The poetry competition officially began.

The maid came to the first person, Yang Zhe, holding an embroidered handkerchief.

According to the rules, this kind of embroidered handkerchief is embroidered by the courtesan in the selection. So this one is naturally from Du Yinyun's hand.

Now, this treasure is placed in front of Yang Zhe, and Yang Zhe wants it but dares not take it.

Because once he gets this thing, it means that "Falling Flower" has failed and lost the right to compete for the first patron of the courtesan.

In other words, this handkerchief is a consolation prize, a souvenir left for the young masters who spent a lot of money to participate in the competition.

The maid came to Yang Zhe with a handkerchief in hand. This action means that it is Yang Zhe's turn to answer the proposition called "flower".

In theory, there are many forms of answering questions, including poetry, songs, idioms, and even famous quotes. As long as it contains the word "flower" or implies the word "flower", it is considered a successful answer.

But who is Yang Zhe?

He is the champion of both civil and military affairs!

There are so many people watching in the audience, so he must not fool around. Even Yang Zhe himself wanted to show his literary talent in front of Du Yinyun.

Standing up slowly, Yang Zhe thought for a few breaths and recited his own poem on the spot: "Riding a horse to the north of the Nitrate Mountain, hearing the song at sunset. The wind blows the lavender, and the golden spear shines on the northern border."

Although this poem cannot be compared with the eternal quatrains written by the predecessors, it can still be rated as a top-notch one if it is improvised.

Even Liu Feiyun, who was sitting next to Yang Zhe and ranked second, applauded from the bottom of his heart.

"Brother Yang, good poem! Twenty words can depict a vivid picture of the frontier scenery. A general is riding a horse in the lavender field and looking north, and the song representing peace and comfort slowly rings in his ears. In sharp contrast, the long spear in the general's hand is polished and shining in the afterglow of the sunset."

Yang Zhe usually disdains to call others brothers. With his family background and talent, to be fair, there are really few people who can call him brothers.

Moreover, he claimed to be of the same generation as the eldest princess.

Therefore, even Li Jin, who was always good at bullying others by relying on his father, was a second-generation man of this level, and had never been taken seriously by Yang Zhe, who was of the same generation, because he was a generation younger than the eldest princess.

Although Yang Zhe was not much older than Li Jin, he felt that he was a generation older than Li Jin because he admired the eldest princess, and often spoke to Li Jin in the tone of an elder.

This made Li Jin very dissatisfied.

It’s okay for my cousin to teach me a lesson, but apart from being handsome, strong in martial arts, and good in writing, what else is better than me, Li Jin?

However, today, Liu Feiyun flattered Yang Zhe very well, making him very proud in front of Du Yinyun, so Yang Zhe made an exception and bowed to him, saying: "Brother, thank you for your praise."

Everyone is a person who can make eye contact.

If Tieweiqi's Iron Eagle Gang wants to get along in Yinjing, it naturally cannot do without the help of this imperial guard commander and royal close minister. Whether it is Chu Fan or Yang Zhe, such a promising national pillar, if you can make friends with them, of course you should make friends with them.

Walking in the rivers and lakes, more friends mean more roads.

Tie Weiqi also stood up and complimented: "What a good one, the golden sword shines on the northern border! What a good poem!"

Shen Kuan was unwilling to lag behind. As the son of Yin Jingfu, he had heard some of the things in the court from his father. This Yang Zhe, the commander, was very popular with both Prime Minister Han and the princess. Although he is now a fourth-rank official, it is only a matter of time for him to rise to the top.

Shen Kuan: "Yes, Commander Yang's sincere heart to serve the country can be seen in this poem."

After Shen Kuan, it was Li Jin's turn.

Things were often much simpler when it came to Li Jin.

Let's put it this way, when Li Jin was taking classes at Lujiao Academy, his father, Li Gongqin, the Minister of Rites, went to ask his son about his grades. The teacher thought for a long time, sighed and said to Li Gongqin:

"Sir, your son should read books, just like reading books."

Seeing that others stood up to praise Yang Zhe, Li Jin, who had always been dissatisfied with Yang Zhe, had to stand up and applaud in order to show his profound knowledge.

"This poem is well written! It's quite good. Very good, very good."

Later, it was Chu Xiaoxiao's turn. Chu Xiaoxiao certainly wouldn't flatter Yang Zhe. She just blinked her beautiful big eyes and did nothing.

Finally, it was He Yunxiao, the tenth place. He Yunxiao certainly wouldn't flatter Yang Zhe, but he was not like Chu Xiaoxiao who had nothing to do.

