Yang Xi saw what he was thinking and said: "Alas, Qian Lao, I know what you think, but the treasure we consumed this time to resurrect Chenlong is only one in the entire Azure Star, and it is already very reluctant to be able to resurrect him. ."

When Qian Lao heard the words, the hope in his eyes disappeared instantly, he shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It's because I'm greedy, people can't be resurrected from the dead, it's the law of the world, only those who gather great luck can go against the sky. "

Yang Xi comforted: "Qian Laobi is not too pessimistic. The world is constantly developing. Maybe the current rules will change one day?"

Qian Lao waved his hand and regained his strength. This time the ruling organization wants to resurrect Chenlong. The Qian family just takes advantage of the wave and vigorously develops its power, which is worthy of the ancestors.

Then, Yang Xi discussed the details with Qian Lao familiarly.

A day later, the major media and forces in the four seas all learned of the amazing action that the adjudication organization is about to carry out through various channels.

The hot search on Titui.com was almost instantly occupied by various news about the ruling, and it was unknown whether it was bought by the Qian family or if netizens saw various announcements.

The number one hot search is "Resurrection Chenlong", followed by a purple word "Boom".

Immediately after that, were "the background of the ruling", "the seventeen-year-old superpower is about to return?", "how to join the ruling" and so on.

Many people even called on the adjudication organization to set up an official account on Tuitui.com. It would be great if they could share with the public more about the lives of the zodiac or constellation powerhouses, just like the Sequence Powerhouses.

For a time, the popularity of the adjudication organization suddenly rose to its peak.

This is also what Yang Xi expected, but I don't know how other forces will react. Anyway, Yang Xi himself is looking forward to it.

He already has two laws and profound meanings, and he is not afraid of the challenges of other forces.

It is also time to use the Judgment Organization to change the pattern of the entire human race.

345 The cruel dark blue family

Moonlight Island.

In recent years, due to some special reasons, business has gradually slumped. Many young people on the island have left here and went to other commercial islands in the nearby island chain to seek life.

The whole city was filled with fog and seemed a little dead.

A somewhat dilapidated alchemy ship was docked on the dock, and two people got off the ship. One was a mysterious man in a black robe who could not tell his age or gender. He was wearing sunglasses, with a burly stature and a cold temperament.

The other is a young man wearing glasses, with shaggy brown hair, and looks gentle. What is strange is that he is carrying three special packages, one big and two small.

If you observe carefully, you can also find that these three packages are undulating regularly, like some kind of creature is breathing.

"Master Commander!"

On the pier, a girl in a beige trench coat fell to one knee.

Obviously, she has been waiting here for a long time, her hair and eyelashes are a little wet, probably due to the condensation of fog.

A few strands of blue hair floated out of the mysterious man's robe, he hummed softly, and followed the girl into the car.

From her trembling footsteps, you can see how nervous she is to wait for the arrival of these two people, so much so that she doesn't even dare to wait in the car.

Soon, the black off-road vehicle came to a hidden camp on Moonlight Island.

As soon as I entered here, there was a faint smell of blood.

If Yang Xi was present, he would definitely recognize that this was one of the sights he saw through Yang Feifei last time. However, compared with that time, the number of teenagers here is about half less, and their temperament is also similar to that of Yang Feifei. It was very different from before.

If it was said that they could still see the innocence of some teenagers, then among the camp members at the moment, those who survived were all ruthless and tenacious.

And this is also the parasitic body that the deep blue family is satisfied with.

At this stage, the latent plan of the deep blue family has gradually closed, and the future-oriented camp plan has also reached the stage of harvesting the fruits.

A middle-aged man with tattoos on his face, brought the camp instructors to the mysterious man respectfully, knelt down on one knee neatly, and beat his left chest with his right hand. This is the etiquette of the deep blue clan. That's what it does.

"Welcome to the leader!"

The mysterious man went to the magic crystal, and there was a hint of satisfaction in his red eyes, "You did a good job, Jerome, get up."

The tattooed man Jerome got up, stood behind Commander Deep Blue, and glanced at the three packages on the back of the man with eyes.

"Chris, Ouyang Canglu and Rhodes, the three of you choose your body."

Hearing the words of the dark blue commander, the man with eyes put the three packages on the ground, and after opening them, these are three strange plants, with a transparent vacuole in the middle, and three light bodies with human faces that are regular. Twisted, as if breathing.

The young man with eyes took out a container from his arms and poured the blue liquid into the plant. After the roots twisted for a while, the face above opened his eyes suddenly.

Rossi laughed and said, "After waiting for so long and giving up the lurking mission, is the camp plan finally mature?"

Ouyang Guanhe sneered: "Roz, don't be killed by these brats accidentally."

Ross is different from Chris and Ouyang Guanhe. He was a member of the deep blue family in the early days. Because of many parasitic relationships, his strength has not broken through to the third order.

"Hehe, you should still worry about yourself. In terms of parasitic experience, I am better than you!"

