What is a hexagon jungler?

670: A weird thing you’ve never seen before? Temporary measures released

Chapter 670 670: A strange thing you have never seen before? Temporary measures are in place!

"Congratulations to VG!" Wataba said loudly, "After 24 minutes of hard battle, Brother Xing finally found a kill opportunity with a jungle raid, opened a gap in IG's defense, won the team battle and got the baron, in one fell swoop. Set the stage for victory!”

"This nightmare is too outrageous," Miller laughed, "I think Lin Weixiang will have nightmares when he goes to sleep tonight, and his dreams are full of NOC!"

In this game, more than once, he saw Nightmare turn off the lights and turn on R to kill Lin Weixiang with his face.

Xayah, who is known for her ability to protect herself, actually looked embarrassed when facing Nocturne, who was charging towards her with multiple shields!

Lin Weixiang is really depressed to death now.

Throughout the entire game, IG’s overall performance was remarkable.

The only two flaws were the 10-minute Canyon Pioneer team and the 24-minute encounter in the own red zone.

Losing in the first wave will allow the opponent to regain blood and withstand the pressure, but losing in the next wave will ruin the good game!

In these two waves of team battles, Lin Weixiang was all killed by Gu Xing in seconds, and he basically did not contribute much damage.

The ADC who should be responsible for the heavy output of team battles has repeatedly died suddenly. It is not an exaggeration to say that IG is the culprit of losing team battles!

Lin Weixiang's face turned red and he was so ashamed that he left the table angrily.

Broiler looked at the scarlet '(failure)' word on the monitor, his mind going blank.

He played very well in the mid-term. He had a strong sense of presence and almost single-handedly limited VG's offensive attack on the first tower. He also used R [Warping Path Jump] to go around and catch Jack to death once...

Why did you lose?

Also, isn’t it a bit outrageous to have Zoe opposite?

Song Yijin had heard about Chaowei's talented youngster before the game. He had often encountered him in the Korean server qualifying matches. He also believed that Chovy was a rare and powerful opponent, so he was ready to have a collision with Chaowei. of collision.

However, when the game started, Broiler was disappointed.

Without much effort, he used various deception tricks to coax Chaowei into turning around.

In the mid-term, he roamed around freely, exerting pressure on VG jungle and other lanes. On the other hand, Chaowei always relied on being a transparent man in the lane!

The broiler thought that he had only made a slight move and that was Chovy's limit.

What a super newcomer, it’s just a name in vain!

Song Yijin is not surprised. After all, it is not uncommon for strong players in the qualifying matches to stretch their hips in the professional arena with high scores and low energy - his former jungler, Youshen, is a living case.

But what I never expected was that Chaowei didn't know why he was crazy, and he started to exert force suddenly and inexplicably at the 24th minute.

In the encounter in IG's red zone alone, Zoe, who arrived in time, used two flying stars + hypnotic bubbles to change the situation of the battle, causing IG to miss the perfect opportunity to encircle Gu Xing and Smeb!

After VG got the Baron BUFF, Chaowei became even more courageous, giving full play to Zoe's role in advancing the rhythm. The skills of bubbles and flying stars were well connected and cast extremely accurately. It can be said that VG pushed VG all the way to the high ground of IG. The biggest contributor!

The broiler is still puzzled.

Are you taking stimulants? Are you so strong all of a sudden?

Song Yijin shook his head helplessly. He couldn't figure out the specific reason, so he had to suppress his inner confusion for the time being and follow his teammates to the backstage to prepare for the next round.

In the VG player booth, Gu Xing looked at Chaowei with great joy.

"Blue Cat, you really showed your ability!"

He waited for most of the game, and Chaowei finally gave feedback to the team and showed his due strength.

Gu Xing's impression score, which had been lowered due to his superpower incarnation as the Earthbound Spirit, rose back to the passing line.

Although this kid likes to stay on the line, he finally woke up!

