What is the experience of simulating a fairy?

Chapter 307 Excellent epiphanies increased


Wu Mian pulled off Ryuya's sucker, and the so-called Shen Lue and Tanjiro in front of him disappeared instantly.


He didn't react for a moment.

how so.

It's that ghost eater, she actually copied my vampire technique!


The outside air poured in continuously through the broken windows, and the cold wind hit his face, stimulating him to finally wake up.

"Oops, I still fell into the trap."

Wu Mian's face slowly turned livid.

In fact, he had noticed many strange things before.

For example, the oxygen in the cabin was obviously very thin, and even he, who didn't really need oxygen, felt a little uncomfortable.

But "Shen Lue" and others acted as if nothing had happened, and even attacked more rapidly.

"Low level.

"As a dignified Shangxian Guiyue, I would be deceived by such a low-level illusion!


He roared in embarrassment, his angry face and evil face changing rapidly:

"If you dare to deceive me like this, you will die!"


A violent shock wave spread from his body, completely shattering the remaining glass fragments of the plane, and the metal fuselage was somewhat deformed.


With a deep roar, Wu Mian revealed his pitch-black body again.

Gudong, Gudong.

Protrusions of different sizes were constantly appearing on the surface of his skin, and his entire body expanded rapidly like a foaming sponge.

In just two breaths, Wu Mian transformed into a dark, deformed monster that filled one-third of the cabin.

A bit like the faceless man in "Spirited Away".

〖Vampire Art〗Wuyue Ghost Body

〖Skill Effect〗 Attack, defense, and speed are increased by 500%. All skills are instantaneous and have strong corrosive properties. They will enter a weak state after the end.


Wu Mian opened his mouth and started laughing wildly:

"Weak guys.

"This is the ultimate blood ghost technique of Noble Shangxian No. 6, taste it to your heart's content!"


As soon as the five men moved, the plane began to tremble violently.

The passengers screamed and held on to the armrests to avoid being thrown out, while the captain, sweating profusely, pulled on the control stick to make the plane as stable as possible.

Shen took a deep breath:

"It seems that this guy

"I'm ready to fight to the death."

Twelve Ghost Moons will suffer a considerable degree of backlash after releasing the ultimate vampire.

It can be said that if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent.

Wu Mian swung his neck and rushed towards the crazy two.

"Don't let it get close!"

Shen Lue rushed out first:

“The sun’s breath changes its shape.

"Wall dance neon!"

Because the opponent is too large, it is difficult for ordinary single-target attacks to be effective, so he directly uses this mixed attack of single-target and small-scale AOE.

The Sun Sword accurately hit Wu Mian's neck.

Shen slightly frowned:

"Why are you so soft?"

Its body is now extremely smooth and soft, dissolving its power easily, and the gorgeous ring of fire brought out by the Nichirin Blade did not cause any harm.

After entering its ultimate form, its physical fitness has exceeded normal standards.


Wu Mian grinned and growled mockingly:

"The blood ghost technique corrodes the fangs!"

Its tongue curled up and then popped out, a ball of purple liquid spurting out like a cannonball.

"The breath of the sun, the shape of three, the setting sun turns around."

Shen Lue dodged nimbly and came behind Wu Mian.


The venom shells hit the side wall of the cabin. The thick alloy fuselage was instantly corroded, and a hole with a diameter of 20cm appeared.

Zi La La ~

The remaining liquid at the edge of the hole continues to corrode.

Tanjiro looked worriedly at the hole where the air was leaking:

"We can't let it continue to launch."

If this continues, the aircraft will soon be corroded to pieces.

All passengers will fall from the height.

As a ghost, Wu Mian is certainly not afraid of being injured, but they are bound to die.

"I won't let you succeed!"

Tanjiro raised the sword above his head:

"The breath of water, the shape of Wu, ripples and dripping thorns."


The dense sword light continued to shroud the enemy, surrounding him to prevent any more venom shells from hitting the cabin.

Shen Lue also quickly drew his sword after dodging the attack:

"Type Six, Flying Wheel Sun Flame!"

A circle of fire wheels hit straight ahead.

Wu Mian raised his head:

"Is it another flanking attack?

"But my venom can't be fired only once at a time."

He raised his two bloated black hands and grabbed the corners of his mouth on the left and right respectively:


With a deafening roar, Wu Mian used force and tore his mouth open.

His already very ferocious mouth became even more exaggerated.

It's two meters in diameter, and its fangs stand tall.

At this time, Wu Mian looked like a giant-mouthed monster with only one bloody mouth left on his body.

Slightly funny.

But Shen Lue had no time to laugh at him.

Because from Wu Mian's huge mouth, nearly a hundred balls of venom were spit out in an instant.

boom! boom! boom.

The venom is ejected 360° forward without any blind angle.

The speed is so fast that even machine guns can't match it.

Kamado Tanjiro frowned, realizing that something big was going to happen soon.

He could avoid it.

But if these venom shells hit the cabin.

The entire plane would be corroded into gas and everyone would fall.

Although it is said that it is flying at a low altitude, the actual distance from the ground is at least 500 meters. There is no possibility of survival at this altitude.

That's the only way to go!

"Kagura, the God of Fire, the shape of Si, the red mirror of the blazing sun!"

Tanjiro used the Nichirin Sword to stab countless knives in an instant. Each impact of the blade tip formed a hemispherical arc surface, and the energy flowed along the arc surface.

Like a dense mirror.

——This is the same move Shen Lue used when facing Pheasant Flower.

[Skill Effect] 100% rebound of AOE damage once

When, when, when——

The venom hit the mirror surface and turned back one after another.


Wu was slightly shocked by this strange move, but did not dodge.

When the venom hit the surface of his skin, it was absorbed directly back into his body.

He smiled and licked his fangs:

"Hey hey hey~

“Of course I am immune to my own poison.

"What's the use of it even if it bounces back?"

The next second, Shen Lue's flame halo also arrived.


The ring of fire quickly fell apart after hitting Wu Mian's body, without causing any damage.

Shen slightly frowned:

"Isn't this thing too thick?"

After the Flywheel Yangyan disintegrated, the remaining sunlight energy inside bloomed.


The scene that happened next made Shen Lue stunned:

At this time, Tanjiro's scorching red mirror had not dissipated.

That ray of sunlight penetrated Wu Mian's body.

Immediately afterwards, the light fell on the mirror, turned back directly, and penetrated Wu Mian's body again.

This process repeats rapidly.

After repeating it about 10 times, the energy of that ray of sunlight was exhausted and returned to nothingness.


Shen Lue's expression froze.

The star light simulator just now was not very powerful, so the ray of sunlight was very weak.

But even so, under repeated reflections from the mirror, the utilization rate of sunlight was close to 100% before disappearing, and Wu Mian clearly showed a painful expression.

This was the first time it felt painful.

Shen Lue became excited instantly:

"If I make a scorching red mirror into a ball, wrap it in all directions, and then emit sunlight into it."

Inside, daylight is reflected and penetrated countless times.


I’m afraid it will increase exponentially!

After figuring out the principle, Shen Lue's eyes suddenly lit up:

“Excellent epiphany, multiplied.”

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