What is a hexagon jungler?

689: The time has come, the end of the world is coming!

Chapter 689 689: The time has come, the end of the world is coming!


On the commentary table, Miller roared loudly, "Brother Xing stood up again. He accurately captured Score's wild brushing movement, crouched in advance, and also pulled Chaowei together, and used the teleportation to land first to judge the opponent. The death penalty!"

The Dalian Sports Center suddenly ushered in a scene of excitement, and more than 10,000 spectators gave warm cheers to the home team they supported!

The baby beamed with joy and said, "Let me tell you, Brother Xing's time-consuming trick of invading wild areas and setting up ambushes is a tried and tested trick. Even though it is used frequently, the effect is still outstanding!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was even more involved in the carnival and couldn't extricate themselves.

【I am boiling! 】

[The middle and upper ranks are pushed out of the line. Brother Xing, how dare you break into someone else’s jungle and invade? The fun is ridiculous! 】

[I don’t panic at all when it comes to disadvantages, I am as steady as an old dog. This is the confidence that Shi Yiye gave me! 】

[The guy who said he was super powerful and sucked Brother Xing’s blood before stood up and took two steps! Let me ask you if this Bo Sword Demon Pass is critical, just cut off the Score! 】

[It feels numb, this sword-demon combo is really smooth, it looks like Chaowei has been playing a lot]

[Crab Score, good brother! Seeing that VG is at a disadvantage, he immediately sends warmth. He is so gentle. I cry to death...]

Score in the KT player booth was irritated and uneasy at the moment, looking at the black and white screen with sweat beads on his forehead.

He had studied Gu Xing's tactical characteristics with the coaching staff before the game.

Like most players, this Shi Yiye also has his usual tricks.

After Score analysis and discussion, I learned that Gu Xing likes to use two routines the most.

In addition to the deception method, when the team falls into a headwind situation where the rhythm is stagnant, it is to enter the enemy jungle to ambush and look for opportunities to kill the enemy jungler!

This move requires a high level of overall view of the player. It requires judging the enemy jungler's movements based on various information collected by the team. It also requires the player to be bold and careful before they dare to go to the enemy in a disadvantageous situation. Make trouble in the wild, otherwise it can easily turn into sending warmth if you are not careful!

But the advantages are also obvious.

It’s often hard to guard against!

Score, with the help of the coaching staff, has almost figured out Gu Xing's common tricks, but he just can't guard against this trick!

He had no idea when and where Gu Xing would come to trick him!

Now that he was ambushed, Score was naturally upset.

Ucal's Sword Girl has not yet reached level 6. At that time, when she saw Score being retained by the Sword Demon with a vicious fire chain, she knew that even if she landed, it would be difficult to save the jungler. After some research, she simply canceled the teleport and stayed in the middle to guard the troops. Pushing the lane in, I want Chaowei to benefit from a few minions.

"Blue Cat, don't go back to the middle," Gu Xing advised Chaowei to go back to the middle to make up the line, "Let's go to the middle together and catch this Lucian!"

If it were the days before the change of playing style, Chaowei would definitely not obey Gu Xing's command and would definitely have to go back to the middle to quickly make up the line.

But now Zheng Zhixun has ushered in a glorious evolution!

He just followed his lead and after hearing the words, he quickly accompanied the jungler to move upward.

He didn't even glance at the middle line of troops the whole time!

While on the road, Chaowei was still reporting on his skills, "I shouldn't be able to turn W well, and I can only turn E once!"

Although this version of Sword Demon's E [Shadow Rush] can be charged and accumulated twice, each charge takes a long time.

Chovy previously put a round of skills on Score, which could not be cooled down in a short period of time.

"It's okay, that's enough..." Gu Xing urged, "Maibo, don't worry about the military line, go straight ahead and chase him. Don't let Lucian return to the city!"

In fact, he didn't need to say anything. When the experienced Smeb heard that his teammates were coming to help him, he immediately abandoned his troops and pursued him, vowing to use his body to stop Lucian from returning to the city!

Kiin complained endlessly.

He wanted to support Score when the battle in the jungle broke out, but before he left the top lane, he learned the sad news that the jungler had died.

As a last resort, Kiin knew that it would be difficult for him to defend the top lane alone against the threat of the enemy's top, middle and jungle heroes, so he had to retreat quickly.

But the journey is too long!

