The small lake is not so much a small lake, but is actually only slightly larger than a pond.

Looking from this side of Linxuan Palace, the houses opposite are about the size of a palm. In the dark, they can't be seen clearly. All they know is that they are brightly lit, which is completely different from the quiet and deserted Linxuan Palace.

He Yunxiao took Meng Qingrou's hand and came to the lake.

Of course, where two hands are held, the flow of blood never stops. The warm blood from He Yunxiao's body flowed into Meng Qingrou's body, making her feel that the night was not cold at all.

According to her habits, she usually only goes out to play for a while in the afternoon. The rest of the time, he stayed in Linxuan Palace.

The body is weak and cannot bear the cold.

Especially at night, it is even more impossible to go out.

However, this time she saw that her sister seemed very tired, so she wanted to make a sleeping sachet for her sister. Xing'er didn't allow her to take dangerous things like a sickle, so she had to sneak out quietly.

Meng Qingrou felt warm all over her body, even in such a cold windy night.

She turned her head and glanced at He Yunxiao, then quickly turned her head away.

If this young master were not here this time, I would hurt my palm and I really don’t know what I would have done. It's just that when he helped me like this, I didn't even know his name.

He refused to accept the money I gave him, which shows that he is not greedy for money and has a noble character.

Meng Qingrou, Meng Qingrou, he saved you, you have to thank him properly.

"Nanzhu, which one do you like?"

He Yunxiao held Meng Qingrou's hand and stood by the lake, pointing at the fish in the lake.

The water of this lake is crystal clear, and with the help of the bright moonlight, you can faintly see several plump and beautiful fish swimming in the lake.

The fish in the palace lake naturally do not grow up freely, but are fed by fish food all year round. Therefore, he is fat and strong, and is not afraid of people.

Meng Qingrou looked at the fish in the lake, pointed to the most beautiful one, and said, "I like it."

"Like it? Okay."

He Yunxiao bent down and picked up a stone, weighed it twice in his hand, and then, under Meng Qingrou's shocked eyes, he instantly threw the small stone that carried the inner force.

The little stone roared towards Princess Nanzhu's favorite fish, instantly piercing its body and sinking to the bottom of the water.

The beautiful fish lost its dream and floated to the water smoothly, waiting for people to pick it up.

Meng Qingrou was stunned and did not react for a moment.

"Come on, I'll treat you to some fish."

Since this is the "healing" stage and the blood supply is still going on, you can't let go. He Yunxiao had no choice but to pull Meng Qingrou and stand by the lake.

He said: "The fish is a little far away, I will go into the water to pick it up. Just stand on the shore obediently and don't move."

After He Yunxiao finished giving instructions, he stepped into the water, straightened his right arm and put it behind his back, holding hands with Meng Qingrou.

The fish was indeed a bit far from the shore. Even if he and Meng Qingrou stretched out their arms, they were still a little far away from picking it up.

He Yunxiao tried his best to bend down and straighten his left hand, but he was still a little short of it.

Seeing this, Meng Qingrou quietly moved her steps closer to the water. But unexpectedly, the soil on the shore was very loose. After she stepped on the edge, the soil suddenly collapsed!


He Yunxiao heard a scream from behind him, turned around and saw Nanzhu falling into the water.

This scared him so much that he couldn't even care about the fish. He quickly stood up straight, stood on tiptoes, and raised his right arm.

After a series of operations, Meng Qingrou felt that her right hand was pulled straight by her own weight, and her whole body was suspended in the air. If you move your little feet a little, you can step on the water.

In this position, the two people can only stick together tightly.

He Yunxiao has fully felt the softness of Nanzhu's wife.

Although the scale of the entire project is not large, He Yunxiao, who likes to work, is not greedy for more. He has always liked to do his best and obey fate. If destiny is difficult, he can only try his best to master it.

But this time, it was destiny. Not too big, not too small, just under control.

Of course, this is not He Yunxiao praising Nanzhu’s wife and belittling Sister Jiang. In fact, he is very tolerant. The saying that the sea is full of rivers and tolerance is great, is a good word to describe He Yunxiao's inclusive aesthetics.

"You, you, put me down quickly."

This gesture was too intimate. Meng Qingrou blushed and became a little anxious.

He Yunxiao originally wanted to continue working overtime and do more work. But the boss of Nanzhu was not willing, so he had to give up.

"Don't move."

He Yunxiao took Meng Qingrou's left hand with his right hand and lifted her up. At this time, his left hand was free. So, he hooked Meng Qingrou's leg with his left hand and held her lower body in a "princess hug" position.

But at this time, his right hand supported most of Meng Qingrou's weight and could not move, so He Yunxiao had no choice but to lean back and let Meng Qingrou's body lean more on his chest.

"Hold my neck with your right hand."

He Yunxiao said to his Nanzhu wife.

Meng Qingrou hesitated. After all, such a gesture was too intimate and too embarrassing. How could you be so close to a man other than your husband?


He Yunxiao gently slapped Nanzhu's wife on the buttocks, "Why are you in a daze? Hug you quickly, or I will throw you into the water."

Meng Qingrou bit her lip lightly, her face burning red and burning.

There was a numbing feeling on my buttocks, not painful, even a little comfortable. However, for such a big princess to be raped by someone else... This made Meng Qingrou extremely ashamed.

How could he... how could he...

He Yunxiao, who had been holding his wife, was not tired. After all, Nanzhu's wife was not heavy. She was about 1.65 meters tall and weighed about 100 kilograms. She had everything she should have and was very well-proportioned.

However, I tried it just now and it felt good, but now my hands are a little itchy.


"Hurry up. If you don't hold my neck, I'll hit you again later." He Yunxiao urged.

Choose the lesser of two evils.

Meng Qingrou comforted herself in this way and finally compromised.

So she stretched out her right hand and hooked his neck.

With the help of Nanzhu's wife, it was very convenient for He Yunxiao to move his right hand.

He leaned back and transferred the weight of his wife from his right hand to his chest, then slowly put down his right hand, allowing Nanzhu's wife's left hand to move with his right hand.

Meng Qingqian felt that his left hand was guided by him and put behind his back, and his right hand also came behind him, supporting his body from his back.

What supported him changed from his single right hand at the beginning to his chest, and now back to his right hand, but this time, this right hand was behind his back.

The whole process was very smooth, and Meng Qingqian didn't even feel a little uncomfortable, and he changed his posture and held her in his arms in a "princess hug".

He Yunxiao held Meng Qingrou, gradually bent his knees, and squatted down.

"You don't have to hold your neck anymore, go pick up the fish."

Meng Qingrou only then noticed that she was only a line away from the water surface.

It seemed that when she was about to fall into the water just now, she was only a line away from the water surface.

This line of separation, a lot of separation, is the fundamental difference between falling into the water and not falling into the water. Thinking of the silky princess hug just now, Meng Qingrou deliberately made a big move when picking up the fish.

As a result, just as she expected, no matter how she struggled, the arms were as solid as iron. And she was always only a line away from the water surface, and she couldn't fall down no matter how she struggled.

[Meng Qingrou's favorability increased from 50 to 60]

Looking at the system prompt, He Yunxiao was a little confused.


Why did Nanzhu's wife's favorability increase again?

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