What is a hexagon jungler?

665: At the forefront of public opinion!

A handsome-looking young man dragged his suitcase and stood in the Tanxiangfu community. Looking at the silver-white VG team logo hanging in front of the magnificent villa, he felt emotions surge in his heart and stood there for a while.

Several urging voices came from behind, "Zheng Zhixun, why don't you go in and stand here in a daze?"

Zhu Xiaolong rushed forward with his translator, accompanied by a young man with a head that resembled a braised egg and a slightly uneasy expression.

Hearing the coach's words from the interpreter, Chovy scratched his head in embarrassment, "It's just... I feel a little emotional."

Before he joined VG, he only came here for the team's reputation and relatively mature youth training system. He never thought that he could make it to the first team of this wealthy club.

As a result, in the spring game, he temporarily replaced Kuro due to illness. Now he is even more out of touch. Li Ruixing took the initiative to apply for a rotation, and Chovy unexpectedly succeeded in taking over!

Zheng Zhixun still finds it incredible when he thinks about it carefully.

Half a year ago, he was still a newbie who had not made up his mind to embark on the path of professional e-sports. Now he is about to serve as the starting mid laner in the most prestigious club in the history of League of Legends!

In this river?

Chovy once again recalled the scene when he received the notice from the club to go north, and couldn't help but smile for a moment.

"Elbow, follow me into the house!" Zhu Xiaolong climbed up the steps with his short legs and came to the door of the base. He put his thumb on the fingerprint lock. With the ticking unlocking sound effect, the door of the VG first team training department officially opened. Chovy hole opens.

Zheng Zhixun couldn't help but hold his breath and concentrate, facing the giant team logo and seriously stepping across the threshold, as if he was stepping into the temple in his heart.

"The staff will meet you later to take fingerprints and face recognition for the access control of the training room," Brother Long arranged calmly, "Let's meet with the first team members first..."

At this time, Gu Xing came down from the dormitory upstairs. He looked gloomy, but when he caught a glimpse of Zhu Xiaolong and his group, he still managed to squeeze out a smile.

"Hello," Gu Xing took the initiative to greet them, "Brother Long, we haven't seen each other for a while."

"Let's go out to eat Haidilao tonight. I'll treat you!" Zhu Xiaolong invited him with a smile on his face. "Let me introduce you to Chovy. You should know him. We were a temporary partner this spring. This is..."

As soon as Brother Long put his hand on the shoulder of Braised Egg, Gu Xing interrupted him softly with a smile, "I know, Bai Jiahao, I haven't forgotten this much."

"So Brother Xing, you still remember me!" Lu Dan was in high spirits, chattering with joy, showing off to Chaowei beside him, and replied enthusiastically to Gu Xing, "I thought you would miss me after we haven't seen each other for a long time. Forgot!"

When Bai Jiahao was in the Shanghai second team, he often showed off his good relationship with the first team members to youth training players of the same age.

After all, of the first batch of VGP members, only he and Able remained in the secondary league, and the rest had packed up and left for JDG and FPX.

And since the VG first team moved to the Imperial City with their home court, it has been extremely difficult for the VGP youth training to meet Gu Xing and others!

The vast majority of them are VG fans, eager to hear all kinds of information about Gu Xing and other e-sports stars from their seniors.

However, Dai Zhichun is an autistic person to the outside world, and always looks like he doesn't bother strangers. The VGP youth training members can only go to Bai Jiahao, the only one left.

Having said that, Bai Jiahao is also a big colander. He even told the story about Gu Xing coming to watch the second team's finals, which made Chaowei envious at the time - why didn't he get such treatment when he played in the second-tier league finals? Woolen cloth?

The new members of the VGP group were shocked when they heard about the special treatment Bai Jiahao had received back then. They once recognized him as their leader and promised to say a few good words to themselves in front of Gu Xing in the future.

However, Bai Jiahao showed off to the end, and when he heard that he was coming to the Imperial Capital with the head coach and Chaowei today, he felt a little unsure.

What if Mr. Gu Xinggui forgets things and forgets himself, how embarrassing would it be in front of Chaowei?

I have only been the leader for a few days!

