What is the experience of simulating a fairy?

Chapter 241 Snake’s thousand-layer routine (supplementary update)

Kamo Yasunori quickly led a group of clan members to bow down:

"Your Highness Tsuki no Hahime, enter the Ginseng of the Kamo Clan of Kyoto Onmyodo!"

The brilliance in the center of the altar slowly converged, and the figure of Yue Yuji appeared in front of them.

She is more than ten meters tall, her face is covered by a moon rabbit mask, and two pairs of full wings spread out behind her, like a four-winged angel full of mystery.


At the soles of her feet, three plump moon rabbits were nibbling carrots.

Yue Yuji lowered her head:

"Tsukiyomi has been waiting for you for a long time."

Behind the simulated fairy operation panel, Shen Lue just stared at the big screen. Through Yixin's eyes, he had a clear view of the entire temple.

Shen slightly raised his eyebrows:


As expected, the conquest of Dajiangshan was actually Tsukuyomi's will.

It's just that no matter how strong Shuten Douji is, he is just a great demon in the mortal world. Will conquering him be of any use to a great god like Tsukuyomi Takamagahara?

In the picture, Yue Zhiyuji glanced around cautiously.

She stayed on Kamo Yishin's body for a few seconds, but quickly moved away, not noticing anything unusual about him.

This is the benefit of mental scales.

If it is corroded with unclean power, other gods will easily discover it.

Kamo Yasunori bowed his head respectfully:

“I’m just slacking off.

"I don't know about Tsukiyomi's fate. How can I be safe in 'Yamishihara'?" He asked as usual.

Yami shoku was originally Tsukuyomi's territory. Although it still fell under the jurisdiction of Takamagahara, it was actually an independent territory located on the back of the moon.


Yue Yuji snorted angrily.

Now Yami Shihara is also blocked and cannot actively contact the mortal world, so he can only wait quietly for the four major families to contact them.


For such a long time, only the ruined Genji came to his door.

These guys who are yin and yang in the mortal world!

After Tsukuyomi-sama breaks through the blockade, he must teach these mortals who do not know how to respect the gods a good lesson. By then, the rules of gods will return to the mortal world.

Although she thought so in her heart, she still responded as calmly as possible:

"Everything is well with Tsukuyomi.

"It's just that Gao Tianyuan was blocked and he temporarily fell into a deep sleep. This conquest of Dajiangshan will be the key to Gao Tianyuan's unblocking."

Kamo Yasunori quickly agreed:

"I will do my best."

After saying that, he quietly waited for the other party to give him the magical weapon.

You have promised to work, so you should give us something we can use, right?

Yue Yuji silently rolled her eyes, then reached her hand behind her head, gritted her teeth and pulled out hard:


A golden moon feather fell.

There are only four of this special feathers on her body, and they are made of gold, silver, copper, and iron.

Among them, the Silver Moon Feather has been lent to Genji.

As the most powerful Onmyodo family at present, the Kamo family must give them the best magic weapon to show their importance.


I really worked hard for Tsukuyomi-sama!

She spread her hands and blew gently.

The feather of the golden moon flew up and slowly floated in front of Kamo Yasunori's eyes.

Behind the operation panel, Shen Lue's eyes lit up, because next to the golden feather, a prompt window for a diamond-level prop popped up:

[Dear God, congratulations on discovering new props during your exploration]

【basic information】

〖Item name〗Equipment interoperability bit in the instance

〖Rarity〗Diamond level

〖Effect description〗

When you enter a new instance, you can select an item or equipment from other instances and bring it into the new instance as an initial prop.


①This prop is a disposable item.

②When you have multiple items of this item, you can only use one when entering a new instance.

③This prop cannot be used together with Silver/Bronze/Iron Moon Feather.

④The strength of the equipment or items brought into the new dungeon cannot exceed the upper limit of the new dungeon’s combat power. The game system will automatically determine whether it meets the conditions for use.

⑤The final right of interpretation belongs to the game developer of "Simulating the Immortal".

[Scope of application] New dungeons other than Heian Kyo and Marvel (Avengers)

〖Obtain conditions〗Just get it

Shen Lue clenched his fists:


"This thing belongs to me too!"

If you choose to bring equipment into a new dungeon, the best choice is definitely to get it from the Marvel dungeon.

After all, there are various spaceships, machine guns, cannons, and even infinite rough stones and other cosmic-level props there. Just bring any one and you can go anywhere in seconds!

“But it’s mentioned in the precautions.

"The props and equipment carried cannot exceed the upper limit of the new copy's combat power?"

Unfortunately, I don’t know what the new copy is yet.

In the picture on the big screen of the control panel, Yue Yuji's figure became obviously rickety after she pulled off the golden Yue Feather. It seemed that she had spent a lot of money.


"This Golden Moon Feather is only temporarily on loan. After successfully conquering Dajiangshan, I will ask you to take it back.

"But when it's done, Tsukuyomi will give you a better magic weapon."

Kamo Yasunori held the feathers in both hands:

"Thank you Tsukuyomi-sama!"


Yue Yuji nodded, and then her figure quickly faded and disappeared from the center of the altar, while the flying and circling talismans were scattered all over the floor.

The gold and silver moon feathers left the body one after another, and her consumption was very large.

If the Anbei family and the Fujiwara family also come to visit him later, in order to successfully revive Tsukuyomi, the copper and iron moon feathers may also have to be loaned out.

So now, she needs to be nursed back to health.

Feeling the oppressive aura of Tsuki no Hahime disappearing, the Kamo tribesman stood up while holding on to his slightly painful knees.

The control on Yi Xin was released.

He touched his forehead:

"Strange, why did I feel like I fell asleep just now."

And Kamo Yasunori smiled and stroked the golden feathers in his hands:

“Tsk tsk tsk.

"I have lived for more than two hundred years, and this is the first time I have touched such a powerful magic weapon!"

However, before he could be happy for too long, there was a knock on the door.

After opening the door, it turned out that the spy placed in Genji's house had returned the latest information.

The informant hurriedly walked in:

"Lord Baoxian!

"The situation seems to have changed."


Kamo Yasunori turned his head and said, "Just tell me."

"Yorimitsu Minamoto said that there seems to be some problem with the feathers given by Tsuki no Yuhime, and now Genji has sacrificed the feathers to Yamata no Orochi.


"The Yamata no Orochi gave Genji a new snake scale weapon, which is much more powerful than the Moon Feather!"


Kamo Yasunori was immediately stunned: "Really?"

"Absolutely true!"

The hall, which was full of joy just now, fell into a long silence.

After a long time, a middle-aged tribesman reminded:

"Master, if this is really the case, won't we fall behind the Genji in the battle to conquer the great rivers and mountains?


He did not continue, but everyone could hear that he was suggesting that the head of the family try to contact the legendary evil god: Yamata no Orochi.

Kamo Yasunori was obviously in a dilemma.

The Kamo family is still a relatively lawful Onmyoji family, seeking help from the evil god.

It’s a bit unreasonable!


He sighed in embarrassment, lowered his head and looked at the Golden Moon Feather again, and couldn't help but think about the powerful snake scales that Yuanshi might have in his hands.

This feather was finally obtained with great difficulty

Suddenly it doesn’t smell good!

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