Sister Jiang and Sister Du were sitting opposite him. At this time, he was holding his cheek with his hand and looking at the two courtesans with his eyes.

Yang Zhe intended to embarrass He Yunxiao. After all, given He Yunxiao's reputation, his literary level was worse than Li Jin's.

No matter what, Li Jin was a person who had read books. And He Yunxiao didn't read books at all.

In the words of the dandies: Study? What the hell! Is studying something a dandy should do?

Yang Zhe said to He Yunxiao: "Mr. He, how about my poem?"

He Yunxiao was too lazy to stand up, so he sat on his seat and picked his ears.

"It's OK, but I have to pick my earwax after listening to it."

Yang Zhe snorted coldly, and did not argue with He Yunxiao, but asked Du Yinyun and the other five girls instead.

"Ladies, does my self-created poem count?"

The five people discussed it and gave the poem an "excellent" score.

The score is higher than "good", so even if this poem counts, the "excellent" score is already a great recognition of this poem.

Yang Zhe sat down with satisfaction, and then the maid holding the embroidered handkerchief came to the second place Liu Feiyun.

Liu Feiyun thought for a moment, and then said affectionately: "The peach tree is young and bright."

This is a famous line from the Book of Songs. No one questioned it, and there was no need for the courtesan to score. It was counted directly.

The fourth place was Tie Weiqi. Tie Weiqi was a simpler warrior. He had read books, but not many. He could not be compared with the literary young men like Yang Zhe and Liu Feiyun.

He had no burden, but he was also direct. He said directly: "Flowers are blooming like brocade."

Shen Kuan was a little literary, but he didn't pretend to be cool. He said: "A flash in the pan."

Idioms are very fast, because they are not like self-created poems that need to be scored, nor do they need to be read affectionately like famous lines from the Book of Songs.

It was Li Jin's turn soon.

Li Jin stood up and said a lot of things like pouring soybeans.

"A hundred flowers bloom, flowers fall and water flows, flowers are like jade..."

Liu Kaixiong, who was in the back, was sweating profusely. He kept persuading the son of the Shangshu to stop talking.

All the idioms with flowers have been said. What can I say!

Although Li Jin's behavior was not authentic, it did not break the rules. The person who ranks higher should speak first, and the person who ranks lower should not repeat. This is the advantage of the person who gets more golden flowers in the previous stage.

Otherwise, why would others spend money to compete for the ranking?

Li Jin racked his brains and finished all the idioms he could say.

Then he looked at Yang Zhe with a smug look, and asked Du Yinyun: "Du Hua Kui, how did I say it?"

Not only Du Yinyun, but also Jiang Wuyou, who is more senior, and the other three red-card girls, saw this scene for the first time.

Others write poems and you recite idioms. You still have the nerve to ask how the idioms are recited?

But Li Jin has some status after all, so it is not good to neglect him. Du Yinyun can only say: "Mr. Li is very emotional when reciting idioms."

Li Jin's eyes lit up, and he deeply felt that Du Yinyun is really a confidant!

"Miss Du, why are you emotional?"

Du Yinyun said, "I feel proud."

Li Jin clapped his hands, "Well said! What else?"

Seeing that Li Jin was not giving up, Yang Zhe, who had already regarded Du Yinyun as his own, finally spoke, "Li Jin, that's enough, next one."

After Li Jin was Liu Kaixiong.

Since Li Jin had said all the idioms he could say, Liu Kaixiong couldn't say a word for a long time.

Finally, in the first round, he got an embroidered handkerchief and was kicked off the stage.

A proposition must go through at least one round before the next proposition will start.

So when the person after Liu Kaixiong, Passerby B, faced the proposition called "Flower", he was also helpless.

He got the embroidered handkerchief and left the stage.

After Passerby B, it was the ninth place Chu Xiaoxiao.

If she couldn't answer, she would also get the handkerchief and be eliminated.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

Chu Fan was sitting in the audience and looking at his sister, feeling a little nervous.

If Xiaoxiao couldn't answer, how could he ask Du Yinyun for clues about the Chu family tragedy ten years ago?

Just when everyone thought Chu Xiaoxiao was going to give up, Chu Fan's eyes were sharp, and he suddenly observed that some light between He Yunxiao and Chu Xiaoxiao was slightly distorted.

This was internal force transmission!

Then, in the spotlight of the crowd, Chu Xiaoxiao slowly spoke.

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