

Li Ruixing is now top-heavy, and his temples are still pulsing, which is a warning signal to other parts of his body.

Even so, he still did not let go of his hands holding the championship trophy, and walked slowly towards the backstage lounge.

Surrounded by members of the VG training department, he pushed the door open and entered the room. He immediately collapsed on the sofa and fell asleep.

The frown that had been frowning during the finals finally slowly relaxed.

"Let Rui Xing rest for a while," Gu Xing whispered to his teammates, checking the time. "There is still a quarter of an hour before the group visit, which is enough for him to take a nap. If you want to celebrate, you can go to the corridor."

Song Jinghao couldn't bear the loneliness and jumped out happily to share the good news of winning the championship with his relatives and friends.

Gu Xing also took out his mobile phone from his backpack, first reported the good news to his family, and then asked Vincent for the specific timetable of today's official itinerary to send to his girlfriend, so that she would not be irritated by the wait.

Shen Guanshan quickly replied and attached a photo, explaining that he was queuing up at the venue to receive the unfinished support items from VG as a pastime.

While waiting in line, his girlfriend had nothing to do and was still complaining to him.

There were not as many VCs present today as expected. As the host, G2 attracted most of the passers-by to support.

As a result, many of the support stickers and banners prepared by the VG club were not distributed before the game.

Now that the mid-season tournament has come to an end, there is a long queue in front of the reception desk for the winner VG’s support items!

Gu Xing didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He had witnessed how quickly the local audience changed their faces.

After finishing the chat with his girlfriend, he looked down at the FMVP trophy and championship medal that he had put aside. On a whim, he turned on his mobile phone camera, took two photos and posted them on Weibo.

The accompanying text reads: [Qianjue and I are playing well with the Blind Monk, are you guys? 】

At this time, the news that VG won the championship has reached the top of the hot search list, and his Weibo homepage also has official updates automatically sent - Congratulations to @VGVirtue for winning the 2018 League of Legends Mid-Season Championship!

In addition, Gu Xing has a total of 4 million followers on Weibo. He does not buy zombie followers, but only follows living people. Multiple factors caused this blog post to be sent out for a minute, and a dense number of replies appeared below!

[Wow, wow, wow, brother Xing is a god! 】

[Not only the operation is good, but the skin is also good, the thunder and lightning special effects of Jankos in the wild area are really enjoyable to watch]

[It’s a pity why the champion skin is not discounted. The original price for returning to the game in the future is 79 yuan, which is really painful to buy... It’s enough for me to buy two ten wings per bucket]

[Exactly, I remember that the S4 champion skin was only 45 yuan, and the price of S5 increased to 69 yuan. This year, it will go up to a higher level, and it will directly cost 79 yuan. Is Riot crazy about money? 】

[How expensive is 79 yuan? Don't talk nonsense with your eyes open, okay? Fighting is very difficult. Sometimes I look for my own reasons. Is the salary increased over the years? Have you worked hard? 】

Gu Xing looked at the compliments in the comments below Weibo and still felt uninterested.

One thing to say, Weibo is really tasteless!

He thought for a moment, then turned around to check the post.

Nowadays, the anti-stress bar is a scene of singing and dancing, with hot posts emerging one after another. As soon as Gu Xing entered, he was dazzled!

In order to take care of East Asian audiences, Riot Games deliberately adjusted the game time in France, and the effect was very significant.

Compared to the last East Asian MSI, which had a mediocre response, this mid-season tournament can definitely be regarded as the most discussed point since the event was established!

The most popular post on the forum is '2018 MSI Finals VG3:2G2, post-game scoring post (other scoring posts will be deleted)'. Less than half an hour after the final, the number of replies has exceeded the 7K mark!

Very quickly, Gu Xing clicked in.

What caught my eye was my final makeup photo.

