What is the experience of simulating a fairy?

Chapter 160 Skills without special effects cannot gain souls



With this little bit of OBA power, he could sense that his connection with the real world had been interrupted, and he immediately neighed angrily: "Roar——"

After hitting the green light door several times without breaking through, He finally regained some sense:

"I will sacrifice this bit of power and come to the real world for a short time."


As soon as he finished speaking, the light door that tightly locked Him suddenly became illusory and transparent.


He raised his front paws and passed through the gate, and soon half of his body had crawled out of the lower world. He spit out his three-forked tongue and licked his lips, as if he was about to enjoy delicious prey.

However, when he was about to climb out, there seemed to be an invisible force grabbing its tail, preventing OBA's power from truly coming out.

Shen Lue couldn't help but laugh as he watched OBA swish his tail and try to break free:

"Hey, I want you not to go through the main entrance.

"Isn't it blocked?"

OBA narrowed his triangular scarlet eyes and emitted a beam of cosmic source energy:



Shen Lue directly illuminated the original space stone and disappeared into the storage warehouse about fifty meters below.

However, the power of this cosmic source energy was too powerful. It directly penetrated fifty concrete floors and dyed the entire sky a dark green full of evil.

In the green light, countless alien creatures appeared.

Some are worms made of a ball of tentacles, and some are virus-like spheres with spikes in their eyes. Although they have different shapes, they all stare at the real world.

They are all overlord-level existences in the "lower realm".

If OBA's power successfully knocks the door open, they will take the opportunity to invade together.

Inside the office in the industrial park.

Stark is dealing with Daario.

At this time, a dazzling green light shone on his face. They quickly looked out the window and found that the industrial park had fallen into a state of chaos.

All kinds of disgusting monsters that have never been seen before are all staring at the real world.

Stark's eyes widened "WTF"

"Do it!"

Doctor Strange was the first to react. He thought of a spell and released a binding spell. Several golden bars of steel-like light immediately bound Dario's hands tightly.


He let out a roar, and all the muscles in his body expanded instantly.

In almost just one breath, he transformed into the appearance of the Minotaur, the god in Greek mythology, reaching a height of more than three meters.


At the same time, all the clothes on his body were blown to pieces.

"Hey, are you still playing with your clothes?"

Stark frowned in disgust, and at the same time he stood in front of Natasha: "Girls are not allowed to watch."

However, Natasha's strong figure had already rushed out. She gritted her teeth, stared fiercely between Dario's legs, and kicked the alloy heel.


Daario roared again, but this time it was filled with pain.

After kicking the tauren down, Natasha turned around and said, "Why are you still standing there? Come on together."

In mid-air, Shen Lue's figure kept flashing.

However, no matter where his figure appears, the green light door will open behind Shen Lue in time, extending OBA's slimy tentacles.

"You can't escape."

OBA thrust its tentacle into Shen Lue's back, breaking and piercing his body.


Before the tentacles could reach him, his figure disappeared again.

“What a crafty guy.

"But without any ability to fight back, you are just my meal."

He planned to quickly get rid of Shen Lue, but he quickly used his remaining strength to find Dr. Banner's hiding place and forcibly opened the hidden passage in his body.


Another blast of cosmic source energy full of corruption and negativity hit the spot where Shen Lue had just appeared.

But just like before, this attack failed again.


The remaining energy bombarded the energy shield covering the industrial park. The hard shield was quickly covered with dense lines, shook a few times and finally broke into pieces.

At the same time, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and superheroes waiting outside finally saw what was going on inside.

"Here, what are these things?


A female agent was so disgusted by these greasy and hideous creature projections that she held onto the railing and vomited.

Hawkeye resisted the urge to vomit. He saw Shen Lue who was fighting OBA. With a simple glance, he knew that this was not a battle that he could participate in.

"It's better than this.

"Everyone, stay where you are, and you must not let the Luoshan Group personnel and OBA leave this area!"

Soon, they formed a fire isolation network outside the industrial park to prevent the fierce battlefield here from spreading and causing panic across the United States and even the world.

In the sky, OBA was just one step away from hitting Shen Lue.

He narrowed his eyes:

"If my true form comes, with just one thought, guys of this level will be trapped in the lower realm by me forever, and they will be equal to death."

The means he can use now are really very limited.

Just when he was about to aim at where Shen Lue would appear next, he found that the other party had already stopped there:


"Aren't you going to run away this time?"

Shen nodded slightly: "I never ran away, but actually a big wave is brewing."


OBA frowned.

He raised his right hand, and the six original stones of the Infinity Gauntlet lit up at the same time. They glowed with unprecedented light, and it seemed that they had been pushed to the extreme by Shen Lue just now.

Among them, the light of the Time Stone is the strongest.

Shen Lue clenched his fists fiercely: "Mobius strip!"

The time axis around OBA suddenly distorted, rotated 180° and connected end to end, forming a closed curved surface.

This was inspired by Doctor Strange's battle against Dormammu.

However, the time loop in front of me uses all the original stones and concentrates the power on the original time stones, so it is much more powerful than the one of Doctor Strange.


OBA fired a beam of cosmic source energy towards Shen Lue.

However, it was discovered that the source energy disappeared before reaching Shen Lue, and at the same time, time was reversed, returning to the second before the attack.

"Time Cage?"

Although it was just a trace of power, as the supreme part of the universe, He quickly recognized what it was.


"Swallowing Star, I know you can hear me, but this low-level method can't control me for long."

Shen Lue stood outside the transparent cage.

On the periphery of OBA, a completely transparent lens is formed. Of course, the freezing and trapping of time cannot be seen by the naked eye. This "glass ball" is in front of us.

It was the special effects created by Shen Lue.

Skills without special effects are soulless!

This lens wraps the OBA motionless, like an insect solidified in amber.

Soon, Shen Lue heard what he said.

He smiled and said:

“It seems like I don’t need to control it for long.

"After all, your little strength won't last long, right?"


Shen Lue lit up the original stone of time, speeding up the passage of time in the prison quilt.

In the cage, OBA's eyes were in a trance. He saw the scene in front of him passing quickly, and the disappearance of his power was accelerated dozens of times.

Soon, His body became transparent.

"Swallow the Star.

“I will come back again.”

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