What is a hexagon jungler?

677: Aren’t you an earthbound spirit? !

Ten heroes were born in the spring. Gu Xing spoke calmly and explained the facts first while buying outfits.

"We have offensive pressure. It's not easy to win until the later stages..."

After all, there is Ornn on the opposite side. By the mid-term, you can start to equip your teammates with equipment and continuously increase the team's upper limit.

Moreover, RW's lineup is stable, with clear front and rear rows, while VG does not have a real front row. The combined frankness of the two warriors, Sword Girl and Gnar, is not as good as the enemy's Sheep Blacksmith!

If it is delayed until 30 minutes and the economic gap between the two sides has not widened, then RW's chances of winning will increase sharply!

"But there's no need to panic. Just think about how the training matches went these days." Gu Xing turned his head and glanced at Chaowei.

This was mainly meant for newcomers. Gu Xing was afraid that Chovy would be nervous and flustered due to the recent ups and downs in the team's results in the competition.

Chaowei took a deep breath to adjust his thoughts.

According to Gu Xing, the mid lane roaming routine developed was based on Doinb’s gameplay.

Chaowei also felt a sporadic feeling of gratitude towards Kim Tae-sang.

It's like stealing a tip from a certain player before embarking on a professional career.

But during this encounter, what emerged in his heart was more of a desire to win!

Because this game is extremely critical for Chaowei.

The early training matches have restored confidence, but if you want to soar into the sky, you have to win a tough battle full of gold in the main game!

Especially the opponent is Doinb.

Zheng Zhixun knew it well and knew that both sides would use similar playing styles to start the match.

He must win, not only to prove his ability, but also to prove the superiority of Gu Xing's improved tactics!

"Brother Xing, how about I push the lane at the beginning?" Chaowei was eager to try and show off, "I definitely have an advantage in the early stage and can help you control the crabs!"

"Sure," Gu Xing agreed happily, and then weighed the situation and made a decision, "...I plan to start from the top half of the red zone, and then control the upper river crab. Blue cat, please stand closer to me."

He wants to grab the opponent and open the field in the same direction as Casa.

Only in this way can we ensure that after the river crab is born 2 minutes later, the two of them will compete for the same swift crab, allowing Gu Xing to take advantage of his own advantages as much as possible!

It is worth mentioning that Olaf is often chosen as the spider's counter position.

However, the restraint relationship of this set of counterpoints should be viewed in stages.

Olaf, who has the ultimate skill, can indeed take advantage of the spider. He can ignore the cocoon and rush into Elise's face unreasonably.

But before level 6, Spider had a slight advantage against Olaf!

Just because her pulling ability is so strong.

Regardless of whether it has long hands or short hands, Spider has been strengthened once in version 12.

In addition to the W [Self-Exploding Spider], the output of all levels is increased by 5 points, and more importantly, the movement speed of human form and spider form is also increased by 5 points!

This is crucial!

Don't underestimate these 5 points of movement speed. It seems to be as insignificant as the increase in damage numbers, but everyone knows that under the operation of professional players, 5 points of movement speed can play a miraculous effect in the pulling process!

What's more, the runes carried by Olaf in the current version are still predators. Fighting with the enemy without straw sandals at the beginning means naturally missing one main rune!

At the level 2 point of fighting for the first river crab, if Gu Xing can capture Casa, it will be difficult for Cinsha to defeat him, but it will not be difficult to suppress the enemy and take control of the swift crab!

Furthermore, the heroes selected by teammates in this game are also very strong in the laning.

Whether it's Gnar versus Ornn or Sword Girl versus Ryze in the top and middle lanes, VG can have the upper hand in the lane at level one, and the same goes for the bottom lane.

Regardless of how VG's Kai'Sa + Rakan find it difficult to get much advantage from the combination of Xayah + Minotaur during the laning phase, this combination wins because of its extremely fast speed in grabbing second place!

The first three waves of troops must have line rights!

In other words, in the first 3 minutes, all three VG routes were dominant. As long as Gu Xing started the battle on the river, his teammates would be able to arrive in time to support him!

With sufficient combat power, Gu Xing only needed to judge Casa's opening route.

He didn't let his teammates invade the enemy's jungle as a group, for fear of alerting the enemy and making Casar wary.

