What is a hexagon jungler?

663: Trust is the core of team competition!

In the evening of June 10, Gu Xing stood at the door of his home with his suitcase.

He didn't come in, not because he didn't want to go home.

But can't get in.

A group of relatives gathered at the door of the house, crowding the originally spacious foyer. They immediately gathered around him when he appeared.

"Oh, our Asian Games athletes are back!"

Gu Xing waved his hands and said modestly, "No, no, no, it's just an exhibition match..."

"That's an Asian Games duck too!" A middle-aged woman with permed curly hair who looked fat and wide shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Don't be modest. How many years have we had a child of your caliber in our family? No, my husband just finished the college entrance examination. He stayed there all night playing games yesterday. I said if you can become like your brother Gu Xing, It's understandable to play, otherwise what kind of energy would there be?" The fat aunt's tone was full of dissatisfaction.

Gu Xing accompanied him with a smile.

To be fair, being treated like 'someone else's child' in person is not a good experience.

Even if it satisfies vanity, they are all relatives and friends, so doing so will alienate the relationship.

Therefore, Gu Xing simply did not answer the question, but used a pretext to change the topic, "Isn't your child studying very well? He did well in the college entrance examination this time."

He looked at the fat aunt's face with a bright red face and her loud voice just now, and then thought about the fact that the college entrance examination had just ended, and he knew that the other party's son must have scored ideally.

If you start the topic from here, you will definitely not get into trouble.

"Oh, it's just so so!" The fat aunt also started to be modest, "I said I can get 700 points in the exam, who knows if it's true or not!"

"Hey, that's pretty high," Gu Xing praised a few times, "You can choose any school with this score!"

This year's Zhejiang College Entrance Examination has changed from when Gu Xing participated. The self-selected modules have been cancelled, and the total score has become 750. A score of 700 is considered an absolute high score.

With a few compliments, Gu Xing successfully pushed the topic away and turned passivity into initiative.

Now all the relatives' eyes are focused on scoring 700 points in the college entrance examination, temporarily ignoring his selection for the Asian Games.

Gu Xing took the opportunity and quickly slipped into the hall.

The fat aunt is not finished yet. Surrounded by her seven aunts and eight aunts who are asking for advice on how to raise a son, she still delivers the final blow, "Gu Xing, do you have a partner? I will introduce you to him!"

A closer relative answered for him, "Yes, yes, you just have to worry about it!"


"The neighbor girl across from his old house."

"Oh, it's so early to start!"

Gu Xing shook his head helplessly, put on his slippers, put down his suitcase, and ran over to keep company with his parents and chat with relatives and friends.

The family's family relationship is the same as that of most families in China. There are not that many weird things. Except for holidays, everyone only gets together once a month to keep in touch with each other and avoid getting rusty.

When Gu Xing's family was in poor condition, his relatives took good care of him. He and his sister often went there during summer vacations to enjoy food and accommodation. Now that their family is better off, they don't ask for much.

Because of this, Gu Xing never neglected his relatives, and would bring gifts to his door every time he came back from vacation.

It took an hour of chatting to deal with the relatives, and during the process of sending them out, there was another tug-of-war about the gifts they brought.

"It's for the kids, it's for the kids!" the fat aunt persuaded cheerfully.

Gu Xing looked at the Tongshan Shaobaijiu in his hand and began to doubt his life.

After waiting for a while, everyone was sent downstairs. The fat aunt did not forget to smile and told Gu Xing, "When your game is broadcast live in the future, let me know and I will watch the TV on time!"

It’s unclear whether it can be broadcast, but you still want to watch it on TV?

Gu Xing cursed, smiling and waving goodbye to his relatives. After his relatives and friends disappeared from his sight, he turned and went upstairs.

The mother at home had just heated up the rice and stewed a few small yellow croakers purchased before the sea was closed. The aroma of food filled the tip of Gu Xing's nose, and he was so hungry that he just lay down on the dining table and waited for the meal to begin.

"How many days can you stay at home this time?" Gu's mother rubbed Gu Xing's head affectionately.