Chris said lightly: "You two shut up, this time is different from the previous parasitism. These little guys are compared with our will, not the idiots who were bewitched by the organization before. Just waiting for this day, if they are swallowed up by them, then the fun will be great."

Ouyang Guanhe snorted coldly and stopped talking.

On the other hand, Rhodes' bright face showed a morbid smile, "This is the noble dark blue clan, the strong eat the weak. If I fail, it's not bad to be able to transform into a new noble member!"

The camp plan is a way for the deep blue clan to strengthen their clan.

They will use special methods to cultivate intelligent races, constantly stimulate their souls, and make their wills extraordinarily strong. Afterwards, there will be Roots who have lost their bodies to seize their homes, which is a benefit for the old members. If things go wrong It is urgent to transform these teenagers directly, but the clansmen created are generally not as powerful as the previous method.

It seems that this "Battle of Seizing Houses" can greatly increase the strength of the clansmen. Even the commander of the deep blue does not understand the secrets very well. I am afraid that only the existence of the sub-strain can be known.

This process is very cruel. If these teenagers fail, they will be swallowed up by their spiritual bodies. Their powerful will is a precious supplement to the deep blue family, and it is likely to have the effect of breakthrough.

But on the contrary, if the deep blue clan fails, then they will become an opportunity to transform this young man, and a new clan with greater potential will be born at that time.

For a single dark blue clan, this is a risky adventure, but for the entire dark blue clan, which is managed like a swarm, it will only make the clan stronger.

Those teenagers also heard the conversation of the three of Rhodes. They stared at these three plants, trying to constantly strengthen their will, so as to win the battle of life and death!

Commander Deep Blue clapped his hands, "Let's start."

As soon as he finished speaking, the three plants opened at the same time, Chris, Ouyang Canglu, and Rhodes shot out, and the three blue-rooted light bodies fell into the eyebrows of three teenagers who didn't know whether to call it lucky or unlucky.

Immediately, the eyes of the three teenagers became extremely dazed, and blue light shot out of their bodies, wrapping themselves into a cocoon of light.

Three tall light cocoons were suspended, and the teenagers beside them showed complicated expressions, which was the sad stare of the rabbit and the fox, and it was also temporarily relieved and relaxed.

There is no one talking around, and the battle of the soul is surging in the spiritual dimension, but it is silent in the real world.

Finally, the light cocoons burst one by one, and the three young men came out, looking very embarrassed in their original clothes.

The young man in the middle had the arrogance of Chris between his eyebrows. He nodded to the leader and said, "I am Chris. Fortunately, I am not humiliated. My strength has reached the limit of Tier 3!"

The more feminine young man on the left said: "I am Ouyang Canglu, and my strength has also made good progress."

The boy on the right pondered for a while, looked at the instructor behind Commander Shen Lan, and said, "I'm Bruno."

Outside of the deep blue commander and the instructor, everyone else's eyes were a little surprised that Ross, he actually lost?

The instructor nodded with satisfaction. During the training, he saw Bruno's talent. Ross chose him so deadly that it was not surprising that he was swallowed by the reverse.

The deep blue commander said: "Give you one day to familiarize yourself with your body, and tomorrow we will leave for the 05 defense line to cheer for the adjudication organization!"

346 Li Zitian's Hole Card

At the Silk Fish Island Reserve Base, the training camp students wearing standard combat uniforms sat in the gym with all their attention. They had just finished all the selection exams.

The pass rate for this assessment is not high, and there are only a dozen or so qualified students.

At this moment, those who have passed the assessment, including Ye Fan, will from time to time turn their attention to the Rangers of the Entrance Association of the gymnasium, and will select players for the training camp to supplement their strength.

Maru Jiu was on Ye Fan's left, even though he was wearing a blue-on-white-striped combat uniform, the girls wore them with a little thought.

The trousers are slightly shortened, revealing the pink ankles, and a cute little yellow duck anklet is tied to the ankles, which is full of youthful breath.

"Ye Ye, we two must be on the same team later!"

Maru Jiu pressed against Ye Fan nervously, if they weren't assigned to the same team, wouldn't they be forced to start a long-distance relationship?

This is too scary!

Ye Fan nodded, but he wasn't nervous. With his first qualifying result, he would definitely be vying for the big rangers. He would just go wherever Maruwan went?

Compared to this young couple, Li Zitian, who was sitting next to them, was much calmer. Even at such an important moment, she still did not forget to practice witch hunt meditation.

Her assessment score was only one point worse than Ye Fan's, and she broke the record almost at the same time as Ye Fan. Unfortunately, Ye Fan set a new record, and this record, even for her, can only be admired.

This apprentice, the speed of becoming stronger is too fast.

Li Zitian is so hardworking, in addition to self-discipline, part of it is also stimulated by Ye Fan.

The only trump card that allows her to maintain a sense of security is that she has become the constellation position of the adjudication organization through the transaction.