[I want to beat Brother Xing completely unconscious! Are you really just going to shit and pee and lead VG forward? If the map control tool is not good enough, then play jungle core. If the jungle core is not good enough, then play carnivorous jungler. Where is the hero pool for the MSI final show? 】

[Shi Yiye’s reputation is well-deserved, VG’s real know-it-all daddy! In the two lost games, even Maggot Baby couldn't find any black spots. You will know how strong Brother Xing is in this final]

[It feels so good to be behind 1:2 and chase two sets in a row, especially in the last round of the blind monk. Turtle was swimming in the opponent's face in the early stage, and his play seemed to be different from other people's blind monks]

【Bold! You little brat are hinting at my big piggy fairy? 】

[ @Minglian, watch and study carefully...Oh, I almost forgot that Mingkai was even squeezed out of the starting position by Little Peanut, that’s okay]

[In the desperate match point game, one Qian Jue and one Blind Monk, all are reverse versions of heroes. Brother Xing, you really dare to choose! 】

[The coach is also top-notch. If VG loses the game, there will definitely be a bunch of people criticizing Brother Xing, and then fans of Brother Xing will criticize the coach, so they dare to play the reverse version of the role for Brother Xing. It’s really a big heart]

[Hongmi: Sales and customer service are the absolute core here! 】

Gu Xingke felt so refreshed that he wanted to say "I feel good".

It has to be the smell of the toilet to get over my head!

Following closely is the main building of Kuro’s rating post.

Different from the uniform praise in Gu Xing's main building, the main theme here is a polarization.

[I feel numb. In the first game, Dragon King C was all over the game. In the second and third games, everyone was lost. In the fourth game, I was cowardly for most of the game. The last wave faltered again. In the fifth game, he returned to his normal performance... Kuro What are you doing? 】

[It’s a roller coaster ride. Anyone who watches the direction of public opinion in the anti-bar all the time should know that in the first game, the fans should be reassured. Not long after these people started playing in the anti-bar, Kuro started to give away kills crazily. This time, he suppressed his enthusiasm before he rose. It's like tricking Xiao Heizi into being hot, and then the black fan jumps up and down twice, and Kuro suddenly becomes sane. Who can withstand this? 】

[Reversal and reversal, Kuro can be said to have the CPU under control, coaxing the audience into spinning]

[Those who don’t know better think that Yu Wenbo has taken away his body. Gods and ghosts come and go. You never know in what posture Kuro will attack before the game starts]

[I still have to praise Hongmi. I dare to choose Ryze for you bastard in the final round. I am really a Buddha]

[The most outrageous thing is not that he really stood up to Ah P, and didn’t even give him a chance! I took Brother Xing to open the R and caught the wave. It was so fun for me. The state fluctuated so quickly that it was ridiculous! The duality of gods and ghosts, right? 】

Gu Xing collected the post and planned to share it with Kuro after he woke up.

The rest is the rating content of G2 members.

[Ah P, you’re addicted to choosing Yasuo, right? OK, OK, you’ll try to do the same for the S8 World Championship]

[Perkz is a purely international friend. Can you give him a green card? 】

[The Lamb is the top ÷, with almost all the rights in the middle and lower positions. What has he done? No wonder he’s the weakest among the three wild kings of S6】

【Wunder? This person was not found. The biggest highlight of the entire BO5 was Ornn's R flashing R and his teammates cooperating with his teammates to catch Brother Xing once in the fourth round. Other than that, he had no sense of presence at all! 】

[Imp: Dear OK, words are like words. When you read this letter, I must have been swimming to the Seine... Perkz, this cunning villain, actually wants to steal your mid-season game. Trophy? It makes no sense, I stopped Uzi from trying to steal the trophy back then! Watch me work as an undercover agent to help you win the second MSI! See you again at the Seoul Landing Battle of the S8 World Championship, I love you.]

[Beryl is really trying her best, but what can a little help do? 】

After Gu Xing read the scoring post, his teammates who had gone out to celebrate came back one after another.

After waking up, Kuro's mental state was much better, but he was still very sleepy. He was slumped on the sofa and yawning continuously.

"Elbow, come with me for the post-game interview!" Jin Wenhe, with a happy face, led the team members to the group interview room.

The group of people pushed the door open and entered, facing an overwhelming flash of lights and the sound of the shutter being pressed.

The VG team members have experienced a year and a half of fighting in the north and south, and they are also experienced in accepting interviews. They all sat down and waited for reporters to ask questions without changing their expressions and without a beating heart.