Kiin wasn't wearing straw sandals, so it was impossible to walk back to a safe area for a while!

He looked at the vampires chasing behind him and felt completely despaired.

He finally escaped to the first tower on the upper road, but a sword demon and a wine barrel emerged from the grass behind him, blocking his retreat!

"I'll fight first, you guys hurry up and make up for the damage!" Smeb stepped forward without hesitation, and QE started to accumulate strength.

Kiin realized that it was impossible for him to escape, so he planned to fight back on the spot. His basic attack connection skills hit the vampires one after another, lowering the enemy's health.

"Blue Cat, give me your skills quickly!" Gu Xing reminded his mid laner.

Without thinking, Chaowei handed over a Q first.

Kiin knows that if he wants to counterattack by operating from the tower, he must not take control.

Otherwise, VG's midfielder's control skills will definitely control him to death!

Kiin knows that Sword Demon holds E [Shadow Rush]. If he slides now, the opponent will definitely have time to use E to ensure the skill hits.

Therefore, he deliberately waited for the Sword Demon's sword edge to fall on him and then used sliding steps to extend the distance to the side and behind, leaving Chaowei with no time to react!

But Aatrox's oppressive scarlet eyes stared at him, as if looking at Xiaoshou.

It is true that Sword Demon did not follow E, but when he followed up with the second Q, the powerful Shadow Rush came to kill him!

Kiin didn't take it seriously at first.

The LCK joint coaching staff also realized the power of Sword Demon at the beginning of the intercontinental competition training. During this period, he practiced a lot and had a little understanding of the hero mechanism.

The first stage Q of the Sword Demon is the farthest, a full 625 yards. The second stage Q is a trapezoid-like shape, and the farthest end is only about 500 yards.

And the longest distance of Lucian's E is 125 yards farther than Tox...

Logically speaking, there is no reason to hit him even with the second level QE of Chaowei!

However, what surprised him was that the sword demon did not face him blankly when he cast the second stage Q [Darkborn Blade].

Instead, he swung the heavy blade diagonally!

Kiin is full of questions.

Before he could be doubtful, Aatrox's sword slammed down hard, hitting the edge of the sword and knocking Lucian into the air!

"What a handsome Q2!" Gu Xing's eyes lit up and he praised sincerely. Without stopping his efforts, E [Meat, Egg, Onion, Chicken] hit Lucian!

The control chain is connected, and Kiin cannot move without flashing!

The third section of Chaowei's sword struck down hard!

With the dull sound of being slapped on the flesh, Lucian's health bar was completely emptied!

Seeing that another shelling was about to fall on him, Smeb quickly opened the W blood pool and retreated to the rear.

The defense tower's hatred was locked on Chaowei, but it didn't matter. He already had a high health value, and after resisting two turret shots, he still had half of his health left.

VG's upper, middle and jungle evacuated calmly!

Song Jinghao finally found the energy to praise his teammates, "Blue Cat, you have the essence of a sword demon!"

"The bird eats the cricket, the bird eats the cricket!" Jack, who was on the bottom lane, watched the climb up and down the tower, and nodded in agreement and praised, "This can also Qi Lucian? Blue Cat, you are more or less outrageous..."

Chaowei smiled shyly.

Kiin on the other side is still in a state of puzzlement.

Sword Demon's second stage Q is so far?

Not that Kiin was confused.

Sword Demon was reworked not long ago. Most players regard Sword Demon as the heavy warrior version of Riven. Only a small number of top players and professional players are practicing crazily to score.

It is conceivable that there are very few players who can master the sword demon proficiently!

Even professional players who train for more than ten hours a day cannot be proficient in everyone. After all, they still have to find time to participate in training matches. There is not much time to really play with Sword Demon, so that various operations that are popular in later generations are now None have been developed!

For example, the little trick Chaowei just used is Sword Demon's diagonal second stage Q.

The skill itself is a trapezoid, and the hypotenuse must be larger than the higher value.

Then he only needs to slightly shift the edge of the sword so that the bevel is directed at the enemy hero, so as to extend the ultimate range of the skill and hit Lucian!

Matachuan rubbed his frown, feeling extremely melancholy.

He never dreamed that the enemy's counterattack would be so exaggerated.

Top laner Lucian died twice in a row. Last time, he could use the teleport line to replenish his growth. This time, Kiin's teleport is still cooling down. If he rushes back to the top lane on foot, he is destined to lose a lot of troops!

