This is a dead space, and there is an inexplicable force tearing his body and absorbing his vitality.

"Is this the reason why the imaginary world cannot allow life forms to survive?"

336 days MSI Wang Peining

"With my current physique, it won't take long for me to lose my vitality here. This virtual world is really scary!"

Yang Xi hurriedly operated the Profound Truth of the Void Realm to protect himself, which offset the force of the slut.

"Since I can live in the virtual world, does it mean that I can change my position through the virtual world vortex?"

Yang Xi gave it a try, opened a virtual vortex next to the snake avatar playing games at the secret base, and then got out from there.

"In this way, counting the space anchor point, I have two kinds of ability to travel through space."

"Then this trick is called virtual world shuttle."

Yang Xi is quite proud of his ability to name names. If he wants to come to the whole world, there are only a handful of talented people like him.

"The vortex of the virtual world can be opened where I can sense it, so the tool people who have my ability beads in their bodies, and wear the masks of Tiangang and constellations around them, if they dare to betray me, it will be more convenient to hunt down."

"This space anchor will be placed in a fixed place in the future as a supplementary means."

After creating a new move, he was free to look at his warehouse from an internal perspective.

Most of those floating in the virtual world are the corpses of alien beasts that have been stripped of their abilities, and the rest are some of Yang Xi's belongings, drinks, clothes, and raw materials.

"With the profound meaning of the virtual world that I comprehend, it seems that a space can be created that isolates that deadly force."

The heart moved at will, Yang Xi waved his hand, and arranged a spherical safety zone with a diameter of 100 meters in the virtual space.

"But it's empty, and it always feels like something's missing."

With a swipe, Yang Xi disappeared into the virtual world.

After a few seconds, a large amount of rocks and dirt were collected into the virtual space.

"Make it a planet or a flat ground?"

So let's make it to the ground.

Yang Xi used his supernatural power to compress these rocks and soil into an inverted cone of ground, and then built a temple on it.

Yang Xiduan sat in the center of the small temple, a little bored, "It seems that I can do it in the future, and copy the cloud top space in the virtual world. This is an absolutely safe base."

"However, here is only the deadly suction force, but there is no breathable air and no gravity."

"I can survive here by virtue of the profound meaning of the virtual world, but ordinary people can only hold their breath here."

"Wait, you can directly banish the strong man into my virtual world. Just this deadly suction force can kill him."

Yang Xi is a little excited, this is simply a killer move!

As expected of the fourth-order power!

"Find an enemy and try it!"

Yang Xi informed Suzaku to find him a strange beast to play with.

"In the chaotic sea, the island where Tianweixing is located, just happens to be a first-level alien beast descended from the black cavity, does it meet your needs?"

Isn't Tianweixing that female teacher Wang Peining?

She is not a member of the White Tiger Palace in the Free Alliance Sea Area, how could she have gone to the Chaos Sea Area?

Yang Xi looked at her recent mission record.

"Yo, I have also become a superhuman through a loan."

As Yang Xi possessed more and more dark energy, he also instructed Suzaku to choose a few members who were pleasing to the eye, innocent, and had training value to provide loans.

This Wang Peining should be the beneficiary of the second batch of loan quotas.

Yang Xi pouted, "Is it a superhuman beast, the North Sea Wave Clam? It can barely be used as an experimental subject."

Wang Peining was wearing a combat uniform and looked heroic.

Her original ability was a high-level wood spirit collector, and her attack power was not strong, and she was biased towards healing.

So she exchanged the super deep-sea physique in the White Tiger Palace and transformed into a fierce girl who likes close-quarters combat.

At the same time, in order to avoid the pursuit of the enemy in the sea area of ​​the Freedom Alliance, she fled all the way to the chaotic sea area. The fighting she experienced along the way was something she could not imagine when she was a teacher.

Sometimes she also misses the peaceful life, but the feeling of blood boiling every time she fights also makes her unable to stop.

Now, her fair skin has turned into a healthy wheat color, and six well-proportioned abdominal muscles have appeared on her originally soft waist.

