What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 569 Cause And Effect

An invisible force appeared around him. Song Shi, who was familiar with this force, understood that this was the law of reincarnation.

Of course, this is not because he has mastered the law of reincarnation, but he has some understanding. Because his consciousness is too powerful, he can resonate with this law.

However, this also has something to do with the fact that this world is in a small cycle of reincarnation. He knows that this world is full of the power of reincarnation without having to investigate.

Ordinary people can't see Song Shi's changes and are used to him being in a daze.

Song Shi said nothing and walked calmly to what he wanted to do.

Herding cattle.

He is usually responsible for herding cattle. Of course, these cattle are not ordinary farm cattle, but barbarian cattle, a kind of barbarian cattle that can hump and pull tens of thousands of kilograms.

When they came to the cowshed, a two-meter-tall bull was resting. Song Shi walked towards the one he was responsible for, fed some food first, and then untied the rope. The bull followed Song Shi and left without him pulling it.

In the early morning, it was the time for cattle to eat grass. Song Shi took the cattle to a place with abundant water and grass. He sat on the ground and exercised his internal energy while waiting for the cattle to eat grass.

After a while, he moved to resist. Although the speed of practicing was not as fast as in the quiet zone, it was better because he didn't waste time.

After Man Niu had eaten and drank enough, Song Shi looked at the sun, turned over and sat on Man Niu, and walked back slowly.

Returned to Chen's house through the back door, took the cow back, and Song Shi began to rest.

He had lunch, then fed the bull some grain, rested for an hour, continued to graze the bull, and ended today's work in the evening.

He was very grateful to Chen Ziqi for giving him this easy job, but others felt that he had no pursuits and was just like a cowherd boy, just making a living and earning two copper coins every day, without considering it was him.

Since the Chen family really needed someone to take care of Man Niu, seeing that he was taking good care of him, they never let him go.

In this way, day by day passed, Song Shi came to the Chen family for a year, and his cultivation level broke through to Innate.

This speed is much worse than last time, but Song Shi doesn't care. He focuses on understanding reincarnation at the moment.

He knew that no matter how he practiced, he would never be able to exceed the upper limit of this world. Only by breaking through reincarnation could he truly escape.

On this day, Song Shi went to herd cattle as usual and found that the house began to be decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, as if there was some happy event.

After some questioning, I learned that Chen Ziqi was getting married.

A pretty woman appeared in Song Shi's mind. He had not seen this Miss Chen since he came here to herd cattle.

"Time flies so fast."

He murmured: "Sure enough, I feel much more stable if I don't bother."

Song Shi lamented that if he tried to seize various cultivation resources as soon as he recovered, a lot of things might happen.

He knows that if you don't cause trouble, there will be less cause and effect.

However, today I can't be like usual anymore, I have to buy a gift for Chen Ziqi.

He came to the cowshed and said to another cowherd: "Old Wang, help me take care of Ah Jiu today. I have something to do."

Lao Wang is a servant of the Chen family. He is fifty years old, has lost all his hair, and looks a little sick.

His parents were also servants and could be considered slaves for generations.

For a family like the Chen family, if you don't have any skills, being able to work as a servant for a big family is actually a very good thing.

"Brother Song, you finally have other things to do. I thought you were going to herd cattle for the rest of your life."

Lao Wang turned around and said with a smile: "Go ahead, Lao Shi is going out to buy things today. You must have heard that Miss Seven is getting married, so he is going to buy things for the wedding."

Laojiu and Laoten are numbers given to the bulls. There are a total of eighteen bulls in the Chen family. The smaller the number, the older they are.

"Sorry for the trouble, I'll bring you sweet-scented osmanthus cake when I get back."

Song Shi chuckled, turned and left.

He was going to meet Chen Ziqi and bring a congratulatory gift, but he didn't know what to give.

"The Chen family is a martial arts family. There is no shortage of precious things. What should I give?"

Song Shi walked out of the back door and walked around the street without knowing what to buy.

If it was an ordinary person, maybe giving him something ordinary would be enough, but Chen Ziqi was a lifesaver.

"It's better to give something valuable."

Song Shi's eyes fell on the small shop selling jade. He walked over and bought a piece of rough jade with half of the copper coins he accumulated in a year. Just as he was about to leave, there was a loud noise in his ears.

Kick, kick, kick...

A group of people came on horseback, not caring at all that they caught a glimpse of an acquaintance on the busy street.

The people around him all moved aside wisely, but many of them whispered greetings to their ancestors.


Song Shi caught a glimpse of one of them, his eyes slightly cold.

Although he had no desires or desires this year, he had not forgotten this person.

"If you want to take action, you have to stay hidden."

With a flash of murderous intent in his eyes, Song Shi accepted the jade and followed the cavalry.

The latter came to a restaurant and went upstairs showing off his power. Song Shi came to a nearby teahouse and stood by the window, quietly watching Ma Wei and others go to the private room on the third floor.

"These guys play music every night and usually don't come out during the day. Why are they gathering together so early?"

Song is strange.

"Hey, what are you doing standing here?"

The waiter at the teahouse saw Song Shi standing by the window and scolded him.

Song Shi walked directly to the restaurant without looking back.

The guys here looked down on Song Shi even more and frowned: "Bai Ding is not welcome here."

He was wearing coarse linen clothes, so it was normal to be looked down upon by a dog, but Song Shi didn't care and threw out the remaining half of the copper coins: "Give me a seat on the south side of the second floor."

Half a year's wages were still worth something. The waiter took one look and thought that Song Shi was here to show off his wealth. He smiled and took Song Shi to the second floor.

Song Shi chose the seat below Ma Wei and others and said: "Whatever my copper coins can buy, you can serve me some food and wine according to the price."

"Okay, I guarantee they're all things you haven't eaten before."

The waiter took the copper coins and went to serve Song Shi.

Song Shi's ears moved, and the voice from the third floor gradually became clearer in his ears. He immediately heard Ma Wei whisper: "Gathering the brothers so early today is naturally because bitch Chen Ziqi is getting married. If I don't vent my anger, That bitch went to Jiangnan."

"Oh, Brother Ma, how are you going to vent your anger? This girl is very good at martial arts, and the Chen family also has masters. Besides, it's not easy for us to cause trouble at such a happy event."

Someone replied.

"Hmph, I don't dare to go to Chen's house to cause trouble, but I'm not afraid on the way."

Ma Wei sneered: "Close the window and I will tell you my plan."


Observing through the window, most of the sounds in Song Shi's ears were blocked, and only some malicious laughter could be heard.

At this time, the waiter came over with several plates of dishes and a jug of wine and said: "Guest, your dishes are here."

Song Shi glanced at the top of her head and said nothing. After the food was served, she finished eating in a few times and left.

"Humph, you are really a poor person and you haven't had any good food."

The waiter looked at the bare dishes and sneered.

Song Shi didn't do anything else. He went back to his room, looked at the rough jade, and muttered: "Is this cause and effect? ​​You saved my life, and I will probably pay you back soon."

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