Thinking of her father rushing out with a pig's head or a dog's head, Song Shi's face couldn't help but twitch.

That picture is too beautiful, so forget it.


The bear-headed man roared, with madness and violence in his eyes. Even if he was controlled, he still roared without any reason.

As soon as the fire lit up,


The bear-headed man turned into a burst of flying ash, and it was too late to scream.

"Heavenly Demon Temple, Heavenly Demon Temple, you have created this thing, which makes me more and more annoying."

Song Shi muttered, and as soon as his body fell, he accelerated towards the inside of the mine.

There are a large number of tunnels in the mine, which go down layer by layer and are intricate.

In the mine tunnels, there are dormant half-human and half-demon monsters, some with snake heads and human bodies, some with wolf heads and human bodies, and there are many kinds of monsters, or the other way around, with human heads and animal bodies, or most of them look like beasts.

Without exception, these monsters are extremely ferocious, have no sense at all, and are worse than wild beasts.

Beasts at least know how to be afraid and will not fool around to provoke beings that are more powerful than themselves. However, these monsters are full of impact. They rush towards them one by one, just like moths rushing to the flame, turning into ashes under the true fire of the sun.

"During this period of cultivation, my master's true sun fire has begun to take shape. Even those who dare to seek death are no wonder the Jinzhou monks will suffer a loss here."

Seeing the monsters that were killing them, Song Shi deeply understood how dangerous these things were.

Those who are too scared to be stunned, those who are too stunned to be scared of their lives, these monsters can be compared with him, and even he is not so crazy.

"If these guys follow orders, they will be the best cannon fodder..."

Song Shi's eyes flashed and he stopped in front of a huge cave.

It was pitch black inside, and under the true fire of the sun, dense shadows appeared.

These shadows moved and looked up, revealing pairs of beastly eyes, growling at him.

"Here comes another guy who doesn't know how to live or die!"

A sinister sneer came from the darkness, echoing continuously in the mine.

"I'm quite confident. I'm not afraid of a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul. It seems like this is a lair."

Song Shi is thoughtful.


He snapped his fingers, and a ball of flame flew out, which was quickly blocked by a formation barrier that looked like a layer of water, making a muffled sound.

The dazzling light illuminated the entire pit. Many monsters were very uncomfortable with these lights and roared irritably, but they seemed to be controlled by something and did not rush out directly towards the ones they encountered before.

Song Shi quickly scanned around and found no normal people. These should be finished products...

"You're the only one from Jinzhou who's here? You're so brave!"

The voice in the dark is also exploring Song Shi's situation. Except that Song Shi is enveloped by the true sun fire and cannot be seen, it is confirmed that only a Nascent Soul True Monarch came this time.

He chuckled: "Let you taste the dark wind from the ground first!"

The next moment, a gray strange wind blew out with a whining sound. As a result, the flames on Song Shi's body became more intense, but they were not blown away at all.

Song Shi broke through the formation and entered the pit, then appeared in front of a group of men in black behind the monster group in the blink of an eye.

"Finally I saw a few normal people."

Song Shi raised his hand to grab it, and the fire came down, forming a powerful magic field to envelope the group of people.

This is his method of imitating Heavenly Demon. Although he cannot use the power of space, he has a lot of mana and can achieve similar effects.


The scorching Tai Jiuyang mana instantly put these people in a sea of ​​​​fire. Several Qi Refining monks who were a step slow in defending were directly burned into burning people. After struggling for a moment, they were reduced to ashes.

The others were frightened and frightened, and they used various methods to block Jiuyang's magic power and survived.

The Gold Core monk who had been hiding here before speaking looked at Song Shi in shock: "Why did you come in so quickly? There is a Earth Evil Gathering Yin Formation here."

This man was dressed in a green shirt, middle-aged and short, holding a bronze bell called Law Treasure, and released a blue-black bell-shaped shield to block the flames.

He was a little panicked. According to the past situation, these intruders would be blocked from the formation and constantly consumed by the aliens he mobilized. How could they come in with just a few breaths?

"With the rubbish Fifth Grade formation, you, a little Gold Core, dare to be arrogant in front of me?"

Song Shi punched in the air, and Nine Yang's magic power condensed into a fireball, which poured onto the bronze bell with a bang.

When ~ click!

The moment the bell echoed, it was split open by the force of the punch. The middle-aged man in green exclaimed: "My Law Treasure!"


After the bronze bell was torn into pieces, he was hit directly to the ground by the flaming fist. The hard rock was shattered, and his body was also shattered at the same time.

The rest of the people were so frightened that their faces turned pale and they were terrified. They couldn't escape even if they wanted to. There were destructive flames in all directions.

"Where are you holding the people you arrested?"

Song Shi asked coldly, and the flames he released became more intense: "Whoever leads the way can survive."

A group of people looked hesitant. They didn't know whether they didn't dare to betray or were worried that Song Shi would not keep his promise.

Song Shi flicked his finger, and nine flames shot out, puff puff puff!

The protective means of nine people were broken and they died on the spot.

"There's one last chance left."

Song Shi shows no mercy. These guys are extremely evil people. If they don't fight evil with evil, he will waste more time today.

"The little one will lead you!"

Someone couldn't bear it and was the first to speak, while the others were about to follow.

Song Shi waved his hand, and with a loud noise, everyone who came out to speak was wiped out.

The only person alive was shivering, his face was bloodless, and he almost peed with fear.


The monster that had not moved before seemed to be untied from some kind of shackles at this moment, its eyes glowed with blood, and it turned to look at Song Shi.

"What are you looking at!?"

Song Shi slapped him with his backhand, and the real fire of the scorching sun was released. There was a loud noise, and the entire pit was submerged in the sea of ​​fire.

The monsters that had not yet launched an attack screamed, melted under the high temperature, and then evaporated. No one could withstand it.

The entire underground space shook violently, and many tunnels were blown up to the point of collapse.

Song Shi carried the sole survivor through the sea of ​​fire, like a god in the fire, unaffected.

"Senior, some of the people captured alive are in Jiazikeng and some are in Haikeng."

The captured Heavenly Demon Temple leader pointed in the direction with difficulty and explained: "There are some distances from here on both sides. We are just guarding the entrance here."

Song Shi asked why no other strong men came here after the bombing, and asked about other things: "You capture people alive just to create them?"

"Yes and no."

The little minion was confused: "It should be said that I bred them and sometimes fed them. Basically, the women were used to cultivate the demon seeds, and the men were mostly used as food. Senior, I am just a gatekeeper. I did not do this. "

Song Shi frowned. In just a few words, he could tell what these guys were doing.

While he randomly selected Jiazi Pit and flew there, he asked, "What is the demon species, the so-called alien?"

"No, aliens are people with Demonic Beast bloodline, and demonic species are demonic species. I have never seen one before."

"Not the ones just now?"

Song Shi was stunned, why did it feel like these guys were conducting cross-species hybrid experiments?

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