Xuanwu nodded slightly and disappeared in front of Yang Xi.

Yang Xi watched the orderly running of Genting Space and chose to return to her body.

"Next, it is to study the profound meaning of own control."

The first thing Yang Xi did was to verify a conjecture he had made a long time ago. He had already realized whether he, who controls the Profound Truth, could decompose the SS-level, that is, the third-level power beads, into dark energy!

Yang Xi took out the Cangmu Yanlong bloodline ability bead, focused on it, and used the stripping ability that contained the profound meaning of control.

Originally, the gray power beads that he could not decompose could no longer resist in the face of powerful laws and profound meanings, and obediently decomposed them into tens of thousands of dark energy cubes.

"very good!"

"Next, is the second experiment to verify the limit of the dark energy intensity of these power beads!"

334 The Profound Truth of Stripping Law!

The limit before the stripping ability was 43,967 units, and Yang Xi tried his best to make it go a step further.

But now, Yang Xi, who has grasped the profound meaning to 3, has broken through this limit in theory.

The capacity of the "bottle" of the peeling ability should have reached the fourth level, and it should even be much stronger than the White Snake Sword Master.

So, according to the previous logic, have the limits of other power beads also been raised?

Yang Xi took out the virtual world cube ability bead and began to put in the dark energy cube.

Soon, the virtual world cube ability beads reached the previous limit, 43967 units.

Yang Xi calmly continued to control the stripping ability and upgrade this ability bead.

In his body, a dark energy cube slowly moved towards the gray power bead under the control of Profound Truth.

In the end, as if the stones were thrown into the lake, the gray power beads inhaled the dark energy cube, and ripples appeared on the surface, and finally returned to calm.

The dark energy intensity of the virtual world cube ability bead has reached 43968 units!

The last one is no longer "7"!

Immediately, Yang Xi continued to put hundreds of dark energy cubes into it, and finally piled the dark energy intensity of the virtual world cube power beads to the limit of more than 65,000 units!

Compared with the ability user who has just stepped into the third-order, it is more than twice as strong!

But no matter how hard Yang Xi tried, the virtual world cube ability was stuck at the third-order limit and could no longer make progress.

"Originally, I was a bit lucky, thinking that I had already realized 3 in controlling the Profound Truth, so other power beads might be easily pushed to the fourth-order level, but now it seems that there is no such a loophole to exploit!"

Yang Xi was a little embarrassed, but this was also what he expected.

After all, after reaching the fourth level, the understanding of the profound meaning of the law is the bottleneck that restricts the strong.

For the existence of the fourth-order, accumulating one's own magic power is far from the third-order trouble that there is no way to find a way.

Even, they can use the free energy of the outside world to increase their moves, which is the horror of the fourth-order.

"It seems that other abilities have to comprehend the corresponding profound meanings in order to break through to the fourth level."

Yang Xi was a little dumbfounded, "The human population of hundreds of millions has only given birth to a few Tier 4s. It's impossible for me to comprehend all the abilities that I have, right?"

"In other words, there are so many different kinds of abilities in the world. It's impossible for every ability to correspond to a kind of law, right?"

Yang Xi thinks it is unlikely, and it is estimated that some similar abilities may share the same profound meaning of laws.

Moreover, the powerful laws and profound meanings may also be Paul's omnipotent, like the "killing" profound meaning of Tongtian, Yang Xi feels that the universality is quite strong.

Another example is the "speed mystery" of Ouyang Guanhe, the **** of wind. Can't some speed-enhancing power users be able to comprehend it?

But the Profound Truth of Demon Hunting, it is estimated that it really only applies to the ability of the Demon Hunting Bow.

The super brain is running and slowly deducing. The more insights Yang Xi has in his heart, the more he feels that he is like a pioneer of mankind, and then uses human logic to build a magical civilization born out of the blue star civilization.

"The higher the rank, the more profound meanings of the law, the more profound meanings of the branch, and the stronger the universality. However, correspondingly, the energy transformed by the divine verve of the higher level profound meanings can supply a variety of abilities, but the efficiency of cultivation may be lower. ."

"The lower the rank of the law, the lower the universality, and it may even be applicable to only one kind of power, but the special energy transformed by the low-level mystery is more in line with this kind of power, and the efficiency of cultivation is on the contrary. higher."

"But it's not absolute. I still need more experiments to draw more accurate conclusions."

Fortunately, Yang Xi now has enough resources to invest in the research. The rank of controlling the profound truth is definitely not low, and the witch hunting profound meaning is meticulous enough. With these two profound meanings, Yang Xi can pass multiple groups of controlled experiments. Explore the profound meaning of the law, visualize the relationship between the special energy transformed and practice efficiency.