By then, Song Jinghao's last hit can even surpass Kiin!

In the early stage, Lucian's matchup with vampires was like this, so why should he give it a hammer?

The top lane becomes balanced, not to mention the middle lane!

Our team had previously killed the Sword Demon through the midfield tower jump, and spent a lot of effort to limit the development of Chaowei. As a result, VG invaded the wild area and then jumped Lucian on the top lane, allowing the Sword Demon to reconnect in an instant. !

The collapse of the top two heroes also declared that the team's plan to put everything they had into taking the risk of selecting the Chopper lineup to suppress VG's swing in the top was officially bankrupt!

The more Mata thought about it, the more annoyed she became. Her brows furrowed into the character "Chuan", which coincided with her own nickname.

"Grow up first and stop causing trouble!" He suggested a strategy to recuperate and recuperate, "Everyone, calm down and take it easy!"

"Wait for the vanguard," Score agreed, "Our current lineup is strong enough to defeat the opponent in a team fight. Don't panic, everyone!"

Big Quail pressed the Tab panel. He originally wanted to subconsciously check the last hit count of the opponent's shooter, but inadvertently noticed that something was not right about Kiin's equipment.

"Kiren, do you still want to make a demon-drinking knife?" Mata questioned.

Lucian's equipment inventory contained an anti-demon cloak, which was clearly meant to be synthesized into a demon-drinking knife!

"It's impossible if I don't do it," Kiin said with a grimace, "The jungler on the other side is targeting me. Without the Demon-Drinking Knife, I don't even dare to press forward. If I'm caught, I'll die!"

Mata sighed inwardly.

If it is a normal advantageous matchup, it is very reasonable for Lucian to use the Demon-Drinking Knife.

Buying this piece of equipment is equivalent to buying a talisman, so that the enemy's double AP of vampire + wine barrel will not kill you.

But the problem is that now Lucian has no advantage at all in the line!

If you waste another 1,300 gold coins to buy the Demon-Drinking Knife, how much damage will it cause in a group fight later?

However, Big Quail has to admit that Kiin's statement makes sense.

Nowadays, the intensity between the top and jungle sides has changed. With the advanced VG vampire + barrel, it is easy to kill Lucian, who has no magic resistance!

After thinking about it, he could only let Kiin continue with his own outfit plan.

Anyway, I bought them all...

However, Mata's concerns soon became reality.

Ten minutes into the game, the two sides gathered their armies and began to gather at the vanguard, preparing to fight for 300 rounds to fight for the ownership of the purple garlic.

"Blue Cat, you grab the line first, it doesn't matter if you come here a little slower," Gu Xing quickened his words and commanded, "The Pioneer's blood volume is very healthy!"

"Remember to stock up on lines, don't push all the soldiers away at once!"

Chaowei obeyed his words, swung his heavy sword and began to slash at the artillery and carriage line in front of him.

Thanks to the two heads harvested earlier, Chovy has surpassed Ucal financially. Now he has the spirit of Youmeng in his hand, and the sword girl is covered in three-phase parts.

Needless to say, Chaowei is naturally able to control the middle route!

He forced Dao Mei back, looking arrogant as if his opponent dared to step forward and would be beaten.

Seeing that our next round of short-circuit had reached the vicinity of the Second Tower, we finally dealt with the artillery carriage in three strikes, five by five, and two by two.

In this way, when KT's short line reaches the middle lane, it will catch the VG gun carriage line just in front of the first tower.

The troop line did not completely enter the enemy turret, but in terms of momentum, VG was undoubtedly better!

If there is no one to deal with it, after the VG gun carriage line + short-term line are gathered together, they will be pushed into the KT tower without any suspense!

By then, KT will lose two entire lines, and the health of the mid-tower will be eaten away by a large number of minions!

Chaowei was satisfied upon seeing this.

His line understanding has always been very strong.

Just think about it, how could an iron brush that can make the number of last hits ahead of time become a common thing not to play the line of soldiers?

To put it bluntly, I have probably been playing with military lines since my mother's womb, and I am absolutely proficient in the use of various techniques!

Chaowei just didn't apply this knowledge of military lines on the right path before!

After a month of intensive guidance from Hongmi and Gu Xing, Zheng Zhixun has gradually learned how to make a line to keep his opponents at a loss!