The lady who liked to wear forest dresses, fairy shoes, and sun hats in the past has now become a female man wearing a navel-baring combat uniform.

Fighting side by side with her was the pursuer she met on the journey, a handsome man in a suit with blond mid-part long hair. His ability was the earth fighting spirit of the inheritance system, which combined offense and defense, and his power was not bad.

But this northern sea clam seems to be too difficult to deal with. Not only can it control the water flow to attack, but it is also rough-skinned and thick-skinned, making it extremely resistant to beatings.

The two have been entangled with this superhuman beast for almost half an hour, and their physical strength has gradually been exhausted.

But the power user organization on this island was just destroyed by the two of them because they were engaged in human trafficking. Even if they had residual power, they would only watch the show next to them, and would not help at all.

The handsome man in a suit, Hill, said anxiously, "Ayan, if this continues, we will both die!"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly opened a rock guard, and cleverly used the **** to bounce off the water wave shock with mucus ejected from the North Sea Wave Clam.

But the strong impact made him collide with Wang Peining, and the two flew out.

During the take-off, Wang Peining relied on the powerful physique provided by the deep-sea hegemonic body, and forcefully vented his momentum, turned over and landed steadily, and at the same time clipped a chicken to rescue Hill.


Wang Peining struggled to get dressed, and she also realized that the situation was unfavorable.

But looking at the uneasy eyes of the civilians in the collapsed shelter behind him, Wang Peining couldn't bear to die.

"Is this shabby place, Chaos Sea, even the shelter a tofu dregs project?!"

Wang Peining cursed, rushed up again, and punched Beihai Langha!

This punch was so powerful that it smashed Beihai Langcha's head into the body!

But the toughness of its skin is really too strong!

Because of the special structure, Wang Peining's power is balanced to the whole body.

Therefore, although her punch made Beihai Langjia scream, it really failed to cause a fatal smile.


The toad's tongue tightly wrapped around Wang Peining's waist and lifted her up.

Beihai Langcha stared at the human power user who had beaten him up with hatred, his eyes full of killing intent.


Hill rushed up frantically, trying to rescue the woman he liked!

But the North Sea Wave Clam rolled up the current and washed him into the sky.

It did not kill Hill immediately, but planned to eat his companion in front of the human.

Her tongue seemed to crush Wang Peining, she stared at the blue sky absentmindedly, and the sounds around her gradually disappeared.

Are you going to die?

It's not bad to die on the battlefield.

In the face of death, Wang Peining was unexpectedly free and easy.

"I don't know, who will pick up my Tianweixing mask?"

Unexpectedly, when Wang Peining was about to be eaten, a black-robed masked man emerged from the vortex of the virtual world.

"It's alright, you did a great job."

The warm voice sounded, making Wang Peining feel at ease involuntarily.

337 Become stronger for Haizhu-sama!

The hai pig mask gleamed in the sun.

Yang Xi just snapped his fingers, and a virtual vortex appeared in the middle of Beihai Langjia's tongue.

Under the control of Yang Xi, the vortex of the virtual world suddenly shrank and cut off the tongue of the beast!

"Well, the mental power consumed exceeds expectations." Yang Xi noticed that the mental power consumed by this move was far more than inhaling inanimate matter of the same size.

Yang Xi stretched out his hand and gently embraced the fallen Wang Peining, frowning slightly, "Is it because of the spiritual power of this alien beast?"

"During the process of being sucked into the virtual world, are you resisting me under your mental power?"

Yang Xi speculated.

Wang Peining regained some physical strength, and shyly broke free from Yang Xi's arms, with a faint flush on his wheat-colored cheeks, and respectfully said: "I have seen Lord Haizhu."

Although Wang Peining has only met Suzaku, this does not prevent her from seeing the dresses of zodiac adults such as Shen Monkey and Si Snake from online videos, and infers the identity of Yang Xi's vest.

