What is a hexagon jungler?

675: I added a little bit of unique understanding

Chapter 675 675: I added a little bit of unique understanding

Seeing the look of enlightenment on Gu Xing's face, Hongmi quickly followed the logic Gu Xing had just muttered.

"Do you want Chaowei to play like Doinb?" Yin Chengrong saw through the truth.

Gu Xing didn't answer, but couldn't wait to find Chaowei.

"Blue Cat, I've come up with a great idea!" He said excitedly, "I'll definitely succeed this time!"

Chovy was in a state of despair and could not arouse any interest in Gu Xing's words.

He has heard similar words no less than 10 times in the past half month.

From the coaching staff to the players, they can come up with new tricks to try out almost every day.

The result was, without exception, all failures!

Chaowei has no hope now.

"Brother Xing, I appreciate your kindness," he said sincerely, "You are definitely the best e-sports player I have ever seen in my life."

Chaowei has never seen anyone with a celebrity who is as caring as Gu Xing in helping newcomers.

In the arena, everything from macro decision-making to on-the-spot troop line handling and ward control were all planned by Gu Xing.

After the game, I have to work hard to help him think of ways to solve the problem of the earth-bound spirit...

Gu Xing's hard work and extraordinary power were all seen in his eyes.

This is not Gu Xing’s righteousness! It’s a service, I didn’t ask for anything, it was a free support for the newbie.

Moreover, VG's training results declined rapidly some time ago, and Gu Xing did not say that he would be kicked away. Instead, he patiently continued to find ways to break the situation.

Chaowei is naturally grateful!

Such a reliable team leader, you can’t find him anywhere even if you hold a lantern!

"But I really can't adapt to the rhythm of the LPL at the moment," he said frankly with a gloomy look on his face, "I just planned to find Brother Cheng Rong to explain the situation and put him back in the LDL."

Chaowei was so happy at the beginning of the summer split, but now he is so frustrated.

What was an earlier ambition was now a heavy burden on one's shoulders.

Gu Xing looked at the dejected Chaowei and could feel the other person's mentality.

VG is indeed the holy place in the minds of many new e-sports players, and they flock to it.

However, being in a wealthy club comes with pressure.

It is said that wearing a crown must bear its weight, nothing more than this!

One thing to say, with Chaowei's current strength, it is not a big problem to become a starter for a mid-range team in the LPL. Even if there is a gap in experience and consciousness, the victory lies in outstanding operation and outstanding development ability.

He is like the old EU-style Pharaoh, who is more suitable to be the core of the team. The whole team revolves around Chaowei, helping him to constantly fill the map to find money to supplement his development, until Zheng Zhixun comes out with a three-piece suit to take over the game.

What, are you talking about a powerful earth-bound spirit?

It's unsettling that the mid-tier team doesn't know how to attack in the mid-term, and even all members can accompany Chovy to land the spirit!

Although the play style is very abnormal and the rhythm is extremely slow, it is not a big problem to help the team reach the playoffs.

If things go on like this, Dean Chaowei may have enough time to grow slowly, and then win the favor of the first-line team through his excellent power training performance. He can change jobs and get a salary increase while aiming for the championship!

Even though it takes a long time, step by step, you can reach the top very solidly.

But in VG, from the members of the training department to the audience, they will not give Chaowei room to slowly improve.

All members of the S7 championship team have renewed their contracts at sky-high prices, which means that they urgently need immediate combat power rather than talented newcomers!

Chaowei wants to be the dean, but it is even more unrealistic to bring the whole team together to bind spirits locally.

Who are you sending it to? Let four successful world champions serve as green leaves for you?

It would be great if I could accompany you to change the Earthbound Spirit playstyle. Do you want us to integrate into your playstyle?


If you think about it carefully, it makes sense for Chaowei to want to quit.

Gu Xing also knows that the current situation is not optimistic.

In fact, VG is not only trying to find ways to integrate the powerful Earthbinder style of play with the team, but it is also trying to cure the stubborn disease and completely get rid of Zheng Zhixun's Earthbinder style.

Unfortunately, little progress has been achieved.

There is no way, Chaowei was an Earthbound Spirit before his debut, and his style of play is deeply ingrained and difficult to change in a short period of time.

Even with Hongmi's teaching ability, I'm afraid it would take a whole season to get Chaowei to correct his evil ways!

Still the same problem, this group of VG members can’t wait.