"However, my summary is a bit too cumbersome. This is also a limitation of my experience and talent. Perhaps a civilization with a deeper foundation can draw a more concise conclusion."

Yang Xi stretched his waist, "After all, the avenue is the simplest!"

"But now is not the time to pursue this. To be able to find a useful meditation method is the key to causing earth-shaking changes to the ruling, the four seas and even the entire Azure Star Human Race!"

Thanks to the super brain, otherwise, with Yang Xi's previous IQ, it would be really difficult to do this.

After a short rest, Yang Xi started researching again.

He took out the body of the White Snake Sword Master from the virtual world cube.

Perhaps because of his breakthrough to the fourth rank, Yang Xi felt that his body was a bit special, so he would not talk about his tenacity. It had been a while, but his ability to escape was not much.

You must know that when Yang Xi was still weak, he found supernatural abilities from the museum and specimens of supernatural beasts, but only supernatural power beads were found.

"Sword Master White Snake, although I am not Duran, I have called you uncle a few times, and I am half a family member. I will avenge you in the future. As revenge, I hope you can agree to my use of your body for scientific research. , This is a great thing for the benefit of mankind, er, forget that you are Ossed, but science has no borders, I believe that with your selfless spirit, you will definitely agree with me."

Yang Xi's influence on him was not bad because of the "run" that the Sword Master White Snake whispered before his death, so before stripping off his abilities, he also sought his opinion for the first time.

"If you don't object, I'll take it as your agreement."

After speaking, Yang Xi used the stripping ability on the body of the White Snake Sword Master.

This includes the stripping ability that controls the Profound Truth, and the stripping is still a fourth-order powerhouse. Yang Xi has a hunch that there will be big gains.

Sure enough, in addition to the white snake sword master's ability white snake sword suit, there is another thing about the size of the genetic structure, which appears in the power beads of Hunyuan!

"Is this a fourth-order power bead? It's really different!"

Yang Xi carefully took out this little piece of the miraculous gene-like product.

"This thing, shouldn't it be the profound meaning of the law understood by the White Snake Sword Master!"

"The fourth-order stripping ability can even strip out the profound meaning of the law?"

Yang Xi is a little excited, doesn't this mean that he can create a fourth-order powerhouse?

The fourth-order is not the third-order. From Duran's memory, we can know that even in the plane of Ossed, where the powers are like clouds, the fourth-order powerhouse is still an overlord!

Not to mention the current Azure Star Plane, the entire human race may only have a single-digit fourth-order!

335 Law Fragments

"Since it is the profound meaning of the White Snake Sword Master, and it looks like a genetic chain, then it is called the profound meaning chain."

Yang Xi put the secret chain back into the power bead and activated the white snake sword outfit power.

"Strange, it seems that I can only use the power of the third-order limit of this ability bead!"

Yang Xi found that he could not use the full strength of the fourth-order white snake sword suit.

The only soul weapon he could manifest was a white snake sword, and the two earrings that represented the fourth-order strength did not appear.

"That's right, I didn't comprehend the Eight Qi profound meanings of the White Snake Sword Suit, so naturally I couldn't exert its fourth-order power."

Yang Xi looked at the mysterious chain of meanings in the magic bead and sank his spiritual power into it.

Soon, a lot of information about the laws of the Eight-Hearted Profound Truth unfolded in his mind. If Yang Xi himself was not already a Tier 4 powerhouse, the process of "implanting the Profound Truth Chain" would likely make him faint.

"It is different from the profound meaning of control that I comprehend by myself. This profound meaning chain, which includes the 1 Baqi profound meaning, is obscure and incomprehensible. Without the help of the super-brain, I am afraid it will take me several years to digest it."

Comprehending the profound meaning by oneself is like writing a book. All knowledge comes naturally and is implanted into the profound meaning chain. It is like reading a book, forcing oneself to accept some experiences beyond self-knowledge.

Although it is still possible to become a Tier 4 powerhouse through this, the process is extremely difficult.

Yang Xi smiled bitterly: "Sure enough, it's not that simple to make a fourth-order powerhouse."

"Other people's comprehension is someone else's after all. Although you can get a glimpse of the door through reading, it doesn't taste that much when you use it."

But there are no absolutes in everything, and the chain of profound meanings that may be implanted is especially suitable for those who are implanted.

However, at present, this Eight Qi Profound Truth does not fit Yang Xi, so he does not plan to spend more energy on it.

"Otherwise, try to see if you can break it down?"

Yang Xi was a little bit eager to move. Since the power beads can be decomposed, why can't this profound meaning chain be decomposed?

What Lao Tzu understands is to control the profound meaning!

Yang Xi started to control the Profound Truth and began to try to grade this small Profound Truth chain.

If outsiders knew that Yang Xi actually tested the Profound Truth Chain that could create the Law of the Fourth-Order Powerhouse, he would definitely feel distressed, what a prodigal man!

