After saying that, she gracefully broke off one of the bowling ghost's fingers, chewed it slowly and began to taste it.

Although one of the pitching ghost's hands was removed, it was not serious.

Because ghosts can regenerate indefinitely.

But his expression now is very frightened:

"You, are you a ghost too?"

The pitching ghost couldn't understand at all. Although he was relatively weak, his flesh and blood were still very polluting. If ordinary people ingested it, they would probably transform into ghosts.

This ghost hunter before me

Even if you have special eating habits, aren't you afraid that you will turn into a ghost after eating?

Liu Mi raised an eyebrow and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth:


"Little ghost head, didn't your mother, who is the twelve ghost moons, tell you what a ghost eater is?"

Ghost Eater?

The pitching ghost's heart skipped a beat. He had heard this terrible name before.

"The Ghost Eater.

"Are you the legendary ghost eater who feeds on ghosts and gains strength by devouring ghosts?"

Liu Mi smiled and gave him a wink:

"Correct answer!"

After smelling the ghost's flesh and blood, her personality suddenly changed. Not only did her severe social phobia completely disappear, she even unbuttoned her collar, exposed her arms and rolled up her sleeves when eating.

Looks extremely hot and unrestrained.

"Put me down!"

The pitching ghost finally realized that something was wrong and gradually became panicked.

Ghost Eaters are very scary existences to ghosts.

Although they are humans, their teeth and stomach structures are very unique. Not only can they chew and digest ghosts, they can even devour vampires.

After eating, the ghost eater can also enter a reversible and controllable state of ghost transformation.

The scariest thing is:

The body parts swallowed by them cannot be regenerated!

In other words, in addition to the Sun Blade, Sunlight, and Wisteria Flowers, the Ghost Eater is the fourth type of nemesis of ghosts.

Of course, few people mention it.

Because in the past five hundred years, there have only been two ghost eaters.

Those two were eliminated by Muzan's subordinates before they could grow up, and they did not make much of a splash in the history of the Demon Slayer Corps.

And this big sister in front of me

It's actually third place!

Ryumi completely ignored the pitcher ghost's plea for mercy, but stroked his hair very "gently":

"rest assured.

"Be patient and it will pass~"


She crushed the pitcher's head with force and then opened it elegantly.

"Donor Rumi!"

The young monk Huicong opened the door anxiously. He was very worried about Liu Mi's safety.

To be honest, he was very suspicious of Ryumi's words.

No Nichirin Sword, no breathing method

It's impossible to kill a ghost.

Although some swordsmen are very special, such as the Butterfly Ninja, the former insect pillar of the Demon Slayer Corps who has been sacrificed. She has superb poison-making skills and can kill ghosts with wisteria flower poison.

But even so, the Butterfly Ninja still needs to cooperate with the breathing method.

Therefore, HC is more inclined to:

Ryuya passed the final election because of luck and fished in troubled waters.

When he opened the door, a strong smell of blood came out of the shop. Huicong quickly held his breath and walked in.


After seeing the scene inside the house, the two of them were stunned at the same time.

Ryuya is completely different from before!

At this time, she was holding a skull with a ghostly scream, lying on the ground eating the brains inside like a watermelon, and licking her lips with satisfaction from time to time.


Sensing someone coming in, she slowly turned her head.

After seeing it was Shen Lue, Liu Mi's eyes suddenly lit up, he took off a finger and handed it over:

"Mr. Jingze.

"Ba Chi~ This is delicious, Ba Ji~ You should try it too."

Huicong looked at the brains on the ground, the blood splattered all over the wall, and the pile of broken bones on the ground. His face suddenly turned pale and his stomach felt turbulent.


He finally couldn't help it, and started to vomit crazily while holding Shen Lue's shoulders.

Shen grinned slightly and stepped back a little:


"Can't you two be a little cleaner?"

Then he observed Ryumi who was acting strangely.

It seemed that he had eaten too enthusiastically just now, so Liu Mi directly unbuttoned several buttons on his clothes, looking extremely unrestrained.

Shen glanced down.

Um, so white


Shen cleared his throat slightly: "Lumi, what's wrong with you?"

Although the scene looked very scary and unbelievable, he could see that Ryuya was still human and ate the imp that suddenly invaded.

This should be the ghost hunting method she mentioned.

After vomiting, Huicong shrank outside the door:

"Jingze Donor.

"The young monk guesses that Patron Liumi is a very rare ghost eater."

Later, Huicong saw the introduction information about the Demon Eater in "Demon Slayer Chronicle" and gave him a concise introduction.

"Devil Eater?"

Shen Lue looked at Liu Mi in surprise.

Liu Mi ate very quickly. In less than half a minute, all that was left of such a big ghost was a finger bone.

She blinked and handed it to Shen Lue solemnly:

"Mr. Jingze.

"This... I left for you specially."

Shen Lue quickly raised his hand to block:

"No, no need.

"It would be more appropriate for you to keep such a good thing and eat it yourself."

Such a good girl

Why are eating habits so scary? ! !

Ryuya seemed a little puzzled by his rejection, but in the end she didn't force it. After finishing the last piece, she wiped her mouth and fingers with satisfaction.


She burped.

As the smell of flesh and blood dissipated, the enthusiasm in Ryumi's eyes quickly faded.


After she was out of eating state, she was stunned, staring blankly at Shen Lue and Huicong at the door. At the same time, she lowered her head and looked at herself and the scene in the house.

She covered her mouth:

I was so high just now, did you stay rational?

It’s over, it’s over, it’s over!

Master Huicong is pale now

I must have been terrified.

The most important thing is, what would Swordsman Jingzawa think of me when he saw the exaggerated look I had when eating?

I must be completely socially dead now!

Ryumi's face instantly turned red to her ears:

“Enough Mina Sai (sorry)!

"I'm causing trouble for you."

She bowed deeply, raised her collar again to cover most of her face, and ran out of the Japanese room with her face covered.

However, Ryuya did not forget to convey the most important thing:

"I confirmed it.

"The one who abducted Kenjiro Hasegawa was indeed a certain Twelve Demon Moon."

After saying that, she ran away quickly.

Shen Lue and Hui Cong looked at each other.

Huicong thought for a while and whistled to call the crow:

"I asked it to contact the Demon Slayer Headquarters. The Twelve Demons appeared in Hyakusuru Town, requesting support from pillar-level swordsmen."

Shen Lue nodded in agreement.

If it was just the waning ghost moon, he could actually compete on his own.

But for the sake of safety, let the headquarters call in pillar-level experts to ensure nothing goes wrong.

After arranging all this, Shen Lue turned his head.

I saw Ryumi huddled in the corner, sobbing softly.


How to comfort her?

After thinking briefly, Shen Lue walked over and patted her shoulder gently.

Ryumi's body trembled.

After hesitating for a long time, she finally raised her head slightly and looked at Shen Lue with tears in her eyes:

"Mr. Jingze.

"Am I so ugly that I scare you?"

Ah this

Shen shook his head slightly, then gave a thumbs up:


"As a swordsman of the Demon Slayer Corps, you looked very brave and dashing just now."

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