If you can get the help of Youji-sama, it is also possible to overtake in a corner.

After coming to the four seas, they, the inland students, knew that the ruling organization was so powerful.

But recalling the shuddering power that night when he encountered Youji, Li Zitian felt that it was reasonable. If a person as strong as Youji ruled that there were twelve organizations, it would be a wrench with the Association. It is not impossible.

Compared with the three who passed the assessment, Ao Chao and Russell, who were sitting in the back of the group of students who failed, were very hard.

"Hey, it's fortunate that there is no Internet access to the mainland. If our classmates find out, and the two of us fail to pass, then it would be a real shame to throw it to my grandma's house!"

Russell didn't answer Ao Chao's words, but he must be very unwilling to see him clutching the white fingers of his thigh.

But the reality is like this, the only reason you and the evildoers used to score the same is that the full score of that test paper is 100.

Ye Fan and Li Zitian, their strength surpassed others early.

Ao Chao didn't care about Russell's indifference. This junior's personality was the opposite of his father's. He couldn't be cold. Usually, when I talk to him, it's good to be able to answer three out of ten sentences, let alone now?

Presumably this self-esteem student is very uncomfortable!

"I'm not surprised that Li Zitian and Ye Fan are here, but Maru Jiu can be so strong, is it because Ye Fan is nourished?"

Ao Chao touched his chin and looked at the two people who kept throwing dog food in front of him. If it really had this effect, he would sacrifice a little bit and find Ye Fan to be close to him.

Just when many students were talking about it, the captains of several rangers in the association arrived.

There are a total of seven Rangers participating in today's team selection activity, and each team is divided into two students. Of course, it is not ruled out that some Rangers have more serious casualties, and more players need to be added.

The first person to come in was the captain of the Tianlong Rangers, Su Xiaoluo. He had the ability to inherit the Six Veins Divine Sword, and he was also Sequence 051. Among the captains of the many Rangers, he was regarded as the most powerful group.

The Tianlong Rangers had nothing to lose, but because of the annihilation of a ranger, the vice-captain, the Snow Witch, was promoted to one level and was ordered to establish a new "Ice and Snow Rangers", so the team needed to add a remote attack power user.

Su Xiaoluo's purpose is very clear, it is for Li Zitian, even if he uses up two places on her, he will not hesitate.

What's more, the hot girls and magic dragons in his team are from the same district.

Su Xiaoluo asked himself whether the Tianlong Rangers had a big competitive advantage compared to other teams.

After all, when fellow villagers see fellow villagers, tears well up in the eyes!

In addition to these two teams, Jian Xiaohao, the captain of the Dark Night Rangers, whose ability is the Horcrux-type Night Crossbow, is also a Sequence 059 powerhouse who is second only to Su Xiaoluo among the many captains present.

However, the last time the Dark Night Rangers encountered a strong enemy, except for the captain and vice-captain Lu Sheng, all the rest of the team members sacrificed, so they had to add a lot of players. The association gave the Dark Night Rangers more places than the Ice and Snow Rangers.

After all, it is understandable that one is the rebuilding of an old and strong team, and the other is the start-up of a new team.

Jian Xiaohao is a fat man wearing sharp-angled sunglasses. Although he is not very tall, he is very fast.

Su Xiaoluo said to Jian Xiaohao, "Have your team decided who to choose?"

The little fat captain of the Dark Night Rangers shrugged, "Whatever, I think this newcomer's strength is pretty good. That green clay Shrek is a good player. Brother Su, please don't rush me!"

Su Xiaoluo had a grin on her face, but she was scolding her mother in her heart. This little fat man is really talking nonsense. He will not be interested in Ye Fan who is ranked first and Li Zitian who is second?

Wearing a white lace dress, the ice witch with a big wave came over, greeted the old captain with a smile, blinked and said, "Captain, when you're going to pick someone, let me be a little bit. "

At the same time, she also beckoned to the backstage girl and others, and after returning to the back, everyone hadn't seen each other for almost a month or two.

The hot girl is still so cheerful, the magic dragon has a cold face, and the spongy muscle man keeps looking at the male students under the stage. When he sees Russell, he can't help but light up, shouting that today's trip is not a loss.

After the person in charge of the training camp came to the stage to give a speech, the part of grabbing players began.

Although the captains of the major Rangers have already turned over and over the information of qualified students, they have long known what they want.

But this is a necessary part, and it is also an opportunity for the students to pretend to be b. These old fritters applaud more vigorously than the students below.


"Shrek, the green mud beast, the bloodline power user, the graduate school"

"Variety Witch Maru Jiu, special power user, graduate school"

The information of a qualified student appears on the big screen, basically every five seconds.

But when it came to the top three, that time became ten seconds.

"Flame bird Phoenix, bloodline psychic,"

"Li Zitian, a demon hunter, a power user of the inheritance department, graduated from Yanjing University in the first district of the inland area of ​​the college."

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