What is the experience of simulating a fairy?

Chapter 295 The shape of Si, the red mirror of the scorching sun

For any ghost, the name Jiguo Enichi is synonymous with terror.

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan is no exception.


Pheasant Flower swallowed.

A strong sense of despair came over me.

After all, according to legend, the Ghost King Wu Mei once had a duel with Ji Guoyuan.

And this human swordsman just used the Breath of the Sun in turn from the one type to the thirteenth type, and he was severely injured in an instant.

He is synonymous with invincibility.

Of course, Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan's own strength has also improved a lot over the past few hundred years.

But whether he can defeat the Yuanyi of that year is still unknown.

"It's impossible

"Ji Guoyuan is only a human being. It is said that he died when he was 80 years old. Why is he still alive now!"

This is definitely the scariest news for ghosts in hundreds of years.

none of them!


Pheasant Hua covered her chest and forced herself to calm down.

"I must tell the adults about this."

It's obvious that Shen Lue's strength has not fully recovered, otherwise he would have killed me, this little bastard, instantly.

Only Lord Wuhan can deal with him!

She immediately closed her eyes.

All ghosts have Wu Kai's blood flowing through them, and the Twelve Ghost Moons contain the highest concentration, so they can transmit information to Wu Kai through their cells.

Soon she was shaking her head.


"While maintaining the ultimate vampire technique, my body functions have dropped to the lowest point, and I am unable to move and cannot contact adults at all."

Fortunately, the sunlight energy left by Shen Lue gradually dissipated.

The broken wound is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wait for the injury to recover.

Just inform Master Muhan and ask him to come as soon as possible to completely eliminate Tsukuni Enichi.

In the realm of fantasy.

Shen Lue did not take the sword handed to him by his brother Jiguo Yansheng, and his mind was racing:

Mother's Ghost

This kind of vampire technique should be used to confuse people with family affection.

Perhaps by eliminating all elements that symbolize family love, we can break through the blockade of the illusion?

"All right.

"Then we have to be ruthless."

Shen Lue picked up Jiguo Yansheng's sword and suddenly pulled it out.

Everyone present was immediately shocked:

"Yuanyi, what are you going to do?"

Judging from their delicate micro-expressions, I have to say that the illusion created by Pheasant Flower is indeed real enough. If it weren't for his special status, he might really be trapped.

"The breath of the sun, the shape of the second, the blue sky!"


A sea of ​​​​fire ignited, covering all the false Yuanyi's parents and brother.

In the sea of ​​fire, they kept questioning:

"Yuanyi, you are so cruel!"

"Are you so heartless to attack your loved ones?"


"Let us go, we are really your relatives!" Their tone was very miserable, and finally turned into pleading.

However, Shen Lue only twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and quickly returned to normal.


He is a player who has no feelings!

Soon, the bodies of the three fake relatives were reduced to ashes.

Then, the room, courtyard, and all the scenes in front of him started to ripple like water, and soon shattered like a mirror, and finally turned into nothing.

Shen Lue opened his eyes again.

Through the pink liquid and bubbles, he saw the pheasant flower that was about to recover.


He swung the Nichirin sword and slashed forward.


The originally resilient bubble suddenly shattered.

Pheasant Hua's eyes widened in surprise:

"You, you actually broke through the illusion so quickly?"

According to her speculation, even if Ji Guoyuan was really trapped inside, at least she would have to wait until she fully recovered before she could break out.

This guy.

Don’t you have family affection in your heart?

Shen Lue looked around and found that his two companions and Inosuke Piraeus were still immersed in a beautiful dream, with a smile on their lips.

"Wake up, everyone!"

He slammed the Nichirin Sword onto the floor.


Three rays of fire rushed forward, tearing apart the three bubbles, and the companions trapped inside were immediately forcibly awakened.

Honey Dream Weaving·Sweet Land, broken!

As the vampire technique disappeared, the side effects that Pheasant Flower suffered also disappeared.

Her injuries have basically healed.

The side effects caused by using the vampire spell, such as weakness and inability to move, are immediately eliminated.

At this time, Inosuke, Huicong, and Ryuya were still confused.

The illusion just now was so real that their reactions were extremely slow after waking up, and they could not even remember what happened in front of them.

Shen Lue didn't give her a chance to breathe:

"The breath of the sun, the shape change, the round dance and the neon light!"

Pheasant Flower gritted her teeth:


If they had been trapped just a little longer, I would have killed them all.

If I solve the problem of Jiguo Yuanyi, it will definitely be a huge contribution. Lord Wuhan will definitely reward me heavily, and it is entirely possible for me to be directly promoted to the upper string.

Unfortunately, it was all in vain!


Pheasant Flower is no longer panicked:

"As a descendant, it would be ridiculous if the function of my ultimate vampire technique is only to imprison."

She raised her palms.

A wave full of destruction spread out, forcing Shen Lue to terminate his skill.

"Take it easy!"

Inosuke stepped forward and grabbed him:

“Go any further and you’ll definitely have to be cut into pieces.

"Don't blame me for not being able to save you."

As a beast pillar, he has participated in battles with four older Twelve Ghost Moons and won all of them. His rich combat experience has made him very sensitive to danger.

Pheasant Flower is surrounded by the strong wind, and its body floats slowly:

"I might as well tell you that my ultimate vampire technique has two stages.

“Confinement in the early stage and destruction in the later stage.


"What you are about to welcome is the coming of sweet dreams and nightmares."

After speaking, she pressed the palm of her hand:



A black mist like ink spread out from the palm of his hand, mixed with all kinds of harsh cries like ghosts and wolves, and a bunch of children's evil spirits floated out of the black mist.

They all looked ferocious, with a faint red light in their eyes.

KUANG! ! !

The momentum of this blood ghost technique is too terrifying.

The entire nursery building showed signs of collapse, with huge gaps in the floor and concrete stones peeling off, as if a major earthquake had occurred.

Inosuke's expression behind the hood was extremely solemn:

"It's a little dangerous."

Pheasant Flower's attack gathered all her life force.

If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent.

This beast pillar looked at the three juniors and made a difficult decision:


The days are long, and although he is eager to fight to the death with Pheasant Flower, as a pillar, he must consider the life and death of other team members.


Sure enough, now that I have become a pillar, I can no longer be as willful as before.



At this moment, Shen Lue raised his hand to stop him.

Inosuke blew out two streams of white air from his nostrils and asked loudly:


"The physical strength of a ghost cannot be measured by common sense. It is impossible for you to block its life-threatening attack!"

Shen slightly shook his head calmly:


"The fourth form of the Sun Breathing Technique is called the Fierce Sun Red Mirror."


Inosuke was stunned.

The Burning Sun Red Mirror is a new skill that Shen Lue learned together with Xianyang Zhuan after he killed Teng Yaozi last time.

He never used it.

Because it consumes too much.

But the effect is also very abnormal.

Xianyang turns around to dodge a single attack.

The scorching sun red mirror can 100% rebound an AOE damage.

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