After Suzaku got Yang Xi's instructions, he transferred 100 points to Molong.

After the dragon received the points, he immediately chose to return to reality.

This time he just wanted to try this function, and now it seems that the adjudication organization's bid is fair.

In the future, we can start with more information. After all, in the front line, the corpses of alien beasts are also a kind of resource. There are special water-type abilities who are responsible for salvaging. Occasionally, there are few ones that no one can see.

Unless, he can obtain the qualification to act alone!

But this is a privilege only S-class heroes have.

He opened his eyes and looked at the army that began to gather in the distance. War... is also an opportunity to become stronger!

269 ​​Ten S-rank powerhouses!

The Dolphin docked at the port of Banana Island, which was the last island that could be repaired before Yang Xi and the others went to the B05 defense line.

Although there is still a lot of surplus vegetables and fresh water on the alchemy ship, according to the command of the Free Army Command, the Dolphin still needs to bring some supplies to the soldiers on the defense line.

"Old Qian, is there a shop from the Qian family on Banana Island?"

Yang Xi planned to send a space anchor to Ye Fan.

Originally, he was going to send two, and the other one was placed with his godson Liu Yuan.

But thinking that Lugang City is not very far from Yanjing City, with his strength, it won't take long to fly across the city, it is better to save a space anchor.

At present, Yang Xi has five space anchors, one is intended for Ye Fan, and the other is for his sister. If there is an emergency, no matter how far away, Yang Xi will be there as soon as possible.

The third space anchor, which he intends to use as a stronghold, is not suitable for the warehouse in B05.

The tool people have sent a steady stream of alien beast corpses, and they also need a sufficiently concealed place to peel off—some alien beasts are still very large, and operating on the B05 defense line may attract the attention of others.

Therefore, Yang Xi planned to simply find a deserted island and use the earth element system to empty it out, and then sit in a secret base.

When Qian Lao heard Yang Xi's question, he looked at A Fu, the housekeeper beside him. To be honest, he didn't have the old guy next to him to come to the door to clear the property layout of the Qian family.

A'Fu said: "Master Yang Xi, the family has a shop on Banana Island. I don't know what you need?"

"I plan to send something to the inland Yanjing City, can I do it?"

"Of course, you can take it back through the cargo ship of the Chamber of Commerce. We also have a service point in Yanjing City."

"That's troublesome!"

Afterwards, Ah Fu took Yang Xi to the Qian family's office, and Qian Bugui and others went to his manor under the warm hospitality of Banana Island's owner, Naipong Baocelan.

This domineering Sequence No.69 powerhouse has also become very hospitable under the power of the ruling organization.


The courtesy car stops at Commercial Street in downtown Banana Island.

The housekeeper A Fu opened the door for Yang Xi. After Yang Xi got out of the car, he looked up and said, um... The Qian family's shop here has obviously been renovated.

A Fu explained: "The original shop on Banana Island has been occupied by Naipeng, but after the press conference, the Baocelan family returned the shop and repaired it for us for free."

"Because a lot of compensation was given, the master decided not to pursue it."

This Naipeng is really interesting!

Yang Xi nodded and entered the store with Ah Fu.


The clerk on Banana Island greeted Yang Xi and the two in their native dialect.

A slightly dark-skinned child stared at Yang Xi curiously in the corner. Judging from his dirty clothes, the little boy must be naughty.

"Shaman, why don't you say hello to the two adults?"

After Ah Fu showed the certificate, the clerk had confirmed the identities of the two, and their attitude changed from pure enthusiasm to sincerity and fear.

Because she knew that the two of them could easily decide where to go or stay.

And she desperately needed the job of feeding their mother and son.

Yang Xi smiled and patted the child's head, took out a lollipop and stuffed it with him, "The child is very cute, don't be too nervous, I'm just here to send something!"

He handed the space anchor in the box to the clerk, "Help me send it to..."

Because the appearance of the space anchor is more valuable, Yang Xi specially covered it with a box.

Although he can know the location of the space anchor at any time and is not afraid of losing it, the process of retrieving it is also more troublesome, so it is better to keep a low profile.

The clerk was helping Yang Xi fill in the address and other data, and Yang Xi sat on the stone bench by the roadside, watching the small river trickling under his feet.