"There is a door!"

Under the power of controlling the overbearing power of the profound meaning, the eight-legged profound meaning of this paragraph 1 was decomposed.

At the moment when the Profound Truth Chain was decomposed, the little fur that Yang Xi had realized through reading the Profound Truth Chain disappeared instantly.

Yang Xi frowned, "If the Profound Truth Chain is lost, the Profound Truth of the Laws understood by reading it will also disappear along with it?"

This is a bit of a pit!

The power beads of the White Snake Sword also began to change, and a large number of dark energy cubes were precipitated, which finally stabilized at the third-order limit.

But the Profound Meaning Chain did not decompose into dark energy as Yang Xi expected, but into another substance.

Perceiving the stardust-like fragments, Yang Xi murmured, "This familiar feeling"

At this time, he realized that after making a wish with the Sage's Stone, it was not the power of the source that helped him understand the profound meaning of the law.

It is the power of the source that transforms this substance!

"Since it is the product of the decomposition of the Law Profound Truth Chain, let's call it the Law Fragment."

Yang Xi chose to use these law fragments without hesitation. It was one aspect to improve his strength. The feeling of being infinitely close to the rules of the world was simply not cool.

In a trance, he came to the empty space again, and the hundreds of power beads in his body extended lines swaying upward again.

This time, Yang Xi did not choose the already formed control mystery, but chose the gray virtual realm cube ability bead among the hundreds of ability beads.

"Last time in front of the Light Eclipse Saints, I used the Hai pig clone to install a b, so I have to upgrade this clone to Tier 4 first."

Yang Xi felt that he was simply a clear stream in the pretend B world, and he never made up for loopholes overnight, as fast as he could.

The other power beads were blocked by Yang Xi, and in this empty space, only the power bead of the virtual world cube was left.

The fragments of the law are constantly being consumed by Yang Xi, and the "dao" of this line is getting clearer and clearer in Yang Xi's eyes.

Unfortunately, because the number of law fragments decomposed by this chain of profound meanings is not large, Yang Xi cannot fully see the profound meaning of the upper rules represented by the virtual world cube. Yang Xi only successfully comprehends the profound meaning of one branch, "the profound meaning of virtual world".

Moreover, Yang Xi only understood 05 of the profound meaning of the virtual world, but he did not comprehend 1 like the profound meaning of the Eight Tori.

On Banana Island, there will be a mutation that breaks through the fourth-order again. With the experience of the last time, Yang Xi uses the control of the Profound Truth to eliminate this mutation in the bud.

"If you don't control the Profound Truth and wipe your ass, and there are two consecutive breakthroughs of the fourth-order powerhouse in the Free Alliance waters, will it scare the three major forces."

"Well, it seems that if you understand one thousandth of a profound meaning, you can be recognized by the rules of the world and become a fourth-order powerhouse."

Yang Xi opened his eyes and took out the virtual world cube ability bead from his body, and a chain of laws and profound meanings appeared inside it.

"The fragment of the law that was decomposed by consuming 1 of the Yaqi Profound Truth allowed me to understand the 05 Profound Truth of the Void Realm."

"Is there a loss in the middle, or is the rank of the Profound Truth of the Void Realm still above the Profound Truth of Yaqi?"

"Different from the peeling of the life ability, this virtual world cube ability is an ability bead. It seems that you don't need to practice hard through meditation, you can directly pile up dark energy cubes!"

Yang Xi can even feel the desire for dark energy by the virtual world cube power beads.

"I feel that with the Profound Truth Chain, this ability bead seems to have come alive." Yang Xi smiled and put a lot of dark energy cubes into it.

The dark energy intensity of the virtual world cube ability bead has already reached the third-order limit. After the "capacity" is expanded, it becomes a matter of course to inhale the dark energy cube again.

This fourth-order power bead does not absorb many dark energy squares at this time, about thousands of units.

After all, Yang Xicai understood the profound meaning of the virtual world in 05. This profound meaning of the virtual world is not the highest level of profound meanings that can be comprehended by the cube ability of the virtual world.

If Yang Xi comprehends the high-level profound meaning that he saw, I am afraid it is 05's comprehension, then it is enough to expand the "capacity" of the ability bead by thousands, or even tens of thousands of units of dark energy!

From this Yang Xi can infer that the same power can comprehend the profound meaning of laws of different ranks.

The higher the level of the comprehension law, the higher the potential of the power user.

Yang Xi let out a sigh of relief, and after fiddling around for so long, finally a vest has truly broken through to Tier 4.

"The profound meaning of the virtual world that I have comprehended seems to be able to transform the virtual world to a certain extent?"

Yang Xi's mind moved, and for the first time appeared in the virtual world with his body.

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