He Yunxiao did not dare to disturb her rashly. He was afraid that the girl would be frightened by him and that she would be unable to prick her finger, but would prick her finger after being frightened.

He quietly opened the door and walked in, placing the preserves, roux and fish one by one.

Then he walked behind Meng Qingrou and watched what she was doing.

She is embroidering a sachet.

Even though He Yunxiao was not a professional, he could tell that the fabric of the sachet was average, and Nanzhu's wife's needlework skills were even more average.

It's at a level that's barely considered needlework.

It's no wonder that she can't touch these things. There is no way to practice more.

He Yunxiao waited for Nanzhu's wife to pause, then suddenly took action and took away the sachet and the needle and thread.

Meng Qingrou looked at the thing in her hand that suddenly disappeared. She was stunned for a while, and then looked up after realizing it.

"Master Xiao! You..."

He Yunxiao said quickly: "As promised yesterday, I will come today to continue healing your injuries."

Meng Qingrou stretched out her left hand and said anxiously: "My hand is healed and does not need treatment anymore."

Meng Qingrou's hands were indeed almost in good shape. The scab from yesterday's wound has peeled off today and is basically invisible. But is this a matter of recovery or recovery?

He Yunxiao pretended to be angry, pointed at the little red dot on Meng Qingrou's hand and said, "Did you just get pricked by a needle?"

Meng Qingrou lowered her head guiltily.

"If I hadn't given you a blood transfusion yesterday, even if you were pricked by a needle and the wound was small, the bleeding would not stop for a while."

He Yunxiao put the half-made sachet on the table.

Then he began to teach Meng Qingrou a lesson.

"Do you know you have hemophilia? Can you touch sharp objects? As the eldest princess of Qi State, a sixteen-year-old girl, you can..."

Meng Qingrou raised her head slightly and said cautiously: "Mr. Xiao, Nanzhu is seventeen years old..."

"How dare you talk back! You!"

He Yunxiao was ready to fight.

When Meng Qingrou saw him like this, she immediately lowered her head. The hand is placed on the lap, the two fingers of the right hand being nervously held in the palm of the left hand. At the same time, the slender and well-proportioned legs are pressed together properly.

It's exactly like: Nanzhu knows what he did was wrong, the young master can teach Nanzhu how he wants to teach Nanzhu.

Seeing her like this, He Yunxiao suddenly softened his heart.

Men can be soft-hearted, but nothing else.

He Yunxiao squatted down, poked the tip of her nose, and said seriously: "Care more about yourself. Fortunately, my blood is quite useful. You poked your finger today and there was no bleeding. Next time, let the palace maid do this. ”

Meng Qingruo said softly: "Myolie and the others are very busy, and Nanzhu doesn't want to trouble them anymore. Besides, this is a sachet for my sister. I want to make it myself..."

He Yunxiao thought that he had transfused a lot of blood to Nanzhu's wife yesterday, which should be enough for a while, at least it would not cause any serious problems if he pricked his finger.

So he softened his tone and said, "If you promise not to prick your hand, I will allow you to do it."

Meng Qingrou nodded quickly.

"Yeah. I promise."

He Yunxiao picked up the needle, thread and sachet and returned it to Meng Qingrou. He also carefully wrapped the needle in the thread to prevent it from piercing Nanzhu's wife.

"Back to you."

Meng Qingrou smiled sweetly and said, "Thank you, Mr. Xiao!"

He Yunxiao also smiled and said: "Are you satisfied? If you are satisfied, let's start healing. Come on, be obedient and stretch out your hands."

Of course Meng Qingrou knew what "healing" meant.

Last night, she and Mr. Xiao held hands for half an hour.

Even though she is currently discussing with her sister not to marry He Yunxiao, but no matter what, she and Mr. Xiao have not yet been engaged...

Although the relationship between doctor and patient can explain the past, but... I have obviously recovered...

Seeing Nanzhu's hesitant look, He Yunxiao knew that his opportunity had come again.

