
Thanos repeated the word, looking a little confused and doubtful: "I don't know you."

He had never heard of any legend about three witches in the universe.

The old witches grinned at the same time and burst into laughter:

"Hehehe, it doesn't matter whether you have heard of us or not, the most important thing is that I can hear the powerful heartbeat in your chest.

"You are extremely restless and eager to do something.

"You are full of desire now, and only I can satisfy you!"

The witch's hoarse voice seemed to contain some kind of magic power, making people recognize it and want to nod in agreement. .

Thanos: ( # `Van)

Why does it sound...a strange feeling?

He quickly raised his hand and summoned a pile of scrap metal from the window to wrap around himself, temporarily forming a layer of armor to cover his body.

"I don't understand what you are talking about."

After saying that, he walked straight out of the abandoned building.

The transparent bodies of the three witches continued to float forward, and they reappeared in front of him in a flash.

"I know you are craving for power now, and I can just give you the great power like the god of the universe."

Thanos stopped.


I really need this kind of thing now.

He originally wanted to seek help from the goddess of death, but he was worried that he would be despised by the goddess and become an outcast. This was something that his arrogant self could not accept.

So he decided to make a comeback through his own efforts, and then appear in front of death when he has the powerful power to control the universe.

Give her a big surprise!

Seeing Thanos's brief hesitation, the witches knew that his heart was beginning to move.

So the three of them spoke one after another:

"You have the aura of two creation gods on your body. You seem to have been in contact with death and Galactus recently."

"At the same time, your heart is filled with hatred."

"Thanos, do you want to take revenge on them?"

Thanos raised an eyebrow.

As for Swallowing Star, I want to tear this guy apart right now!

but death

How could I have any grudge against her?

Thanos, who has been working hard in the universe for a long time, has basic caution. When facing this unknown existence, he should speak as little as possible and not expose himself too much.

So he just nodded without correcting the witch's statement in detail.

The witch smiled with satisfaction:

"Thanos, then you need to go somewhere, and we will wait for you there."

Thanos did not rush to agree, but asked: "Why should I trust you?"

The three witches in front of them are just illusory projections and cannot feel the existence of any energy, so their words have little credibility for the time being.

The witch pointed her palm at him.

Thanos' eyes froze, and an extremely spectacular sight appeared in front of him:

This is not an illusion, but a real scene seen after the eyesight is infinitely magnified:

This is a barren plain.

There is a bottomless giant pit on the plain. On the rock wall of the giant pit are countless petrified cosmic creatures, their faces full of fear.

And at the bottom of the pit, he saw something more:

That is an indescribably huge amount of cosmic energy. In addition, it also contains indescribable profound laws of time, space, latitude, etc.

The witches retracted their palms, and the scene disappeared.

With his powerful cosmic awareness, Thanos was able to confirm that the scene was not a fiction.

And if you can master the power in the giant pit, I am afraid that the entire universe will be at your fingertips. The power of the infinite rough stone is simply the stinky younger brother!

Thanos couldn't help but swallow.

Reason told him that he could not bear such huge energy.

But even if you only get a part of the power, it's enough to fight against Galactus!

The witch moved her lips and mentioned a location:

"OJβK2333 black hole, we are waiting for you at the deepest part there."

OJβK2333 black hole.

This is the most massive black hole in the universe, with a mass 990 billion times that of the solar system.

The diameter of the black hole is comparable to that of a large galaxy. Stars often pass by here, and without exception they are torn into pieces and swallowed inside. Even light cannot escape.

It is undoubtedly the most terrifying celestial body in the universe.

The deepest part of the OJβK2333 black hole leads to the "Graveyard of Gods" in the universe.

The "Cemetery of Gods" looks like a barren plain without any sign of life, and the dark brown land is full of ravines.

In the very center here stands a castle.

The architectural style of the castle is very similar to the European medieval buildings on Earth. The outer walls are painted pink, a bit like the Balabala Fairy Castle.

The castle has no garden. On its left side, there is a bottomless pit.

This deep pit is the "Quarry of the Gods."

Inside the castle, there are three wrinkled witches holding down a huge crystal ball.

What emerges in the crystal ball is Thanos on Titan. At this time, he is communicating with the witch's projection.

Their names are Infinite Witches, existences older than the five creation gods.

After all the gods of the universe are destroyed, the power and authority they possess will flow into the "Graveyard of Gods" and be stored in the deepest part of the "Quarry of Gods".

The infinite witch is the guardian of these powers.

Due to the rules set by the original transcendent, the infinite witches can never leave the cemetery, but this does not prevent them from using other methods to interfere with the universe.

Since I can't go out.

Then let Thanos come in on his own initiative!

After a long time, the dry palms of the three witches left the crystal ball at the same time.

They looked at each other and smiled happily:


"I saw potential and ambition in him."

"But the most important thing is that he has the aura of two creation gods at the same time, and he has dealt with them more than once."

"Yes, it's Death, Galactus."

The three witches spoke one after another, as if they were talking to each other, but also like the same person talking to himself after a schizophrenia.

“We could get Thanos into the quarry to gain his powers.

"Then let him kill Galactus.

"As for death, although there is no way to kill him, you can try to banish him permanently. It is not much different from death."

The witches turned and left the dark fortune telling room.

Opening the door, an endless corridor appears in front of you.

Many slightly abstract black and white portraits hang on the walls on both sides of the corridor.

The witches walked in the corridor and looked at the oil paintings on the walls. They nodded with satisfaction: "These are all gods who died in our hands."

These gods may be strong or weak, and may have greater or lesser authority, but they are all genuine gods of the universe.

After the gods die, all the power flows back to the Cemetery of Gods, making the energy stored in the Cemetery of Gods even more powerful.

"These are not enough."

"And the most important thing is that the cemetery lacks the level of power of the five creation gods."

"But I believe it will be available soon."

The witch stretched out her finger and pointed her sharp fingertips at the farthest end of the wall.

Soon, two blank oil painting frames appeared on the wall, and when their plan was successful, the black and white photos of Death and Galactus would appear on them.

"Now, just wait for Thanos to come over."

The update time will be brought forward in the future, please give me some recommendation votes ()

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