Fortunately, Gu Xing had a good memory, so Bai Jiahao didn't embarrass himself in front of Chaowei.

The villain in my heart immediately stood up, hands on hips, looking very arrogant.

Hey, is it possible that I really have a special status here with Brother Xing?

When Gu Xing heard Bai Jiahao's words, he silently complained in his heart.

Of course he can't forget him.

Because to this day, Bai Jiahao’s weird braised egg makeup photo is still used as an emoticon in the group chat of the VG training department.

Even Song Jinghao felt that the photos of his little brother from the second team were quite romantic, so he added them to his gallery collection!

Brother Long was quite happy to see that Gu Xing still remembered Bai Jiahao, "It's good to know each other. As for the rest of the team members, it's just a good time for everyone to meet and get familiar with each other."

The time Chaowei replaced Kuro came and went in a hurry. At that time, everyone including Chovy thought that the young player was just a temporary worker, and they did not go out of their way to make friends with him, and the relationship was not familiar.

Now that Kuro is in a semi-retired state, Super Power will definitely occupy a lot of playing opportunities. It is necessary for both parties to get to know each other again.

"Brother Long, you came too early, and why didn't you tell me the specific time in advance? If I had known that the three of you would be arriving now, I would have gathered all the players in advance and gone out to hold a welcome ceremony..." Gu Xing complained. Zhu Xiaolong said, "It's only 12 o'clock now. There should be no one in the training room at this time."

Originally, Kuro would arrive one step earlier than him, but now that Li Ruixing has gotten a lot of rest time after entering the rotation, he probably won't arrive so early.

"Why don't you come in first and wait for a while."

Gu Xing glanced at the door and pushed open the training room door.

Chaowei walked in behind Gu Xing, looking around like Grandma Liu when she first entered the Grand View Garden.

The last time he played in place of Kuro was during VG's three consecutive away games. Chovy had never even visited VG's base or venue, so he was naturally curious at this moment.

But before he even took a second look, he heard Gu Xing's previously dull tone suddenly full of surprise.

"Rui Xing, why are you here?"

As soon as Chovy peeked his head in, he saw Kuro, who had a simple and round face. He knew from his face that he was easy to get along with.

Li Ruixing showed a gentle smile, "I have a fixed schedule and I get up early as a habit, so I just went downstairs to play two games and moved my desk to the back."

Logically speaking, the starting players on the team must sit in the same row to facilitate communication during training matches.

The substitutes have to be moved a little further back and moved to the corner of the room. Some clubs have a particularly large number of substitutes. In order not to disturb the starting training, they will even come out of the "water prison", which is actually the basement.

However, since the day VG set up the Imperial City base, there has been no substitute in the team, so Kuro only needs to move the desk and chairs to the back row.

Chaowei saw Li Ruixing lift the table with both hands and move it to the edge of the training room. He wanted to help at first, but after a second thought, he felt it was inappropriate.

I was here to replace Kuro, so I took the initiative to move the opponent's table away from the starting bench, which seemed too impatient, as if I couldn't wait to replace him.

Gu Xing seemed to understand what he was thinking and turned his head to invite.

"Could Chovy come over and help me?"

"Hey!" Chaowei stopped hesitating and regarded this as an olive branch extended to him by the VG team. Le Dianding stepped forward to help move the table.

After setting up the tables and chairs, Kuro smiled and stretched out his hand towards Chaowei.

"Zhixun, right? This should be the first time we meet."

Chovy didn't dare to be negligent and held his hands back to show respect. At the same time, he was tall and straight and bent slightly.

"Hello, brother Rui Xing. I have long admired your name. Please take good care of me in the future."

KR is a country that places great emphasis on the superiority of seniority. For Chaowei, Kuro is his senior. This alone can crush him to death, and it is reasonable to feed him leftovers.

What's more, in terms of honor and status, Li Ruixing is much higher.

Now among the mid laners in the world, the only ones who can rank ahead of Kuro in terms of honor are the two mid laners from 15SKT, both of whom can lead Li Ruixing with double S crowns.

Any remaining fat general crowns are far inferior to Kuro!

In addition to a grand slam, there is still one MSI+ League spring and summer championship left, which is terrifying in terms of accumulation of honors!

