Watching Du Yinyun lead Chu Xiaoxiao to leave, Fan Ziruo was trying to make a final effort.

"Yinyun, don't you have anything to ask me?"

Du Yinyun said innocently: "No? Isn't my sister going to take Mr. He to visit the academy?"

Fan Ziruo said anxiously: "Think about it again."

Du Yinyun didn't think about it, and began to comfort Fan Ziruo: "Sister, take the guests to visit the academy with peace of mind. If there is anything important in the Fan Mansion, I will do it for you first."

After saying that, Sister Du smiled with a happy tone: "Sister, then Miss Chu and I will leave first."

Looking at Du Yinyun's look, Fan Ziruo understood that this stinky girl did it on purpose. So he said angrily: "Go! Don't come over again!"

He Yunxiao looked at Fan Ziruo's angry expression, felt a little, and took two steps back to make his vision wider so that Fan Ziruo and Sister Du could appear in his vision together.

The favorability of these two people was ruthlessly revealed at the same time as they appeared in He Yunxiao's field of vision.

[Fan Ziruo's favorability towards Du Yinyun is 96]

[Du Yinyun's favorability towards Fan Ziruo is 91]

[Du Yinyun's favorability is 95]

Sure enough.

Fan Ziruo's angry look just now was exactly the same as He Yunxiao's guess.

Because she had a high favorability towards Du Yinyun, it was easy for Du to affect her emotions. And her favorability towards me was very low, so I could hardly affect her emotions.

He Yunxiao deeply understood one thing: emotions are the basis of feelings.

If you can't affect your partner's emotions, then it means that you are not important in her heart.

He Yunxiao watched Du go away and said to Fan Ziruo: "Miss Fan, let's continue shopping."

Fan Ziruo is not a person who likes to break her promise. Even if it was not her original intention to take He Yunxiao to visit the academy alone, since things have developed to this point, she does not want to shirk responsibility and perfunctorily deal with He Yunxiao.

She didn't like He Yunxiao.

But she knew it very well. You can't choose how to treat others based on your likes and dislikes.

There is no distinction between teaching and treating everyone equally.

The saint said so, and she had always done so when she was teaching in the academy.

The two walked on the quiet bluestone path of Lujiao Academy again. Fan Ziruo explained some flowers, plants, buildings, poems and allusions to He Yunxiao from time to time.

He Yunxiao followed behind Fan Ziruo. What she said was quite artistic, but she listened with one ear and let it out with the other.

For He Yunxiao, if you ask him to appreciate the Broken Arm Venus, he can give you a few words, but if you ask him to appreciate flowers and plants, he really has nothing to say.

Moreover, He Yunxiao is now concentrating on thinking about the strategy.

According to the experience of strategizing Du Meimei.

If you want to completely save Fan Ziruo from Chu Xiaoxiao's hunting list, there must be two steps.

The first is to improve the favorability. At least it must be improved to the same level as Chu Fan.

The second is to lower her favorability towards Chu Fan. When her favorability towards Chu Fan is low enough, Chu Xiaoxiao's favorability towards her will be appropriately increased.

Just like Du Meimei now.

Chu Xiaoxiao has a 30 favorability towards Du Meimei. With these supports, even if she is alone with Chu Xiaoxiao now, she doesn't have to worry at all that Chu Xiaoxiao will attack her.

If it were Fan Ziruo, she would try not to be alone with Chu Xiaoxiao. Otherwise, it would be easy to get into trouble.

At present, the biggest problem for He Yunxiao is that he doesn't know how to raise Fan Ziruo's favorability.

The two walked on the path, one in front and one behind. Because He Yunxiao was distracted and wanted to attack, the distance between them was gradually pulled away.

Fan Ziruo stopped, turned around and said to He Yunxiao: "Mr. He, there is no need to deliberately keep a distance from Ziruo. Just visit the academy and walk side by side."

After hearing this, He Yunxiao walked quickly to her side. I thought that with this kind gesture, her favorability should have increased a lot, but He Yunxiao took a closer look and found that it was still only a pitiful 15.

