The battle was a battle, and the two sides fought.

It is true that Anaya is the light of Thrax, but she also stood at the position of legion leader by strength.

He is not afraid of Anaya.

It is just that she has the assistance of the Snow Lion Eagle Beast, and the attack advantage of the war spear skills, which makes it difficult for him to deal with.

Now facing the assassin's single duel.

He will not lose!

It is impossible to lose!


Qin Fei shook out the flying blade for the last time, still behind him.

The next second.

Qin Fei started stealth and rushed forward quickly.

If it was a normal battle.

Bentley would never attack casually.

But now there is only one move.

He is sure to win.

After seeing Qin Fei's figure fluctuate and appear within the range of the domain, he chopped out the giant axe without hesitation.

"Raging Roar, Earth-Splitting!"


Purple flames filled the sky and hit the ground with the giant axe.

In an instant.

The ground within a range of nearly 100 meters in front of Bentley was split by the giant axe.

Purple flames hit the ground.

The recoil bounced back.

Like erupting volcanic magma, destroying everything!

One move!

The area in front of Bentley was chopped into purgatory.

But he was not happy.

Because the damage in such a range did not produce any damage numbers.

The only explanation.

The opponent did not come to the front at all.


"What a coward!"

Bentley had fought assassins before, so he naturally knew that his opponent liked to backstab the most.

"But you underestimated our warriors!"

After Bentley released a big move, there was no skill backswing. He turned around and raised the giant axe, and was able to hit again.

No need to explore.

With many years of combat experience, he instinctively felt that the enemy was right in front of him.


That's exactly the case.

Qin Fei was in front of Bentley at this moment, with a calm expression, not surprised at all by the opponent's two consecutive big moves.


The four-turn profession of the gods.

Completely awakened!

High-level skills and powerful skills are basic.

They may even comprehend great skills.

Equipment, gems.

With the combination of multiple effects.

They can often do things that ordinary people can't do.

Their skills and combat capabilities can definitely break through some common sense!

If they are the same as ordinary professions, how can they be called heroes?


No matter how much Bentley can do, Qin Fei will not be surprised.

There is no need.

From the moment he agreed to the duel, he was already dead.


Either the attack decides the outcome.

Or the defense decides the outcome.

Qin Fei is a warrior, but not entirely.

For him.

Speed ​​determines everything!

Bentley's combo is terrifying, but it takes too long for him to finish the first move and land the second move.


Nearly a hundred flying blades, like a waterfall hanging upside down, rushed over.

Bentley, who had his back to the flying blades, was unaware.

Besides, even if he knew, he had no intention of defending.

Puff puff puff!

Almost in an instant, a hundred flying blades cut through Bentley.


-370020 Critical Hit!



-332110 Critical Hit!

-385540 Critical Hit!


Nearly a hundred injuries rose into the air above Bentley's head, bursting out one after another, and finally gathered into a bloody number.

18.2 million!!

The moment Anaya saw the damage number, she was completely stunned: "No... Impossible!"


Vemuni and Ricky took a breath at the same time.

While shocked.

But secretly rejoiced.

Fortunately, it was Bentley from the Hot-Blooded Legion who went to fight, otherwise none of them could withstand such damage!


Nan Bing'er and Lin Shiqi cheered almost at the same time.


Ten million damage, Bentley's health bar was about to be emptied!

The players who bought losses in the live broadcast room were about to wail...

The next second.

Bentley's whole body burst out with a burst of purple-red blood.

The health bar that was about to be emptied was actually restored to more than 50% in an instant!


Lin Shiqi and Nan Bing'er both showed incredible expressions.

Shangguan Yao in the distance was even more angry: "Adding tens of millions of blood like this is obviously cheating, too despicable!!"

But Bentley's mouth corners were raised.


Qin Fei saw that the other party recovered instantly, but he was still unmoved.

The Gem of Warlike Courage

, he has it himself, the enemy's legion leader can't possibly not have it.

"Release before stealth, retreat during stealth, it really increases damage."

Before the battle.

Qin Fei had already thought of a way to burst out.

This is indeed the case.

Since one stealth retreat can't solve it, then try again.

In terms of speed.

Qin Fei doesn't know how much faster he is than the opponent.