Gu Xing was able to deal with Sister Li.

After all, Chaowei is still young, isn't it normal to make some mistakes?

Knowing your mistakes can make a lot of improvements!

Zheng Zhixun also had a smile on his face and started to talk about business, "No matter where you are, you have to be good at playing pot, so that we can win..."

Chaowei really thought so, and his tone was extremely sincere.

He saw Gu Xing's level, he could command and operate, he was the perfect big brother template!

Chovy has finally recognized the thick legs in the team, and is waiting to hug him tightly and eat.

With such junglers here, why should I worry about not having a future?

His eyes were shining, and he followed Gu Xing to the stage.

"Wait for me!" Smeb saw this and hurriedly rushed to join his midfielder. "Chaowei, you played well in the last two waves of the game!"

"It's really awesome," Jack looked at Song Jinghao's back chasing Chaowei and couldn't help but murmured, "Maibo is a standard example of a new lover forgetting the old one. He hooked up with Chaowei so quickly. ?”

"Pull him down, Nicole," Duan Deliang glanced at him, "I thought I didn't hear you. After the red BUFF team battle, you boasted so loudly about your power."

Jack's face turned red and veins popped out on his forehead, "Why are you so innocent of someone's innocence out of thin air?"

There were words that were difficult to understand one after another, such as "appropriate praise is necessary for winning the team" and "it's just a matter of fact and no bragging", which made Song Jinghao laugh out loud.

The group of people returned to the lounge. At this time, Chaowei was shouting affectionately, and the pronunciation of these two words became more and more standard. It was obvious that he was gradually getting rid of the barbecue smell before.

Li Ruixing felt mixed emotions when he saw Chaowei calling his wild father brother.

No, why do I feel that the seniority is messed up?

"Wow, Brother Xing!" Chaowei pointed to the photo of Gu Xing with makeup on the TV screen, "MVP, I'm really tired of it, you are worthy of it!"

In the selection results interface, Gu Xing's data is quite astonishing.

The battle damage ratio is 6/1/9, the opponent's economic lead is +2800, the team output accounts for 1%, and the number of successful raids in the first 15 minutes is +3.

For a non-wild core nightmare, this is already a very amazing performance.

"It's okay," Gu Xing said as usual, even his voice was extraordinarily dull, "It's not particularly outstanding."

He just heard Chaowei licking him all the way, but his heart remained unmoved.

The main reason is that the licking skills are not very good.

With Kuro Zhuyu in front of him, Chaowei's flattery skills seemed particularly rough.

Gu Xing's taste has been spoiled, and it always feels boring if someone else comes to do it.

When Chaowei saw that his jungler's response was mediocre, he immediately became uneasy, thinking that he was flattering someone on the horse's leg. After receiving a reflection coupon, he began to ask himself whether there was a problem in any link.

Kuro paid close attention to Gu Xing all the time, and could infer from his demeanor that he was not interested in Chaowei's flattery, and his heart felt as sweet as a mouthful of honey.

When it comes to flattering, it has to be me!

Song Jinghao put his arms around Chaowei's shoulders and said in a friendly and warm tone, "Blue Cat, you did your best today without any poke. You can do this for the first time against a broiler. You are one of the best among the new mid laners!"

Looking at the data alone, Chaowei is 5/1/6, and the damage ratio in the team is only lower than Jack's, which can definitely be regarded as quite satisfactory.

In terms of performance on the court, Smeb also thinks there is nothing wrong with Chaowei.

He was full of praise for his little brother when he left the table after the game.

Because Smeb is just a top laner standing on the sideline, he is isolated from the world in most cases and cannot participate in the team's rhythm.

Therefore, Song Jinghao did not really feel the damage caused by the super-powerful mid-level earthbound spirit gameplay to the team.

Since the Canyon Pioneer team battle, the battles he participated in were the IG red zone encounter and the subsequent Baron BUFF push battle.

