What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 41: Practice Seriously For One Day And You Will Become Innate!

"I didn't expect this Dandy from the Song family to have some skills?"

On the dilapidated wooden building next to the city wall, a masked man was surprised and drew his bow again to shoot arrows.

This time, three arrows were shot simultaneously from the rounded bowstring.

He quickly took out arrows from the quiver on his back and chased the arrows in front to attack.

Before Song Shi fell completely, he found three sharp arrows shooting in the shape of a pin. He only had time to block two arrows, and then he was hit by the third arrow and the fourth arrow. The miscellaneous arrows that fell under the city wall Among the grass.

"Ding, congratulations on being shot to death by a sharp arrow, your constitution +1!"

"You draw strength from death and gain free attribute point 1!"

"You will be resurrected in three seconds!"

"The resurrection location is not set, and the default is to resurrect in place!"

"Ding, congratulations on being killed by a new object. You meet the incentive conditions. If you eliminate the fatal object within the specified time, you will be rewarded with a lottery opportunity."

At the moment of resurrection, Song Shi quickly left the place under the cover of weeds.

A man carrying a long bow jumped down from the wooden building and came over to make sure Song Shi was dead. "Being hit by my chain of arrows will not be easy even for you as an Innate, let alone an acquired martial artist."

He strode over and his pupils shrank.

Only a few arrows remained among the broken weeds.

He was shocked: "There's no blood at all, how is that possible!"


A strong wind rose from the side, rolling up a wave of scorching air.

He raised his hands to resist.


The right hand was broken instantly, and a red-hot iron palm slapped on the shoulder. There was a harsh breaking sound, and even the shoulder collapsed.

It was like being hit by an ancient giant elephant. While the body was deformed, it flew out like rags and broke a tree.


He vomited blood, and before he could catch his breath, he stepped on his chest with one foot, and there was another cracking sound.

Song Shi served the man with an indifferent expression: "Why did you shoot me!"

He was very angry that someone came to kill him in broad daylight.

"It's...the Sun family, you...don't kill me!"

The archer was in so much pain that he couldn't even speak.

"Sun family?"

Song Shi was confused, wasn't Hei Duzi? What grudge did the Sun family have against him? As for sending someone to kill him?

He put a little force on his feet: "Who exactly is it?"

"Don't step on me, don't step on me, your ribs are about to penetrate my heart!"

The archer screamed, "Master Sun Xuansun asked me to assassinate you. I happened to see you at the city gate and followed the footsteps. I didn't expect you to jump so high. I thought you were not as simple as you looked. So I seized the opportunity and shot you, but I didn’t expect you to be stronger than I thought.”

"Why did Sun Xuan kill me? I don't have any life-or-death grudge against him."

Song Shi squinted.

"I don't know, I'm just following your orders... you..."


The sound stopped suddenly, and Song Shi stepped on him to death.

"Ding, congratulations on killing the target, you will be rewarded with a lottery chance!"

Song Shi looked at this person indifferently: "Since I don't know, there is no value in keeping you. I will go to Sun Xuan personally to ask."

He glanced left and right, lowered his head and plundered the opponent's things, even taking away the bow, arrows and dagger.

Pulling the bow, he found that it took a lot of effort to pull the string apart. This man was very skilled in archery, so no wonder he couldn't stop it.

"Sun Xuan...don't ask someone to assassinate me when I'm snatching a woman from Yao Yuelou..."

Song Shi frowned and guessed some reasons.

Suddenly, a burst of crying sound came.

He stopped and jumped to a wall to observe. He found many corpses lying on the ground, wrapped in white cloth, and the family members nearby were crying and burning paper.


Song Shi's heart sank when she thought of the words of Demon Slayer Secretary Xuan Tie Wei Sun.

Without saying anything, he turned around and accelerated back to the Song family manor.

Immediately sit cross-legged and prepare to practice.

He now feels more and more that his own strength is the foundation, and there is no need to continue to die.

Especially now that there are more and more people coming into contact with and they are becoming more and more powerful, the possibility of death and being discovered is increasing.