Gu Xing just speculated based on the RW lineup, thinking that Kassa was unlikely to help top laner Ornn in the early stage - this is also the habit of the Xia team, which usually focuses on the bottom half, leaving Mouse alone to develop steadily in the top lane.

Then there is a high probability that Casa will start from the upper jungle area and slowly work his way down!

From this, Gu Xing decided to start from the upper half of the map and try his best to reach level 2 before going up the river to capture Casa.

Of course, he had thought of another possibility beforehand and quickly made countermeasures to ensure nothing went wrong.

At 1 minute and 30 seconds, wild monsters were born one after another. Gu Xing came to his camp, activated the newly enhanced W skill, and controlled Elise to move towards the red BUFF.

Using the little spider to perfectly resist the hatred of wild monsters, he only lost over 100 points of health before the red buff was upgraded to level 2!

Then Gu Xing, who was in good condition, hurried up the river.

When entering the river, the Swift Crab just spawned.

But there was no sign of Olaf.

"The jungler on the opposite side is in the lower river!" Chaowei actively provided vision information.

After studying with a group of star coaches and players for nearly a month, Chovy has been able to slowly catch up with the rhythm of the game, especially in terms of ward placement at the beginning. The progress is very gratifying.

This time, there was no need for Gu Xing to teach him step by step. Chaowei took the lead in placing the first trinket eye on the enemy's F6 camp in the lower half before the troops arrived.

While detecting enemy movements, it can also prevent ganks.

Olaf seems to be unable to catch people at level 2, but who can say for sure?

Chaowei still remembers that in the opening game against IG, Gu Xing used Olaf's weird level 2 catch to tear open the enemy's strongest point!

He was worried that RW would use the same method to disgust him - after all, Chaowei was playing a sword girl. If he wanted to help Gu Xing control the crabs in the early stage, he would definitely have to push the line forward, and there was a real risk of being caught.

For the sake of stability, Chaowei arranged eye positions in the Sharp Beak Camp.

As a result, when the game came to about 2 minutes, we just caught the trace of Level 2 Olaf moving down the river with an axe!

It is not difficult to see from the opponent's status bar that Casa starts with the red BUFF in the lower half!

"Heh..." Gu Xing sneered.


He had anticipated this possibility before.

Casa’s reputation as a jungle radar is well deserved!

The opponent must have thought about the possibility of Gu Xing opening the jungle from the upper jungle area to forcefully seize the opponent, so he had a clear idea and specifically went in the opposite direction and ran to the lower half to start, avoiding the strong period of the VG lineup and setting himself up for himself. Get the chance to plunder the swift crabs in the lower river!

It has to be said that Casa is definitely an expert in the psychological game of guessing the jungle position, and he is basically very sure of it and seldom makes mistakes.


Gu Xing thought more long-term.

In the Layer Cake game, you who simply want to catch your opponent are on the second level, and Casa, who predicts accurately and opens the field in the opposite direction, is on the third level.

The real Gu Xing is on the fourth floor!

He had already considered Casa's option of opening the field in reverse!

Watching Olaf go to clean up the majestic body of the lower river crab, Gu Xing felt happy in his heart.

You don’t really think you’ve made a profit, do you?


Gu Xing pocketed the upper river crab and set off for the enemy's upper jungle area, aiming directly at the blue BUFF!

Relying on the damage of the dual-form QW and the existence of punishment, he effortlessly countered the enemy's wild monster in 2 minutes and 25 seconds!

The impact of the increased income from river crabs in the mid-season version is clearly demonstrated at this moment.

Swift crabs and a group of normal wild monsters provide the same experience. Gu Xing is equal to clearing three camps and successfully upgraded to level 3!

After unlocking all the skills, he hit the road without stopping.

"Maibo, please control your anger, we can jump over the tower!" Gu Xing sped up his words and commanded, "Blue Cat, keep an eye on Ryze, don't let him teleport to the ground!"

"No problem!" Chaowei was only responsible for the task of blocking reinforcements, but his voice was particularly loud when he responded, "Brother, don't worry, I will definitely let Ryze stay in the middle. Don't even think about leaving the lane..."

"Okay, okay," Gu Xing interrupted his chatter, "Don't talk too much at critical moments in the game, and try to be concise in your language."

It's okay under normal circumstances. When a fatal offensive is about to be launched, if teammates talk too much, it will easily interfere with the information transmission and situation judgment between players, and will inevitably distract others.