"Just two or three days," Gu Xing smiled, "The summer horse racing will start soon, so we have to go back to the base for training as soon as possible."

"Oh, I'm so busy..." Gu's mother sighed, and then she didn't want her son to think that she was complaining, so she quickly added, "It's better to be busy."

When her children were young, she always felt that her siblings were too noisy. Now that Gu Xinggu was looking forward to going home only a few days a year, she felt that her home was too empty.

"I have to make money," Gu Xing comforted with a smile, "It will be fine when I retire. It won't be long at all. Then I can go out with you and my dad every day."

"By the way, there is money in this bank card." He took out a card from his wallet and handed it to his mother, "The bonus was just issued."

"You just keep it for yourself," Mother Gu muttered, "How old are you, and you still want to leave your money with me?"

"...The number is a bit large, so it's better to keep it at home for safety." Gu Xing explained.

Dad opened the bottle of Tongshan roasted by his relatives and was glared at by Gu's mother.

"I'm happy that my son is back," Gu's father sheepishly made an excuse, "I won't drink more, just two cups!"

Gu's mother didn't argue with her husband anymore and turned to ask her son, "How much is the card?"

She knew something about her son's work.

E-sports players in most sports have to rely on tournament prize money to make a living, but projects like League of Legends with a mature league system are different.

Salary is the most important thing.

From this, Gu's mother thought that there shouldn't be too much money in the card bonus.

"Twelve million." Gu Xing told the truth.

"...How much?!" Mother Gu was dumbfounded.

The father who was pouring wine at the side was also stunned. He forgot to straighten his arms, and the white wine overflowed into the glass cup.

Seeing his extremely shocked parents, Gu Xing had to repeat the huge sum of money again.

"Why are there so many?" Mother Gu couldn't believe her ears.

"Didn't I win the World Championship in 2016? I gave the team a set of skins, and Riot Games gave me a share. Global sales will be included in the calculation, so the money will naturally be huge. It's just that the statistics are complicated. I just finished sorting out the deductions yesterday. The tax has been paid..." Gu Xing tried to explain the situation concisely and comprehensively.

The S6 champion skin was released in mid-2017, and by June this year Riot Games had distributed the skin share to players’ bank cards.

Even though it was stuck for a whole year, this was the result of Riot's conscience and working overtime.

After all, some players haven’t received any money from Riot Games for several years!

As for the amount, Gu Xing learned from his contacts that this was indeed the largest bonus ever distributed by Riot Games.

Mainly because sales are so good.

China is the largest market for League of Legends. At that time, the representative team VG won the first championship in the division. The vast majority of the audience was enthusiastic and generously donated real money to buy the champion skin.

In the Chinese server alone, the sales of the 2016 VG champion skin exceeded one million sets!

After the tax is deducted from the share, the final sum that falls into Gu Xing's pocket is 8 figures.

"Isn't 12 million too much?" Gu's mother felt distressed, "It's not appropriate to put it in the bank."

She knew that the interest rate on the certificate of deposit would never beat inflation, and the value of this huge sum of money would definitely shrink.

"Let's pay off the mortgage first," Gu Xing suggested. "The two houses in Ningbo Mansion also have a lot of loans. How about renting out the shops with the remaining money and leaving the rest in the bank?"

Father Gu wiped the liquor on the table with a paper towel. He thought his son's idea was okay, "It's good to be on the safe side. Don't ask for money to make money, and don't depreciate too much."

They are not engaged in finance, so the current solution is a more reasonable choice.

"Okay, okay, hurry up and start dinner!" Gu Xing flew from Hong Kong to Shanghai and rushed back without stopping. He also chatted with relatives for an hour on the way. Now he was tired and hungry from the long journey.

Smelling the familiar aroma of food, Gu Xing twitched his index finger, and a gust of wind and residual clouds followed the CD action. He helped put away the pots and pans and went into his house.

"Go to bed early after a tiring day!" Gu's mother warned.

"I know!" Gu Xing agreed.

He also wanted to go to bed early, and now he even doubted that he could fall asleep if his head touched the pillow.

It's a pity that I can't sleep.

There are also tasks.