In these two waves of battles, Chaowei performed at the top of the list, completely worthy of the evaluation of "a promising future"!

It is conceivable that Smeb naturally feels that Chaowei played well.

"But I have to remind you," Hongmi said to Chaowei with a serious expression, "Don't report false news next time."

"In the early stage, you reported that Qinggang Shadow was in the middle without any factual basis, which directly killed the assistant and almost caused a catastrophe!"

Don't look at the support's life as not very valuable.

But in the top professional arena, every kill during the laning phase may lead to a chain reaction!

The outcome of subsequent resource groups may be affected by this one head!

When Chaowei heard his coach mention this, memories came to his mind and he felt ashamed.

"In the next period of time, you only need to provide 100% confirmed information to sales customers," Hongmi warned seriously. "For example, in that wave of IG, the fake position of the smoke bomb was deceived by the solo player. You just say 'Ryze' "We're pressing forward, but we still don't know where Qinggang Shadow is,' instead of 'Qinggang Shadow is in the middle,' which you're not sure about!"

Gu Xing nodded in agreement, "That's right, don't make any inferences, as that will disturb me."

Determining the enemy jungler's position has always been Gu Xing's responsibility.

But he is not always looking in all directions and listening in all directions. After all, his brain capacity is limited and must be used to think about uncertain things.

For example, in the early stage of the last game, when IG was playing a blind trick in the middle and jungle, Chaowei rashly gave the judgment that "Qinggangying is in the middle". Gu Xing didn't know about it. He just thought that his own small mid laner had collected the exact information and didn't take care of it anymore. Instead, your energy is freed up to process other information.

As a result, Gao Zhenning succeeded in throwing and sucking, and the suppression effect that the VG duo worked hard to achieve in the early stage was in vain!

In the professional arena, every player performs his or her own duties, and should not overstep their authority.

Newcomer Chaowei also knew the seriousness of the matter and responded seriously, "I understand. From now on, I will only provide information and not draw conclusions..."

Hongmi's face turned pale, and after knocking the stick, he immediately threw in a sweet date, "To be honest, your play in the middle and late stages of the game was okay. Don't be greedy for troops, and Zoe has to play like this."

"Keep up the good work!"

Yin Chengrong also had the same idea as Gu Xing. He believed that the reason for the overpowering local spirit binding in the middle of the last game was because he was not adaptable to the rhythm of the game and placed too much emphasis on development. He slowly adjusted over time.

No, the next two waves of groups played pretty well!

Except for Chaowei himself, no one knows the secret of his sudden breaking of the earth-bound spirit state.

And Zheng Zhixun didn't delve into it further.

Because he didn't think there was anything wrong with his previous playing style.

Just kidding, if Chaowei felt that his style of play was flawed, he would have consulted the first team members and the coaching staff for corrections!

From the beginning, he believed that the mid laner had to win the last hit before he was qualified to roam.

Otherwise, the economy I gained from the heat will go to the carry team?

Look, in the last game, did Song Yijin also wander after taking the lead with last hits?

No cat cake!

Not at all!

If I just roamed, my equipment would definitely be stretched. In the 24-minute red zone encounter, the two long-range flying stars combined with the hypnotic bubbles would not have caused such exaggerated damage. Maybe the team would lose the team battle directly!

Again, it’s the same sentence.

Let me ask you whether you won or not!

I have a 44-game winning streak in the secondary league, and I have also won all 3 games in the LPL so far, with a total of 47 wins and 0 losses. I have never lost in my career!

The extremely luxurious record here proves that our play style is the most roaring and reasonable!

Therefore, after hearing Hongmi's praise, Chaowei just smiled shyly, "My teammates are the key, I just contributed a little..."

Having said that, Hongmi's encouragement still made him more energetic. He was eager to return to the game immediately and fight Song Yijin for another 300 rounds!

After a short break, the VG players sat on the player bench again.

