What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 50 The Embarrassment Of Great Wisdom

Song Shi studied all night and paid a lot of tuition, which made Liu Ruxue very satisfied.

Putting on clothes, leaving the gentle woman behind, Song Shi left with a thick book.

He gained a lot this time. Through Liu Ruxue's words and this basic classic, he completely changed from a novice to a spiritual apprentice.

He had a preliminary understanding of various basic knowledge of spiritual practice, such as the division of realms of practitioners, the categories of practitioners, the discrimination of various external objects, and the monetary system of spiritual practice.

The world of spiritual practice that was originally vague in his eyes opened its door to him, and what was revealed was far more complex and prosperous than he had imagined.

"This world is so colorful. There are three religions and nine schools. Each sect is pursuing immortality, but I am already immortal."

Song Shi had deep eyes and a smile on her lips. She looked at the rising sun outside, her eyes sparkling, and she let out a long breath.

He thought to himself: "Then I will seek immortality instead. After all, just because I am immortal does not mean that I am not old. In this world with so many practitioners, we cannot choose the cruelest method of death, which is old age."

"Master Song."

Mei Niang walked over on cat steps, still charming, and said with a sweet smile: "It seems that the young master is getting stronger and stronger, making Miss Xueer even unable to get out of bed."

"Hmph, I am already indestructible. It's nothing to make a woman's legs weak."

Song Shi holds his head high, which is also an arrogance unique to men.

"Young master is indeed very talented, but no matter how good he is in bed, it still won't be of much help in a real battle."

Mei Niang has something to say.

"Just tell me if you have anything."

Song Shi heard that there was something in Mei Niang's words.

"The Bronze Tiger that the young master offended yesterday is very hostile to you and will probably take action against the young master. If it is not necessary, the young master had better not leave the Yaoyue Tower to avoid risking his life."

Mei Niang reminded her sternly.

"Life is in danger!"

Song Shi became excited instead.

This is a good thing, he wants to go out even more.

He curled his lips: "This guy is really murderous and wants to kill me."

"Sir, the world of cultivation is not as peaceful as the secular world, and there are still laws and regulations."

Mei Niang smiled bitterly, feeling that Song Shi did not know the cruelty of the world of cultivation, and continued: "The world of cultivation is truly a jungle of the jungle. There are many people who will kill you because they see you unhappy, and some people are even killed just because they glance at others."

"Isn't it just whoever has the power to decide the life and death of others?"

Song is sarcastic.

"Yes, without anyone to protect you, it is too easy for practitioners to perish."

Mei Niang nodded, "So Mr. Song had better stay here. Although the Yao Yue Tower is only a worship institution on the periphery of the Yue Yue Palace, now that the deacon is here, it is enough to scare some people."

"I'm just going home. Someone from the Demon Slayer Division is here. If you don't believe him, he still dares to take action."

Song Shi didn't care. In fact, he was eager for that guy to take action.


Mei Niang is a little speechless. After saying so many words, why are you so stubborn?

Wouldn't it be better to just sleep here with Liu Ruxue?

You get shelter, and Liu Ruxue gets increased strength. It’s a win-win for everyone.

She gave her final advice: "There is still some distance between Yao Yuelou and Mr. Song's house..."

"No need to persuade me, how can I, a grown man, not be able to retreat?"

Song Shi waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "Besides, I also received his fist. The big guy's strength is only that much. I can't win, but there is no problem in saving my life."

Mei Niang's head was full of black lines: "Master, he didn't use all his strength at the beginning, and even the Law Weapon was useless."

"It's no use to me either."

Song Shi shrugged, "Arrange a table of food for me and leave after you're full!"

"This... okay."

Mei Niang nodded helplessly and went to order her servants to help Song Shi prepare breakfast.

Song Shi shouted to the outside: "Great Smart, come over for dinner!"


When he heard that he was about to cook, the wise man immediately ran in.

Mei Niang was shocked when she saw Da Clever and noticed his aura: "Mr. Song, you are the escort to Innate!"

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

Song Shi strode towards the dining room.

"You are a guard in your thirties, and your energy and blood are about to decline. It is quite rare to break through at this juncture."

Mei Niang praised that martial arts cultivation is much more difficult than immortal cultivation and relies more on personal efforts rather than talent.

She roughly understands where Song Shi's confidence comes from.

It is indeed much safer to have an Innate escort.

"You're so smart. Mei Niang praises you, why don't you seize the opportunity?"

Song Shi smiled evilly at Da Congming, turned around and entered the room to start eating.

Da Congming saw Mei Niang, who was plump and very attractive, looking at him with her eyes moving. She had a red face and a coy posture, like a shy little girl.

He said sheepishly: "Mei Niang deserves the praise, I rely entirely on the young master's cultivation."

"Liu Huwei is so humble. This Martial Dao Innate threshold is not easy. Once you cross it, it is equivalent to stepping into the path of immortality as a mortal. Not only can you live three decades longer, but your physical combat power is even more powerful than us immortal cultivators."

Mei Niang twisted her body and walked over, pulling Da Chongming with her: "Come on, Mei Niang has to offer Guard Liu a few glasses of wine to congratulate you on becoming an Innate."

Being hugged by a pair of plump arms, the wise man who had hardly touched women suddenly felt his heart beat faster, his face turned red, and his body tensed up.

This made Mei Niang giggle, full of charm, and found this man quite interesting.

Song Shi, who was eating and drinking heavily, saw Da Chongming's embarrassment and couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, Da Chongming, it's time for you to taste what it's like to be a woman. This charming girl is pretty good."

In his perception, this Mei Niang probably has the sixth level of Qi Refining cultivation, and can be regarded as a hidden master. He was not strong enough before. None were found.

"I'm afraid that Liu Huwei will look down on this old man."

Mei Niang looked at Dasheng with resentment. She was actually quite greedy for Dasheng's body.

As far as she knew, this man practiced special techniques, and in order to break through Innate, he had maintained a pure Yang body for more than thirty years.

Now she has broken through to Innate. The pure yang energy of Innate in her body is absolutely pure. Giving her some will definitely help her break through the bottleneck and step into the Qi Refining Late Stage!

"No... no, how could I dislike you? You don't think I'm just a bigot."

The smart guy's bones were a little weak and he stuttered when he spoke.

"Well~ I just like you for being big and thick." Mei Niang breathed out at Dasheng, making the guy's breathing quicken.

Fortunately, he was smart and had good concentration. When he saw the food, he hurriedly broke away from Mei Niang and coughed: "Where are you going, young master?"

"Of course I will go there, I can't always stay in this dusty place."

Song Shi took a bite of the meat and frowned: "Why does it feel like this meat has no flavor at all?"

"Probably not, this is fine beef."

Mei Niang tasted it and said, "It still tastes the same as before. Is the young master too tired and his taste is affected?"

"I also feel that this meat is not strong. It must be because it is stronger. Ordinary flesh and blood are less effective for our bodies."

The great cleverness told the reason.

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