"Oh!" Chaowei nodded in agreement like a fool.

Gu Xing shifted his attention to the road.

When Gnar fights Ornn, you need to pay attention to the three fragile explosions of Sheep Blacksmith at level 6. It may be destroyed by cinnabar due to its brittle body. During the rest of the time, Mundo's wife can bully the opponent wantonly!

Moreover, Song Jinghao's personal strength is far superior to that of Mouse, so it is easy to control the lane.

Now that the third wave of artillery troops has not yet arrived, he quickly pushed the soldiers deeper into the tower.

When Smeb learned that Gu Xing was coming to the tower, he immediately accelerated the pace of pushing the lane, planning to push all the accumulated lanes to the tower above RW!

Mouse looked at Gnar's suddenly accelerated speed of pushing the line, and his heart couldn't help but he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Based on the information provided by Casa, who was in the lower half of the area, he could confirm that Gu Xing was in the upper half of the map.

Combined with Gnar's aggressive lane push, it's not difficult to guess VG's intention to jump over the tower!

"Teammates, teammates, help me!" Mouse was in an anxious mood and quickly sent out a signal for help.

As we all know, under the premise that Gnar can face the line normally, his first angry transformation occurs during the intersection of the second and third waves of troops.

Now that Smeb's rage is approaching full strength, coupled with a level 3 spider with double BUFFs, Mouse has no idea how he can survive!

"Wait for me, I'll be there soon!" Jin Tai saw that the top laner was in trouble and immediately wanted to hand over the teleport cover.

But he didn't dare to have sex in front of the knife girl, so he had to take two steps back.

Fortunately, Doinb, who had been pushed from the beginning, was not far from his own defense tower. He took two steps back and reached a safe area. The moment Gu Xing Spider emerged from the grass behind the tower on RW, he handed over the teleport. .

Thanks to the early detection of VG's tower-crossing movement, even though the TP's guidance time was as long as 5 seconds, Doinb felt that if nothing unexpected happened, he would still be able to reach the top lane before Ornn died.

By then, the Rune Mage will undoubtedly be able to earn huge profits when facing an enemy in the jungle who has reduced their health due to tower resistance, and may be able to achieve a double kill!

Unfortunately, accidents will eventually come.

After Doinb handed over the teleport, in addition to observing the battle situation on the road, he kept cutting the screen to look at himself.

A second after the transmission and reading, he saw the powerful sword girl crossing the military line, carrying the defense tower bombardment and walking towards him!

On the way, the first section of E [Double Blades] was also opened.

No way?

Kim Tae-sang was panicked.

One bombardment knocked down Dao Mei's HP, but the distance got closer and closer!

Doinb did not expect that even if he shrank behind the first tower, his opponent would risk being shelled multiple times to stop him!

You are a cake, right? !

Kim Tae-sang had no time to take care of the top lane. He focused on the middle lane and put his finger on the flash button.

As long as Chaowei dares to take another step forward, he will be able to flash to EW and imprison the sword girl under the tower!

By then, the sword girl who has not been purified will definitely die!

However, between the lightning and flint, a golden light flashed out first!

The sword girl flashed forward, and the second double-winged blade flew out, landing right at Doinb's feet!

The two blades merged together and knocked Ryze unconscious!

At the same time as he threw out the second-stage double-winged blade, Chaowei turned around and handed over Q [Blade Impact] to the RW minion who was focusing fire on him with the defense tower!

The whole process was extremely smooth, and there was almost no lag in the knife girl's movements. She used the soldiers as pedals to calmly leave the range of the RW turret!

Chaowei was so fast on the way that he was able to show off the new team logo expression that Riot launched after VG won the MSI this year!

The sarcasm is full!

"Sibaloma!" Doinb couldn't help but spit out the fragrance, "This sword girl is really... so mean!"

He also reacted now.

The extremely powerful and talented man was so bold that he decided that he could not keep him!

Doinb is also a proficient user of Sword Girl, and he knows that Irelia's double-winged blades have a range of 775 yards, which is slightly farther than Ryze's E [Spell Surge]!

As long as he maintains a good distance and throws Flash+E, Ryze won't even be able to fight back!

Doinb's bony chest rose and fell violently, and he was obviously about to get out of breath.