Jack, who had just won the first game, was in a relaxed mood. Before the BP for the second game started, he did not forget to chat with his acquaintances in the custom room.

VG JackeyLove: [Big eyebrow, you didn’t play well in the last game, so I’ll give you a head during the laning phase because of your losses]

IG Lwx: [Jack loves you in What’s a Dog’s Bark? Why don't you just defeat me by relying on human strength? Wasn't it just Brother Xing who killed me twice in team battles? There are many people who can kill me, who do you think they are? 】

Liu Qingsong issued a question mark at the right time, which contained a thousand words.

Yu Wenbo tried his best to hold back his laughter as he typed, [Oh, we are both from the second-tier league, how come the gap between people is so big? You led the team to dive into the relegation match and relegated Greedy Sa. Then look at Chaowei. He led the team to sweep and crush the championship with 44 consecutive victories. Now that he comes to LPL, he can beat you...]

This time even Liu Qingsong was gnashing his teeth.

Without him, he was only responsible for 1/3 of the team's relegation due to greed.

"This piece of shit is so disgusting," Lin Weixiang raised a pair of thick eyebrows, "Rookie, can you do something useful? The newcomers on the other side are provoking me!"

Now Song Yijin's round and honest face is filled with murderous intent.

That's too much!

Do you really think my IG has no one?

This dish must let you know why the flowers are so red!

Chaowei was completely unaware.

He couldn't understand so much Chinese at all, and he didn't know what his teammates were talking to the other side.

But at the beginning of the second game, Zheng Zhixun was miserable.

Song Yijin took out his signature Syndra, focusing on the combination of man and ball. In the early stage, Q [Dark Sphere] was extremely accurate, frequently suppressing the super powerful Ryze's health!

It can only be said that the intensity of the broiler in the S8 season is too scary.

Even Chaowei, who is famous for his laning ability, has to be suppressed when he gets a hero with a disadvantage in the laning!

With the help of the solid line rights in the middle, King Ning began to invade the jungle wildly.

Even though Gu Xing noticed that the opponent's eyes were not well arranged and used blinding techniques to deceive the opponent and successfully launched two raids, the overall rhythm was still suppressed.

Because as soon as Chaowei reaches the mid-term, the spirit-bound state begins again.

After the line transition period begins, the feet take root on the line and stay motionless!

Song Yijin was too strong in the lane, and he was ahead of him by 15 last hits.

What Chaowei wants is to at least equalize this part of the last hit difference before roaming.

But when he finally smoothed out the recruitment gap, VG's economic disadvantage has reached the 5K mark!

I have to say that IG's offensive is really fierce.

And it's unreasonable. As long as there is a possibility of a team battle, they will definitely take it.

Just like the encounter in the red zone in the first game, if you put aside part of the LCK operation team, the worst case scenario is to sell Lin Weixiang, who died suddenly, and the remaining four people can hold VG back.

But IG doesn’t.

What is the headcount difference?

Anyway, it’s just a group pick-up!

The result is obvious. When IG is at a disadvantage, recklessly taking over the team is tantamount to accelerating the progress of the game and engaging in one-handed operations; but when IG is in the lead, crazy team battles are equivalent to an invincible snowball!

In just a few minutes, the economic gap has completely widened!

Chaowei, who has caught up with last-minute hits, can't save him even if he joins the team. The broiler Syndra dominates the battlefield. With the three-piece set in hand in 24 minutes, QE's second company can push away half of the crispy skin!

The exaggerated damage made it difficult for VG to deal with it. In the team battle, everyone's efforts could only barely defeat Song Yijin.

However, the top, middle and bottom four teammates have all fallen under the massive damage from Syndra and the rest of IG!

If Gu Xing hadn't flashed in at the end and replaced the chicken with residual blood, Song Yijin might even have ended the game with a super!

In the end, it took 27 minutes, and IG flattened the VG base with color to regain a victory!