After turning on the computer and updating the OBS live broadcast software, Gu Xing quickly started streaming.

Just a few seconds after the live broadcast room was opened, barrages appeared.

[Guigui, am I dazzled? 】

[This push from Douyu is really outrageous. I don’t know where I went wrong to actually push Brother Xing’s live broadcast room to me. It’s obviously impossible to start broadcasting today... Oh my god, the live broadcast is really started? 】

[Really awesome, I just finished the qualifying match yesterday, and I’m going to live stream it today. How about doing a triathlon, right? 】

[The last person who was so dedicated was Doinb. He started live broadcasting right after the game. He felt like an anchor wearing the skin of a professional player]

[Brother Xing, hurry up and say something, pretending to be cold and cool! 】

Gu Xing greeted the audience, "Hello everyone, I didn't want to come to the broadcast today, but I have something important to do, so I have to come..."

Nowadays, the number of barrages in live broadcast rooms is increasing, but it is still far from the peak.

Gu Xing was not in a hurry and planned to wait until there were more viewers.

He simply browsed the barrage to answer questions raised by netizens.

"Let's talk about the qualifiers? I think it's okay," Gu Xing scratched his head, "Are you not satisfied with 9 wins and 1 loss?"

He read the barrage, "'Losing in KR and being crushed, winning in KR is like an old lady's footcloth - smelly and long.' It's true. Our running-in time is still too short, and we haven't even studied the version to adapt well... …”

"'Evaluate who is stronger, Uzi or Jack', brother, you have to lead the rhythm, right?" Gu Xing couldn't laugh or cry, "I can't evaluate the strength. I can only say that Jack and I have won many championships, and there is no one better than him. More suitable for me."

As a result, netizens are not done yet.

[I understand, ‘won many championships’ is implying that I will never have a championship in my life, right? 】

【Bold! GSL rushed Gu Xing to me! 】

[Uzi fans, that’s it. You’ll be happy to be included in the Asian Games roster this time. With the current results, no matter how you look at it, the team must be built with VG as the core. It’s a big deal if you can squeeze into the rotation. The grace]

[I heard that I originally planned to take Meiko there, but in the end I couldn’t argue with Uzi...]

[Gitui, no matter who is the substitute, the show will be top-notch. If he is allowed to play in the field, wouldn’t he have to beat up his predecessor, Mr. Dai? 】

Gu Xing saw that the barrage was full of rhythm coaches, and thought about changing the topic quickly.

Seeing that the live broadcast room was crowded with people, and almost all the viewers who were supposed to be there had come in, Gu Xingcai cleared his throat.

"We have a task today. Didn't we just finish the college entrance examination two days ago?" He slowly brought up the topic, "There should be many fresh college entrance examination students in our live broadcast room now. I was entrusted by the school to give a live broadcast."

"Everyone is welcome to apply for Fudan University, especially those who are originally undecided between going to Fudan University and Fudan University. You are sure to come to us!" Gu Xing assured, patting his chest.

"Especially in the School of Mathematics. If you enroll this year, you can be on the same level as me. Maybe we can even be in the same dormitory!"

"Next, I will tell you about the departments and special majors..."

The barrage is full of question marks.

[No, Brother Xing, are you serious? 】

[Excuse me, what should I do if I fail the exam? If the admission score was lower than one point, I would be able to get in.】

[Brother Xing, why don’t you draw two Fudan admission notices live today, to show everyone your sincerity first]

[Haha, can someone who watches live broadcasts and plays games get admitted to Fudan University? I believe it! 】

[It’s okay to have some. Isn’t Brother Xing a typical example? 】

[Am I the only one who values ​​the conditions of sleeping with Brother Xing? Hey, Brother Xing (drooling)]

[Nantong get out of here! 】

[There is a saying that Yi Xing Ge is so real that even Fudan University is looking for help to advertise for students]

[I’m afraid I’m not attracting traffic to the school myself. I feel it’s unlikely that Fudan is the one who took the initiative to find me.]

In fact, it was Gu Xing who was contacted by the Admissions Office.