"No, are you kidding Taixiang?" Mouse was about to cry.

When he saw the teleportation light from the tower above him, he was filled with joy and prepared to fight back.

As a result, I couldn't wait until the teleportation landed!

Mouse is a level 2 Ornn, unable to fight back against the 'Lost Spider' combination of Danar and Elise!

Gu Xing first resisted the tower, dealt out the damage from both forms, and then hung up the wire to fly into the sky, allowing Song Jinghao to make up for the damage and take away the head.

Combining the face-to-face cocoon with the control chain of Gnar's W [beat], Mouse died suddenly without even being able to flash!

"My..." Kim Tae-sang apologized hurriedly, "The other side is too disgusting. I wish I could just take two steps back and teleport!"

But these were just words of comfort.

After calming down, Doinb knew very well that if he had taken two steps back, he would have been able to avoid being interrupted by Super Power, but it would also have delayed a lot of time.

By the time he lands, Ornn may have turned into a corpse in the gutter!

No matter which angle you look at it, Mouse is destined to die!

Jin Taixiang had to admire Gu Xing's strategy.

Every step counts as death, and they are not given any chance to struggle and resist!

However, Kim Tae-sang still refused to give up. He bit his lower lip and asked his teammates, "Can you capture Kasa?"

"It's not possible," Karsa frowned, "As soon as the troops on the other side are cleared, retreat back. We can't keep them!"

If you want to force someone to stay, you have to let the sapphire tauren flash WQ.

But the problem is that he can rush forward, but the old thief Sima who is behind him cannot keep up with the AQE barb and continue the control chain in time.

What's more, the VG duo also has Flash in their hands. With Sapphire Mingming moving forward and pursuing, it's not difficult to dodge the Bullhead's Flash WQ 2nd Company!

Casa only hates that he is Olaf without any hard control methods and cannot pose any effective threat to VG's bottom lane!

"Block the military line," Sima Old Thief whispered to Baolan, "Don't let the military line enter the tower."

For RW, the only good news is that the bottom lane is in good shape.

After the VG duo finished pushing the soldier line, they had no time to continue pressing forward. They accompanied their own soldiers deep into the RW lower tower and then retreated.

Thanks to this, Baolan can physically block the VG troop line outside the tower and wait until the next wave of artillery troop lines arrives before leaving.

Therefore, the minion transfer point will be stuck in front of the next tower of RW. According to the old thief Sima, it is an excellent position. He can develop it for a period of time without any scruples, and Jack will lose some minions!

"Do you really want to be stuck?" Kasa has been working in the mainland for half a year, and his Wanwan accent has not been eliminated. "But Jiang Zi, I can't invade the other side!"

The junglers of both sides now belong to the upper and lower half. Since Gu Xing's spider has already taken away his own blue buff, Casa wants to retaliate by also going deep into the enemy's lower half and using VG's blue buff for his own use.

However, the middle line of troops has just been killed by the super powerful Sword Girl with a few Q [Blade Impact]. If the bottom line of troops is still stuck in front of the RW tower, and the paths of the middle and lower soldiers are unfavorable, Kasa Don't dare to invade rashly!

"...It's going to be stuck," said the old thief Sima, "Don't worry, I can stock up on lanes here. If I see the opponent's jungler dares to counterattack in the upper jungle area later, I will push all the minions in. Let's You can jump over the tower and kill by force!"

Relying on the help of the artillery vehicles arriving in the third wave, the old thief Sima was able to hoard his troops by just replenishing his tail knives, and the RW duo could take advantage of the situation to advance to the third level later.

If a tower-crossing offensive is launched at that time, RW will be a level 2 combination of three level 3 heroes in the jungle to surround VG's bottom lane!

Even if they are just three people jumping over the tower and don't have much numerical advantage, there is still a lot to be done!

Kasa was convinced, "That's it, I'll clear the lower jungle area first, and wait until level 3 before coming to the lower lane... Yuhao, after you teleport up, help me put an eye through the wall into the upper jungle area. I want to see the opponent's attack." Wild movements!”

When his name was called, Mouse responded like an old scalper. After resurrecting, he quickly handed over the teleport and returned to the road.

Since he did not deal with the short-term lines accumulated in the first two waves before he died, the VG line of artillery soldiers easily drove straight in and came to the bottom of the RW tower.

