The old man was in a mess.

Asyat was really angry.

The Knowledge Association was in its heyday back then.

The number of legendary mages in the association once surpassed the entire Epasia continent.

Even the Holy See of Light, which had just had an angel descend, did not dare to point fingers at the association.

Other forces, such as the Star-Moon Alliance, were even more wary of the association and did not dare to provoke it.


The root knowledge that should have been kept in the deepest part of the association's warehouse was suddenly lost inexplicably.

Such an incident.

It directly caused all the top leaders of the association to quarrel.

In the next few years, it directly evolved into a split in the association.

The huge association that originally spanned the Epasia continent was directly split into five branches.

The Empire Branch, the Federation Branch, the Kingdom Branch, the Demon Branch, and the Forgotten Branch, which existed independently and was not involved in any country or force.

The former legendary wizards led their members to leave, and also took away a large number of exclusive skills and unique books in the association.

Among them.

As the former headquarters, the Empire Association was the most damaged after the split!

Among the five major parts, it became the bottom.

Even the root truth was completely lost in the chaos of the split.

At that time, Asyat was still young and had just been promoted to Legend.

He was young and frivolous, and he teamed up with a few friends to break through the Siren Territory and reach the Void Sea.

As a result, after a few battles, he was almost killed by the alien monsters.

What's more tragic is.

When he just returned to the Empire and prepared to seek help from his teacher, the entire Knowledge Association had already fallen apart.

Even his teacher.

The last guardian of the empire, the great sage, the Starry Sky Saint Ella, whose strength and rank all reached the demigod level, also disappeared completely in the chaos and his whereabouts are unknown.

Asyat searched for hundreds of years.


All clues and spearheads pointed to the mysterious wizard who founded the Church of Truth a hundred years later, one of the legendary wizards in the association at that time.

It was him.

He stole the root truth in the chaos!

It was also him.

He used the root truth to sneak attack and seriously injured his teacher in the chaos!


A demigod-level Starry Sky Saint, with the root truth in hand.

That kind of inexplicable powerful strength and terrifying power can easily destroy a city!

One move of annihilation, all below the angel will die!

Even angels will be seriously injured by the truth!

Such strength.

Who can resist?

Who can compete? !

How could she disappear mysteriously for no reason! ?

Only the truth!


Only the despicable traitor who stole the root truth could do it!


The angry Asyat almost blasted Hera with the raging hellfire.


An invisible space barrier separated the flames from the three people without any fancy tricks.

No matter how fierce the hellfire was.

No matter how everything around turned into dust.

Only the space remained unchanged!

Only the three people were not hurt!

On the other side.

Olauna's pupils were wide, and she said righteously: "As the only inheritor of the Starry Sky Holy Law, don't you admit that you are the sage Asyat!?"


There was a hint of playfulness in Victor's golden eyes.

"This Imperial Guardian is quite proficient in dark magic... Interesting, really interesting..."


Olawuna's heart trembled.

The excitement of finding the sage was extinguished in an instant!

Qin Fei was speechless.

Where is the hidden identity?

You are just like a self-destructing truck!

Qin Fei shook his head helplessly: "This time I will help you kill and silence people, next time you won't self-destruct randomly, okay?"

Ah? ? ?

Olawuna was not surprised by the confirmation of the sage's identity, but that this newly promoted Imperial hero actually wanted to be a hero.

"The space barrier is invincible at the same level."

"And that great wizard, I think even if he is not a legend, he is at least level 130..."

Qin Fei didn't take action before because he wanted to see the space skills.

In order to avoid being inexperienced and suffering a loss.

Asyat said, the space barrier can be broken by attack speed and attack frequency.

What are you waiting for!

In terms of attack speed and attack frequency

Even a demigod would be able to do that.

"Oh, hehe~"

Hera laughed wildly.

"Sage Asyat?"

"As expected of a corrupt

"For someone born in the Decayed Empire, it is only natural that the Knowledge Association under your leadership has fallen into decline."

"As for this ignorant young man, he is probably your apprentice, right?"


"Ignorant and arrogant!"

"Just like you back then, shouting slogans about unifying the association and strangling traitors, but in the end you couldn't even get into the door of my Truth Church..."

"You two are really, equally ignorant, and equally arrogant! "


Asiat's soul was about to explode.

Not because of the curse, but because of anger!

Back then, he was young and full of vigor.

He did swear to inherit his teacher's legacy, complete the unification of the Knowledge Association, find the fragments of the root knowledge and the root truth, and finally move towards eternal knowledge and truth!!

What a pity.

That was all the vigor of youth.

It wasn't until he became the president that he understood.

The legendary wizards in other branches were more numerous and stronger than him than the Empire.

As for the mysterious Truth Cult, even the address could not be found.

Even if there were a few members of the Truth Cult who occasionally showed up, they mastered arcane spells that were completely different from the knowledge system. He was also extremely afraid of it, and it was really difficult to kill and capture it!



Qin Fei pushed horizontally with one hand, and hundreds of flying blades shot out instantly.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh~

Facing the space barrier.

Whether it was the frost spear carrying elements, the night staff, or the shield of pain with the ability to counter-stab, there was no way to cause any ripples in that space.

Qin Fei was not panicked and continued to throw out flying blades.

Two hundred.

Three hundred.

Four hundred.

Five hundred!

With the superb attack speed, the flying blades were stacked up in a few breaths.

At this moment.

Hera's dim eyes were finally touched:

"Flying blade attack?"

"It seems that there are several equipment with special attributes..."

"It's a pity that with only this number of flying blades, it can't break the space barrier at all! "

Hera said it easily, but the white light of the staff in her hand became brighter and brighter.

Swish, swish, swish!

The flying blades rushed in the darkness, as fast as lightning, like flowing light!


The speed of the thrown object is linked to agility.

After Qin Fei's second transformation.

The Dagger of Innocence increased by another 50%!

Such a terrifying speed is no longer something that ordinary people can capture with their naked eyes.

After all the flying blades are stacked.

Qin Fei kicked his feet, jumped and slashed, and came directly in front of Hera without any scruples.

The next moment.

More than 500 flying blades flowed and hit Qin Fei's chest directly, and even hit the space barrier.

There was no pause.

Qin Fei pushed out with both hands!


The moment after the five hundred flying blades returned from the bombardment of the barrier, they blasted out again.

In an instant.

Qin Fei completed the two-stage attack of the flying blades.

And they were all in the full flying blade state of more than 500!!

"Hiss! ? "

Hera's pupils trembled suddenly.

More than 500 flying blades were superimposed just now, and crossing the space barrier only made him a little stressed.

But now.

So many flying blades, after changing their positions on the opposite side, actually superimposed together in an instant and bombarded the barrier at the same time.

This can no longer be called pressure!

It's cramps!

Buzz buzz buzz~

The space barrier was like glass, vibrating and humming as if it was about to break.


Hera gritted his teeth, almost tearing the wrinkles on his old face, and the magic power of his whole body rushed into the staff frantically.

Only then could he barely withstand the two combined terrifying attacks.

"Ha, is that all?"

Qin Fei raised the corner of his mouth and said lightly:

"I haven't exerted any strength yet? !"

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