"Excuse me, player Kuro," Oliver with a beard from E+ stood up and asked, "Today's BO5 battle was a fierce battle until the fifth game. During this period, your state fluctuated greatly, especially from the fourth game. The change in play style that started in the mid-term has successfully helped the team reverse the situation and win. Can you tell us the specific reasons?"

Li Ruixing rubbed his still red eyes and explained in a slightly hoarse voice.

"The quick victory in the first game had a lot to do with me getting the Dragon King. I have always been very confident in the hero Thor; but after the game came to the second game, G2 quickly made adjustments in BP and sent the Dragon King away. As Ban, I lost confidence in the next three games, so I had to choose Kalma and Grasshopper."

He explained in detail. MSI has been completed anyway, and the content related to version understanding is not a secret. You can safely tell reporters, "But we miscalculated the strength of these two mid laners, which is very needed at this time." In the version where the mid laner shares the output pressure of the shooter, the role of the tool player is severely limited, and it is often difficult to make a sound in the later stages - this is also the reason why we lost the third game."

"In the fourth game, Gu took out Qian Jue who was at the bottom of the box, trying to solve the problem of the team's insufficient output. However, due to my mistake, the gap in the middle was difficult to make up, and the team was always in a headwind, and I was also confused..."

Kuro looked serious, "It wasn't until the Baron team battle that my teammates' strong belief in being fearless and trying their best to win in desperate situations pulled me out of the quagmire. This allowed me to serve the team well before the subsequent highland battle." Contribute your own modest efforts to help VG turn defeat into victory."

"The counterattack in the fourth set built up my confidence again. I thought I couldn't keep dragging down my teammates, so I brought out Ryze to try my best to help the team relieve the pressure of output in the later stage..." Li Ruixing finally smiled a little when he said this. , "Everyone has seen the results. Ji Gu can completely crush his opponents when he gives free play!"

After the game, there were low laughter in the interview room. The reporters obviously agreed with Kuro's statement.

"I would also like to thank my teammates and coaches here," he said sincerely. "My personal state in this mid-season is not good, but they have been encouraging and trusting me."

"Thank you, Brother Chengrong, for being willing to choose heroes for me despite my poor performance in the first few games; thank you Jiekuo, you are really cheerful and have a good attitude. With you here, the team atmosphere will definitely not be bad. …”

Li Ruixing thanked his teammates and coach in turn, and finally looked at Gu Xing while holding the microphone.

"And Sales Gu, you are the most charismatic e-sports player I have ever seen."

"You have been trying every means to build confidence in me since MSI, and you never gave up until the last moment of the finals," he said word by word. "You made me truly realize that trust is mutual, 'I believe in you, and I believe in you. Believe in me', I will keep these words in mind."

The reporters in the audience whispered.

Although Kuro said his words of thanks with a smile on his face, it always felt like there was a sad atmosphere of parting spreading.

But today is a happy day for VG, and no one wants to get into trouble.

Only Oliver asked indirectly about Li Ruixing's subsequent plans.

"What's the plan?" Kuro raised his lips and pretended to be relaxed, "I want to go back to the hotel to catch up on my sleep before traveling in Paris. I haven't been to the Eiffel Tower yet."

He felt that there was something wrong in the reporter's words, so he hit his hand and pulled it away because Li Ruixing didn't think about it himself.

The ecstasy of just winning the championship has not yet dissipated, and the feeling of fatigue is still in his heart. Kuro's remaining brain capacity is not enough to support him to properly think about this problem.

Li Ruixing glanced at the laughing and joking teammates around him and decided to take a breather.

After leaving the Zenith Stadium, members of the training department went to a nearby French restaurant for a simple celebration banquet.

"The scale is limited in a foreign country, please forgive me," Jin Wenhe raised his wine glass in a loud voice, "When we return to Shanghai, let's have another good show!"

"Everyone, please don't be polite. Eat more after you've been tired for a long time!" He mainly said this to Shen Guanshan, who was sitting next to Gu Xing. "Anyway, boss Xiao Gu is paying the bill today!"

"Eat the big ones, eat the big ones!" Jack, the prostitute, was very interested and stared at the baked snails he had coveted for a long time.

Shen Guanshan covered her mouth and laughed. She now has a good relationship with the VG team members and is not overly cautious.

