The two of them were killed, and the two were killed.


Niederhog, the capital of the Hutton Federation.

In the garden of a secret manor, Victor and Hera appeared out of thin air.

"Damn it!"

Hera cursed in a low voice.

"That kid can actually break through the defense of the epic space magic stone..."

"Descartes is also dead, and he can't even hold on for a second. How could could he have such terrible damage!?"

Victor's face was ugly. Just now, if he was a moment slower to start the space escape.

He might be in danger...

That person's ability to hurt is really exaggerated!

Even with the protection of the holy weapon, he doesn't feel very safe.


Never put yourself in danger.

Any benefit.

Not worth the noble Gratus's risk.


Victor took a breath and stepped into the manor: "This man must die!"

Hera frowned secretly and hesitated: "Then the plan to invade the empire..."

Victor suddenly turned around, his golden eyes full of murderous intent and madness: "Tell the Truth Cult!! I~ want~ him~ to~ die~!!!"

"Yes, yes~"

Hera's old face turned pale with fear, and he knelt on the ground with a plop, kowtowed repeatedly and said: "I will go right now, right now..."


Death Swamp

Lin Shiqi and Finkto landed after searching for a while and shook their heads slightly: "I didn't find them, they must have run away~"

"Are they ashamed?!"

Shangguan Yao couldn't help but stamp her feet when she heard this: "Didn't you say you weren't afraid before~ Why did you run away?!"

"It seems that the Gratus family is closely related to the Truth Church!"

Asyat pondered:

"I hunted down many members of the Truth Church in the past. Even if they were imprisoned by magic, they could still use extremely special teleportation to escape directly. This is why I couldn't find out much..."


Asyat thought of the past and couldn't help but He sighed:

"The origin space is too powerful..."

"To be able to kill one of them in the first battle, this achievement has probably not been achieved for thousands of years~"

Orauna said frankly: "Indeed! In the past few hundred years, I have never heard of anyone defeating the Gratus family..."


Asyat continued:

"That Hera should not be a core member of the Truth Church."

"If you encounter... those mysterious spells blessed by the origin truth, it will be truly terrifying."

Asyat can say the word terrifying.

It can be seen that the power of the origin truth is by no means inferior to the origin space.

It's just that the attributes of the origin space are more special.

The main feature.

Probably hard to kill!

A space barrier alone is almost invincible.

Coupled with this teleportation without any restrictions.

To be honest.

It's hard to die!

"The most important thing for us now is to report everything to the Empire. Since Gratus has chosen to take action now, he will not give up easily!" A burst of hellfire burst out of Asyat's eyes.

"Especially the Truth Sect!"

"It must be eradicated!"

While speaking.

Asyat turned to look at Qin Fei, in addition to anger, there was also a special hope in his eyes.

"The root truth, right? Just leave it to me."

Qin Fei smiled casually.

That thing is probably a real god-level item, how could it be let slip away for nothing?

"If you can't find the Truth Sect, then destroy Gratus first!"



Asyat was very happy at first, but when he heard the latter, he almost collapsed.

"This is a serious matter, don't joke!"

"I have been investigating the Truth Church for hundreds of years, but there is no result and even very few clues."

"As for Gratus..."

"Their family controls the root of spatial power. Unless they want to die, there is basically no possibility of extinction!!"

Ah? ? ?

Qin Fei thought he would receive the task of destroying the Truth Church, but he didn't.

Is it because his level is not high enough?

Is it impossible to receive it?

Qin Fei suddenly remembered something and frowned, "That's not right. It's been more than a thousand years. The founder of the Truth Church should be dead, right?"


Asyat asserted:

"The root truth is the pinnacle of alchemists."

"That is the real answer behind all the truths in the world!"

"Hold on!"

With the existence of the root truth, there are 10,000 ways to maintain one's life. "

"In the past..."

"Any life experiment using the root truth is considered an absolute taboo by the association!"

Lin Shiqi has been listening carefully and immediately asked: "Teacher, didn't you just say that the association only has a part of the root knowledge and root truth?"

"Can only a part be so powerful?"

"Enough for immortality?"


Dongfang Baili and Qin Fei were shocked at the same time.


You know.

Today's gods are not just a game.

The prop Breaking Boundary Stone.

It definitely exists.


"Eternal life... is a taboo!"

Asyat looked solemn and shouted sternly:

"This is what my teacher, Starry Sky Saint Faila, once warned me about. Now I am also warning you... Don't try to break the taboo! ! ”

“On the Epasia continent, no one can be immortal except the gods!”

“I mean... no!”

Lin Shiqi blinked and tilted her head and said, “But teacher, your current state is not immortal?”


Asyat was embarrassed by the question and quickly coughed twice to explain:

“I’m talking about people, humans! Living beings!”

“Soul bodies... are not humans, nor are they living beings~”

Lin Shiqi had another question: “Then teacher, can humans become gods?”


Asyat was about to collapse.

This class of students is really difficult to lead. Why do they ask such absolutely taboo questions?

“Don’t ask!”

“The realm of gods is absolutely not something that humans can try. It’s more taboo than... using the root truth! ! "

It seems.

Asiat doesn't know, or he knows but doesn't want to say it.

Of course.

Qin Fei can now be sure of one thing: "According to what you said, a part of the root truth can gain eternal life, is that right?"

"That comes at a price! ! It's a price you can't imagine!"

Asiat shouted excitedly.

"Although I haven't come into contact with the root truth, the teacher said that the pursuit of truth comes at a price!"

"Therefore, both the association and the teacher strictly prohibit the research of the root truth."

"And the root knowledge is what humans should pursue."

"Only absolute knowledge can lead the empire and humans to a more glorious future!"

Qin Fei and Bai Li looked at each other.

"You can live forever!"

In the team channel, the two spoke at the same time.

"It doesn't matter what the price is, what matters is that you can!" Dongfang Baili exclaimed: "In fact... no matter what the price is, as long as you can live forever, I think there will be people willing to bear it, right? ”


No one can resist the temptation of immortality.

“There is also the path to becoming a god, which is absolutely possible~!”

“Asyat’s teacher successfully advanced to demigod, and the panoramic chart of the gods we obtained also clearly stated it. ”

“Becoming a god... is also a step on the road to upgrading!”

Qin Fei thought in his heart.

It is clear from the information obtained from Asyat that the promotion path after the hero will change greatly and become extremely difficult.


Upgrading as soon as possible and completing the three transformations that have been clarified now as soon as possible is the right thing to do.

As for immortality?

No matter what the price is, that is a question to be considered after getting it.

“Brother, look~ there is a space ring? !”

Shangguan Yao has always been the fastest on the road of opening boxes and touching corpses.


“There is also a skill book!”

“It’s a space system!”

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