What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 291: you are responsible for me

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Zhong Jinyi stood on the flying sword and entered the palace.

Feijian in the palace is a privilege, not any great master is qualified to do so, but Zhong Jinyi has it.

Oh, to be precise, it belongs to the Zhong family. After Zhong Zaicheng quelled the 30-year-old Hungarian-man affliction, this item was included in the emperor's list of rewards.

Nei Tingwei and Zhenfusi will have a trial today with several assassins captured the night before. Zhong Jinyi will be very busy today.

In this campaign, with the assistance of Zhong Jinyuan, Nei Tingwei captured a total of twelve assassins, including two masters, Mr. Weng and Mr. He from Qingyun Pavilion.

Elder Qiao has promised that when the emperor and Jiannu return, the brothers of the inner court will have a big reward.

What is rare is that because the news was known in advance and the arrangement was properly arranged, the inner court guard did not lose too many people, that is to say, he lost a little in the Ganxi Palace.

However, the death of Paoze in Ganxi Palace was to protect Xiao Qinzi, the biggest hero of the battle, and it was also intended.

Without him, the entire inner court guard could only be caught off guard, and the casualties would be huge, not to mention a serious crime of dereliction of duty. .

In the palace, it must be a big man who is the inner responder. Some of the inner court guard and the outer court guard have been bought by those big men. For the inner court guard, the key point of this interrogation is who the inner court should be and who let them in.

But in any case, it is obvious that Xiao Qinzi has made great achievements again, but he does not know what to reward him this time, and it is also a headache.

When Zhong Jinyi thought of this, she found herself passing over the Ganxi Palace, and couldn't help but hesitate.

She was thinking about whether to help her father and brother spread the word, and let him go to the house to thank them.

However, she soon chose to deny it. After all, she had to come to the door to thank her for helping out. This kind of behavior seemed to show that the Zhong family had little temperament?

He made such a big contribution, and he didn't say anything to himself.

But when she made her decision, she found that she had somehow landed in the yard of Ganxi Palace.

Well... Actually, how close Xiao Qinzi is to his father and brother is a good thing.

In Jianghu, people should know a little about the world. Xiao Qinzi is still young, and he is older than him...a few years older, so he should be taught.

In addition, as a commander, it is also necessary to train subordinates.

Qin Yuan slept soundly in the servant's room as usual. After all, he cultivated the fairy energy for a night last night.

And those few paper figures are still working, very busy.

The main reason is to sort out the sand and soil on the ground, as well as countless broken stones and broken wood. The battle the night before last night almost destroyed the construction site.

Zhong Jinyi was no longer surprised, so she walked to the door of the slave and maid's room amid the flying dust, and patted the door.

But I don't want to, the door is hidden, and it opens when I touch it.

Zhong Jinyi stood at the door and saw a naked Qin Yuan, wearing only a pair of shorts, lying on the bed with all his back.

His body is quite strong.


That, through the pants, is that?

Actually, actually... If you guessed correctly, then that is the evidence of his fake eunuch? !

However, when I was a child, I saw Zhong Jinyuan...not so vaguely...is it only after a certain age?

Zhong Jinyi was very curious, and used his lifelong knowledge to think about this question, but there was still no answer.

After all, it was the first time she had seen such a situation.

But soon she found a problem.

It's not quite right for you, right?

The correct approach seems to be to pretend to be afraid, scream, and then cover your face... turn around and run like this?

To prove that you are the first to see it!

But think about it, to do that kind of action by yourself is really more uncomfortable than killing yourself.

The dignified commander, covering his face and running out, what does it look like?

After watching it, I watched it, I... Am I still not allowed to watch him?

Qin Yuan, who was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, was a little stunned at the moment.

In fact, although Ah Er thought that Zhong Jinyi was not in danger and did not remind him, he was already awake when Zhong Jinyi opened the door.

He thought that this would scare Zhong Jinyi away and officially reveal his identity as a fake eunuch, but he never expected that she would be very calm.

Now Qin Yuan is not calm.

Hey, you have some reaction anyway, what do you mean, look down on it?

I'm so embarrassed that you are like this, Commander!

Finally, after an awkward silence, Zhong Jinyi turned around at the door, turned her back to Qin Yuanmu, and said, "Little Qinzi, get up."

Qin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, slowly opened his eyes, and then pretended to be surprised, "Ah, Commander, why are you here?"

Then he pulled the quilt over and put it on himself, and then looked at Zhong Jinyi with aggrieved expression.

Tone, began to despair, began to collapse.

"Sir, how did you give birth... why didn't you say anything. I, I have been watched by you! In the future, you will be responsible to me for how you let me see people!"

Zhong Jinyi closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He wanted to hit someone again, but inexplicably wanted to laugh again.

"Shut up!" He reprimanded in a low voice, and Zhong Jinyi tried to speak in a serious tone, "Do you think others don't know? The envoy did not take you to the clean room, and it was already benevolent and righteous, so don't hurry up and put it on!"

After a pause, he added, "Why don't you close the door? The envoy will open it as soon as you touch it. If other people come, won't you be able to see it?"

Zhong Jinyi thinks this addition is necessary, otherwise wouldn't it appear that she took the initiative? She doesn't want to eat this wrongful lawsuit.

However, why is the weather getting hotter and hotter...

The picture just now kept circling in her mind, which made her very annoyed, but...the fire couldn't come out.

Qin Yuan didn't care about that, put on his clothes neatly, and said after getting out of bed, "Anyway, my innocence is gone, you are not responsible for me, I have to learn from other girls and jump out of the well."

Zhong Jinyi knew that this guy was cheap and good, and he was angry and funny.

Said, "Then you can go dance, but come to my house before you jump, just tonight."

"Huh, so suddenly?"

"My father and brother want to see you and talk to you."

Qin Yuan thought to himself, what do Zhong Jinyuan and Zhong Zaicheng have to do with them?

However, since they came to help them last time, it seems that they haven't thanked them yet, so it's time to visit them.

Qin Yuan thought it was a matter of the way to go to the door to say thank you, but he would never have thought that when people asked him to come to the door, they asked him to say "thank you".

Don't look at the fact that because of his "thank you", the Zhong family had to throw in a feast, but things on the facade must not be ambiguous.

Zhong Jinyi felt that she had conveyed it, so she was about to leave~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but heard Qin Yuan shout from behind her again, "By the way, I want to report!"

"What to report?" Zhong Jinyi turned his head and asked in doubt.

"Hold your hand! I'm going to hold your hand tonight, and enter the door dignifiedly!"

Zhong Jinyi finally remembered that she seemed to have said this, but she didn't know how to answer for a while, so she cleared her throat and pretended to be calm, "This matter is up for discussion."

Qin Yuan expressed shock and strong condemnation.

"No, what do you mean by waiting to be discussed? Who are you going to discuss with? Could it be possible to ask Lin Xiao and the others to have a meeting to discuss it?"

Zhong Jinyi didn't explain, turned around and got on Feijian.

Run away!

Is this really that difficult?

Zhong Jinyi didn't know, she only knew that she and him had only known each other for a few months, so openly holding hands like this...it seemed like she was very anxious?

Besides, the matter of holding hands, I hadn't thought about it for thirty-six years, and all of a sudden... it was really hard to accept.

In addition, if you hold hands with him, it will not be far from the auspicious day for father and brother.

But isn't this a joke?

If you take him as a husband so hastily, you have the appearance of your father and brother, but what about your own appearance?

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