What is a hexagon jungler?

Chapter 698 698: Now, who is the number one division in the world?

The LPL backstage lounge has been filled with the carnival noise created by the three teams!

"We win!" Jack was so excited that he hugged Gu Xing next to him warmly, "We are the champions!"

Little Peanut jumped up and down with a bright smile that couldn't be hidden on his face, "Here comes WoDi LPL's first championship!"

Although the RNG players headed by Uzi were unwilling to go into battle to kill the enemy, they were still sincerely happy for their own division at this moment.

Gu Xing raised his arms and his face was red, "Eat!"

He forgot everything for a moment, and in his excitement, he swung his arms like a windmill.

The deafening waves in the room reached Shen Guanshan's ears. Looking at her boyfriend's selfless and joyful expression, she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

"Elbow, follow me on stage!" Jin Yibo waved his hand.

All members of the LPL were in high spirits and rushed to the stage, hoping to win the intercontinental trophy they longed for.

Gu Xing quickly reported to his girlfriend, "I have to go on stage with them to receive the award..."

"Go, go, go!" Shen Guanshan waved his hand and said in a cheerful and lively tone, "I have been busy packing for the exam these past two days, and I haven't slept well at all. Now I just need to catch up on it, so I won't delay your celebration... I'll see you in the Imperial Capital then. !”

After making an appointment with the flight landing information, Gu Xingcai reluctantly hung up the voice call.

Turning around, he saw that all his teammates had disappeared.

"Wait for me!" Gu Xing became anxious and quickly set off to catch up with the large army.

But that group of people ran too fast, almost as fast as reporters from Xiangjiang.

Gu Xing didn't catch up with them until he walked through the corridor and stepped onto the steps to the stage. Looking at the flashing lights on the stands in the distance, he thought briefly and slowed down to avoid losing his composure in front of the audience.

As a star, you still have to carry your own baggage.

He deliberately pretended to be like a general who was strolling around strategizing. He walked very steadily and looked around.

The scene inside the RW player box is being played on the big screen.

Kim Tae-sang, who looks like a skinny monkey, is swinging his fists vigorously in the center of the team. He is originally skinny, but when he exerts force, the underdeveloped muscles of his arms are clearly visible, and even the veins in his neck are exposed.

Although it is not beautiful, it is undeniable that the body tension is completely stretched.

Gu Xing was quite puzzled at first, why he ran up from the backstage while Doinb was still celebrating, but when he turned around and thought about it, he suddenly realized.

As the MVP of this game, it is reasonable for the settlement screen to take a little longer, right?

At the same time, impassioned commentary was echoing in the Dalian Sports Center.

"There was no fourth game, no fifth game, Doinb's single-handed single kill directly killed the entire game!" Miller shouted angrily, "The one I'm beating is you, LCK!"

"Congratulations to LPL for sweeping the LCK division 3-0 and winning their second continental championship!" Watanabe said with emotion in his voice, "Since the establishment of this event, we have never let the championship go to other divisions!"

"The four participating teams are all good from coaches to players. They defend the dignity of our LPL at home!"

Amid the wave of cheers from the audience, golden rain fell from the sky, celebrating the birth of the champion.

"Hurry up, Lao Gu!" Jack turned around and saw that Gu Xing was still walking leisurely, and urged him loudly.

Xiangguo added, "Pretend to be calm, bro. I just saw you in the background and you were very happy, weren't you? Now that there are outsiders around, you are pretending to be a wolf with a big tail?"

Gu Xing's face turned red.

Liu Shiyu, damn you...do you understand what it means to see through but not to tell?

"Coming, coming!" he promised, taking two quick steps to join his teammates.

Doinb, who was extremely excited, also brought the members of the Xia team to the center of the stage.

"Brother, how do you like me?" Jin Taixiang's face flushed, and the first thing he said was to ask for praise, "Kled, can you play?

"That's awesome," Gu Xing gave a thumbs up and praised, "That move when you get off the horse and then mount it is really brutal!"

When Doinb heard Gu Xing's praise, his heart burst with joy, and he could hardly close his mouth. He could cosplay the Pot of Desire by painting his face green.

"Stop the ink stains," Tian Tian rubbed his hands impatiently, "hurry up and hold the cup!"

The four teams had 20 people in the starting lineup alone. It would be unrealistic to gather in a group to win such a small trophy. Finally, after a brief discussion under the leadership of Gu Xing, it was decided that each team would send a representative, and the four would start. Work together to lift the trophy, and the remaining contestants can also take individual photos with the trophy.

"Three, two, one..." Gu Xing counted down in a low voice and raised the trophy high together with Doinb, Peanut and Uzi.

On the stands in all directions, flashlights flashed crazily, densely packed into a field of bright stars!

"Let you VG take a group photo first," Xiaohuahua humbly said, "After all, we are the big brother of the LPL, so I have to give you some face."

Gu Xing quickly gathered his teammates around him.

Chaowei looked at the trophy carefully, his eyes sparkling under the flashing spotlights in the stands, and he wished he could carve every inch of the trophy into his mind.