Seeing that Chaowei had secured the middle line of troops and started heading up the river, Gu Xing urged his teammates in his voice, "Don't worry, wait until Brother Duan's big move is better..."

In order to seize the time difference to return to the city and rush to the Dalong Pit first, Karma, controlled by Duan Deliang, specially used R [Mantra] to strengthen Q [Inner Flame], just to speed up the lane push.

Although it has been successfully positioned now, the ultimate move still has 10 seconds to turn around.

The auxiliary Karma without R can play a very limited role in the battle. Gu Xing doesn't want to take the risk. He just used Q [Rolling Barrel] to wake up the vanguard. He pulled Purple Garlic and left the dragon pit. He wanted to Torture the vanguard back and forth to reset the monster's hatred value, thereby delaying time until Duan Deliang's ultimate move is cooled down.

"Sister Dao is handling the middle line of troops!" Chaowei reported to Gu Xing, "What should we do next?"

Gu Xing saw the avatar of the sword girl on the mini-map walking around in the middle. He thought he was using Q [Blade Impact] to keep killing minions to achieve the goal of clearing the line quickly.

The remaining four KT members were all in the part of the river near the top road, looking at VG from a distance and keeping a good distance.

After seeing the enemy's formation clearly, Gu Xing's admiration arose spontaneously.

It can only be said that KT is worthy of being at the top of the current LCK Summer Split, and its level is very good.

The opponent must have known that Karma's ultimate move had not yet turned well, so Ucal was asked to deal with the middle line of troops first.

KT seems to be fighting four against five from the front, but in fact as long as they keep a good distance from Gu Xing, there will be no risk of being kicked off the team!

After all, the only starting point for the VG team is Gu Xing!

When Duan Deliang's ultimate move improves, Ucal must have cleared the middle line of troops and can cut into the upper river to circle behind and double-team VG.

At that time, the VG formation will be difficult to coordinate in the narrow upper river channel. If you are not careful, Ucal may rush to the back row. If KT's four people from the front swarm up, they will be flanked by two sides and compress the VG formation to the extreme. , and finally defeated them one by one!

"Jack, come to A vanguard, keep clicking without stopping," Gu Xing responded accordingly and directed his teammates, "Brother Duan, give me E!"

He abandoned his vanguard, harnessed Karma's E [Inspire] shield, and accelerated forward.

KT didn't want to be attacked when they were short of major generals, so the four players in front of them all retreated.

Lucian, the top laner of Kiin, felt unhappy when he saw the wine barrel being so rampant, and poured R [Baptism of the Holy Spear] towards the beer man!

Gu Xing did not dodge, he drank a lot of W [Drunk Fury], and used the damage reduction mechanism to withstand Lucian's ultimate move and move forward!

The shortcomings of Lu Xian, the Demon Drinking Sword, are undoubtedly revealed.

Although after making this prop, Kiin has never been targeted by Gu Xing again, ensuring safe development.

But it really doesn’t hurt!

A set of silver bullets from the ultimate move were swept down. In addition to shattering the Karma shield on Gu Xing's body, it only reduced less than 1/5 of the wine barrel's health!

Gu Xing used acceleration E to move forward.

As a result, Kiin was shocked and immediately handed over the sliding step.

He was afraid that the wine barrel would be blown back by E flash R.

Although Mata's Morgana holds the E magic immunity shield in her hand, it is still unknown whether the big quail, whose hand speed and reflexes have entered the downhill stage, can provide the shield in time if the wine barrel is really going to hit it. Even if it can provide the shield, there are so many people around. Teammate, Big Quail may not give it to him!

Kiin can only choose to believe in himself and ask for insurance to surrender his life-saving skills first. Otherwise, once he is bombed back into the VG formation, not to mention a demon-drinking knife, even another one will not be able to save his life!

When Mata Chuan saw the wine barrel, he came up blankly and threw Q [Dark Imprisonment] out, trying to lock Gu Xing in place.

The skill hit accurately without any surprise. Gu Xing, who was in the process of flying with meat, eggs, onions and chickens, had no means to evade the confinement unless he handed over his flash!

"Leave me alone, hurry up and get in position!" Gu Xing gave the order.

The four VG people were like sand soldiers commanded by Huang Ji, and they moved forward one after another, trying to catch up with the beer man.

