The meeting ended.

Longguo Base.

The meeting ended.

"War Marshal, can they really agree to open the country and trade freely?"

No industrial power can resist the temptation of free trade. The corners of the mouths of the people around him are harder to suppress than AK at this moment.


"It's not that simple to think about it."

Dongfang Zhan himself didn't expect that the old pirates would agree so straightforwardly.

Is the value of the equipment too high?

Or is the protection of free trade not as strong as before?


But this matter is really not something he can decide.

As long as there is free trade.

Let alone a thousand pieces of the gods' equipment, even if there are ten thousand pieces, Longguo will trade them out without hesitation.


The decision on these equipments is not his, nor is it in the Dragon Kingdom.


Azt Defense Line.

On the city wall.

Qin Fei watched the military team cleaning up the battlefield outside.

More people means more power.

It looks like it will be over in less than an hour.

"Feitian Emperor, congratulations on becoming an empire hero." Sivenus came over to congratulate, as if the previous battle did not exist at all.

Qin Fei's eyes turned, and he said coldly: "Did you not take action because of the empire hero?"

"Feitian Emperor is really a joke." Sivenus said calmly: "Putting aside the identity of the Church, as a player, any competition is just for profit."

"Since the business of breaking the boundary stone cannot be discussed, I think you will be interested in the transaction of equipment."

Qin Fei was too lazy to think for even a second: "Get out!"


Sivenus had prepared a speech for half a day before the negotiation ended.

"You will regret it, for sure!"

Qin Fei looked at him coldly: "You have no level now, no equipment, and there is no value in killing you. Otherwise, do you think you can stand and talk to me?!"

"If you say another word of nonsense, the Knights Templar can't protect you, I said!"

You! ?

Sylvanas was shaking with anger.

In this life, no one dared to talk to her like this.

It's impossible in reality.

Among the gods.

With the protection of the Church, it's even more impossible.


Behind her stood the Knights Templar, one of the strongest legions in the empire!

No matter who said this, she would make the other party bleed on the spot.


Fei Tiandi Ping was the exception.

He was a lunatic!

He really did it!

Sylvanas had died once, wasting too much time. At this critical moment, she must not die again.

"Emperor Feitian! I will remember this!" Sivenus bit his lips hard and turned away.


Qin Fei didn't care what she was going to do.

What the Church was going to do was not something to consider now.

The key was the mission.

The existence of Anaya could only prove that there was indeed a traitor in the empire.

Besides that.

Her appearance had no more significance for the mission itself.

Of course.

If I were to go to the Wild Forest in the Demon Territory, Anaya would be a good guide.

In addition.

The empire's reputation had been brushed a lot, and it could not be discarded casually, otherwise the price would be a bit heavy.

There was another point.

It can be seen from the increasing number of military personnel.


They were already leaving the Novice Village on a large scale and entering the city.

From this moment on.

The competition among the gods for the whole world and all mankind had actually just begun.

The equipment I got in the Azt battle was the first pot of gold and the cornerstone of the future!

If you really need money.

Selling some gold coins yourself will be enough.

As for these equipment, there is no need to sell them, and they cannot be sold.

Not to mention foreign forces.

Even the Dragon Country military will not sell them!

This kind of decision.

You don’t need too high a vision, and you don’t need any reasoning to judge.

Just know a little.


It can make all countries and forces crazy and mindless.

That’s enough.

The strength and territory obtained in the gods are far more important than strengthening strength and increasing territory in reality.

Bai Li also said.

Nowadays, the value of silver and gold coins is actually far higher than the exchange price, but ordinary people can’t develop them, so they will sell them in large quantities.

"Well, no matter what, let’s find a way to establish a guild first."

Qin Fei can't always ask Bai Li's people and the military to help him clean up the battlefield, right?

Ola Una's mission must be completed.

The same is true for the Empire's Sorrow.

Because this is a mission that can contact the top leaders of the empire.

If completed.

The gains will definitely be enough to make him gain strength that no force can shake among the gods!

"Brother~ Yao'er is sleepy~"

Shangguan Yao rubbed his eyes beside him and said in a daze.

"After the battle, there will be no restrictions, hurry up and go offline to sleep, it will be dawn soon." Qin Fei just saw that Lin Shiqi and Bai Li had already gone offline, they should be dealing with company matters.

"No, the box hasn't been opened yet~" Shangguan Yao thought of this and immediately became energetic again.


You don't look young, but you have a big gambling addiction.

Qin Fei didn't care about the little girl's coquetry, rubbed her head and pressed the line.

Qin Fei himself was also ready to go offline.

Although Anaya is a demon, she is now a follower with a certificate, so she can move freely in the empire.

Let her open a hotel to rest.

Contact me again when I get on board.


The most important thing is the second job transfer.

The consumption of flying blades must be solved.

But the task of the Shadow of Innocence can only be known by asking Asyat.

Unfortunately, the old man's life is counted by seconds.

I can only wait until tomorrow and find him with the gifted magic pattern.

If time is not enough, there is still the ultimate intention of the thief as a guarantee.

As for the second job transfer route of the violent warrior, it is more clear.

Just take Anaya to find the fruit of life and then go back to hand in a task.

"One is to go to the demon territory, and the other is to go to the death swamp..."

Qin Fei is not sure whether Ola Wuna is alive, so he can only go to the death swamp first. Even if there is a second job transfer task, it has to be postponed.


There are a lot of things, and they are all a bit urgent.

"Log off!"

Qin Fei was not sleepy, he could log on after taking a shower and eating something.



Qin Fei finished his shower, wrapped himself in a towel and was about to go downstairs.

Lin Shiqi's voice came from downstairs: "Boss Li, please sit for a while, I'll prepare something for you, um... I'll prepare something for you."

"You're welcome, this is my home after all, I'm quite familiar with it." Dongfang Baili pushed the door openly and walked into Qin Fei's bedroom.


Qin Fei was stunned.

A thin black windbreaker.

A pair of amazingly long legs.

The semi-transparent black silk reflected the oily light under the light.

In addition, the absolute area formed between the one-line tube top hip skirt and the black silk was enough to make any male college student bleed.


Qin Fei said inwardly.

Fortunately, his current physical fitness is far beyond that of humans, so he can barely control it.

"This is my bedroom."

"You know, this is my home, right?" Dongfang Baili couldn't help looking around with her beautiful eyes while speaking: " all college students now have eight-pack abs?"

Qin Fei's face was dark: "I have already paid for the rent of the house. You didn't break the contract on the spot that day, so why are you coming here now?"

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