After He Yunxiao came out of Jinxianyuan, he thought that since he was here, he would take a detour to the nearby printing workshops for a stroll.

It was now ten o'clock in the evening, and most of the workshops were closed at this time.

Coincidentally, there were still a few small-scale ones open.

He Yunxiao thought that since he was here, he went in and took a look.

He walked past several shops, but none of them had ever printed silver bills. For such a case, He Yunxiao simply skipped it.

The printing of silver bills is different from the printing of ordinary books. The former has very high requirements and must take into account certain anti-counterfeiting technologies. Not just any workshop can do it.

Perhaps it was Sister Du's "luck improvement" that was at work. After He Yunxiao walked past several ordinary printing shops, he really found a printing factory that helped money houses print silver bills.

Holding the 10,000 taels of silver bills that he had just "borrowed" from the antidote girl, He Yunxiao walked into the workshop without shaking legs or panic. When he saw someone, he said, "Take me to see your shop owner."

The young man who was working was stunned.

Without saying anything, He Yunxiao took out ten taels of silver and stuffed them into the hands of the young man who was working.

"Hurry up and call your owner to come out. If you don't move, I will add another ten taels. I will keep adding until you move."

Hey, if you have money, you can have fun.

The young man was really honest and didn't deliberately cheat He Yunxiao. After he realized what was going on, he immediately found the owner of the shop for He Yunxiao.

He Yunxiao didn't hesitate. He knew that it was not realistic to ask the workshop to make a plate of "silver notes" for him now, so he said directly: "Change the words "silver notes" at the beginning of the current plate to "gold and silver certificates", and then change the name of his bank to "Da Qi Bank", and change the pattern for me.

As for how many gold and silver certificates of each denomination of one tael, two taels, five should print them according to the proportion required by the bank. I need gold and silver certificates with a denomination of 100,000 taels tomorrow morning, do you understand?"

The owner of the printing workshop hesitated a little after hearing He Yunxiao's urgent request, but after He Yunxiao put two silver notes with a denomination of 100 taels on the table, this request was no longer urgent, and he also promised He Yunxiao that it would be completed on time.

He Yunxiao didn't say anything more. Before nightfall, he found a seal engraving shop and asked them to make a "Da Qi Bank" seal overnight to be used for stamping consumer coupons tomorrow.

Normal silver notes need to be stamped with the seals of the bank and the Ministry of Revenue before they can be used.

But He Yunxiao's voucher is just a consumption voucher, not a silver note, so he took advantage of the loophole and did not need the seal of the Ministry of Revenue. Otherwise, if he waited for the Ministry of Revenue to review it, he might not be able to redeem Sister Jiang this year.


At dawn, He Yunxiao hurriedly selected a few beautiful and clever maids from the Marquis's Mansion to go to the "Da Qi Bank" with him.

These maids were He Yunxiao's first batch of employees.

The so-called Da Qi Bank is actually just an ordinary store in the North Commercial Street.

It is so ordinary that there is not even a plaque with the four characters "Da Qi Bank" as the store's sign.

He Yunxiao left the maids in the store first, and then went to get the Da Qi Bank seal and the consumption voucher with a face value of 100,000 taels that were made overnight last night. The official name of this consumption voucher is "Da Qi Bank Gold and Silver Voucher".

Although the voucher itself is not very serious, the name is very serious. It gives people a very compliant and trustworthy feeling. People may not understand what a "bank" is, nor what a "gold and silver certificate" is, but when they are placed after the word "Da Qi", they will make people feel that they are very reliable and formal.

After instructing the maids to clean the store and stamp the consumption vouchers to prevent counterfeiting, He Yunxiao first went to customize the bank's plaque, and then estimated that the time was almost up, so he went to Lujiao Academy to find the antidote girl to trade handkerchiefs.

The reason why he made an appointment with the antidote girl to trade at Lujiao Academy was because He Yunxiao had another thing to do besides trading handkerchiefs.