After collectively taking two steps forward, the terrain of the river suddenly became clear.

The pass leading to the VG blue zone is exposed to everyone!

Coming to this three-way intersection, the team's formation turnover space will be expanded to the extreme.

Even if Ucal's knife girl rushes from behind and wants to cut the formation, VG can retreat to the blue zone as a buffer!

Now it is KT who is in trouble.

The wine barrel was standing in front of him. Once he was imprisoned in place, he was a living target, and he couldn't dodge his skills at all!

Do you want to kill?

Mata's first reaction was to hit.

With KT's control chain, it is not difficult to control Gu Xing to death.

This is a great opportunity to reduce the enemy's numbers. Don't miss this opportunity!

But the hidden danger lies in Ucal's absence.

As the VG formation is pulled upward as a whole, Dao Mei is still some way away from the battlefield.

Mata gritted his teeth and thought for a moment - the battlefield situation was changing rapidly, and he could only think about this moment.

Seeing that VG revealed its intention to retreat to the blue zone through the pass after destroying the vanguard, Big Quail, who did not want to let the enemy leave, decided to freeze his hands.

After being repeatedly found gank opportunities by Gu Xing in the early stage, KT is now facing an extremely serious situation.

If the vanguard team cannot get the desired benefits, the team will definitely lose if it continues!

In his voice, he urged Mr. Dai to quickly use his ultimate move, use R [Corruption Chain] to tie Gu Xing, and coupled with the burst damage of the four people in front of KT, it was enough to drop this barrel in seconds!

In the river, Mr. Dai, who was at the end of his prime, had a steady hand and didn't miss his big move, hitting Gu Xing squarely.

The chains of corruption slowly spread around, trying to spread to other VG players!

"Pull first, don't lean towards me!" Gu Xing shouted, asking his teammates to step back temporarily, "I can't die!"

He threw R [Exploding Barrel] and tried to blow up the enemy's formation with the rolling hops!

In the narrow river, almost no one on KT's front team was spared. They were all within the range of the barrel's ultimate move as they were indoctrinated forward!

Kiin's previous worry was not unreasonable. Mata's magic immunity shield could only be thrown to one person, and he instinctively protected Mr. Dai who was closest.

All the remaining contestants were blown away and moved away from Gu Xing in an instant!

Now Mr. Dai's attack speed of Verus alone is not enough to kill Beer Man instantly!

The four VG people took advantage of the gap between Gu Xing being imprisoned by the chains of corruption and prioritized dealing with the Canyon Pioneer.

Gu Xing used punishment to kill the purple-skinned garlic, receiving neutral resources while also restoring a certain amount of blood!

Score was also knocked back, and he looked at the Canyon Pioneer who fell to the ground with eyes wide open.

After landing, he handed over R [Extreme Ice Prison], vowing to follow the control chain and kill Gu Xing instantly!

"Up, up, up!" Gu Xing was overjoyed when he saw Pig Girl coming at her with her big move, "It's up to you!"

KT uses all the control skills that can be handed over from the front, leaving a vast output stage for his teammates!

Although he was imprisoned in place again, Verus's chain of corruption has ended, and the other four VG people can step on the deceleration array of Pig Girl's ultimate move to pursue forward!

After delaying for a long time, Duan Deliang finally got better with his ultimate move. He handed it over immediately and gave him E [Inspiration] which had also been cooled down!

All members gain acceleration + shield and charge forward with Pig Girl’s ultimate move!

Accompanied by a soul-shuddering sound of the demon sword being unsheathed, the wings behind the sword demon suddenly opened up!

Chaowei once again received an explosive movement speed bonus, coupled with Youmeng's active effect, the movement speed was as high as 800 points in a short period of time!

Q1E moved forward and successfully struck Verus!

Mata had previously put a magic immunity shield on Mr. Dai. Needless to say, the advantages are that it allows Deft to have a better output environment and can keep shooting arrows at Gu Xing.

But the disadvantages are also obvious.

KT's formation was blown apart by Gu Xing's explosive barrel. After Score and Big Quail in the front row were blown away, Verus, who was originally in the back row, became the front row and became the target of VG!

Fortunately, Jack's W [Void Seeking Enemy] successfully hit, completely shattering the magic immunity shield that Mata set on Mr. Dai!

W [Evil Fire Chain]!

The Sword Demon's key control successfully hit Verus!