"Can you sign your name for me later?" Shen Guanshan came closer to Gu Xing, "The banner I got in the finals didn't even have your name on it."

"Sure," Gu Xing agreed immediately, "By the way, where did you get this support item? I've never seen it before."

The club will customize player-related peripherals. Almost every item will be signed by the players and used as welfare draws on social media such as Weibo and given to fans.

But it was the first time that Gu Xing encountered the giant support banner that Shen Guanshan held in his hand today.

"I'll find someone to do it myself!" She chuckled, "Come up with a creative plan and find a domestic manufacturer to make it separately, and then transport it to France over a long distance..."

"I started working on the plan before the spring finals, but it was not sent to me until just before the finals!"

Gu Xing keenly captured the time information, "Before the Spring Judgment?"

"Yes," his girlfriend nodded, and then realized what Gu Xing meant, "Oh, I had already expected that you would definitely come to Paris MSI."

"After all, how could you break your promise?" She looked at Gu Xing with clear eyes that were so clean and unadulterated, "I definitely believe you!"

Shen Guanshan's personality is a little more cheerful, but his emotional expression of playing straight has never changed.

The two of them were tired of each other for a long time, and they filled their stomachs while drinking and drinking.

"What are your plans for the next few days?" Shen Guanshan scooped up vanilla ice cream and put it in his mouth, "Finally, when you have some free time, I want to go on a trip together."

"...Nothing matters in the next four days. We can have some fun around Paris," Gu Xing opened his phone and looked through his memos, "Then I have to go to Germany."

"What are you doing?" Shen Guanshan didn't know why.

"Mercedes-Benz has invited me to an event. I want to go and stand on the stage." Gu Xing answered truthfully.

"Oh, you can find a brand of this level now?" Shen Guanshan was very surprised.

"That's right," Gu Xing held his head high, "You don't even know how popular we are now?"

As Faker's performance in the league is declining this year, it is not an exaggeration to say that Gu Xing is the true god of LOL and even the entire e-sports field!

Mercedes-Benz sponsored the LPL this year and invested a total of nine figures in sponsorship fees over a five-year period. One of the requirements is for Gu Xing to cooperate in several activities.

"Let me take a look at the class schedule. If we can make time, we can go together!" Shen Guanshan pulled up his phone, "I haven't been to Berlin yet!"

While Gu Xing was discussing the air tickets with her, he suddenly heard Song Jinghao burst into sharp laughter.

Jack, who was next to Smeb, was startled, "Maibo, what are you doing? You're so startled!"

"Damn it, did you watch the news? That female host named Sjokz actually gave a victory speech in advance when G2 got the match point!" Smeb danced with joy. His face was flushed after just drinking a lot of wine, and his voice was a few rough. point.

"Isn't that reasonable? There is such a thing?!" Yu Wenbo slapped the table hard, "Show it to my buddy, I have to laugh at her!"

Song Jinghao directly forwarded the information source to the VG training department group chat.

Gu Xing wanted to see the excitement, but found that it was a post on the Inven forum, all in Korean.

How could he understand if he wasn't Meiko?

As a last resort, Gu Xing had to reopen the anti-bar, trying to find the translation of Maggot Baby's discussion.

As expected, the anti-bar friends would not let go of this top-notch news program. They had already moved it to the Tieba and thoughtfully translated it.

"Let's start with success. Success is actually a kind of growth..." Sjokz on the screen was full of confidence and made gestures from time to time to enhance the belief conveyed by his words, as if he was playing an accordion.

Gu Xing and Shen Guanshan stood head to head, listening to the host's quotations.

"Why do such people exist?" Shen Guanshan said happily, "Can she really not wait until the results of the competition are settled?"

"Amazing," Gu Xing was filled with admiration. "An hour after giving her victory speech, she was interviewing me on the main stage... I especially want to know what her mood was at that time."

"One thing to say, professionalism is pretty good," Shen Guanshan said sternly, flipping up her hair, "If I were her, I would be so embarrassed that I wouldn't even dare to go on stage!"

In the reprinted post, the European and American guys on Reddit also live in Bengbu.

