The truth is, it's a lie.

Are you serious?

Qin Fei thought, I was just talking casually.

"Awaken the spirit?"

"She's not Snow White, a kiss can solve all problems."

Sylph blinked and thought:

"You are the only hope to wake up the queen."

"Whatever you say, it's what it is."

"Although it's unlikely that a kiss can wake up the queen, if it's you, maybe it can..."


Are you serious! ?

Qin Fei was about to refuse.

Beside him, Elsa, who had just been released, pulled Qin Fei's arm and flew towards the temple, her eyes full of excitement and said: "The queen said you can do it, then you can definitely do it!"

Passing through the clouds.

Enter the temple.

Compared to the darkness of the Temple of Forgiveness, everything here seems so bright.

Above the open temple, the azure moonlight shines directly into the hall.

The bright and glittering elemental gems of various colors outline the pillars and walls of the temple.

On the left and right of the hall.

There are ten crystal sculptures of different colors.

Qin Fei can clearly feel the surging energy emanating from the crystal sculptures.

From near to far.

They are darkness, light, forest, lightning, wind, earth, frost, fire, bright moon, and life.

The pure energy crystal sculpture has six pairs of wings on its back, which is completely the image of the elves.

Opposed to the left and right, lifelike.

"All angels?"

Qin Fei was a little unbelievable.

Is the strength of the elves so terrifying?

It is not incomprehensible that there are so many upper angels. The key is the elements and power represented here.

Too many!

"Yes." Xierfu flew beside him and said quietly: "In ancient times, the Queen's guards were all here, but now they have fallen into a deep sleep with the Queen."

Not a sculpture?

Hiss! !

Qin Fei frowned secretly.

Before, I heard what Ola Una said.

The gods master at least one power or element.

Not necessarily all.

But at least most of them.

Then, the fights between gods and the promotion of gods are likely to continuously collect more root power or elements.

From this point of view.

The Elf Queen of ancient times was indeed powerful.

Eight elements.

Two powers

If she really mastered so many roots, it would be enough to make anyone afraid.

Of course.

It is also enough to make any god covet.


At the end of the hall, the cloud crystal stairs on both sides rotated and rose to the sky above a hundred meters.

Looking from below.

The throne was magnificent and towering into the sky, as if it occupied the entire sky and reached the bright moon.

What shocked Qin Fei even more was that.

On the throne.

There was a beautiful and outstanding figure.

No one could describe how perfect that figure was.

It was as if it was a god...


That was a god!

It was a perfect body that the gods had built for themselves!

At this moment.

She was high in the sky, letting the azure moonlight outline her beautiful curves, but hiding her face in the shadows.

A faint colorful light fell from the throne.

It merged into the moonlight and exuded supreme majesty.


Qin Fei cursed inwardly.

What are these two elves doing?

Didn't they say they were going to die?

Elf Queen!

A living god, is that a joke?

"Dear Queen, the prophet you expect has come." Sylph knelt down and bowed her head.


The Elf Queen on the throne did not respond.

She knew.

The Queen in her deep sleep could not respond, but this was the rule.

"You go up." Sylph said with a sidelong glance: "We cannot go up without the Queen's permission."

Qin Fei could not help but roll his eyes and spread his hands and said:

"Will it be useful for me to go up?"

Sylph's beautiful eyes trembled slightly, and she seemed to be a little shaken, but soon became firm:

"Maybe, maybe not."

"But if you can't do it, then I don't know who else can."


"Whether it's useful or not, you have to try it."

Elsa said firmly: "Go, you can do it, what the Queen said will never be wrong!!"

? ? ?

Qin Fei really wanted to say.

I won't do this task.


But... I'm here now.

"The Prophecy

Are there no other hints in the prophecy?" Qin Fei still wanted to be more reliable: "Did the queen leave you anything? Even if she wants to be resurrected, she should give you some clues, right?"

"I have no reservations about Her Majesty the Queen, and the same is true for you now." Sylph looked sincere, but also confused: "Except for the prophecy, I have nothing..."

"Even the ancient tree once clearly said that Her Majesty the Queen is dead and there is no chance of resurrection. "

"But, I believe that Her Majesty the Queen will never abandon her children..."

Tears flashed in Elsa's eyes.

She really didn't know what Sylph relied on to hold on until now in a hopeless situation.


There is still hope.


Hope is right in front of us.

"Go quickly~" Elsa looked at Qin Fei with tears in her eyes and cried anxiously: "Please, save Her Majesty the Queen~"


Qin Fei suspected that he should not have come.

Wouldn't it be nice to watch the Bone Demon performance in Washington?

Why do you have to join in the fun?

Now I am stuck here, unable to go up or down.


"I'll try, I can only try. "

Qin Fei said secretly.

The queen dug a hole for herself, hoping that there would be some clues left.


Even if the gods came, they could only spread their hands and be helpless.


Qin Fei stepped on the cloud crystal stairs, and the whole temple suddenly made a slight tremor.

But it disappeared quickly.

Climbing up the stairs.

The distance to the throne was getting closer and closer.

What was surprising was.

The height of the throne was also decreasing little by little.

Just now I looked from below.

The throne seemed to stand in the sky, level with the moon.

But as Qin Fei climbed up the stairs step by step, the throne gradually descended.

The shape of the throne still looks magnificent and astonishing.

But the height.

It is only three or four meters.

The Elf Queen on the throne.

She is covered with clouds and radiant.

She holds her chin with one hand, her eyes slightly closed, as if she is just taking a nap...


Qin Fei's heart suddenly jumped.

The moment he saw the face of the Elf Queen, his heart was shocked.

It was a breathtaking beauty.

It was a breathtaking beauty. The charm that people admire.

That is the charm that makes people fall in love.

That is the majesty that makes people bow down.


The elf queen on the throne has a body like a mortal.

But there is not a trace of mortal breath in her body.

No matter who sees it.

They will know.

This is a god!

No human can compare.

Qin Fei is not saying that President Li and Class Leader Lin are not comparable.

It’s that the two are incomparable.

Humans and gods.

They are not on the same level.

They are mortals 's limit.

And the Elf Queen is a god!

There is no way to compare.

There is no need to compare.

Qin Fei does not feel that he is inferior to God at all.

Since it is a magical world.

Then I.

Can also become a god!

Deep in his heart, the shock after seeing the goddess for the first time, the slight inferiority that arose involuntarily, was immediately extinguished.

Qin Fei came to the throne and looked at the Elf Queen with clear eyes.

But she did not respond.

"Hey, hey, hey, since you have made a prophecy, you should leave some preparations, right?"

Qin Fei was a little speechless.

"Without saying a word and without a clue, you can't really regard me as an omnipotent god?"


Elsa and Sylph have become so small that there are only two little ones left.


Looking at Qin Fei motionless on it.

They are more anxious than anyone else.

"Try it?"

"I remember the folk legend that a kiss can wake up a sleeping princess. Maybe Your Majesty can do it too?"

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