This is the first international trophy of his career, and it is destined to leave an indelible impression on Zheng Zhixun's mind.

VG had the largest number of fans at the scene. When they saw the supporting home team lifting the trophy, they immediately gave enthusiastic support.

Gu Xing enjoyed it very much, but he also knew that enough was enough and was not greedy for the trophy. He turned around and handed it to Li Yuanhao, the RNG player closest to him.

After Xiaohu received the trophy, he remained stunned for a second before looking down at the championship symbol.

"...Put it up," Gu Xing gestured with a smile, "Wuzi Shisenming and Yan Junze, why are you three still standing there?"

After he finished speaking, he took the lead in applauding.

"I'll blanch, there are only five people in RNG, Gu Xing, you deliberately ignored me, right?" Xiangguo was very dissatisfied, "You are repaying kindness with enmity!"

Liu Shiyu quickly moved to his teammates and put his hand on the Intercontinental Championship trophy.

Under the leadership of Gu Xing, more and more LPL players broke away from the excitement after winning the championship and echoed the applause to the RNG players.

"Quick, quick, hurry up and hold the cup!" Kim Tae-sang shouted at the top of his lungs, "If it weren't for you guys holding the battle back, we would be under a lot of pressure and we wouldn't have the confidence to operate at all!"

In this intercontinental competition, RNG only defeated Longzhu in the group stage and crushed AHQ, but did not appear in the finals.

But as the team that supports the bottom line, they have completed the tactical goals set by Redmi, which makes the LCK's formations constrained at every turn!

All LPL players and coaching staff knew the importance of RNG, and Gu Xing, the person in charge of the conversation, had no objection to handing the trophy to the Royal Family first after representatives of the four teams won the cup.

"Thank you, thank you..." Xiaohu held his voice and kept repeating his thanks to his colleagues, and he and his teammates raised the Intercontinental Championship trophy toward the stands!

"Let me see how this Kangkang trophy is different from last year..." Before Liu Shiyu could finish his words, the trophy was taken away by Li Yuanhao.

Xiaohu was afraid that Xiangguo, with his low-level emotional intelligence, could really hold onto the trophy and not let go, so he might as well make the decision himself and hand it over to Little Peanut.

Peanut also loved the trophy and played with his teammates for a while before reluctantly handing it to Kim Tae-sang.

From No. 1 seed VG to No. 4 seed RW, the trophy was finally handed to Doinb, the finisher of this intercontinental competition.

Kim Tae-sang, who also won his first international trophy, could no longer contain his excitement and raised the trophy high accompanied by his teammates!

Every cheer from the audience made his blood boil!

"Once again, congratulations to the LPL division and the four teams that represented the division in this intercontinental tournament. They gave all our viewers a hearty game and brought the intercontinental tournament to a successful conclusion," Ren Dong walked up with a smile on his face. On the stage, he looked at Gu Xing first, "Brother Xing, can you stand next to me and accept the interview?"

Gu Xing, who was caught, did not hesitate. He took two steps forward and took the microphone in front of Ren Dong.

"First of all, I have to ask Brother Xing as usual. How do you feel about winning another trophy in your career?" Ren Dong asked.

"Of course I'm very happy," Gu Xing said truthfully, "To be honest, I'm not too arrogant. With my career path reaching this point, victory seems to be a matter of course..."

At this point, many VG supporters at the scene made loud screams that echoed in the venue.

Gu Xing bowed slightly to express his gratitude, and then continued, "When you win too much, sometimes it is easy to lose your way and make people feel numb."

"But the existence of the intercontinental competition always makes me regain my passion and desire for victory," he said with a particularly sincere attitude. "The entire competition area, from players to spectators, work together to sacrifice everything for victory, and the fruits of victory are obtained. It’s also extremely intoxicating.”

"To be able to win the Intercontinental trophy again, I must thank all the participating players, as well as all the viewers here and in the live broadcast room. Without you, LPL would not be what it is today."

The scene was filled with thunderous applause, including a die-hard fan who cried out, "Gu Xing, don't forget to thank yourself!"

Gu Xing couldn't help laughing, "Okay...thank myself too."

Ren Dong's smile deepened, "Except for thanking you, if Brother Xing could you say one more word to the audience, what would you say?"

Upon hearing this question, Gu Xing chose to shout loudly.

"Now, who is the first division?"

This question was delivered to the ears of every audience through the microphone!

He handed the microphone in his hand to the tens of thousands of spectators in the stands, and put his other hand behind his ear, waiting for an answer.

Eighteen thousand spectators responded in unison, and the momentum was earth-shattering!


The torrent of sound waves can break down all the walls and barriers in the venue, shaking the heartstrings of the LCK players who are packing their backpacks backstage.

The emotion of unity and unity reached their ears through the vast momentum, and they were all moved.

Gu Xing grinned, "Thank you everyone for cooperating with me to pretend..."

There was good-natured laughter in the stands and applause as a gift for the top jungler to accept the interview.

After stepping down from the stage, Xiang Guo was stroking his beloved Intercontinental Championship trophy while asking Jin Yibo.

