Shen Lue particularly warned:

"The hunting list comes from my hands, and no one can know about it, especially the OAA."

Thanos nodded:

"I understand."

It stands to reason that Death is a subordinate of OAA. This kind of plan must be hidden from his immediate superiors, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.


Thanos is a bit confusing:

"OAA stands for omniscience and omnipotence. Everything that happens in the omnipotent universe cannot escape his control. He can definitely hear what we say here, right?"

Shen Lue said firmly:

"This is a very special space. It does not belong to the omnipotent universe, so the OAA cannot detect it."

It means that no one knows what happens in the simulated fairy operation panel.

The purple sweet potato spirit blinked.

He looked around, feeling a little surprised.

Death...seems to be a lot more mysterious than I thought.

He can actually block OAA's perception.

At the same time, I was asked to hunt so many famous beings in the omnipotent universe. Could it be that they were planning some earth-shattering plan?

He is truly unfathomable!

The admiration and admiration in Thanos's heart increased even more.

Shen Lue waved his hand casually:

"Since there's nothing else to do, let's end it."

The clouds and fog dissipated, and the scene in front of Thanos returned to normal.

He put away his heart of the universe and clenched his fists:

“Whatever the plan for death is, it should not be harmful to me.


"I must execute it 100%!"

1610 Ultimate Universe.

The Tribunal of Life is making its rounds.

The chief judge appointed by the OAA and in charge of the almighty universe has a bright golden color all over his body, like pouring gold, with three faces on the sides of his head.

Respectively represent:

Justice, need, revenge.

He stared at the universe with an expressionless face:

"The time system has completely collapsed..."

In the 1610 Ultimate Universe, all objects drag out a series of afterimages, such as the star in the distance that just burned up and collapsed into a black hole, but then recovered in an instant.

The creatures here also jump repeatedly between life and death.

- They are no longer bound by time.

Even the most inconspicuous flying insect can travel through the timeline unscrupulously.

The Life Tribunal said calmly:


Everything in this chaotic universe came to an abrupt end and fell into deathly silence.

The court then tried to summon "eternity."

——The Eternal God controls time, because it must have been an accident that caused so much time in the universe to go out of control.


The summons was unsuccessful.

"Eternity has been erased..."

The expression of the Life Tribunal became more and more cold and serious. He closed his eyes, spread out the consciousness of the universe, and began to trace the encounters before eternity was destroyed.

Soon, a tall purple figure appeared on the timeline.

The life court is locked instantly:

"It was you who destroyed eternity...

"Universe 616, Titan, Thanos, you need to accept the trial of the court."

He took out a blank piece of paper.

Swish, swish, swish~

Soon, many extremely obscure cosmic words appeared on the white paper. The general meaning was that Thanos was suspected of murdering the five creation gods and was immediately summoned for trial.

After automatically writing, the Life Tribunal took out a mechanical seal.

This is the law enforcement artifact presented to him by OAA:

Summons Seal.

The steel seal hit the summons, and just three seconds later, Thanos was forcibly summoned before him.


Finding that she suddenly came to the 1610 Ultimate Universe, Zishu Jing was a little confused.

Why am I here?

He was planning to find "Franklin Charles" on the hunting list, but was caught in this unknown space by an invisible and powerful force.


At this time, the voice of the Life Tribunal sounded:

"You should be the one responsible for eternal death, right?"

Thanos quickly turned around.

On the high-backed judge's chair above, a god covered in golden light sat.

Thanos narrowed his eyes.

He seemed to have seen this image somewhere.

"You...are the Life Tribunal?"

The Tribunal of Life struck the hammer: "You only need to answer yes or no!"

Not only was Thanos not afraid, he was actually very excited.

It's really hard to find anything without wearing iron shoes, and it takes no effort at all!

This almighty judge of the universe has always been elusive, fearing not to be defeated, but to be unable to find him. Unexpectedly, this guy actually took the initiative to send him.

Thanos frowned and replied:


The Life Tribunal continued to call up the images on the timeline, which scrolled with the scene of Eternal Murder: "Do you have any objection to the authenticity of this video evidence?"


"After killing Eternity, do you feel any remorse?"

"Absolutely not."

"Do you still have any defense to present to this court?"


After completing the mechanical questioning, the Life Tribunal struck the hammer:

"Thanos, your killing of eternity caused more than half of the time chaos in the universe, which caused great damage to the stability of the Almighty Universe and is extremely difficult to repair.

"This court sentences you to immediate erasure and execution!"

He didn't bother to ask Thanos about his motives.

Because there are still many high-level cases waiting for trial in the Almighty Universe.

Thanos moves his neck:

"Have you finished speaking...?"

The Life Tribunal was preparing to use the summons seal to erase Thanos, but found that the other party had no fear and even looked fiercely towards him.

Thanos spread his palms:

The Heart of the Universe appears.

"The Court of Life...

"It's you who should be erased."


He gently pressed the activation button of the Heart of the Universe. This time, without the intensive harassment and obstruction from the Avengers members, he could finally use his power unscrupulously.

KUANG! ! !

Magnificent cosmic energy swept out.

The entire court was washed away by this terrifying energy and began to shake.

The Living Tribunal throws the hammer:

"go back."

He wants to bring back the energy of the Universal Heart.


The magic hammer hit the turbulent sea of ​​energy and disappeared instantly, like a mud cow entering the sea, and there was no news.

The Life Tribunal was obviously stunned:


The Judgment Hammer just now was also a law enforcement artifact gifted to Him by the OAA. How could it be destroyed so easily?

The degree of fusion between Purple Sweet Potato Essence and the Heart of the Universe...

Far beyond His prediction!

"So Thanos didn't use all his strength when he destroyed eternity?"

At the moment when the Life Court was stunned, the energy of the Heart of the Universe enveloped his golden body.


The deafening explosion spread throughout every corner of the 1610 universe.


Thanos takes back the heart of the universe.

The huge body of the Life Tribunal crashed to the ground, the golden color on his body turned gray, and all three faces were blank and lifeless.

Court of Life, die!

A proud smile appeared on the corner of Thanos's mouth uncontrollably:


"The Court of Life is nothing more than that."

He walked forward, sat on the high-backed chair at the front of the hall, and picked up the summons seal:

“This thing should contain the authority to judge in the almighty universe.

“It’s better to give it to death.

"Hopefully He can be happy."

On Earth in the 616 universe, Shen Lue estimated that time was almost up.

He opened the simulated fairy operation panel and called up the scene where Thanos was. At first glance, he saw the golden body lying on the ground:

"The Court of Life...


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