This situation is commonly known as a ghost press in the folk.

Fortunately, Yang Xi's spirit was extremely sharp, and he sensed the fluctuation of the arrival of the Xuanwu spirit body. Seeing that he had not moved for a long time, he probed into the space between Xuanxu's eyebrows.

Perceiving Yang Xi's spiritual power, Xuanwu seemed to have found a life-saving straw, and quickly told Yang Xi about his situation.

Hearing this, Yang Xi was dumbfounded, and quickly shook Xuanwu's body.

With this shake, Xuanwu instantly sensed everything about this body. He could easily mobilize his fingers, ankles, eyelids, and even his chest muscles.

Xuanwu slowly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of pure and flawless black eyes, but in just a few breaths, these black eyes were dyed with a layer of vicissitudes.

He is constantly moving his body, and for countless years, he has been in a state of ignorance.

After meeting Damon, his consciousness was successfully born. After a happy day, Damon abandoned him and sealed him in the alchemy matrix.

Only now has he truly understood what "freedom" is!

"How about it, are you satisfied with the shape of this body? If you don't like it, you can spend some points and let me pinch a face again for you."

Yang Xi resolutely implements the points system that he established within the adjudication organization. Of course, this initial state of the body is considered a reward for Xuanwu to help him understand and control the profound meaning.

A mere high-ranking profound meaning has brought the life that Xuanwu dreams of, and Yang Xi will have to give him a matching third-order extreme power bead. He has made a lot of money!

Xuanwu calmed down his excitement, and he, who had fulfilled his long-cherished wish for many years, actually had red eyes just now.

"Is this what it feels like to cry? The nose is also sore."

Any kind of human feeling is very new to Xuanwu.

Like a baby, he wants to explore his new body and re-understand the world in this new way.

Yang Xi said: "This is the first step. Next, I will create an ability that suits you."

Xuanwu's current body doesn't have any fighting power, and despite his good looks, he may not even be able to do it even for the teenagers who have just practiced the magic hunting meditation.

If I want to add another advantage, that is, Xuanwu's skin has no flaws, no scars, no pimples at all, and the bronzed skin is as silky as a work of art. If you are a business escort, then rich women will definitely Snatch the head off.

Xuanwu gratefully bowed to Yang Xi to the end, "Thank you for the generosity of the leader!"

These words are from the bottom of his heart. If it weren't for this handsome old man, Xuanwu wouldn't mind accepting Yang Xi as his father.

After all, in a sense, he was indeed created by Yang Xi, and it is not an exaggeration to call him father.

Yang Xi has been thanked so many times by all kinds of people, and has long been numb. He nodded casually and sent Xuanwu to the side of the square to exercise.

"Xuanwu is of the water system, so it should be based on the ability of the water element system, and then integrate the ability of a blood system."

Originally, Yang Xi could only fuse abilities of the same lineage. At the same time, because he stripped too many abilities, he couldn't use them. Without special circumstances, he basically didn't use the "fusion" function of stripping abilities.

But after comprehending the profound meaning of control, Yang Xi suddenly discovered that he could also integrate abilities of different departments.

Just like synthesizing the flame boxer ability with ignition and boxer, what Yang Xi wants to try now is to combine the water element ability with the blood line ability to fuse an ability similar to the basalt beast.

"In terms of water, there are more than a dozen types of surfers, Si Yu, killer whales, and water ghosts."

"But there are many abilities, not only the water element system, but even the bloodline system and the transformation system. Will this cause some adverse effects?"

Taking this into account, Yang Xi manually eliminated seven or eight kinds of water elemental abilities, and chose relatively pure elemental abilities such as Surfer Master, Siyu, and Water Wave.

"The bloodline to be merged is preferably in the form of a dragon, a turtle or a snake."

Thanks to the people who are tools of Tiangang, Yang Xi's bloodline abilities are really varied and have everything.

Yang Xi picked out a power bead.

"The bloodline ability of the black flame giant drawn from the demon dragon seems to have obvious advantages in terms of dragon attributes!"