"Poppy, what should we have for dinner? I'm already hungry after not eating all day!"

Logically speaking, the reimbursement amount provided by Riot is at best an ordinary buffet standard.

But Bobby is happy today.

Sweeping the LCK 3-0 in local battles!

This kind of happy event happens only once in a lifetime!

Jin Yibo answered the question raised by Xiangguo with a smile, "Today we are the official host of LPL and invite everyone to eat seafood! We are all in Dalian, we have to try the seafood from Bohai Bay, right?"

Gu Xing saw that Jack's face became visibly awkward.

"It won't just be seafood, right?" he reminded Jin Yibo, "Someone in our family is allergic to seafood."

Only then did Poppy remember, "Oh my, I didn't expect it just now...it's okay. I just need to be careful when booking a restaurant and find a place that doesn't exclusively specialize in seafood."

Yu Wenbo raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

For a leader of Jin Yibo's status to be able to take care of some of the players is considered a good deal. At least it's better than an e-sports manager who feeds you a bowl of instant noodles, right?

Everyone was laughing and joking in the background for a while, and then they set off to the restaurant after the bus arrived.

After sitting down, Gu Xing quickly turned on his mobile phone, intending to continue surfing.

It's been an hour since the finals ended, and as expected, public opinion in Kangba has completely exploded.

The bar team specially created rating posts for the four LPL teams for the maggot babies to evaluate, and now the number of replies in the comment area is overwhelming.

[Do you still need to give points? Three to zero, of course it’s a complete loss! They are all my LPL heroes (kiss)! 】

[Having watched more than half of the EDG game, when I saw all Nosuke killed and sent Baron away, I thought that Guodian was going to repeat the 10,000 yuan economy and be overturned. Unexpectedly, Xiaohuahua grabbed an ancient dragon and actually turned the situation back... This plot is too outrageous]

【Turn within flip! Facts have proved that without Guijiaoqi, EDG would not be able to be overturned by 10,000 yuan! 】

[Nonsense, what does that comeback have to do with Ming Kai? He has a good rhythm, isn't it White Lotus? The same goes for this one, it wasn't Peanut that robbed a dragon, White Lotus was the culprit! This guy is a hidden war criminal. Go back and torture him severely! 】

[Wow, RW is so good. How dare you play mid laner Klie? I really want to reveal my trump card. There is a saying that 2:0 and three match points are not necessary. Why don’t you hide it anymore?]

[You’re already in the finals and you’re still hiding it? You plan to hide it until S9Doinb wins the championship and then use it, right?]

[Woooooooooo I’m going to be a fan of Doinb. Did you see the final celebration? 】

This comment was followed by a picture of Kim Tae-sang celebrating wildly after winning the game. There was also a caption on it - Sitting in the midfield, his skills will amaze everyone!

But the comments that follow will be more or less flavored with skewers.

【Fan Doinb? Haha, let’s ask Swift first]

[Lizhi Discussion: By the way, does RNG simply win the Intercontinental Championship by lying down? 】

[Look at NM, without Uzi to increase the strength of LPL ADCs in training games, can they beat LCK? 】

[Kneading, Wu Zi is Mr. Dai’s eldest son. Who are you teaching? 】

Gu Xing smiled at the end, but still felt that it was not enough, and planned to find the victim's perspective.

Sliding his fingers, he finally saw the post he had been thinking about - reprinted in the comments of the Korean website Inven forum!

That’s you!

Gu Xing quickly clicked on the post and looked around. All the LCK viewers were crying and howling.

[C8, what on earth is SKT going to do? The BP with all the advantages of the jungler in the three lanes can't win? 】

[KT, you are even more incredible. What the hell is it that you can’t beat EDG? 】

[Gao Dongbin, please commit suicide immediately to apologize. The game is about to turn around. Can the ancient dragon be snatched by Peanut? 】

[Peanut: Now you Xiba bastards know why you chose me instead of Score for the Asian Games? I will tell you the answer today! 】

[Why did Wanghu leave LCK? Alas, Chaowei also made his debut in the LPL. Nowadays, even talented players are hard to find in China. Is it possible to still expect Faker to continue to lead the entire region forward? 】

[What about Faker? It's not you who was killed by Chaowei at level 3? 】

[Hehe, hot knowledge: Faker has more honors in international competitions than all other LCK teams. Why don't you praise Faker when you play in the LCK? 】

[Don’t be afraid, the Asian Games is coming soon. We have recruited all the Han people in the LPL and we will definitely win CN! Just wait and see, how good would you be without the Han people in the LPL? 】

[Yes, this time in the LPL, there is only a 5CN team, RNG, that has not yet played. We are just not as strong as the opponent in the competition area - after all, the LPL is famous for its money, but at the national level, KR's League of Legends e-sports is definitely better than CN! 】

When Gu Xing saw this, he felt comfortable.

At the same time, he was reminded by KR netizens that the Asian Games would be held soon. He quickly got up and went to find Jin Yibo, who was having a drink with Hongmi.

"Bobby, will there be a training camp before the Asian Games?"

Watching the game, less updates

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