Therefore, some time ago, Redmi set the main tone of the summer game as "driving and guiding the powerful Earthbound Spirit gameplay into the team" instead of rectifying it from the root.

In other words, this is the only road left before VG!

If Chaowei still cannot adapt, the team will be completely in a dilemma, and whether it can win multiple events in the second half of the year will be a big question mark!

Before coming to the dinner, Gu Xing, like Chovy, was in a pessimistic mood.

But after getting inspiration from Doinb, he felt endless confidence.

Gu Xing believes that he will definitely succeed this time!

"Let's try again," Gu Xing persuaded. "It's already here. I've tried it countless times and it's been painful for more than half a month. Is it possible that I gave up halfway like this?"

Chaowei raised his eyes and looked at Gu Xing.

He thought about the hard work he had put in since the beginning of the summer split. As Gu Xing said, he would inevitably feel unwilling to give up.

"Sure, let's give it a try," Chaowei sighed and pricked up his ears, "Brother Xing, just tell me. I'll listen carefully."

"You have always been accustomed to relying on lanes before. Do you subconsciously believe that the economic benefits obtained from roaming are not as good as last-minute hits?" Gu Xing followed the lead.

He didn't want to engage in cramming education and forcefully instill ideas into Chaowei. The other party would just know it but not know why, which would not be of much benefit to his future career.

Gu Xing also hopes that Chaowei can learn to think independently and establish a correct overall view of the professional game.

"That's right," Chaowei nodded, "and the benefits obtained from last-ditch attacks are very stable - a wave of soldiers will appear in half a minute, which can ensure its own development no matter what. In the mid-term, unless the army line is operated particularly well, it will not be used Wander, otherwise you will basically lose more than half a wave of troops every time you come back..."

Going offline once is a loss of at least 200 gold coins and army experience. Chovy has clearly calculated the economic calculation.

This means that unless he gets the head, he will definitely suffer a loss!

If he didn't need to replenish his equipment, Chaowei wouldn't even plan to return to the city without dying, let alone wandering offline when he fell behind in last hits!

This is also the origin of super soldier addiction.

In the more bloody qualifying matches, roaming the side lanes may not necessarily guarantee profits, let alone the professional arena where the style of play is more rigorous?

If I can't get any benefits, then if I roam and stay alive, I'm just putting a little pressure on the opponent, which is far less profitable than last-minute hits!

Moreover, Chaowei is not completely offline. If he can ensure that his last hits are suppressed, he is quite happy to pass on his advantages to his teammates.

Zheng Zhixun was waiting for the other party to reveal the new plan that he had promised to be effective, and his heart was still intact.

However, what Gu Xing said next was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, exploding in Chaowei's ears!

"What if I could guarantee that you would get stable benefits every time you roam? Will you abandon your troops to support me?"

Chaowei's eyes widened, suspecting that he was not proficient in Chinese and misheard what Gu Xing meant.

Can you get benefits every time you travel?

Are you kidding me?

This is obviously against common sense!

Looking at the entire league, who can fulfill this promise?

Chovy found it unbelievable, and his previously low voice raised an octave, "Brother Xing, if you can really guarantee it, then I will definitely wander away!"

If there are stable economic benefits, then who would rely on last-hitting online?

"Don't worry, listen to me carefully..." Gu Xing signaled him to calm down.

Jack, who was peeking at the communication between his home and the wild, lamented, "Oh, Lao Gu is so gentle, I really cried to death..."

Yu Wenbo has now regained his composure.

The so-called solution is to let Chaowei clean up the VG jungle area after roaming?

Use Gu Xing's own wild monsters to feed Chovy to ensure that the development of the mid laner is not affected, thereby helping Zheng Zhixun gradually give up the earth-bound spirit play.

What kind of sacrifice and dedication is this?

In Jack's view, this move is tantamount to sacrificing one's life to feed a tiger!

Song Jinghao felt sad, "It's not easy to sell Gu Gu. It turns out that he and he are taking advantage of brother Rui Xing's finances. Who dares to touch his wild area? I didn't expect that it would be so miserable now, and he would give it to a newbie like Blue Cat." Let the wild monsters go!”

The next moment, the two of them heard Gu Xing's words coming slowly.