342 What does this white robe wear with a bald head?

"But this black flame dragon bloodline is the ability of the fire element system, which is the opposite of the attributes of Xuanwu."

Yang Xi scratched his head in annoyance, "And the dragon head of Xuanwu should be the Dongfang dragon. If you put a western head on it, would it be a bit nondescript."

Yang Xi simply called out Suzaku, this kind of nerve-racking thing, it's not wrong to leave it to her.

Suzaku said: "There are two options. One is to give up the bloodline system ability and directly give the water element system ability with a relatively high affinity to the Xuanwu element."

"The second is to arrange and combine all the qualified bloodline abilities to judge the bloodline abilities of the three dragon forms, two turtle forms and five snake forms, plus the bloodline abilities of each ability. The work of stripping away the properties of interfering elements.”

Suzaku paused and glanced at Yang Xi, "We probably need two days of trial and error to arrive at an optimal solution, and there is no guarantee of success."

When Yang Xi heard the words, he was a little distressed. If it was Suzaku's simulation, it would be fine, but this fusion ability could not be simulated in the Genting space, so he had to participate.

Xuanwu, who was on the side, ran over panting. Just a short while ago, he had already completed three sets of push-ups and supine self-training on the lawn of the temple.

He made his request a little embarrassed, "Boss, can I try the food over there?"

Xuanwu pointed to some snacks, drinks and fruits that Yang Xi had randomly piled up in the temple.

Yang Xi looked at Xuanwu's hopeful eyes, and nodded somewhat dumbfounded.

Xuanwu, who was approved, suppressed his excitement and walked towards human food. For him, this would be an adventure on the taste buds.

Suzaku said: "I don't recommend that you let Xuanwu eat freely. He has no experience in this area. The first time he eats, he should focus on the complementary food without seasoning, and gradually open up all kinds of sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy food. the taste of."

Yang Xi said indifferently: "It's okay, if you're tired, give him a treatment. If the treatment is too troublesome, just slaughter him and rebuild a body, just turn over once and get back to life again!"

In the end, Yang Xi chose to perform a boring fusion experiment.

There are many reasons. First of all, Yang Xi feels that since he has opened up this brain hole, he should persevere. At most, after he is busy with this Xuanwu bloodline, the blue dragons, white tigers, and unicorns in the back should not pursue the appearance. Anyway, Suzaku Didn't he turn into a big bird of the flame type?

Secondly, according to the information Yang Xi saw in the void, there are three types of lower-level laws and profound meanings that control the profound meaning, namely, the profound meaning of decomposition, the profound meaning of fusion, and the profound meaning of energy.

Doing more fusion work is also beneficial to his understanding of the profound meaning of fusion.

Although Yang Xi has made up his mind, the way to become stronger is to slaughter the fourth-tier powerhouses, deprive them of the profound meaning of the law and decompose it into fragments of the law, so that he can comprehend the profound meaning.

But the so-called clever woman is hard to cook without rice. If he doesn't know enough about his own abilities, even if his inspiration explodes under the catalysis of the law fragments, the efficiency will be very low.

If the last time when the feeling of being close to the epiphany in the virtual world struck, Yang Xi had superfluous laws on hand, saying that the catalytic effect of the law fragments could not be used to the extreme!

"bring it on!"

Yang Xi took out the ability Suzaku named and started a new round of retreat research.

During Yang Xi's step-by-step training and research, an uninvited guest appeared on an intermediate defense line in the Free Alliance sea area.

Originally this time, the number of the alien beast army was rare and relatively small, and even among the high-level powerhouses, the powerhouses on the human side and the superhuman beasts had already achieved a three-to-one ratio!

You must know that in the past battles, there were always a few extra beasts, and the strong men on the Free Army side were asked to fight in a two-on-one or even one-on-one manner.

The strongest of the 22nd line of defense, Sequence 055's "Magic Swab" was trying to support his hard-fought subordinates after eliminating his opponent and controlling the lightning-level alien beast "Purple Lightning Falcon", but found that among the alien beasts, There was a bald man walking on the water, and he didn't seem to take the alien beasts and human abilities that were fiercely fighting around him at all.