Therefore, when Chaowei faced Li Ruixing, who was much higher than him in terms of qualifications and achievements, he would not hesitate because of his recent decline in performance.

Good luck, Kuro retired on the spot. I'm afraid he won't be able to catch up with these honors in his entire career!

When Li Ruixing saw the other person bowing his head and noticed Chovy's restraint, he immediately said openly, "You don't have to be like this in the future, relax... Maibo and I are both very easy-going, so we can just interact normally."

There is a reason why ROX became a famous brother LOL team back then.

The eldest brothers, headed by Mouse King and Kuro, set an example by not being 80 years old. Only by breaking age boundaries with the brothers can they get along happily. They are the outliers on the KR side.

But Chaowei doesn't know Li Ruixing's true character.

Senior said that he is very easy-going, you don’t really believe it, do you?

Chovy's head dropped lower.

Seeing that the atmosphere between them had not eased, Li Ruixing even made a joke.

"Speaking of which, you and the Marquis have the same name, so we are quite destined..." Kuro patted the other person's shoulder, "When I turn around and call 'Zhixun', maybe the Marquis will turn around and look back!"

Although Chovy is Zheng Zhixun, Houye is Li Zhixun, the character in the middle is different.

But this is the Chinese name on the KR ID card, which is rarely used in normal life in China!

In Korean names, Jung Ji-hoon is and Lee Ji-hoon is.

The names are the same, only the last names are different.

In the eyes of contemporary KR citizens, these two people have the same name in daily communication.

Tracing back to the root cause, it is nothing more than that Korean is a phonetic script, and Korean names change with only those characters. It is easy for people with the same name and surname to appear, so we had to introduce the original orthodox Chinese characters and write them into the ID card.

Chaowei understood Kuro's joke, bared his fangs and laughed in agreement.

The atmosphere between the two was finally not as serious as before.

"Work hard from now on. If you have anything you don't understand, just ask Brother Zhixun and I for advice. We will tell you everything we know and we will do our best to help you grow," Li Ruixing explained seriously, "As the VG mid laner, There is definitely a lot of pressure to bear, but if you can perform well, you will definitely gain more.”

"If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight, so relax your mind."

Chaowei nodded repeatedly, focusing mainly on the benefits of the double-edged sword of 'VG mid laner', subconsciously ignoring the negative impact of Kuro's instructions.

Mainly because he has already tasted the benefits of becoming VG's mid laner.

Last time Chovy came on as a temporary firefighter, scoring 15 kills, 0 deaths and 13 assists in two games, with a KDA as high as 28!

Then he returned to the second team and left the spotlight of the LPL stage.

However, many VG supporters are aware of his existence and begin to consciously search and follow Chaowei game news. Some even take the time to go to LDL to buy tickets to support him.

Chovy now even has a fan base. He was flattered by the rising popularity during that period and successfully received the bonus of being VG's mid laner. However, the negative effects have not yet appeared, so naturally he will not pay too much attention.

"It's done," Li Ruixing sat down in his new seat and waved his hand for Chaowei to leave, "Hurry up and find them, Cheng Rong is going to have a meeting later!"

At this time, Zhu Xiaolong and Zhuang Laoli 369 had moved a brand new computer desk to the vacant seat in the VG starting player seat. Chaowei said goodbye to his seniors, hurriedly took out the keyboard and mouse peripherals from the blue schoolbag, and connected them to the computer host with ease.

After all this, the rest of the VG players have arrived.

Chaowei is sitting in the middle of the player's seat. Looking to the left is Gu Xing, the number one player in the league. Looking to the right is JackeyLove who also became famous at a young age and is now a unique general.


This group of people can actually become his teammates?

Chaowei never dreamed that he could sit in this position!

This is not a temporary appearance.

If nothing else happens, he will be VG's starting mid laner for a long time to come!

"Are you all here?" Hongmi Xingse hurriedly entered the training room and looked around to see two new faces. "Needless to say, Chovy is the new mid laner who will replace Rui Xing. The other four starting players should be with him. Having worked together, I must have an impression.”

"The other one is Bai Jiahao. He is not currently participating in the rotation. He is purely here to study."

