Of course Du Yinyun is not cold, on the contrary, she is still very hot.

Not to mention his own fever caused by the rapid heartbeat and surge of adrenaline, He Yunxiao's hug like a sloth can add a lot of heat to the bed.

Du Yinyun tried her best to steady her breath, so that her tone of voice was basically the same as before: "I'm not cold, I'll be fine now."

But Jiang Wuyou said, "Why do I feel like it's getting hotter now?"

Du Yinyun said against her will: "It's probably because of my sister's psychology."

Jiang Wuyou sat up from the bed and stretched. The hem of his pajamas became much shorter due to raising his arms. For a moment, a corner of her fair and smooth waist like a water snake was exposed.

Along with it, there is also the hem of the red bellyband. Faintly visible is a red background embroidered with gold thread patterns.

Although Sister Jiang is much plumper than Sister Du, she does not gain weight randomly. In fact, as the "Dancing Champion Yin Jing", she has always maintained a very good figure. In terms of the proportion of each part, she has surpassed Sister Du.

Jiang Wuyou only needs to walk around the stage, and his natural steps and manners can surpass most dancers' pretentious dance moves.

After stretching, Sister Jiang said: "Yinyun, it's a little hot in your pajamas. I want to... do you mind?"

Considering Du Yinyun's current situation, she certainly didn't dare to say "no".

Soon, Jiang Wuyou took off his moon-white pajamas, leaving only his bellyband and silk shorts and got back into the quilt.

On the way to the kitchen, Jiang Wuyou had already rethought his plan for dealing with Sister Du. After she got into the quilt and lay down, she turned sideways and looked at Sister Du with shining eyes.

"Sister, is something wrong?" Du Yinyun couldn't lie down, so she could only turn sideways to face Sister Jiang at the same time.

So, the current situation under the quilt is that Du Yinyun is leaning sideways, and He Yunxiao is holding her from behind.

Jiang Wuyou smiled and asked a question that only a devil could ask.

"Will my sister think about it?"

"What are you thinking about?"

Sister Jiang mouthed the two words corresponding to "woman".

Such a hot topic made the inexperienced sister Du's face turn red immediately.

Jiang Wuyou came closer, and with the help of the faint moonlight, he could see all of Sister Du's face and changes in her eyes.

She thought to herself: The little girl is still young, why can't she be like this?

The devil's whispers continue.

Sister Jiang said coaxingly: "Sister, sometimes, how about you? Sister Yin Yun."

Du Yinyun's psychological quality is relatively strong. Even if Jiang Wuyou throws such a bomb and explodes, he will not completely panic.

She planned to deal with it, but He Yunxiao, who was not too concerned about the excitement, immediately joined the battlefield.

He sent a message to Sister Du: "Don't lie here, impress her with sincerity."

This lie is such that even He Yunxiao himself plans to complain about himself:

"Sincerity asshole.

In fact, you are also interested.

After all, gossip is human nature. "

However, although the purpose was gossip, Sister Du took his words seriously.

Since the young master said that we must be sincere, then... we can only... be sincere...

"I wouldn't have done it before..."

Du Yinyun's voice was as small as a mosquito.

Although the voice was small, it was heard by Sister Jiang and He Yunxiao who had their ears pricked up.

Jiang Wuyou asked his soul again.

"I couldn't do it before, that means I can do it now."

Jiang Wuyou's voice seemed to have magic power, causing Du Yinyun, who was already extremely ashamed, to subconsciously tighten her legs.

He Yunxiao's face appeared in her mind involuntarily, and she suddenly remembered that it seemed... they were now...

There was an electric current rising from my heart and flowing throughout my body.

Du Yinyun's whole body trembled, and then she was so embarrassed that she quickly pulled up the quilt and covered her face, leaving only her eyes outside.

"Sister, don't ask."

He Yunxiao's "The Story of Peach Blossom Spring" was a bit difficult to use after being messed with by Sister Jiang.

Let me ask, who can withstand this?

He Yunxiao has been able to stand up to this point. If he asks himself, he is already a moral model and Da Qi Liu Xiahui.

At this moment, He Yunxiao himself began to doubt whether he was the villain of the novel.

That must be the villain!

Cold hands!

Prepare to freeze your hands!

Du Yinyun is in a very difficult situation now.

There was both pressure from Jiang Wuyou and backstabbing from his teammates.

Now, she just feels that the weather is too hot, and she also wants to cool down like Sister Jiang. But in that case, the young master will definitely be exposed.

However, the young master said that he could not be exposed...

So Sister Du had no choice but to endure it.

Fortunately, He Yunxiao was just holding her, and she was quite calm, so it only made her a little warmer, nothing else.

Jiang Wuyou continued to execute her devilish plan.

The beautiful sister came closer and said, "Yinyun, I heard that you go to Lujiao Academy to teach music? There are all male students there, and they are all young men from various families who are preparing to take the imperial examination."

"If, my sister is saying that if you can choose a young master, what kind of boy do you want? If the person you think about day and night happens to be in the academy. He also likes you, then you will agree him?"

When Du Yinyun heard "the person who thinks about him day and night", he already thought of He Yunxiao. Her slender legs moved quietly under the quilt, gently rubbing against each other. I can't help but have fantasies in my mind.

If the young master wants to marry me, will I agree? Of course it will. How can you refuse the young master's request...

Jiang Wuyou saw a slight smile on Du Yinyun's red face. With her experience, she understood that this little girl had someone she liked and had begun to enter the season of spring.

Although this person was most likely He Yunxiao, it was not certain. She had to hear Sister Du say He Yunxiao's name in person.

Sister Jiang began to whisper devilishly again: "If Mr. He also studied at Lujiao Academy, would you choose him?"

The three words "Mr. He" triggered Du Yinyun's "anti-slang" mechanism again.

She immediately woke up from her previous fantasy.

Just as she organized her words and was about to jump out of Jiang Wuyou's words, the skin on her waist sent a very dangerous signal.

Du Yinyun was originally a girl who had never touched the water of spring. Her hands rarely touched things, nothing more than piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and at most a pair of bowls and chopsticks, that's all.

Compared with her hands, her skin could touch even fewer things.

Silk clothes, bedding, and bath water, count them all over and over again.

But now, the skin as tender as tofu suddenly touched the rough fingerprints and palm prints. A feeling that she had never felt before was transmitted from her body and nerve endings to Du Yinyun's brain.

The feeling was numb and numb, and there was an indescribable comfort. It first spread from the place of contact, and then spread to every part of the body. Finally, these large and countless sensory signals hit the brain together.

Du Yinyun felt that her head was a little confused, and she couldn't even control her breathing, and it became rapid.

Sister Jiang's devilish whisper sounded again: "Mr. He is in Lujiao Academy, will you choose him?"

The feeling on her body greatly interfered with Sister Du's thinking ability. She hesitated for a long time and finally said: "I, won't. I won't choose him."

Seeing Du Yinyun's hesitation, Jiang Wuyou finally smiled.

Hesitation itself is the answer.

However, the devil Sister Jiang didn't intend to let this always cold Sister Du go. Now is a good time to bully her.

Taking advantage of Du Yinyun's poor condition, Jiang Wuyou used his ultimate move.

"Yinyun, He Yunxiao told me before that he wanted to marry you, so you should marry him, okay?"

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