He opened the system and checked.

Race: Human race

Spirit: 60

Physique: 49

Comprehension: 41

Talents: Middle Grade Fire Spiritual Root, Innate Divine Power, Transparent Taoist Heart, Vajra Indestructible

Abilities: Iron Sand Palm (little success), Prajna Kung Fu (beginner), Yang Yang Jue (fourth level), Xiaoyao Shou (little success), Phantom Step (little success), Nine Yang Divine Skill (third level), Formation ( Getting Started 24)

Energy: Nine Yang True Power (30)

Free attribute points: 34

Lucky Draw Chances: 2

"Let's do two consecutive draws!"

Song Shi started the lottery.

"Ding, congratulations on winning the Low Level spell Fireball!"

"Ding, congratulations on winning the Apex Level Healing Treasure Pill!"

Two things in a row are displayed inside question marks, a Low Level spell and a healing elixir.

He wasn't too interested.

The spell is okay, but is it possible that the healing elixir can be as good as restoring his full health after death?

Absorbing the training content of the spell, Song Shi immediately activated the Nine Sun Magic Technique, Iron Sand Palm, and Yang Refining Technique.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth was absorbed by him one after another, turning into the true power of Nine Suns.

The essence in the body was refined and turned into the Nine Yang True Power.

Song Shi's hands emitted white heat, and the internal energy of the iron sand palm began to continuously temper his palms.

He started to operate the Prajna Gong again, became possessed and died eight times, gained eight points of understanding, and started to operate smoothly.

The four skills were activated at the same time, and Song Shi's whole body was glowing.

Every time the Jiuyang Magic Technique is used to cultivate the acupuncture points, the True Qi becomes thicker.

The Yang Refining Technique absorbs the fire aura of heaven and earth and provides external power for Song Shi's cultivation.

Iron Sand Palm cultivates both palms. With continuous tempering, the originally indestructible palms become more and more indestructible.

Prajna practice Flesh Refining the body, specifically the muscles and bones of the whole body, so as to gain the power of a bull.

Among the three skills, Iron Sand Palm and Prajna Skill are the lowest level. Driven by Song Shi's own strong foundation and Nine Yang Divine Skill, they were able to achieve great success in just half a day.

Yang Refining Technique has entered the fifth level, which is equivalent to the fifth and fifth levels of Qi Refining.

The fourth acupuncture point of Jiuyang Magic Technique is opened less than half, and the speed is the slowest.

All four Kung Fu are Yang Zhi Gang Kung Fu. Song Shi's body became hotter and hotter, and his whole person seemed to be on fire.

"Can't stand it!"

Song Shi had to find a wooden bucket filled with cold water and jump into the water to practice.

After continuing to practice for a long time, the water in the bucket started to boil. Song Shi's hands suddenly burned with flames, and the iron sand palm practice was completed.

"Ding, congratulations on completing your practice of Iron Sand Palm. You will be rewarded with a lucky draw opportunity."

Soon after Iron Sand Palm was completed, Song Shi's muscles and bones crackled and he became stronger out of thin air.

"Ding, congratulations on completing your practice of Prajna Gong. You will be rewarded with a lucky draw opportunity."

Song Shi breathed out, opened his eyes, and looked at the barrel in shock. The water in it had been evaporated!

"Is it so fierce? I'll just go into the well."

He came to the ancient well in the backyard and jumped down with a thud.

Soon, the water in the well began to boil, and Song Shi continued to run his skills.

At noon the next day, there was a popping sound from the top of his head, and a stream of red energy suddenly shot out.

The aura on his body suddenly surged, and the power of Iron Sand Palm and Prajna Kung alone overwhelmed Hou Tian.

"Breaking the Heavenly Gate and becoming Innate, is it that easy? It only took me a day."

Song Shi muttered, if these words were heard by other Martial Artists, he didn’t know how much envy, jealousy and hatred they would arouse.

An acquired Martial Artist cannot become an Innate in his lifetime, but Song Shi can do it in just one day after practicing seriously. It is absolutely infuriating to people.

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