369 is now an invincible force in the LDL. After the promotion and relegation tournaments were closed, the secondary league has completely become a stage for major clubs to cultivate new players.

It is conceivable that no one is Bai Jiahao's opponent!

Zhu Xiaolong felt that he could not teach 369 any more things. He realized that the other top laners in LDL were similar to experienced babies in Bai Jiahao's eyes, so he thought of taking advantage of Chaowei's move north to bring his own top laners to VG. The team meets the world.

Hongmi introduced the identity of the two newcomers and their intention to come to VG in a few words, and there was a sparse welcome applause in the training room.

The team members were obviously not in high spirits.

Yesterday, Kuro's decision to apply for rotation surprised them, and they still haven't recovered from it until now.

Hongmi doesn’t care how much it is and distributes the information in hand.

"The summer season will start in a few days, and version 11 will be used at the beginning. Compared with the Asian Games qualifiers in which four of our team members participated, a patch was pushed..." Homme looked at Chaowei, "Zhixun, you may be interested in I don’t know much about version 10. I’ll talk to you privately after the meeting, so don’t worry.”

Chovy hurriedly nodded to show that he understood clearly.

Redmi got straight to the point, "Patch 11 announced a new auxiliary hero - Pike. To be honest, the mechanism is very strange. It is different from all previous auxiliaries. It is a very novel and bold attempt by Riot... But I judge this character He won’t be very strong on the professional stage.”

"Compared with other auxiliaries, Pike lacks functionality. If you want to win the game, you must roll the economic snowball in the early stage, rely on equipment leadership and vision suppression to continuously squeeze the enemy's living space, so as to find a way to win. Opportunity, the conditions are too harsh.”

Jack nodded and added his opinion, "It's a bit like Draven. The fault tolerance rate is too low. If Pike falls into a disadvantage in the early stage, he will easily lose his voice in the mid-term."

"That's right," Hongmi nodded and agreed with the team members' opinions. "The killing mechanism of the ultimate move seems very strong, but in the professional arena, trying to kill several people in a group is a bit fanciful."

Keep recovery skills or displacement skills such as flash, Pike will not be able to kill him with his ultimate move, and it will be difficult to play a role in team battles later!

"So let's skip Pike and look down," Hongmi guided. "Rist has made another wave of huge changes for shooters in 11."

"All ADCs' basic attack power has been reduced by 4 points. To compensate, their growth attack power attributes will be enhanced," he continued. "In addition, their health points will be increased to varying degrees..."

"These two changes seemed to reduce the bloodiness of the bottom lane, but then Riot collectively lowered the shooter's armor by 5 points!"

As soon as these words came out, the sound of gasps from the team members was heard in the training room.

"Good guy, are you crazy about fists?" Jack sighed, "You have to make everyone fight, right?"

The role of 5 points of armor in early battles is undoubted.

It's not like a dozen points of health increase can make up for the past!

If you think about it, you will know that after patch 11 is released, the bottom lane shooter will become relatively brittle.

The ADC who relied on his basic attributes during the laning phase is destined to be in trouble!

"In addition, [Swift Step] has also been cut," Hongmi said another key point, "the acceleration effect after triggering is reduced by 10%, the original critical hit treatment is directly removed, and the melee attack against minions is slightly improved. % healing power, while ranged heroes have a certain attenuation."

Gu Xing frowned.

Today's melee heroes, except for the pressure-resistant Kassadin, basically don't carry quick steps - after all, the combat power improvement that can be brought to the hero is quite limited, and it is purely a line-dependent development rune.

The designer's intention is clearly that the drunkard's intention is not to drink!

The late-stage shooters who carry a large number of [Quick Steps] are their targets!

"Fist obviously doesn't want to see pure late-game shooters continue to dominate the bottom lane food chain. In conjunction with the changes to the ADC's basic attributes, shooters who are strong in the early stage will have the opportunity to take the stage!" Yu Wenbo hit the nail on the head and guessed the designer's plan.

"That's right," Hongmi cast an approving look, "This is a major benefit to us."

"Because Jack is very good at accumulating advantages in the early stage and snowballing!"