This is not a solution. He Yunxiao knew that she was the most talented woman in Yinjing and was interested in poetry, songs, essays and novels, so he simply talked about poetry.

He Yunxiao said: "I have heard that Miss Fan is talented for a long time. I have something to ask Miss."

Fan Ziruo stopped and looked at He Yunxiao sideways and said: "You want to ask about poetry?"

He Yunxiao was stunned.


Guessed again?

You are the Little Zhuge of Yinjing, right?

He Yunxiao laughed awkwardly: "How did you know that I wanted to ask about poetry?"

Fan Ziruo said calmly: "Although Ziruo is somewhat famous, he is only good at writing. Since you want to ask me, it is probably about poetry and articles. The only thing about writing that has been related to you recently is the poetry contest in Chunfeng Tower. Therefore, you are probably going to ask me about poetry."

He Yunxiao laughed: "At first, the girl said that she didn't know 'He Yunxiao'. How come you can think of the poetry contest in Chunfeng Tower again?"

Fan Ziruo looked at Looking at the flowers on the roadside, he said slowly: "Zi Ruo did not lie to you. If you said your name, I would not be able to remember it. If you said, 'Flowers bloom like fire', then I would be able to remember it."

Since we are talking about poetry, He Yunxiao asked: "This poem was praised and criticized at the time. I wonder what you think of it, young lady?"

"It is a good poem. Although it does not follow the rules of rhythm, it has a lot of rhyme. The only thing that puzzles Zi Ruo is that this poem does not seem to be written by you."

He Yunxiao said awkwardly: "What about "Daming Lake"?"

Fan Ziruo said: "Not really. Ziruo thinks that if the young master writes a poem, he will not pay attention to the toad on the lotus leaf, but to the girl by the lake."


Even He Yunxiao himself wanted to like this.

The smarter Fan Ziruo is, the more difficult it is for He Yunxiao.

This, the routine was seen through at a glance, and the poem was directly discovered. Even if you try your best to tell jokes, play clowns, and do funny things, it can't even touch her emotions!

This girl will only look at you calmly and entertain yourself.

He Yunxiao didn't intend to hide anything from Fan Ziruo about copying poems.

He said frankly: "When we were competing in poetry, the poems I read were not written by me. This behavior is actually considered copying poems."

Fan Ziruo's face was as calm as water.

But she was a little surprised.

She was not surprised that He Yunxiao copied poems. Because she had long felt that this poem did not look like what He Yunxiao wrote. She knew that in the circle of these dude, it was common to buy and copy poems in order to save face. She had no intention of holding He Yunxiao accountable. But she didn't expect that He Yunxiao not only admitted it himself, but also felt remorse from his tone?

A prodigal son who returns is worth more than gold.

Especially for a typical dude like He Yunxiao. If he can abandon evil and do good, it would be a good thing.

Fan Ziruo's instinct as a teacher in the academy made her encourage He Yunxiao: "We won't talk about the past. Just stop copying poems in the future, that's all."

[Fan Ziruo's favorability changed from 15 to 20]

He Yunxiao: !!!

What happened?

What did I do? My favorability actually increased!

A full 5 points!

He Yunxiao immediately reviewed the situation just now.

In short, he expressed regret for copying poems.

Although He Yunxiao was lustful, his values ​​were very correct. As a modern person with copyright awareness, using other people's poems to show off will naturally make you feel guilty towards the original author. Copying poems is a last resort, and the guilt caused by it is inevitable.

This is a very natural thing for He Yunxiao.

Unexpectedly, this made Fan Ziruo's favorability towards him increase!

He Yunxiao suddenly thought of a sentence-birds of a feather flock together.

Fan Ziruo can become a close friend of Du Yinyun, and is also one of the heroines of the original novel, so her three views must be very correct.

In this case, she can't turn a blind eye to the "lost pony"!

As long as I, the old villain, "turn back", she will definitely help me with all her heart!

He Yunxiao slapped his thigh!

The wealth code is in place!

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