"Who is this guy?"

The magic-absorptive cotton swab arrayed its own Horcrux, a total of nine special-textured cotton swabs of various colors and a length of half a meter, about the size of a mango, in front of it, as if it were nine flexible flying swords.

Although this Sequence Powerhouse's Horcrux looks a bit funny, it is very powerful. For the cotton swabs of the elements, it can absorb the attacks of the corresponding elements!

The "Purple Electric Eagle Falcon" just now was restrained to death by the blue thunder-type cotton swab, and finally was stabbed to death by the magic-absorbing cotton swab with a sharp golden tree handle.

"Could it be that this is an alien who commands an army of alien beasts!"

The magic-absorbing cotton swab is ecstatic, if it can catch a foreigner, it will be a great achievement!

At the moment, he gave up the idea of ​​rescuing his subordinates, and led by his own Horcrux, he killed the man at the critical moment.

"Obviously, let's capture it, foreigner, if you meet me, Master Cotton Swab, you will be unlucky!"

The bald man is the saint of light eclipse. As a noble Alfonso family, he will naturally not sneak into the world like a mouse.

Instead, he randomly selected a defense line entrance to enter the human control area, looking for the Haizhu who took away his Sage Stone, and his organization, Judgment.

"Huh?" Facing the attack of the magic-absorbing cotton swab, the Light Eclipse Saint slowly raised his head.

How dare this weak chicken, who can't even reach the third-order limit, dare to attack him?


The magic-absorbing cotton swabs controlled nine cotton swabs to continuously rotate clockwise and rushed towards the Light Eclipse Saint. In order to capture the outsider who seemed to be pretending to be b, the magic-absorbing cotton swabs did not attack his vital points, but aimed at the wrist and ankle areas. , and try to beat him up and take him prisoner.

Anyway, outsiders only need a mouth that can tell information, and even for those experienced interrogators, as long as the mental power still exists, they can conduct interrogation.

The Light Eclipse Saint instantly disappeared in the same place. After dodging the Horcrux attack, he raised his hand and fluttered out a beam of white light, shooting at the magic-absorbing cotton swab.

The magic-sucking cotton swab sneered: "It turns out to be a light elemental power user, you shouldn't be a sissy who can only heal?"

The magic-sucking cotton swab didn't take this white light into his eyes at all, summoned his Horcrux, picked out a white-headed cotton swab, and swung it toward the white light like he was playing baseball.

In his mind, this white light that doesn't seem to be a big threat will only be easily absorbed by his Horcrux.


When the Horcrux of the magic-absorbing cotton swab came into contact with this white light, it was instantly purified.

"How is that possible, my Horcrux!!"


The white light was divided into four, and the Sequence Powerhouse was easily cut into a human stick.

The Light Eclipse Saint stepped on the chest of the magic-absorbing cotton swab, and said lightly: "Do you know where the base of the Judgment Organization is?"

343 Earth Demon Plan (2 in 1)

Headquarters of the Free Army, Office of the Commander-in-Chief.

Ouyang Guanhe put the report aside with his face ashen, and got up and paced with his hands behind his back.

"Since the 22nd Front has fallen, what we need to do now is to quickly fill the loopholes. Once the army of alien beasts enters the living area, it will inevitably cause a large number of civilian casualties!"

If the situation is not contained and everyone is in danger, the rear may become unstable due to panic. This is the biggest hidden danger!

Ouyang Jingzhu got up and said, "Some troops from the 21st and 23rd lines of defense have been temporarily dispatched to help, and the special forces of the Liberty Army have been ambushed on the rear islands in advance, and the alien army will not be allowed to unscrupulously wreak havoc in our army's sphere of influence. !"

Her face was very bad. When she received the news of the fall of the 22nd Front, Ouyang Jingzhu was taking a bubble bath. At this moment, there was still a small piece of dried cucumber on her face, and no one dared to remind her of this detail. .