When Yu Wenbo heard this, he finally showed his first bright smile since Kuro made the rotation decision.

"Playing in the early stage, my brother is a professional!"

Hongmi spoke faster, "In my opinion, Lucian is undoubtedly the most powerful existence among them."

"The hero itself emphasizes early attack, and has not been weakened in recent versions, and he can also enjoy the bonus of this equipment change-the blue-sucking knife," he presented this change information in all training sessions. In front of the team members, "Originally, the equipment only provided a critical hit to restore mana. However, in version 11, Riot modified it to restore mana with basic attacks. While lowering the price, it also added a new item called Cui Yao. passive."

"Within 10 seconds after casting the ultimate move, just one basic attack can provide the hero with additional attack speed, and each draw will also reduce the remaining cooldown of the three small skills except the ultimate move by 20%. !”

"It can be said that this is Lucian's magical costume!"

Lucian's passive comes with two basic attacks, which is destined to allow him to enjoy more bonuses from the new blue-sucking knife than other heroes!

After Dududu shoots his ultimate move, the subsequent basic attacks in the group can wildly refresh the E sliding step, which will increase the hero's mobility to the extreme, and will also add higher damage!

"So Jack, you should practice more with Lucian during the period before the start of the game," Hongmi gave the task and looked at Chaowei beside Yu Wenbo. "The same goes for Zhixun. Lucian can swing with double C. You must have enough proficiency, otherwise our tactics will be severely limited.”

Chaowei was blinking his eyes, his eyes filled with clear stupidity.

Who am I, where am I, what do I do?

He has never seen such a fast-paced version of the seminar!

The last time I came to be a firefighter, it was in the middle of the version. Chaowei only played a BO3 and there was no need to study the game environment.

As a result, he officially joined the VG first team today, and he was shocked when he came up!

When he was in VGP, Zhu Xiaolong never took his team members to study the version specifically. At most, he would just mention a few words casually during meetings.

After all, it is a secondary league. The opponent's strength is generally not high, and the players' own hero pool is also limited. It is difficult to choose a character that perfectly adapts to the version environment.

Moreover, the coaching staff is weak. If you study the version for a long time, you may not get anything, and you will reach a dead end. It is better to let the players play their own unique heroes!

Although after serving as a firefighter in the spring game, Redmi once asked Chovy to upload training game videos and have a team of coaching staff train him on his behalf.

But the content of training is nothing more than review.

Who would go out of his way to tell the second team players about the version?

As a result, Chaowei, who has never been exposed to similar activities, is very uncomfortable.

It was obvious that Hongmi was speaking in Korean, but the logical inference was too fast. Often, the next conclusion of his head coach would reach his ears before Chovy even figured it out!

However, Chaowei, who struggled to digest the interpretation of the version of Redmi, still captured the key points.

Practice Lucian.

Chaowei quickly agreed and turned to look at his new teammates.

Needless to say, Yu Wenbo, who had been singing harmoniously with Hongmi before, and the rest of Gu Xing and others also took it for granted. No one questioned Homme's rhythm, and everyone had already adapted to it.

Chovy lowered his head and stared at the floor, wringing his hands unconsciously.

“The bottom lane starts to focus on fast tempo, which is also good for you as a sales customer,” Hongmi continued. “Coupled with the two valuable river crabs, the jungler’s role selection must be more biased towards the early stage, so it is certain that It will create a spacious enough gank space for you to play!"

"When we schedule a training match this afternoon, please pay attention to protecting the bottom lane. Let's slowly test the version and try to figure out the echelon diagram of the hero strength at each position under the 11th patch..."

He looked at his new mid laner and said, "Zhixun, come out with me."

Thinking that his name was called, Mr. Hou stood up naturally and followed Hongmi outside the training room.

Kuro, who had been watching the meeting of the training department, finally stopped and laughed very loudly.

"I'm talking about Zhixun... Chovy," Hongmi said helplessly, "not you."

"Zhixun... Li Zhixun, you go to Bai Jiahao first, give him a form to fill out, and summarize the heroes this boy is best at first. I will watch his video later." He arranged.

Two newcomers came all of a sudden, and Hongmi's work content was also quite heavy.