Mr. Dai wanted to pull again and moved away from the binding range of the evil fire chain.

But the super powerful angled Q strikes again!

With the blessing of super fast movement, Mr. Dai was hit without any accident!

Deft looked at the rapidly falling health bar and felt panicked. He hurriedly flashed and retreated to the rear.

But the moment he dodged and escaped from the evil fire chain, Chaowei struck out with his third sword.

The demonic sword was so powerful that it hit him below...

At the same time, the sword demon handed over the second level of charged E [Shadow Rush] in his hand and moved forward at close range.

Immediately afterwards, a golden light flashed in the center of the battlefield!

The Sword Demon pursued forward 400 yards and appeared in front of Mr. Dai!

Aatrox in flight is like a huge mountain, blocking out the sky and the sun and covering up all the light in the canyon!

Mr. Dai's face turned pale. Without any escape skills, he could only watch all this coming!

Q3E flashes!

They came in pursuit over a distance of nearly 800 yards, just to take Verus’ life!

Darkin Blade!

Verus was hit by a sword in the head, and his health bar was instantly reduced to a short length!

The damage done by the Armor-piercing Sword Demon is terrifying!

Score finally arrived late, and eager to protect him, he quickly handed over his Q [Pig Rush] to knock away the sword demon, hoping to cover Mr. Dai.

But the next moment he flew forward with super power, the purple phantom entered the battlefield!

Jack had been holding back for a long time, and finally caught the opportunity to enter the field. His basic attack followed the Icathia Heavy Rain, and countless void projectiles poured down on Mr. Dai!

Deft's body has a brittle protrusion. Even if he is given treatment, it will not help, and he will still die!

KT's big brother on the front is dead, leaving only Kiin as an output point!

Lucian flashed around in the battlefield, W and Q clicks, and his output didn't stop for a moment.

But after taking a closer look, I realized that the damage done to this guy was not worth mentioning at all!

Jack can even withstand Morgana's output and stand up to Kiin in a one-on-one duel!

Smeb also didn't let go of the great harvest situation. R [Tide of Blood] was released and entered the field to cause damage.

The sword demon landed from the state of being knocked into the air, and without saying a word, he entered the pursuit mode and began to clean up the battlefield with his heavy sword!

The KT generals, who were seriously lacking in output, were retreating steadily. They didn't even have the intention to challenge, and fled in a hurry, not daring to look at the sword demon!

For them, the only good news is that VG's pursuit ability is not strong. After handing over their only control skills, they can only let the KT team members flash over the wall to escape. In the end, they only kept the crispy Morgana. , the remaining two Ueno brothers were still able to escape.

But a 0-for-2 company with the Canyon Pioneers falling into the enemy's hands is tantamount to directly condemning the team to death!

Kiin's Demon-Drinking Knife in a headwind situation completely disrupted his own equipment rhythm.

After VG saw through this fact that Lucian didn't like, they had no scruples in joining the team.

The powerful sword demon swung its blade and rode on the faces of KT members to slash wildly!

A wave of sword demons that can hit Q1E+W+Q2+Q3E is not an exaggeration to say that they are chasing five people on the opposite side!

In the 27-minute Baron team battle, Zheng Zhixun used the E [Inspiration] provided by Duan Deliang to kill everyone. He used flash to forcefully chase the sword girl to death and was killed by the enemy. When he entered the blood pool resurrection state, the other members of VG also They swarmed forward, playing the role of saving the soldiers from the cold country.

After Chaowei was resurrected, Sword Demon's Q skill improved again. His simple three Q attacks dealt explosive damage and easily destroyed the enemy's formation!

Aatrox looked at the corpses on the ground and laughed loudly.

The time has come, the end of the world is coming!

KT was defeated like a mountain, and they were completely defeated. They could only watch VG win the Baron, officially entering the period of strong lineup!

The triple C of Kai’Sa + Sword Demon + Vampire is formed, VG doesn’t even know how to lose!

In the team battle in front of the high ground, Smeb flashed into the field to cripple the opponent, Gu Xing's big move broke up the formation, and Jack flew in and dealt random damage and harvested wildly!

After easily defeating their opponents, VG sang loudly and attacked the city fiercely!

In 29 minutes, KT's base collapsed into pieces!

What will I say tomorrow? I am optimistic about WBG3:1. I think it won’t be a big deal if the account is closed, right?

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