A'Fu stood beside Yang Xi and said with a smile: "Master Yang Xi, this is called Moon River, which is the largest source of fresh water on Banana Island. It is said that this river water has magical effects. After drinking it, it can protect people from staying away. Bad luck."

Yang Xi looked at the clear water with interest, "Is there such an effect?"

He bent down and picked up a handful of Moon River water.

It is indeed very clear, and it feels very sweet.

Yang Xi was just about to take a sip and get a good deal. After all, going to the B05 defense line was to go to the battlefield. Although Yang Xi was strong, he was still a little nervous.

But when he got closer, he habitually scanned the river with his mental power, but he sensed a trace of abnormality!

Yang Xi was a little surprised, "There are trace amounts of primordial particles in here!"

He thought it was because he had hallucinations, and used his mental power to confirm it again.

But there are indeed trace amounts of primordial particles in the clear river water!

"Could it be that the third picture in Feifei's dream happened on this island?"

The people of the deep blue family put blue powder in the Moon River. What is their purpose?

Yang Xi asked calmly, "Uncle Fu, where is the birthplace of Moon River?"

Although the housekeeper Ah Fu was very strange, he still answered Yang Xi's question. He pointed to the snow-covered mountain and said, "Jicong Mountain in the center of Banana Island is the birthplace of the Moon River."

"Uncle Fu, I have something to leave first, you don't have to wait for me, I will come to the Bao Ceylon Family Manor to join you!"

"Oh...Okay!" Butler Ah Fu couldn't keep up with Yang Xi's thoughts, didn't he come to send something? Why did he suddenly ask about the source of the Moon River? Young Master Yang Xi doesn't look like the kind of person who likes to travel in the mountains and play with water!

"Master Yang Xi, pay attention to safety, come back early!!!"

The housekeeper Ah Fu waved to Yang Xi vigorously. Because of the great help of the adjudication organization, the Qian family gradually recovered. Therefore, the housekeeper Ah Fu still has a good impression of Yang Xi, the spokesperson of the adjudication organization, and even he would rather have an accident himself. I don't want Yang Xi to have an accident.

Although he knew that with Yang Xi's current strength, there should be no threat to his existence on Banana Island. Even if an S-rank alien beast descended, with the strength of Young Master Yang Xi, he might be able to kill him.


Naval Folding Plum Style is an inheritance system ability. After upgrading to S-level, the internal strength provided is very considerable. With the blessing of the body method of the Lost Plum Blossom Step, Yang Xi is walking on the top of various buildings on Banana Island as fast as walking on the ground. It is almost a straight-line distance close to Jicong Mountain.

Yang Xi stepped on the tree canopy as lightly as a swallow, like a hero in ancient novels going up the mountain.

With the change of vegetation, the temperature also continued to drop, and after reaching the top of the mountain, the ground was covered with snow.

Yang Xi used his internal strength, maintained his body temperature, stepped on the snow without a trace, and quickly rushed to the source of the Moon River.

Looking at the same scene as in a dream, Yang Xi murmured, "It really is here!"

"What exactly do the deep blue family want to do?"

Yang Xi has the ability beads of [Dark Blue Bloodline], but he did not try to use it.

Because every deep blue clan has mysterious roots embedded in the spiritual body, there is a feeling of being brainwashed.

If he used the ability beads of the deep blue family and was brainwashed by the deep blue root when he transformed his bloodline, it would be a big joke.

But after all, he has more knowledge, and he still has some understanding of primordial particles.

Generally, if human beings want to transform into the dark blue family, they need a lot of primordial particles.

Like the dark blue pills taken by the Glacier Warrior, I don't know how many.

As for the victims like Yang Feifei, they turned into dark blue aliens. On the one hand, the Glacier Warrior awakened a certain ability in the process of transforming into the dark blue family. On the other hand, the primordial particles also devoured the victims' spiritual bodies by consuming them. , have carried out a large number of reproductions.

And the special fluctuations issued by the Glacier Warriors before their death were also one of the main culprits that caused their mutation!

"On this point of primordial particles, an ordinary human can drink two liters of water every day for a few months and a half a year, and he can't reach the level of transformation or mutation, right?"

"I can't see through the thoughts of the deep blue clan!" Yang Xi was a little distressed. "Anyway, I was going to find a secret base in an inaccessible place, so I might as well choose it on Jizong Mountain."