In previous years, the month after the college entrance examination has been the peak period for major colleges and universities to compete for new students. From online official blog promotions to offline admissions teachers raiding various provinces and cities, sometimes they are eager to fight with competitors for the sake of individual students.

This is also the time when ordinary people can see colleges and universities most relaxed. Later, even if you achieve success with the title of Qianqian, don’t expect those top colleges to look at you differently. The purpose is just eight characters. ——Love comes or goes.

In order to attract more high-quality high school students, various colleges and universities frequently make strange moves for this purpose.

The school spirit of Fudan is relatively lively, and the admissions office is very creative, so they had an idea and approached Gu Xing.

Of course, this is inseparable from the Asian Games.

Gu Xing became an athlete at the Asian Games in early June and was also the captain of the CN League of Legends team. This was exactly what Jin Yibo said. Regardless of whether it was a performance event or not, he already had an official identity anyway.

Fudan University doesn’t have to worry too much about being associated with ‘electronic opium’ when looking for him.

It has to be said that Gu Xing's popularity among young students is quite terrifying.

Especially in the high school to college stage, the popularity is even as high as that of some young talents. It can be called a great weapon to attract students!

Gu Xing also knows that this kind of thing always comes and goes. He strives to recruit more high-quality undergraduates to Fudan, and he can negotiate an appropriate extension of the suspension in the future, so that there is room for "flexible processing".

Therefore, it took extra effort to publicize it, and it took a while to finally come to an end.

"As long as you are interested in Fudan, you can call the Admissions Office at any time," Gu Xing posted the number in the live broadcast room, "There will be someone to answer the call at any time during working hours on weekdays... What should we do next?"

Although he was very sleepy, since the live broadcast room was open, he couldn't immediately stop broadcasting after finishing the recruitment advertisement.

"VG just released the MSI documentary?" Gu Xing successfully found a meal replacement after being reminded by the barrage, "Then it's decided that you are the hot one!"

Opening the website and searching for the video, Gu Xing clicked on it.

The documentary opens with a scene of joy when everyone from VG just landed in Paris.

"When the competition is over, which scenic spot do you most want to visit?" The staff held a small microphone in the bus to record the audio.

"The Louvre!" Jack raised his hand, "I heard that there is a Mona Lisa in it. You need to see it!"

"Tch, do you understand?" Song Jinghao mocked, "Don't go there and embarrass yourself."

"Do you understand how to cultivate sentiment?" Yu Wenbo replied with a smile on his face.

When Kuro was asked, he thought for a moment and replied, "The Eiffel Tower..."

"Why?" the staff asked, playing the role of a curious baby.

"There is no specific reason," Li Ruixing replied with a smile, "If I insist... you want to experience the feeling of being cold at a high place?"

"Well said, Lao Li, your Chinese papermaking is getting better and better," Yu Wenbo cheered, "Isn't that what you are talking about?"

The bus was filled with joyful air.

But in the next scene, the camera went to the training room.

The atmosphere became extremely solemn in an instant.

"I don't even know what Brother Rui Xing is doing," Song Jinghao spread his hands and said in a very urgent tone, "How can you play like that in the middle? There is no shortage of help, so it must be effective!"

"Your sword girl is so tasteless!"

In the video, Li Ruixing put his hands on his forehead and looked very depressed.

Gu Xing pressed the pause button, "Let me state in advance that there has been no problem with the team's atmosphere from the beginning to the end. Please don't let your rhythm..."

"Regarding the content of the in-game review, our players are all about the situation and not the person. Don't look at the fierce quarrels in the training match. After practice, everything will be business as usual the next day."

Just as he said, the documentary then played the scene of Song Jinghao chatting with Kuro with a smile on his face.

However, the good times did not last long, and the overall atmosphere of the video fell to the bottom again.

"Give up on Sword Girl. You really don't need to keep practicing. Doing twice the result with half the effort will only produce mediocre results." Hongmi said the coldest words in the calmest tone. "Adjust the hero pool and let's stop the loss as soon as possible."

Kuro lowered his head and picked at his fingers, with a look of reluctance on his face, "I want to give it another try. In the opening match tomorrow, I will test the effect with the knife girl!"