Without hesitation.


A tingling sensation is transmitted to the brain together with the familiar voice. Meng Qingrou's face turned red instantly, and then she began to panic subconsciously.

He Yunxiao looked at her and smiled: "Hands."

In the panic, Meng Qingrou was a little confused. Even though she was very shy, she obediently raised her left hand and handed it to He Yunxiao.

"Spread your fingers apart yourself."

Meng Qingrou blushed and pretended not to hear.

But He Yunxiao would not let her go just like this.


Meng Qingrou turned her face away, as if she was afraid of getting an injection and didn't dare to look at her left hand. She blushed and pursed her lips, feeling ashamed and angry. But he still spread his fingers obediently and waited for He Yunxiao's big hand to hold it.

He Yunxiao looked at her like this and deliberately teased her without holding her hand.

He let his fingers start from the base of her palm and move upward, stroking and pushing forward little by little.

The feeling last night came back to Meng Qingrou.

She only felt it from her left hand, which was rough, warm, and hard.

It's like there is a big tree that can protect you from the wind and rain.

Her attention was gradually attracted by the slow touch. It was called from other parts of her body and concentrated on her hands.

At this moment, the big hand suddenly moved and completely grasped the white and soft little hand, interlocking the ten fingers and sticking them together tightly.

Because the focus is entirely on the hands, the sensory information from the touch is collected sufficiently.

The large amount of chaotic information made her face blush instantly, and at the same time, she subconsciously straightened her body and squeezed her legs tightly together. It was like being electrocuted from head to toe.

Seeing her hand being tightly grasped by Xiao Yun again, Meng Qingrou said resignedly: "Mr. Xiao, how long will it take to heal today?"

He Yunxiao thought about it and didn't want to push it any further, so he doubled the time and said: "One hour."

Meng Qingrou's hand was held honestly, and she protested: "It was only half an hour yesterday."

He Yunxiao explained nonsense: "Half an hour yesterday, because we kept holding each other yesterday."

Meng Qingrou argued, "Then can't we not separate today?"

He Yunxiao smiled and said: "That's what you said, if we don't separate, then we won't separate."

Meng Qingrou: ? ? ?

He Yunxiao didn't care about the routine or not. What kind of routine is it to use a routine on his own wife? That's called interest.

He pulled it, so he took Meng Qingrou to the place where the "New Year's goods" were just placed.

He stuffed a few packets of snacks into Meng Qingrou's hands, and took the rouge and put it on her dressing table.

He Yunxiao deliberately reminded her: "This rouge is not expensive, you can use it as you like, and I will buy more when you run out."

Looking at Nanzhu's wife's empty dressing table, He Yunxiao said again: "What else do you want? Hairpins, hairpins, necklaces, bracelets?"

She hesitated.

He Yunxiao added: "My family is rich, you don't have to be polite."

Meng Qingrou hesitated and said: "Young Master and Nanzhu are not related, why are you so good to Nanzhu?"

"I cherish you."

"What does 'cherish you' mean..."

He Yunxiao did not answer in a hurry, but pulled her to sit at the table, opened the several packages of snacks in her arms, and then picked one of each and stuffed it into her mouth.

Meng Qingrou's cheeks were bulging at this time, like a little hamster.

"You ate my snacks, and my blood is still flowing in your body. From now on, you are mine, you can only marry me, and you can't run away."

Meng Qingrou widened her eyes, she felt that she was being tricked. Because she had a snack in her mouth at this moment, she couldn't say a word!

He Yunxiao said: "I respect other people's opinions very much. You have ten seconds to object."

Meng Qingrou thought it was okay after hearing what He Yunxiao said, so she chewed the food in her mouth quickly.

He Yunxiao began to count down: "Ten! Nine! One! End. If you don't say anything, I will take it as your consent."

Meng Qingrou was in a state of distress at the moment. The only thing that could comfort her was that the snacks were still delicious.

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