After all, artillery soldiers are thick-skinned and very durable. They can withstand 7 bombardments from a tower.

With the enemy's artillery carts helping to attract aggro from the defense tower, Mouse won't lose too many troops by teleporting back.

This actually made him relax a little.

After clearing out the minions under the tower, Mouse returned to his position between the first and second towers on the top lane, and inserted a jewelry eye into the RW Demon Swamp Frog camp through the wall.

Sure enough, I saw Elise in gorgeous clothes ruthlessly biting Frog Concubine’s flesh and blood!

"Hold up the wires and jump over the tower!" Kasa's eyes lit up, and he was overjoyed. He also used the popular Chinese Internet vocabulary that he had just learned a few days ago, "Han Jin, hurry up!"

"Don't worry," Old Thief Sima muttered, "Let me push slowly, the spider on the other side won't be able to come back..."

When he saw that the spider was still unwilling to give up the RW Demon Swamp Frog, the old thief decided that Gu Xing was too late to rush over to defend the bottom lane tower-crossing offensive.

Your version of Elise 12 has been strengthened. The basic movement speed of the spider form is 355 points, but including the time to return to the city and rush to the city, you can't even think of running from the RW upper jungle area to the bottom lane if you don't have 40 seconds!

The old thief Sima knew that there was plenty of time, and they had enough time to prepare for this attack.

Therefore, the line blocking action was not given up.

In this way, as many minions as possible can be stuck in front of the RW tower, and the momentum of the slow push line will become more and more fierce.

When the time comes, they can no longer get stuck and push their troops into the enemy's lower tower. If the VG duo forcefully defends the tower, it will be a dead end. In order to save their lives and hide in the grass in front of the second lower tower, they will lose two big waves. Soldier line!

Regardless of the outcome, VG's bottom lane will be in a state of collapse!

Kasa also understood that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so he forced himself to calm down and think slowly.

"Yuhao, can you try your best to hold down Nal on the opposite side?" He asked his teammates on the road, "Don't let him pass down and disrupt the situation!"

Mouse looked at the situation of his army, thought for a moment, gritted his teeth and replied, "Can you ensure that there will be a profit? If it is definitely possible, I can try to interrupt Gnar!"

The direct consequence of the entire VG artillery line breaking into the previous tower of RW is that the next top line will inevitably push back in the direction of VG.

The troop line trend is almost the same as the bottom lane.

The handover position of the soldiers has now crossed the center line of the river and is advancing towards the upper tower of VG.

If Gnar wants to teleport away, he must pay TP under the tower. Mouse holds Q [Volcanic Chasm] in his hand, and can use the forced displacement effect of the building's bulge to interrupt the opponent.

There seems to be no danger, and there is no need to even go deep into the shooting range of the previous tower on VG.

But Mouse knew that if he played like this, he would most likely die.

The top lane is too long, and Gnar can chase from the top tower of VG all the way to the top tower of RW, relying on the deceleration of the Q boomerang and the acceleration effect of his own three rings to pursue him!

In addition, Gu Xing's Spider is also in the top half.

If the other party wants to come back to withdraw money, Mouse, who is too far ahead of the line, will have a hard time finding a way out!

Therefore, he asked Casa whether he could ensure profits.

If his teammates earn enough in the bottom lane, Mouse doesn't mind sacrificing a little more.

Anyway, he is just Ornn, and he is guaranteed no matter what in the later stage. It is undoubtedly a very cost-effective deal to sacrifice the weak point of the top lane to fatten up the old thief Sima who is the core of the strategy.

"Don't worry, you can definitely make money!" Kasa almost slapped his chest to confirm, "Taixiang, you should try your best to push the line and suppress the sword girl."

He was full of confidence when he said this, as if he was sure of victory.

Although Dao Mei also teleported, Casa didn't care at all whether Doinb could suppress Chaowei.

Because like the vast majority of the audience, he recognized Chovy's true face and knew that he was a pure earthbound spirit.

Judging from the information previously obtained, Chaowei will never wander offline as long as there are minions in the middle!

It sounds outrageous, but it really is.

This is a scenario that Chaowei has demonstrated in previous BO3s.

And until they lost to EDG, there was still no sign of improvement!

What patients with late-stage military addiction?

Hong Haoxuan dismissed Chaowei.