[I vomited, Sjokz, you can either send it before the game or wait until G2 wins after the game. What is the purpose of sending it in the middle? Is it because we are afraid that others will not laugh at us? 】

[Stop scolding, I am a die-hard VG fan. After watching the third game, I thought G2 had a chance to win. Who would have thought that they would be chased by others for two consecutive games? 】

[That is, if you don’t criticize the players, what’s the point of scolding the host? 】

[Bloody cases in football have taught us, never open champagne at halftime! One look at Sjokz and I don’t love football]

[Laugh at AC Milan, understand AC Milan, and surpass AC Milan! 】

[Sjokz at ten o'clock in the night: WTF, G2 actually lost, go to sleep; Sjokz woke up from his dream at two o'clock in the night: Why do you think I have to be a bitch? 】

[The NA division sent out jeers, ho ho ho, is this EU? Losing the game is all due to the program's effect! 】

[Can NA get out of the gram? TL didn't even make it to the knockout round, so why did they have the nerve to jump in front of us? 】

[A little bit, our TL only lost two games to VG, but you lost three games! 】

[Spicy is really awesome, can the spiritual victory method still be used like this? Top 6\u003erunner-up? 】

"You like opening champagne, don't you?" Song Jinghao found the waiter at some point, returned to his seat with two bottles of apple-flavored champagne, opened them with a bang, and let the bubbles spurt out, laughing wildly, "Wow! Click, this is what we call popping champagne!"

"It's so cool!" Smeb cheered and shook the bottle desperately, "Wuhu!"

Shen Guanshan looked at Song Jinghao and asked his boyfriend in a low voice, "Is he usually like this?"

"No," Gu Xing's head was full of black lines, "This man's drinking is not very good, worse than Puff. He is acting like a drunkard now. Just wait until he falls asleep."

Just as he said, after opening two bottles of champagne, Song Jinghao lay down on the sofa to rest, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

"I'm so envious." Kuro was disturbed by the celebrations of his good brothers and couldn't sleep. Seeing Smeb sleeping like a dead pig, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "Young people are so good, they just fall asleep!"

"Why don't you go back to the hotel?" Gu Xing saw that Kuro was in a bad state of mind. "Just tell me on your phone what you want to eat and I'll bring it back to you."

Kuro thought for a while, then refused with a smile, "Come on, I won't be able to hold on even for a moment."

He was afraid that if he missed this opportunity, his mood would change again the next time he drank a celebratory drink, and it would be difficult to find the purest happiness of winning a championship as a player.

After Gu Xing heard this, he didn't try to persuade him any more, and just stayed with Shen Guanshan and let's go shopping together.

There are many European viewers discussing the results in the reprinted post. With the translation by Maggot Baby, the program effect is also first-rate.

[Alas, I am extremely disappointed. I thought I could see the local team win the cup, but I didn’t expect that the good situation was ruined]

[I bought pizza and beer to celebrate G2’s victory, but when the takeaway arrived, I felt like I was stuck in my throat watching VG’s crazy comeback! 】

[To be honest, it’s pretty good to be able to compete with VG to the fullest, okay? Before MSI started, who would have dared to think that they could force VG into a decisive game? Don't be too outrageous! 】

[But it’s really a pity to miss one move. If G2 can operate steadily in the fourth game, I feel that it will definitely not be overturned! 】

[According to me, defeat is still an honor, let’s try harder in the S game? 】

【Glory, everyone can be proud! In the S competition, no EU team has reached the semi-finals of the global finals for two consecutive years. Do you expect to successfully break through this year? It’s very blue! 】

[I really think Europe is quite strong this year. Apart from G2 and FNC, at least these two teams have the strength to be the top four in the S competition]

[They are still in the semi-finals. G2 will definitely lose their temper when the World Championship version comes. Can it beat LPL runner-up RNG? Counting KT and VG, is there at most one semi-final spot left? 】

The couple watched and had fun, and Jack loudly asked for another lamb chop. Hongmi, who was in a slightly tipsy state, pulled Duan Deliang and taught him Korean and Tibetan words, so that his assistant could also travel in the Korean server. He has the power to fight against KR trolls.

Li Ruixing couldn't help but smile as he listened to the laughter of his teammates around him.

Looking down at the heavy MSI championship trophy in his arms, his smile became more obvious.

so good……

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