But Wang Peining also kept a little bit of caution. Although no one in the world should have the courage to pretend to be the zodiac position of the ruling organization, he is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

If you're cheated, it's a lot of fun.

Yang Xi noticed the faint alertness on Wang Peining, and chuckled: "I just happened to pass by. You did a good job just now. You didn't abandon the civilians and run away, which is in line with the spirit of our adjudication organization to save the world."

Glancing at the civilians in the half-collapsed shelter holding their mobile phones and taking pictures, Yang Xi smiled dumbly, but the people from all over the world looked away.

"Okay, take your friends and leave, I think, you don't want the news that you are in the Heavenly Gang position, and the whole world knows about it, right?"

Hearing Yang Xi's words, Wang Peining was shocked, because she was too nervous to see Lord Haizhu, she didn't notice this problem!

Yang Xi saw the anxiety of the female teacher, and patted her on the shoulder, saying that it was all right.

Beihai Langjia was still rolling around in the sea and acting as a monster, Wang Peining came to Hill and helped his dizzy companion up.

Hill looked at Yang Xi's back and asked, "Who is this lord?"

Wang Peining replied: "I don't know. It seems to be the zodiac position of the adjudication group. If it hadn't been for him, the two of us would have died at the hands of this strange beast."

Hill looked at Yang Xi enviously, how he wished the attack would be stronger, in this case, he was the one who saved the beauty just now!

quack quack!

The North Sea Wave Clam, whose tongue was broken by Yang Xi's Void Vortex, recovered from the severe pain. Because of the broken tongue, its cry was a bit strange.

Although he felt a strong sense of unease from this mysterious man, Beihai Langjia was still staring at him with red eyes!

Yang Xi also carefully observed the alien beast that came from the black cavity. After all, this can be the target of the test later, and he must fully understand the data.

Compared with the powerful alien beasts on the island chain defense line, the state of this first-class Beihailang clam is obviously wrong.

"The temper should be more grumpy, and it looks like he wants to tear me apart, as if he was being manipulated by something."

Yang Xi also thought of the alien beasts that he defeated in the inland Lugang City. They were all irrational and only wanted to destroy.

"Is it really passive?"

The North Sea Wave Clam spit out a wave of water at Yang Xi.

Yang Xi smiled slightly, and set up a virtual vortex in front of him. The water wave rushed in without the slightest stagnation, and rushed out from another virtual vortex behind Yang Xikai behind Beihai Langjia, and hit Beihai Langjia hard. on the back.

Hit it to the ground for a while to force why his attack would eventually appear behind him.

Watching the battle, Wang Peining's eyes lit up. This virtual world vortex is very similar to the means that the organization usually uses to transfer items. I didn't expect it to be used in actual combat!

The background of the organization is really unfathomable, and some details that are usually not paid attention to, actually have such a powerful fighting potential.

Thinking that she didn't take the small vortex of the virtual world to heart at all, Wang Peining couldn't help but be afraid, if she was not careful at the beginning, her hand might be gone!

Beihai Langcha didn't believe in evil, so he tried his best to attack Yang Xi with various water skills, but he couldn't cause any damage to Yang Xi at all.

He used the vortex of the virtual world to transfer all of them to Beihai Langcha himself, making it extremely embarrassing.

Yang Xi is also constantly familiar with some specific situations of the virtual world cube in the actual combat application, and at the same time confirms the 05 virtual world profound meaning that he understands.

As the distance from himself increases, the speed of opening the vortex of the virtual world will be slightly delayed. Although the gap is not large, there is a possibility of avoiding the enemy that Yang Xi is going to face.

In addition, directly opening the vortex of the virtual world in the body of the organism is several times the power consumption of opening it in the outside world.

The more critical the Void Vortex is, the more power it consumes, which may be related to the enemy's mental resistance.

Yang Xi just opened a small virtual world vortex near the heart of Beihai Langha, and the power consumed increased exponentially.

"It's best to use pre-judgment to open the vortex of the virtual world outside and let the enemy hit it directly. This is the most cost-effective means of attack."

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