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[Ranking of Gods]

No.1: Qin Shishi (Longguo), level 30, Summoner No.2: Bai Li (Longguo), level 29, Star Mysticism No.3: Yao Dao Sister Huaili (Longguo), level 29, Multi-shooer No.4: Feitiandi (Longguo), level 26, Shadow of Innocence & Berserker No.5: Carl Evans (Beautiful Country), level 16, Destruction Mage No.6: Caesar (Germany), Level 15, Nature Summoner No.7: Li Taixun (Han Country), Level 14, Thief No.8: Evelyn Beiya (Ice Bear), Level 13, Nature Warrior No.9: Saito Ryuji (Neon), level 13, Magic Swordsman No.10: Weiner (Indy), level 13, Priest...

Players who level up all night among the gods , all collapsed.

"Who is it?"

"Who is Qin Shishi?"

"There is another expert?!"

"Fuck, he rushed to level 30 overnight, is he a human?"


"I thought Fei Tiandi was perverted enough, I didn't expect there would be something even more perverted~"

"I'm mad!"

"Where did all these experts come from? I don't believe it!"

"This Qin Shishi is obviously a girl. She was brought here by Fei Tiandi."

"Ah? This ..."

"Are you saying that Fei Tiandi can easily take people to level 30?"


"Feitiandi, I was wrong. There were many people outside just now and I spoke a little loudly. Please take me. Can you do it for a while?"


"Emperor Feitian, I don't want to work hard anymore... Black silk, white silk, glowing silk, I can do any silk..."


Outskirts of the battlefield .

Shangguan Yao, who was comfortably gaining experience, was confused: "Sister Li, why is her level higher than ours?"


Dongfang Baili looked helpless and sighed: "I can only say that people are different. Right?"

People are different after all.

She couldn't get the Feitian Emperor's place even if she wanted to.

And Lin Shiqi couldn't get it even if she didn't want to, she had to force it to be full!


Where did I lose? I don't understand.

She knows Lin Shiqi is cute and she likes her too.


I won't be any worse, right?


Judging from Lin Shiqi's performance that day, she probably didn't know that Qin Fei was Fei Tiandi's, right?

So One said.

My sister and I were the first ones to arrive!


Lin Shiqi, that little girl who knows nothing, is better than me?

Dongfang Baili suddenly remembered.

That day.

Lin Shiqi, such a pure and lovely school beauty, actually took the initiative to find Qin Fei to share a room?

Even she thought it was outrageous.

Now it seems.

The clown seems to be herself...


No matter what, this time, we can't lose!

.... ..

On the other side.

Qin Fei was mowing the enemy like crazy in the army, totally ignoring the siege.

The amount of experience gained was simply explosive.

Lin Shiqi, Bai Li and the others were on the periphery, and they all reached the level cap of 30. Qin Fei himself hadn't moved, so he was naturally collecting scrolls.


"The last scroll is finally full."


Qin Fei took out the scroll and clicked it frantically.

"Leap Slash, Heavy Slash, Strength Training, Steal, Ambush, Escape, Triple Shadow Strike, Battle Fervor, Blood Rage, Strength Rage, Battle Rage... All upgraded!"


[Leap Slash (Level 20, 10000/10000) (Medium)]

Jumps forward and attacks the target, causing 150% physical damage.

(The higher the agility, the faster the jump and the farther the distance)

Consumption: 50 mana Cooldown: 5 seconds ...

[Strength Training (Level 20, 10000/10000) (Passive) (Medium)]

Increases basic strength by 150 points...

[Heavy Slash (Level 20, 10000/10000) (Medium)]

Accumulate strength (minimum 1 second , up to 7 seconds) to cause 350%-650% high damage to the target.

Consumption: 30 mana/second

Cooling down: 30 seconds


[Battle Fervor (Level 1, 0/50000) (Powerful)]

Consume 10% of HP to stimulate Battle Fervor, up to three levels.

Each level of Battle Fervor

, increase strength by 20%, increase constitution by 20%, increase agility by 20%, and increase life recovery efficiency by 20%.

Each layer of battle enthusiasm can last for 20 seconds.

When the health value is less than 30%, it will not fall into a seriously injured state.


[Blood Rage (Level 1, 0/50000) (Powerful)]

Burst blood and let yourself enter a violent state.

In a violent state:

The upper limit of health value increases by 40%

Attack speed increases by 40%

Movement speed increases by 40%

(The violent state can last for 20 seconds)

Consumption: 10% of health value

Cooling down: 80 seconds


[Strength Rage (Level 1, 0/50000) (Passive) (Powerful)]

In a violent state, strength increases by 60%


[Battle Rage (Level 1, 0/50000) (Passive) (Powerful)]

In a violent state.

Critical hit rate increased by 10%

Each time you critically hit an enemy, you can extend the berserk state by 5 seconds.

Attack power increased by 40%

Each time you defeat an enemy, you can extend the berserk state by 5 seconds.


[Innocent Steal (Level 1, 0/50000) (Powerful)]

Launch a steal on a nearby target, with a 15% chance to obtain the item on the other person or in their bag.

Regardless of whether the steal is successful or not, you will not be discovered by the other party.

(The target cannot be 30 levels higher than you.)

(Continuously using it on the same target will cause the innocence effect to be lost)

Consumption: 200 magic points

Cooling down: 300 seconds


[Innocent Ambush (Level 1, 0/50000) (Powerful)]

Critical hit rate increased by 70%.

When the enemy does not discover you, launch a critical strike on the enemy, causing 250% physical and magic damage to the enemy.

Your ambush will not attract the enemy's attention.

Consumption: 200 mana

Cooling down: 30 seconds


[Innocent Escape (Level 1, 0/50000) (Powerful)]

Immediately leave combat and increase movement speed by 600%.

The effect of your teleportation scroll will be hidden (the effect is equivalent to stealth).

Consumption: 50 mana

Duration: 6 seconds

Cooling down: 60 seconds


[Triple Shadow Strike (Level 1, 0/50000) (Powerful)]

Damage reduced by 20%

Each of your attacks will cause three times of damage to the target.

Consumption: 300 mana

Duration: 2 seconds

Cooling down: 20 seconds


"Higher skills, all upgraded to powerful."

"And lower skills can no longer be upgraded with experience."

What surprised Qin Fei the most was probably the lowest skill, strength training.

Just a medium upgrade to the full level, but an extra 100 points of strength.

You know.

After the 100-fold talent bonus, this is 10,000 points of strength!


After all skills are upgraded.

The damage in full state is at least twice as high.


Qin Fei still has ten scrolls in his bag that have accumulated full experience and have not been used up.


Qin Fei killed the demon army on one side and continued to move towards the other side. The flying blades behind him were like a brilliant river, following closely behind.


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