What is the experience of simulating a fairy?

Chapter 230 Actually became a wanted criminal

Iwate Castle.

Iwate is considered a separatist force on the Japanese island, but it has not completely broken away from Toba's rule, so they are at peace with each other, and the city has always been peaceful.

In the early morning, people who get up early are buying vegetables and fruits in time.

"Come on, give way!"

A team of onmyojis wearing hunting clothes galloped into the market on horseback. The chickens in the cages of many stalls were so frightened that the chickens jumped up and down, and the hoofs of the horses occasionally knocked over the vegetable baskets.

The market was in a state of restlessness for a while.

Many people quickly protected the stall and moved back to make way for the Onmyoji team.

Someone lowered their voice and asked in confusion: "What are you doing?"

"have no idea.

"It seems like they should be from Yin Yang Lao, right?"

"Yin Yang Lao?

"What are they doing here? Is there a ghost in broad daylight?"

They shuddered subconsciously. Any place where Onmyoji appears, it means that there is a high probability that there are ghosts here.


The leading Onmyoji reined in his horse, took out a piece of rough yellow paper from his arms and held it up high:

"Everyone, be quiet!"

He raised his chin and shouted loudly, and the people immediately fell silent.

"This is a new wanted warrant.

"The man and woman pictured above are suspected of robbing our territory in Iwate, and they are committing heinous crimes!

"If any of you know or have seen them, you must report them to Yin Yang Lao in time. Also remember, never have a head-on conflict with them."

After saying that, he handed the wanted notice to his subordinates at the back and posted it on the notice board.

Many people gathered curiously.

There is indeed a man and a woman drawn on the wanted poster.

The man looked extremely ugly, with a dark face, a thick neck, a wavy beard on his chin, and a bunch of snakes coiled around his body.

That woman is even uglier.

His body was as thick as a water tank, his sleeves were roughly rolled up to his upper arms, and he was holding a kitchen knife in his hand.


A dark-skinned man pointed at the wanted poster and grinned:

"Hehehe~ Why does this woman look exactly like my wife?"

The leading Onmyoji immediately frowned:

"Don't talk nonsense.

"These two are both demons, are your family the same?"

The man quickly waved his hands and covered his mouth.

The people continued to read. The text description of the wanted order stated that the two men were suspected of invading territory, but it seemed unclear. They did not know what kind of infringement law it was.

It seems that Yin Yangliao does not want to tell the truth completely.

"Can only two people invade our Iwate?"

"I do not know."

At this time, some people who understood part of the situation lowered their voices and explained:

"I heard that something did happen in Fulai County."

The Onmyoji ignored them and mounted their horses and rushed to the market at full speed. The king's order was that these wanted notices should be posted all over the city within one day.

It didn’t take long for wanted notices to appear all over Iwate.

And the city gradually became commotion because of these thin notices.

Iwate Castle, castle gate.

"Mr. Yaqi and Saizawa, we have finally arrived."

Demon Sword Girl put her hands on her hips and gasped for air.

As a great demon, her speed can reach the level of traveling thousands of miles a day, but she is still far behind Shen Lue. She almost collapsed from exhaustion after chasing her all the way.

Although it actually only took less than ten minutes.

But there is an illusion that my heart is about to pop out.

Shen Lue raised his head and looked at the word "Iwate" hanging high at the door.

"After our Izumo Domain took over Fulai County, what actions did they take?"

Demon Sword Girl waved her hand:


"They didn't dare to do anything. They only occasionally sent some spies to watch. Most of them were cleared out by our guards."

The reason why Shen Lue came to Iwate Castle was because it was the nearest ghost gathering place to the Izumo Domain.

It is a place that can be reached within two steps of walking out the door.

In fact, after years of hard work, the symbiosis between humans, ghosts, and demons has already developed.

There are often many ghosts in areas with human activities.

For example, there are many ghosts and ghosts living in Heian Kyo. Even the three major demons like Tamamo Mae had already married and had children before, and lived a normal human life.

The Iwate Castle in front of me is certainly no exception.

He planned to investigate the status of other ghost tribes outside the Izumo Domain.

"Let's go in and have a look."

Just as they were about to pass the guards at the city gate, they heard a noise coming from the right.

When he turned around, he saw many people waiting to enter the city gathered at the foot of the city wall, talking over a piece of paper.

Shen Lue took Yaodao Ji over to take a look.

╮()╭ amount

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he looked at the ferocious man in the painting who looked like Li Kui, and the expression on his face slowly solidified.


How can it be so ugly?

Demon Sword Girl stared at the wanted notice for a long time, then pointed at herself with dull eyes and said:

"Sir, this.

"Is it us who are being painted?"


She asked so loudly that all the people watching turned their heads and stared at them carefully. The surroundings were very quiet for a while.

"Hey, it's not.

"I thought I could get a reward of ten acres of fertile land and a promotion to a noble title so easily."

They quickly turned around in disappointment and continued reading the wanted poster.

Demon Sword Girl gritted her teeth and said:

“How dare they want you.

"Sir, do you need me to find the lord of Iwate and take him out and beat him up?"

Of course, the most important thing is to paint my mother so ugly.

Simply unforgivable.

Shen Lue waved his hand:

"Don't worry about these things, it's more important to find the reason why Bai Mu is weak."


She pressed back the long sword that she had drawn, and followed Shen Lue in obediently. Not surprisingly, the guards guarding the city didn't even come out with the wanted notice.

The two of them didn't even cast any spells, they just walked into this place where the whole city wanted them.

Walking on the street, Demon Sword Girl suddenly took a deep breath:


"smell good."

Shen slightly raised his eyebrows.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a knife that you never eat with?

Following her gaze, she discovered that it was a blacksmith shop, and the boss was applying special maintenance fluid to a long knife at the door of the shop.

"Xiang, then let's go and buy it.


Shen Lue glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw two black figures looking at him in the shadows around the corner. When he turned his head, the black figures disappeared.

They seemed to be two little devils of unknown species.

How could someone be following me?

Demon Sword Girl was also keenly aware that someone was following her, and she turned back:

"Mr. Yaqi, I'll catch them."

Shen nodded slightly.

"Let's go."

The two of them turned around as if nothing had happened and walked to the alley where the two imps disappeared.

This long alley is quiet and deserted, and the light is very dim due to the obstruction of the attic eaves on both sides. Only the exits on both sides have pedestrians passing by in a hurry.

But no one paid attention here.

It's a good place to hide.

sand, sand, sand

Soon, a subtle sound came from the shadow in the corner in front, and the black shadow also twisted for a while, as if something was hiding somewhere.

Shen slightly narrowed his eyes:

"I see you."

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