Ask Sister Du for help.

He Yunxiao thought about it, and yesterday he personally went out to find merchants in Beixiang Commercial Street to cooperate as "Yinjing's No. 1 Dandy". He went to about 40 or 50 shops with average business and potential for cooperation, and finally only four were willing to cooperate.

These four are not ordinary merchants, they are all shops with "dandy backgrounds" similar to Yaohui New Porcelain.

Apart from this special relationship, it can be said that he didn't negotiate a single business yesterday.

Every time I go in, the shop owner is either afraid of me or tries to please me in every possible way. There is no option for a good discussion.

After all, there are only a few shops with connections. Will Daqi Bank not do business with most shops in the future?

Consumption vouchers are only meaningful if many people use them and they become mainstream. Otherwise, it is nonsense.

After learning from his mistakes, He Yunxiao is ready to launch an "agent" to control Daqi Bank on his behalf.

He Yunxiao thought about it and found that only Du Yinyun, Du Meimei, is the most suitable for this position.

Du Meimei has been a courtesan and is good at dealing with interpersonal relationship issues. Moreover, Du Meimei is naturally cold, smart, and taciturn. With her temperament of keeping people at a distance, she can calm down the shop assistants under her and is the most suitable for managing money.

He Yunxiao has a lot of experience in distinguishing the closeness and distance. After all, he will be a person who treats people equally in the future.

Du Meimei and the antidote girl are both in Lujiao Academy. Du Meimei is close to her and the antidote girl is distant. He must go to see Du Meimei first.

However, if you want to see Sister Du, you must not skip Zi Ruo's wife. After all, Sister Du is now "living under someone else's roof" and temporarily living in the Fan Mansion.

He Yunxiao stood at the door of Fan's study, hesitating whether to knock on the door.

Thinking carefully, it was only one day since I last saw Ziruo's wife, why did it always feel like a long time?

The result of hesitation was that he knocked on the door.

The response to the knock was silence.

This silence was very long, so long that if He Yunxiao could not hear the breathing and heartbeat in the study, he would have thought that Ziruo's wife was not in the study today.

"Come in."

Hearing the voice, He Yunxiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Pushing the door open, He Yunxiao saw Ziruo's wife sitting by the window at the table as usual, reading and writing.

Looking at Fan Ziruo's quiet appearance, He Yunxiao's boredom about the bank opening seemed to be swept away.

He Yunxiao's mouth showed a knowing smile, "Ziruo."

Fan Ziruo was only busy writing, without raising his head, "Who are you, sir, are you here to see Ziruo for something?"

He Yunxiao:?

He Yunxiao quickly confirmed that Ziruo's wife had a favorable impression of 101, and the corners of his mouth twitched. This Ziruo wife was probably deliberately making trouble with him.

With the favorable impression in hand, He Yunxiao was not panicked at all.

He moved the chair that had been placed by the table and belonged to him and placed it next to Ziruo's wife. He Yunxiao sat down next to Fan Ziruo.

He didn't say anything, just leaned against her and watched her write.

Fan Ziruo stopped writing while writing.

He stood up and turned to look at He Yunxiao, "You still know how to come here."

Looking at Ziruo's wife's angry look, He Yunxiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"It's just one day."

Fan Ziruo said, "Is one day too short?"

He Yunxiao coaxed her, "Okay, come and see Ziruo every day in the future."

"No need. It's too much trouble for Mr. He."

He Yunxiao stretched out his hand to hug her waist, and said kindly, "No trouble, no trouble. I miss our sister Ziruo every day."

Fan Ziruo struggled symbolically for a while, and then let He Yunxiao hold her.

"Someone will come."

"Ziruo, don't be afraid, I have good hearing. If someone comes, we will pretend to read a book."

"It's up to you."

He Yunxiao hugged her for a while, and then told her the purpose of his visit.

"Ziruo, I want to borrow someone from you."


"Du Yinyun."

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