What plan does the deep blue family have? He keeps a clone on this banana island, and he can always deal with it.

At that time, the clone can't be settled, the deity comes together, and the two zodiac positions should be able to suppress.

Yang Xi found a narrow cave near the mountainside.

He stooped in and found only a few bats living inside.

"It's more convenient to swallow it directly with the Void Vortex!"

Yang Xi raised his hand to create an imaginary vortex the size of a basketball court, and directly caused the imaginary vortex to rotate around the circular axis of the cross-section. Elemental powers level the ground.

Afterwards, Yang Xi took out the solid wood bed, premium mattress, bedside table, carpet, sofa, dining table and other furniture that he had purchased on Fanhai Island from Void Cube and arranged it. A luxurious suite appeared in the cave created by Yang Xi. in.

At the same time, Yang Xi also remodeled the mountain, leaving vents and sealing the entrance.

"There are still some lamps and so on. I will arrange it when I come next time. The generator and refrigerator will be left here first."

Now because there are no lamps, Yang Xi uses light-based abilities to illuminate.

"Upgrade the clone ability again."

The existence of the avatar is too short, and Yang Xide has to continue a wave every three days, which is still a little troublesome.

[Ability: Clone

Introduction: Create three avatars, with 2/3 of the main body's strength, exist for ten days, and the avatars' consciousness is coherent.

Rating: S grade]

"The existence time has been extended three times, then I only need to come three times a month, which is less than the number of times I come to strip the alien power, not bad."

Yang Xi is not a greedy person either, an S-class clone can last for ten days, which is barely enough.

As soon as his mind moved, the snake clone appeared in the cave.

The shadow escape of the snake clone is highly mobile, and no matter how strong the enemy is, it can deal with Yang Xi's arrival.

Yang Xi didn't talk too much with his avatar. With the same consciousness, he didn't even need to talk. After all, he didn't like talking to himself.

After leaving a space anchor, Yang Xi left here.

This cave will become the temporary stronghold of the Judgment Organization. In the future, Yang Xi will deal with the corpses of alien beasts piled up in the virtual world cube from time to time. 】

And the snake avatar was idle, and began to read dramas and read books. With his shadow escape strength, even without the light source left by Yang Xi, he could still see things in the dark.


Hero Sea, the sixth island chain.

The war has started.

On the F36 defense line, the supernatural soldiers belonging to the 7th Regiment of the 6th Division of the Hero Association were dressed in standard alien beast equipment and charged towards the incoming alien beasts uniformly.

The combat power on the human side is about a thousand people, and the number of alien beasts is as many as three hundred!

The total number of people has achieved a three-to-one situation, but in the comparison of the S-rank, the number of humans and alien beasts has only reached two-to-one!

The F36 line of defense is a medium-sized line of defense, with a total of ten S-rank powerhouses, including two sequence powerhouses.

They are "Electromagnetic Pulse" Qin Weiye of Sequence NO.37 and Dai Yumeng of Sequence NO.70 "Dark Magister".

As the strongest electromagnetic pulse, he is an S-level Horcrux-type psychic. His Horcrux [Bipolar Gun Axe] has two forms, namely the melee and domineering battle axe "Anode" and the long-range sniper gun "Cathode" ".

He was alone against two S-rank alien beasts, and his strength was truly unparalleled!

"Dark Magician! Hurry up and get rid of an S-rank alien beast, otherwise the situation will get out of control!"

The dark magician Dai Yumeng is a woman in her thirties. She is wearing a **** black veil and holding a magic wand, constantly summoning dark orbs to attack the S-class alien beast "Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf"!

The body of this bloodthirsty devil wolf is twice as big as the one the Glacier Warriors dealt with!

Not only that, the S-class bloodthirsty wolf is even more handy at using blood magic!

More importantly, on the battlefield of the four seas, high-level alien beasts are wise. They are not as irrational as those who tear their black holes and descend behind the defense line. They only know how to kill!

What's more, this local war is secretly directed by outsiders!

"The old lady knows what to do, you should think about how to hold on for a while!!!"

Dai Yumeng shrank behind a tall defense enhancement system S-level power user, and under his protection, began to sing a magic spell!

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