Usually there are many things to note that you don’t need to emphasize to VG members alone, but Chaowei and Bai Jiahao didn’t understand anything, so Hongmi had to spend more time to patiently explain.

The offseason is coming to an end amid the chaos.

All major clubs announce their starting lineups for the summer season before the start of the summer season.

Compared with previous years, this mid-season transfer period can be said to be unremarkable and lackluster.

The only one worth mentioning is the ancient giant WE.

Last month, while Gu Xing and others were competing in the mid-season tournament in Paris, they were not idle at home either. A shocking piece of news broke out, which instantly surpassed VG in terms of popularity!

The shocking content is that WE jungler Kandi was exposed by his girlfriend as a prostitute, and a classic quote was born - I know you are good to me and I love you, but I really can't change my PC.

Now Kandi has truly become a God of Punishment, and all kinds of famous quotes are flying all over the Internet.

The WE management was so angry that they put Kandi, a direct descendant of their own youth training system, on the bench to reflect, and bought a World6 girl to start.

To be honest, the strength alone is definitely weakened.

However, WE as a whole is on a downward trend this season. Double C has begun to maintain the law of strength. If you are strong, I will take advantage of you. With the color of hair constantly changing, there is rarely a time to work together.

In addition, the bad guy 957 in the team has also declined in form as he gets older, and the entire team is in turmoil. After the disastrous defeat in the spring split, not many people except the team's die-hard fans now watch WE games specifically.

In view of the fact that there were too few blockbuster transactions during the transfer period, the releases of each club’s summer split rosters did not have any big hits.

It wasn't until the official announcement of the VG Club that the calm sea stirred up a storm!

[I am very happy to share with you the 2018 LPL Summer Split roster of the VG League of Legends Division:

Top laner Smeb, jungler Virtue, mid laner Chovy, Kuro, bottom laner JackeyLove, Caveman...]

There was an uproar in the e-sports forum.

【what's going on? Why is there one more person? 】

[Holy shit, awesome! Woohoo, you are finally on the squad, mommy loves you! 】

[Is this the super power of replacing Kuro in the Spring Split and beating Samsung mid laner Guoguo? 】

[Really, I was so impressed by the yellow chicken game between Guigui and me. Team Panpan’s damage accounted for about 40%, and they were able to lead the match by 6K in economy. It was just a waste of money! 】

[I like the title of last-hitting king given to Chaowei. This guy is a bit like the European Dharma King in ancient times. He just brushes it, and the shape is really fierce.]

[This is called Future Warrior. There is a saying that Faker was not so amazing before his debut, right? 】

[That’s because Faker didn’t have four Grand Slam teammates around him when he debuted, so he had to fight for himself. Chaowei is really cool. He asked four champions to play with him and became the prince of VG, right?]

Most viewers' impression of Chaowei is the BO3 against the Snakes.

From a data perspective alone, Que's Baba C is in quite astonishing condition and is a pure future warrior.

Therefore, many fans of the team are full of expectations for Chaowei to be included in the roster, hoping to see another super star rising.

But Kuro fans are not done yet.

Especially in the starting list announced by the club the day before the game, Chaowei's ID replaced kuro, which made them even more angry!

[ @VG E-Sports Club, come out and explain! 】

[Why should we single out the veteran heroes of the team for rotation? unfair! 】

[That is, after watching VG’s MSI documentary this year, will people still have doubts about KURO’s role? This is the team glue! 】

[Really awesome, MSI's status fluctuates a little, so you just want to find a substitute to replace someone, right? It is always possible to tear down the mill and kill the donkey to cross the river and tear down the bridge】

[The Black Heart Club, in order to protect the prince’s prestige, even the meritorious veterans have to be hidden. Is this the number one club in LoL? I bother! 】

The fan groups of both sides are arguing endlessly, and it is likely to start a civil war in VG.

On the cusp of the storm, the summer split has officially arrived.

And VG’s first opponent is IG!

It will be mixed with a little bit of player communication and psychological description. The main thing is to let Chaowei grow up. During this period, Gu Xing will play a vital role. Otherwise, it will definitely be unrealistic for Chaowei to come naked and fight all the way to the World Championship.

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