The newcomers are still too young, so go back and practice hard!

Doinb agreed simply. Previously, when Chaowei interrupted his teleportation, he not only handed over the flash, but also reduced his health by half. Now the offensive and defensive momentum in the middle is different, and the initiative is in his hands.

He was very sure that Chaowei would not provide offline support when he saw a large number of troops in front of him!

The old thief Sima also learned about the powerful Earth-bound Spirit attributes in the pre-match meeting. Now he is full of confidence and slowly advances the line of soldiers. Until the strength of the soldiers on both sides is extremely imbalanced, he pushes them into the lower tower of VG!

What made the old thief overjoyed was that the enemy duo had no intention of retreating at all, and insisted on staying under the tower to clear the line!

"Prepare to freeze your hands!" Kasa shouted, letting Baolan Yiniu take the lead in launching the offensive.

Baolan is in good condition this season. He walked to the side of the VG duo very smartly, and first handed over W and used the horns to push Jack into the blind spot formed by the wall and the defense tower.

In this way, if the opponent dodges and dodges, you can still use Q dodge to ensure that you can knock the enemy away and control him!

Everything is following RW's carefully arranged script.

As expected, Jack handed over the flash to avoid Bullhead's W [Savage Crash].

Baolan didn't hesitate, Q flashed and beat him up!

Upon seeing this, the old thief Sima activated W [Lethal Feather Clothes] to move forward, trying to keep up with the feather barb control, dealing burst damage and leaving Jack behind!

Seeing that his own shooter was in danger, Duan Deliang's Luo quickly used W [Grand Appearance], trying to control his ex-wife, and used knock-up to prevent Xia from following the barb immediately, destroying the enemy's control chain.

But the old thief Sima had already thought clearly about the possible counterattacks launched by the VG duo in the past half minute. Now he decisively crossed Luo's body, penetrated Jack with his feathers, and combined with Olaf's sharp ax to reduce the health bar!

"Wait a minute...be careful with the knife girl!" Doinb reminded his teammates in an urgent voice, "The knife girl is going to be hot!"

Who is coming? !

Kasa once suspected that he was hallucinating.

The scarlet teleportation light lights up in the VG lower tower!

He took a moment to look at the small map during his busy schedule and found that it was indeed Sword Girl teleporting here!

what's going on?

Kasa's eyesight went dark.

Isn’t it the earthbound spirit that you are meowing?

There is a wave of soldiers in front of the tower in the middle. How can you dare to wander down?

"Taixiang, please interrupt!" Baolan's voice was thin, but the impatience in it was almost overflowing.

"The distance is a bit far, I can't stop it!" Doinb almost roared.

At first, he thought Chaowei was still the Earth-bound Spirit, so he didn't take it to heart when he saw the opponent retreating during the line pressing process.

Who would have thought that this guy was out of character and actually wanted to teleport to the bottom lane!

Now I want to interrupt, but it's too late!

Seeing that Kim Tae-sang couldn't stop Dao Mei, Kasa knew that the situation had changed and quickly urged his teammates in the voice message.

"Begone and sell out!"

However, in order to hit the control chain and damage as quickly as possible, the duo used all their skills and flashes.

Where is the time to retreat now?

The 5-second teleportation time is over, and the sword girl lands successfully!

Irelia was like the god of death coming. She lowered her double-winged blades to her feet first, and Q [Blade Impact] kept shuttling among the soldiers.

The large wave of troops that RW had previously hoarded has now become the paradise of Sword Girl!

It kills the remaining minion with super power and adds passive, and sticks it to the enemy's face, and then turns to the second stage of E.

The two sword blades were so precise that they stunned the RW duo!

Jack and Duan Deliang launched a counterattack on the spot, and Icacia's Heavy Rain cooperated with the Sword Girl to easily keep the RW duo who didn't dodge!

Only Kasa surrendered and flashed to escape hastily!

Can BLG really lose eight times in a row? It's so pure that it feels like it's not as good as a wild card in front of JD.com.

WBG is also a valuable asset. The double C and Cluster Blade played an advantageous game in the early stage, but as a result, he gave up the victory in the mid-term wave.

The Xiaohu in the World Championship is so scary. I feel like the jungler Guijiaoqi. He is dominant in the civil war and weak in the external war. It tastes so right.

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