Back in the lounge, Hongmi couldn't stand it anymore.

"If you want to play Ryze in the mid-game, just roam two more waves!" He spread his hands to show his helplessness, "Why do you have to stay online?"

"Didn't he play well in the second half of the game?"

Yin Chengrong thought that Chovy would fix that problem by himself, but who would have thought that he never changed it at all!

Chaowei nodded blankly, "Yes, wasn't I wandering around later in the round? It's just that IG's advantage was too great and we didn't hold on in the early stage!"

Hongmi was speechless for a moment, putting her hands on her hips and not knowing what to think.

Later wandering...

Why don't you wait until the base explodes before wandering around?

Gu Xing recalled the points in these two games when the super power changed from the earth-bound spirit form to the group-joining form, and he felt as if he had discovered the opponent's secret.

"...Are you just thinking that you are qualified to roam just because you are ahead in finishing last hits?" He asked tentatively.

But he saw Chaowei nodding matter-of-factly, "Yes! What else?"

There was a buzz of discussion in the VG lounge.

Jack covered his face with his hands, feeling his scalp numb, and he laughed out loud, as if he was in a crazy state.

The pair of VG heroes, Hou Ye and Li Ruixing, looked at each other in disbelief. Their hearts were like thousands of horses galloping past. The meaning conveyed by the expressions on their faces was very obvious - it has been a long time since we have seen each other. Is there such a way to play?

Song Jinghao was also dumbfounded. He never expected that the young player he had high hopes for would have such a flaw!

Hongmi's mentality collapsed instantly, and he was so crazy that he wanted to stamp his feet, "Ah Yixi...how can there be such a weirdo like you?"

Yin Chengrong boasts that he has rich coaching experience. He has had thorns like Imp under his command, violent elements like Death Announcement, Mata, who has a very bad temper in the game but is also extremely talented, and has also coached people who appear to have a humble personality but are actually driven by a desire to win. The extremely vigorous Gu Xing...

But he has never taught a genius like Chaowei!

Just roam when you are ahead with last hits. Are you an AI robot? Who wrote the underlying logic for you, right?

Hongmi only hated herself for not discovering Chaowei's habit when reviewing the game.

But after thinking about it again, I understood.

No one has been able to break out of Chaowei's earthbound spirit form before!

Let’s not talk about the secondary league. The mid laners of all teams are not powerful enough to play in a round-robin battle. This guy takes the lead with last-minute hits and directly strikes hard in his strongest form. He is a bad guy who hits very hard.

The same is true for LPL.

Guoguo also gets no benefit from Chaowei!

Not to mention the three-star mid laner, except for a few players such as Broiler and Junior in the league, there is probably no mid lane player who can put pressure on the super power!

No matter how carefully Hongmi reviewed it, he would never have imagined that Chovy actually had this kind of cat cake!

"Stop yelling yet," Gu Xing motioned to his teammates and coaches to stay as calm as possible, "There is still one game left. Winning the game here is important!"

After appeasing the rest of the training department, he approached Chaowei again and asked seriously.

"What if I let you forcefully roam regardless of the troop line when you are at a disadvantage in last-hitting?"

As soon as Chaowei heard this, his two long legs suddenly came together, his knees pressed hard against each other, and his fingers twisted together.

"It's just...it's like there are ants crawling on my body, and I can't distract myself from doing other things." Chaowei said coquettishly.

He looked around the lounge, taking in all the people in the training department, and felt a few doubts in his heart.

"What's wrong? Is my way of playing wrong?" Zheng Zhixun didn't know why.

Gu Xing took a deep breath and responded patiently, "There is a 'some' problem, but we will solve it slowly when we go back. For now, let's focus on the present."

"You want to take the last hit before roaming?" He came up with an idea on the spur of the moment, "Okay, I'll play with you in the middle and jungle in the next game, and try to give you an advantage in the last hit!"

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