Since the elder brother took office, this is the fifth incident in which the defense line has been breached, and it is also the most serious one.

No one thought that all the advanced combat power of the 22nd line of defense would be killed in such a short period of time, which led to the fact that the supernatural beasts could attack any target recklessly, and also made the Free Army lose precious buffer time.

"Have you found the reason? I remember the commander of the 22nd line of defense, it should be the magic-absorbing cotton swab of Sequence 055. Isn't this guy famous for his defense? Even if all the soldiers on the line of defense were killed, he should be able to survive the chaos! "

Ouyang Jingzhu shook his head, "I don't know, all the officers and soldiers of the 22nd line of defense have all died in battle, and we currently have very little information."

At this time, officials from the Free Army Intelligence Division 9 knocked on the door and came in, "Report to the commander-in-chief, Seagull found the battle recorder and found the reason for the fall of the 22nd line of defense."

Ouyang Guanhe took a deep breath and said, "Tell me, what is the reason that led to the death of so many Paoze!"

The intelligence officer didn't say much, and quickly stepped forward to turn on the projector.

On the snow-white wall, the light eclipse saint instantly kills the magic-absorbing cotton swab, tortures, and then kills the superhuman, and then the images of torture continue to appear.

2 The defense line has seven levels of combat power, and five died in the hands of the Light Eclipse Saint, and all of them only used one move.

After that, the Light Eclipse Saint disappeared from the picture, and the alien beasts also started a carnival of slaughter.

Ouyang Guanhe asked the intelligence officer to turn off the projection, his face heavy, "I didn't expect it to be this guy!"

"You know him?" Ouyang Jingzhu asked.

Ouyang Guanhe nodded, "Didn't I go to the Occupied Area before? It's this guy and I who are fighting for the Sage's Stone, as well as the commander of the Deep Blue Clan and the Hai Pig of the Judgment Organization."

After returning, Ouyang Guanhe only told Blasting and Tongtian about this matter. All Ouyang Jingzhu knew was that there was a mutation on Chishuang Island, and the military power of the other world was greatly reduced.

After hearing this secret, Ouyang Jingzhu's Wenjing face showed a touch of shock, "The Haizhu of the Judgment Organization is also a Tier 4 powerhouse?"

Ouyang Guanhe glanced at his sister, nodded, and said, "Nevertheless, the stone of the sage has fallen into the hands of Haizhu."

"Isn't our judgment on the adjudication organization wrong before? Haizhu is a fourth-order zodiac sign, then."

Ouyang Guanhe waved his hand, "You don't need to think too much. Tier 4 powerhouses are not common goods. I guess it would be good for the ruling organization to have one or two Tier 4s. Maybe this pig has just broken through recently."

"You also know that there are more third-order people in the adjudication organization. These third-order breakthroughs to fourth-order are sometimes an epiphany."

Ouyang Jingzhu nodded when she heard the words. She had been stuck in the third tier for many years, and she had never been able to understand the "dao" in the mouth of her brother, but that kid Axuan has been talking about it in the past few years, maybe he is better than him. She might break through early.

Ouyang Guanhe sighed, "This Light Eclipse Saint is a powerhouse of the light element system, and the laws and meanings he comprehend are a bit weird. It's no wonder that the magic-absorbing cotton swabs will fall. It's really difficult for ordinary third-order powerhouses to face them. The existence of the fourth order."

"Fortunately, I also know the general direction of the Light Eclipse Saint."

Ouyang Guanhe lit a cigarette after a long absence. After a while, he turned his attention to the direction of the 05 line of defense.

I am afraid that a Tier 4 battle is about to take place in the sea area of ​​the Free Alliance. This will have a huge impact on the entire military layout, and it is not a blessing or a curse!

Yang Xi didn't expect that Suzaku, who has always been reliable, also made mistakes. In the end, they spent a day more than the original time, and in terms of results, it can only be said that it is not satisfactory.

The fusion of the bloodline ability is not the result Yang Xi wants, and the attributes of "snake" are a little less correct.

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