"In the future, if I find an opportunity, I will call you. We will go to Maibo or Jack's road to support you. If you get the kill, you can return to the line and continue to develop normally. After all, a The value of human heads must be greater than the value of the troops..." Gu Xing said his plan, "If you don't get the profit from the heads, you will eat the soldiers on the branch road that you support."

"Huh?!" Chaowei was dumbfounded.

He heard someone not far away making the same scream in unison.

Turning around, he saw Smeb and Jack, two parties involved in Gu Xing's plan.

Now that they have such big mouths, they can probably fit a whole egg into them, and their forehead wrinkles are as dense as James's.

"Old Gu Li, are you talking about gods and demons?" Yu Wenbo's Mandarin is no longer standard, "Doinb's fighting style is not to eat wild monsters?"

"Why do I have to sacrifice myself and Maibo when I come here?" he couldn't help but ask.

Gu Xing sneered coldly.

"I want to develop well!" He said plausibly, "Who is the absolute core of VG? Don't you, Yu Wenbo, have any idea?"

"You have so many troops but it's useless. Chaowei worked so hard to come here to support you. Why don't you give me any labor fee?" Gu Xingyi said righteously.

"What the fuck..." Jack was furious and jumped up with his short legs.

"You're going too far to bully me!" Song Jinghao cried out, "How long have I been playing tank tank top laner? Since the summer split, you have not only refused to help me, but you have also taken troops from me. How unreasonable!"

Seeing the red and warm faces of the two big brothers in the team, Chaowei immediately poked Gu Xing twice uneasily.

"Brother Xing, what if these two brothers don't agree?"

Gu Xing held his head high and his voice full of confidence, "How dare they?!"

"That's it. In the future, as long as the super support roaming does not get a kill, the troops of the teammates must be divided...Who agrees and who opposes?"

"I applaud with both hands!" Kuro said happily, "The growth of salesman must not be delayed!"

"Haven't you heard that sentence? Sales are indispensable, and Jie Kuo and Mai Bo are both replaceable!"

"You're holding back your words while looking at the water dispenser!" Song Jinghao became anxious.

"Steamed buns, are you not convinced?" Li Ruixing put his hands on his hips and sneered.

"Old Duan, Old Duan..." Jack went to ask for help from the auxiliary, "Someone bullies my brother, you must make the decision!"

Duan Deliang was chewing a chicken leg and said vaguely, "I will definitely support Xiao Gu unconditionally! Jack, don't scream. When will you not die suddenly, let's talk about taking the army line as the core."

Hearing this, Yu Wenbo lost all hope and collapsed weakly in his chair.

Seeing that the two parties involved were silent, Gu Xing nodded with satisfaction.

He chose to slightly change Doinb's thinking because he was not like Karsa who could go on hunger strikes frequently - now this VG must operate with him as the core, and without economy, things could easily go wrong.

The economic demand for the two sideline C positions is not large.

Although Smeb and Jack look frustrated and unwilling to give up their troops, in fact, they are both players who least need economics in this position.

Needless to say, Yu Wenbo said that the most outrageous thing about this guy was that he died inexplicably and his output was also inexplicable.

If you give him too much money, it's not a good thing.

Being in charge of deputy C and being the sharp knife of the team is the correct way to use Jack!

Needless to say, Song Jinghao is a famous hexagon warrior who can even play blue-collar work. It doesn't matter if he is less economical.

Investing the resources of the two wingers on Chaowei can perfectly solve the dilemma of the Earthbound Spirit!

"Brother Xing, you are my god!" Chovy said happily, "I will definitely wander around hard from now on!"

Have fun, there are troops on the side to attack!

He has never been so desperate for support!

Chaowei no longer felt depressed and lost earlier. Now his whole body is full of strength and he feels the joy of a good harvest.

As soon as Ding Jun adjusted his condition and returned to the private room, he saw Jack with a look of despair on his face and Chaowei who was eager to try and full of fighting spirit.

Something's wrong, why is the team atmosphere completely reversed from when I just left?

Boss Ding was so confused that he almost put on Nick Young’s black question mark emoticon.

What happened?

"Who is our next opponent?" Chaowei raised his fists, feeling every cell jump, "I must perform well!"

"...It's RW." Hongmi replied.

"Okay, that's it!" Chaowei bared his fangs, "It's so expensive to ask RW to sell the graphics card, just wait for me!"

I coded too late yesterday and was dizzy all day long...my, my, my.

Short chapter today, go to bed early.

A bigger chapter tomorrow

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