Lightning strike.


Just got the flying blade, and immediately reversed and killed it back.

-270020 critical hit!



-241650 critical hit!




Secondary reverse push, damage increased by about 50%.

Although not as high as stealth, it still explodes!

11.2 million!

The moment the damage burst out, Bentley's health bar was zero on the spot!

No matter how strong the body is, it can't withstand two consecutive violent blows like this.


As a passionate warrior.

He will never die easily.

"Damn it, bury me with you!" Bentley swung the giant axe at the moment of death.

Howl of anger·Crack the earth!

Qin Fei had seen this move just now, and kicked his feet.

Jump and cut!

With a bang.

Before the giant axe fell, Qin Fei calmly withdrew hundreds of meters away.


The earth cracked!

The ground fire gushed out!

The battlefield shook violently again.

But Bentley couldn't chase him anymore.

Behind him.

Nearly a hundred flying blades whistled and nodded again, passing through his body.

This time.

There was no damage.

The passionate legion leader.

The demon hero.

Bentley·Howl of anger.

Killed in action!

[System Announcement]

[Dragon player ‘Feitiandi’ challenged the level above and successfully defeated the level 130 hot-blooded warrior, rewarded reputation x50000, rewarded gold x5000, rewarded rare skill scroll x10, rewarded powerful skill breakthrough scroll x1, rewarded epic treasure chest x1]

[Dragon player ‘Feitiandi’ challenged the level above and successfully defeated the level 130 hot-blooded warrior, rewarded reputation x50000, rewarded gold x5000, rewarded rare skill scroll x1 0, reward powerful skill breakthrough scroll x1, reward epic treasure chest x1]

[Dragon country player 'Feitiandi' cross-level challenge, successfully defeated the 130-level hot-blooded warrior, reward reputation x50000, reward gold x5000, reward rare skill scroll x10, reward powerful skill breakthrough scroll x1, reward epic treasure chest x1]


"Hey, can I open the box again?"

Shangguan Yao saw the announcement, and her eyes smiled into a crescent moon.


In the live broadcast room.


"Host, this doesn't count~ It really doesn't count~"

"Feitiandi is cheating, I said, he has already hit two moves, it definitely doesn't count!!"

"Host, watch carefully, don't check out randomly, otherwise I will call the police..."

Nan Bing'er will not pay attention to them, and said bluntly.

"Bentley used his ultimate twice in a row, and both count as one move."

"And Fei Tiandi only raised his hand once from beginning to end, and you can call him a scoundrel?!"

"Did your family set the rules of the game?"

"Or do you want to show your double standards and scoundrel in public?"

Hiss! !

The live broadcast room was silent.

Count it all.

Bentley's ultimate double move must have been made by using special effects, and it is 100% counted as one move.

As for Fei Tiandi, if you don't look at the flying blades, just look at his hands.

He really only moved once from beginning to end.


"He used the effect of the skill to deal a period of damage first, and then used the skill to deal a second period of damage."


"The demons can use the effect to interrupt twice, and only deal a period of damage, is it a big deal?"

"The demons didn't say they were scoundrels, you are more anxious than the demons!"


In reality.

All the departments in charge of gods in all countries are in chaos.

"Two challenges in one day, both won?"

"Masters are no match for him, and he will kill heroes as well?"

"Oh my God..."

"Is he really going to be Superman?"

"Who can stop him?"

"If he keeps playing, all the rewards and resources of the game will be used up by him alone!!"

Neon, Ministry of Defense.

"Go ask the United States how to deal with the Flying Emperor."

"If we continue to play like this..."

"We can't hold on until the middle of the game, we will collapse!!!"

The United States, the Pentagon.

"Put pressure on the Dragon Country immediately!"

"The Flying Emperor must not appear again

in the game..."

"Otherwise...start the war!!!"

Dragon Country, East Base.


"From today on, no one can raise their voices to me!"

Dongfang Zhan almost jumped up and cheered.

"Flying Emperor kills well!"

"Take down the demon hero!"

"Sweep the battlefield!"

"How many equipments will be dropped in this wave?"

"Quick, quick, quick!"

"Give me a count of how many people are needed to bring all the equipment back!!!"

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