The mission was a big success, but it was a big success.

"It is very likely!"

Dongfang Baili's eyebrows tightened, and he pondered for a moment: "If you are assassinated and reduced in number just after accepting the mission, then Lena will never trust you to carry out the mission alone."

"Then... do we need to report this to Lena now?"

"I see that the mission panel has not changed until now."

Tsk~ a bit complicated.

Qin Fei pondered for a long time:

"The results of the report are nothing more than a few."

"Lena confirmed that Olauna was in danger, and the difficulty of judgment increased, and she may provide us with some additional rewards."

"But Lena's unusual reaction may also cause the enemy to notice the problem, further increasing the difficulty of our mission..."


After discussing, the two decided to pretend not to know.

The difficulty of this mission is ridiculous.

At the beginning, there are five expert assassins assassinating. Any elite team will die.

Even if there are experts in the team, it is difficult to prevent this kind of assassination.

This is the role of the assassin.

Even if you are higher level than the assassin and have better equipment, there is a great possibility that you will be assassinated by the assassin, not to mention the assassin's level and equipment are higher than yours.

It is almost a one-kill-one.

If it weren't for the fact that I am also an assassin.

If it weren't for my full attribute explosion.

Super high life!

Super high defense!

Super high damage!

Dodge overflow!

Hit overflow!

If I miss any one of them, even if the assassination team loses two or three people accidentally, they will still have a high chance of killing me in the subsequent battle.

"Physique is really important..."

Qin Fei couldn't help but sigh.

Whether in reality or in the game, life value is always very precious.

"There is a mission tomorrow. It's too dangerous to go out of the city to level up at night. It's better to log off at the Cathedral."

Bai Li and the others naturally had no objection.

They had gained a lot today.

Level 11, rare profession, rare gems, full set of magic equipment, and it's from the Legion!

Shangguan Yao happily logged off to inform her mother.

Dongfang Baili was a step slower, and there was a little hesitation on her beautiful face.

Qin Fei: "What's the matter?"

Dongfang Baili asked tentatively: "Feitian Emperor, you should know my identity, right?"


Qin Fei rubbed the tip of his nose subconsciously.


Dongfang Baili let out a long sigh, and the whole person felt much more relaxed: "In fact, I didn't hide it on purpose. After all, my name is the same as the internal test, and it's not difficult to check..."

"Well, let's talk business. My father... I can't say it's my father. It should be that the military hopes to buy at least three physical body breaking stones from you."

Qin Fei guessed a little, but didn't expect to connect directly with the military.

"Can you represent the military?"

"Of course I can't, but my father can." Dongfang Baili said directly: "The function of the breaking stone is there, and there are actually not many people who dare to ask for it. In the final analysis, the military represented by my father may just be an intermediary."


Qin Fei only knew that she had a military background, but didn't expect her strength to be so strong.

"Three is not a lot, but it's not a small amount either, especially since I don't have any other channels to get it now."

"So, what are the conditions over there?"

Dongfang Baili knew it was expensive, but still wanted to speak:

"You know, the military is not very rich, so it's impossible for them to pay too much."

"My mother is Yao'er's aunt, so my money has basically nothing to do with my father's. For a transaction of this level, my savings are not even a drop in the bucket..."

"Fifty million!"

"I know that this amount of money is dispensable to you."

"But this is the limit we offer, which can be negotiated, but the fluctuation will not be large."


Qin Fei really wanted to say, how did you see that I have so much money?

In addition.

If calculated by game props, a transaction of up to 50 million is definitely the peak in the history of games!

But for super-realistic props, it seems to be just within a reasonable range.

Considering the special nature of the physical boundary-breaking stone, it can even be said to be a bit cheap.

Dongfang Baili continued: "Of course, cash is not the core. The military provides things that are far beyond what cash can buy."

"You and your family will be protected by the military for free for the next hundred years."

"Anything, as long as it is not money, can be thought of

I will give you a solution."

"At the same time."

"You can also obtain the rank of major general, become a core member of the Dragon Group, be equipped with any type of firearms, and have three Dragon Group members to protect you."

"You may know the Dragon Group, but the authority of the core members is completely different."

"In short..."

"No matter what the crime is, the maximum penalty you face is to work from home."

What the hell?

There is really a golden medal of immunity from death plus a license to kill?!

Qin Fei was a little shocked.

To be honest.

You can't buy this certificate even if you spend hundreds of billions.

If this certificate can be sold, anyone who can afford it will take it without hesitation.

But for Qin Fei, once he agrees to the transaction, his identity will inevitably be exposed.

Although there is protection, it is too restrictive to think about it.

Of course, freedom is the most refreshing.

Whoever you are.


Dongfang Baili didn't even dare to say more, just looked at him, waiting...

"Okay. "

Qin Fei unexpectedly agreed.

This condition may not be so good for himself.

But it is definitely good for the family.

Who would refuse the temptation of opening a family tree alone?


This outrageous condition must be time-limited.

Now the boundary-breaking stone is monopolized by me, and they can only ask me.

A few days later.

Any unexpected situation may cause the transaction to lose balance, and it will be difficult to get the same conditions in the future.

Dongfang Baili's pretty face instantly turned into surprise.

The next second.

Qin Fei added: "The conditions are fine, I will give you the things, but the time to execute these conditions is decided by me."


Dongfang Baili was stunned for a moment: "Don't you... don't you need protection?"


This is another core of the transaction.

If my father knew that he had reached a deal and got the things, but still didn't know the identity of Feitiandi, could his heart bear it~?


"Not for the time being. "

Qin Fei didn't want to be treated like a giant panda right now.

More importantly.

If the real strength is not enough, there is a possibility that he will be studied every day.

"I...I need to ask." Dongfang Baili immediately opened the communication.


After a moment.

Dongfang Baili spoke again: "Feitiandi, we have no objection to when you want to execute it, but before confirming, I want to tell you some data first."

"First, in the past 2 hours, more than 300 agents entered the country through various channels."

"Second, in the past 2 hours, we arrested more than a thousand spies, among, the target of all spies is you!"

"Third, under the temptation of almost unlimited resources, few people can keep the bottom line, so...can you really be sure of your safety?"

Good guy!

Qin Fei didn't expect it to be so exaggerated, but then he took out three boundary-breaking stones and stuffed them into her hand: "It's not a big problem, let's do this first. ”


Dongfang Baili looked incredulous, and wanted to say something else, but was driven offline by Qin Fei.


"No one knows, it is really safe."

Qin Fei thought that even if it was leaked, he still had a trump card to use.

Feedback attribute!

This is the real security guarantee.

If it still doesn't work, it's not too late to consider Baili's conditions.

"Try the physique first." Qin Fei took out the boundary-breaking stone and used it directly.


[Transformation successful, you have obtained 100 points of alien physique!]

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