[Awesome, I asked you why Li Ruixing’s knife girl was so ugly on the first day of MSI. It turned out to be because she knew the effect was not good and had to forcefully choose]

[Typically try and die. The heroic appearance of the zombie sword girl is still lingering in my mind. To be honest, Kuro's sword girl is really rubbish]

[Hongmi’s words are too much, can’t you be gentler? 】

[It’s really awesome. You really treat the players like giant babies. Do you want me to feed you after you lose the game? Please, this is work, Kuro didn’t say anything]

However, after the group stage, Kuro, who was defeated by Perkz and Ucal in the second round, was in a visibly depressed mood.

Only then did Gu Xing notice Li Ruixing's obvious emotional changes.

When I was in Paris, the group stage lasted for several days from start to finish, and the players' mentality changes were gradual and did not happen overnight.

Through documentary editing, the video production team compressed the less important group stage components to a very short length. Looking at the comparison of Kuro's emotions before and after, the contrast is particularly obvious.

Before the start of the first round, although Dao Mei's results in the training matches were average, Kuro still refused to believe in evil and stubbornly said that he would go to the competition field to see the real results.

But after the double round-robin group stage, Kuro's eyes were all wet.

The self-confidence was completely destroyed by the talented mid laners of the two strong teams!

Now many viewers in the live broadcast room couldn't bear it.

[Oh, it was really miserable to be beaten so hard. It made me want to vomit, let alone the players.]

[Here comes the question. I remember that there were only a few days of rest between the end of the group stage and the knockout rounds. How did Kuro recover so quickly? 】

[That is, I saw that everyone was laughing before the game against KT. Kuro was just short of a successful emoticon at that time. Could it be that he has lost his memory? 】

Soon, viewers learn why.

Until the semi-finals started, Li Ruixing looked anxious.

After boarding the bus, Gu Xing, who was under the camera, whispered into Kuro's ear. The Marquis not far away seemed to be aware of it and turned his head to take a look.

Afterwards, Li Ruixing felt as if he had been given chicken blood, and his energy was extremely high!

Question marks floated up on the barrage again, and it was obvious that the audience was puzzled as to what kind of magic elixir Gu Xing had given Kuro.

As soon as the camera turned, the screen came to a small black room specially used for interviews. It looked like a supplementary recording after winning MSI in Paris.

Gu Xing sat on a chair and was interviewed.

The staff played the video and asked in confusion, "There was no radio equipment at the time. We don't know the previous communication between you and Rui Xing, Brother Xing. Can you briefly recount it now?"

Gu Xing's face in the camera showed a look of recollection, "I told him to relax and just complete his duties and he would definitely win against KT."

"Rui Xing didn't believe it at first, so I just added..."

Gu Xing said in a deep voice, "I believe you, and I believe you will believe me, right?"

The live broadcast room was already full of people. After everyone listened to Gu Xing's explanation, the chat channel exploded instantly!

[Guigui, are you really going to force me to force myself to drink the ecstasy soup? 】

[When Shi Yiye says something like this in your ear, which player can withstand it? 】

[It is said that Mr. Dai is an e-sports succubus, and I think Brother Xing is no less good]

[Virtue: With just one sentence, Kuro can regain his confidence. I ask who else? 】

[No wonder the Marquis suddenly looked back at that time. I was obviously the one who came first, why was it snatched away by you? 】

The subsequent tone of the documentary gradually changes from depressive to passionate.

Ever since Kuro faced KT in the third round and reversed the situation with the Snake Girl R to hold the enemy's double C, the sonorous and powerful theme song "MSI2018" served as the background music.

"Just choose the Dragon King and take it boldly. Rui Xing, you will definitely be able to do it!"

"Kill, kill, kill, all must die, leave no one behind!"

"Nice, brothers!"

The victory in the first game of the final had just boosted the morale of VG, and G2's turbulent counterattack wave rushed over, chasing two games in a row and taking the lead in getting the match point!

It's just that the audience watching the documentary is not as nervous as during the live broadcast, after all, they already know who the winner is.

But the players in the video didn't know about it yet.

As G2 took the lead in the fourth game and took the initiative step by step, the atmosphere within the VG team became increasingly tense.

When Perkz wiped out the VG team with Yasuo's EQ flash in the Dalong Pit, the documentary also gave a close-up of Kuro on the field.

"This is the last wave of team battles before the situation is reversed," the staff asked Kuro in a gentle voice during the re-recording session. "It can be clearly felt that the way you handled the situation in the two waves of team battles was completely different. Can you Can you briefly explain the reason?"

After winning the championship, Li Ruixing looked relieved, "I just wanted to not let down my teammates."

"Gu Gu has been saying that he trusts me. I can't stay silent for the entire BO5 and do nothing. I have to live up to his trust."

"I can't ruin the whole team's efforts throughout the spring, but I also want to tell the salesperson that there is nothing wrong with your vision." Li Ruixing smiled brightly.

【Rem’s family members! 】

【Ruixing, my Ruixing! 】

[One thing to say is that the food is real food, but the attitude is really correct. I saw in a previous interview that Kuro trained all night before the finals. It is true that he is a hard-working monster among professional players, and his main focus is to reward those who work hard.]

[If you don’t win, it will be intolerable to God.]

The scene flashed back to the final round of the fourth game. With Karma's fatal RQ, the background music reached its climax!

VG was unstoppable, flattening G2's base and turning the tables to win!

"I think I should choose Ryze, so that I can boldly lead the rhythm." said a pale Kuro in the backstage lounge.

"Can you do it?" Hongmi was worried.

"...It's enough." Li Ruixing's tone was weak but determined.

Gu Xing stared at Kuro's face, thought for a moment and nodded in agreement, "I think it's okay."

"Sure, let's choose Ryze for Ruixing!" Hongmi made the decision.

In the decisive game, VG relied on Gu Xing's team to establish an advantage in the laning phase, but Gu Shengbin's small artillery also implemented a quick push tactic, attacking the city and threatening VG's defense tower.

The damage of the VG duo is not high enough. Facing Jankos's counter-crouching, it is difficult to catch Imp to death by Gu Xing alone.

Just when the situation was getting anxious, Kuro took the initiative and said, "Sui Gu, follow me, and we can use my ultimate move to hit the road!"

Gu Xing was ambiguous and couldn't make up his mind.

Seeing this, Li Ruixing added, "Sui Gu, do you believe me?"

"...Of course I believe it!"

"Then come!" Kuro said in a decisive tone, "I'm sure we can catch the cannon!"

In the end, after Gu Xing, who fulfilled his promise and chose to trust his teammates, stayed alone at home, Li Ruixing's skillful wall-blocking ultimate move successfully extended the casting distance of the winding jump, and rushed to the back of G2 in time, making it difficult for the enemy to escape from all sides!

After listening to the VG voice clip, the audience started talking in Gu Xing's live broadcast room.

[Guigui, I just know how the four-and-three-wave team battle was initiated]

[It turns out Brother Xing didn’t want to go at first. I thought he was the one commanding me, but I didn’t expect it was Kuro]

[To be honest, it’s normal for Brother Xing not to go. Who would have thought that Ryze’s ultimate move could teleport so far? 】

[Kuro’s little black purple come out and talk! 】

[Rui Xing, your pace is so steady, you are really big-hearted, how did you win the last round? Purely in C! 】

Relying on Gu Xing's early rhythm and Kuro's long-range ultimate move, VG made the final decision. They also chased two games in a row and reversed course to win the MSI championship trophy!

"Trust is the core of team e-sports," Gu Xing said with a smile on his face in the small black room, "I believe it is the original power that allows us to unleash the power of five 1s that add up to 5."

"So no matter what... please believe it first!"

The screen gradually dimmed, and when it lit up again, it was a group photo of the five VG people in front of the Eiffel Tower that Kuro was thinking about.

The five people stretched out their arms and smiled happily, and the title of the documentary appeared on it.

"I believe in you, and I believe you will believe in me"

Since part of the documentary content is about re-emphasis on the finals, the author published the chapters first and then added the number of words.

The extra words are free of charge.

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