"Senior Song, you can live with us. Our room is big."

Cao Wenhong said, he was a little scared.

"Let's live next door to you."

Song Shi said that although the courtyard is within his sensing range and he can detect any abnormalities immediately, it is easier to react if he is closer.

"Brother Song, if you help, you will definitely be able to catch him."

Cao Zongwan was helpless: "We have too many Cao family members, and the two of us really can't take care of them."

"I only repay her kindness."

Song Shi pointed at Chen Ziqi: "Others, you can watch by yourselves."

He was explaining in advance to everyone present, especially Cao Zongwan, that he had no responsibility to protect others, and if something happened, he would not be blamed.

"Of course."

Cao Zongwan said sarcastically that he had also thought about letting this person join the Cao family based on his daughter-in-law's relationship, but now it seems that there is no chance.

After everyone dispersed, Song Shi lived next door to Chen Ziqi and thought of his first experience of turning on the system.

He was killed by a ghost at that time, and thanks to that ghost, he knew that he could not die.

"This world is at a lower level and is not perfect. It shouldn't be too difficult to solve this ghost."

Song Shi made a secret, and the runes condensed out and blended into the surrounding void to form a simple formation.

At the same time, he gathered all his strength and looked like an ordinary person. Otherwise, the aura revealed would be too powerful and would scare the thing away from him.

After making some changes, Song Shi waited quietly.

Ghosts have always been obsessed with things and will not give up until Chen Ziqi is killed.

It's just that the Innate Grandmaster has just come over, so the guy who took action will probably calm down for a while.

Sure enough, the next two days were very peaceful, and everyone relaxed a little.

But on the third day, another person died mysteriously. The Cao family knew that the matter was not over yet. It was just that the harmful things were coming out of nowhere, carrying out sneak attacks at night, killing people and then running away. The Grandmaster could not do anything.

This depressing atmosphere brought great pressure to people. The prostituted servants could not leave, but the guards began to leave one by one, not wanting to die in unknown circumstances.

The Cao family became increasingly uneasy. It seemed noisy during the day, with some people trying to leave, but it was eerily quiet at night.

Under this situation, Song Shi still didn't care about others, and his cultivation officially entered the Foundation Building stage.

At the moment of breakthrough in cultivation, Song Shi's induction of the rules went one step further, and he continued to adjust the automatic cultivation system to adapt to the Foundation Building stage.

Next door, since Song Shi lives next door, Chen Ziqi sleeps peacefully every day, but there are some inconveniences, such as not being able to be intimate with Cao Wenhong.

Just when she thought that thing would not dare to harass her again, as it was approaching early morning that day, she suddenly felt a little chilly while she was resting.

"Husband, has the temperature dropped? I, a martial arts practitioner, am actually a little cold."

She said casually, but Cao Wenhong stood up suddenly and said nervously: "I felt the same way last time."

Chen Ziqi trembled with fright, then stood up and hurriedly lit the candle.

Wisps of invisible Yin Qi approached their room.

This breath gave the entire manor an extra layer of frost, and a dark wind blew out of thin air in Chen Ziqi's room.

"Here it comes, it comes again!"

Chen Ziqi said nervously. The candle that had just been lit was immediately blown out by the wind and plunged into darkness again.

At the door, the air squirmed, and a black shadow appeared, letting out a strange laugh. The next moment, it appeared in front of Chen Ziqi, and the cold murderous aura made both of them stiff.

"You're finally here."

Just as the thing was preparing to kill, another voice appeared.

The shadow paused, realizing it was a trap, and retreated without hesitation.

"Are you so cautious? No wonder it has caused trouble to the Cao family for so long."

Song Shi appeared indifferently in the courtyard, and with a simple gesture, a circle of fiery red runes rose out of thin air, illuminating the darkness and trapping a black mist in it.

The black shadow was escaping. As soon as it disappeared, it was bounced back by the formation with a bang, making a chirping sound, and was injured by the power of Zhiyang Zhigang.

Song Shi flicked his finger, and a ray of fire hit the black shadow. With a bang, it instantly expanded into a huge fireball and engulfed it directly.

The latter screamed and was evaporated by Song Shi's special fireball technique.

Chen Ziqi and Cao Wenhong came out and happened to see this scene, and they were shocked by Song Shi's methods.

This is too powerful, you can kill this thing with a snap of your fingers.

Cao Wenhong came to his senses: "It's a pity that I didn't ask why it harmed my Cao family."

"It's just a dog and there's someone behind it."

Song Shi grabbed the void, and a wisp of black energy fell into his hand. He made a seal again, pulled his hands, and a small flaming arrow condensed, and then flew out of the courtyard with purpose.

"You just stay here."

Leaving behind a word, Song Shi flashed into darkness.

The Cao family is very large. The large manor is dotted with courtyards. In the outermost area, some vegetables are grown and there are many tombs next to it.

Next to one of the graves, a pair of eyes opened at this moment. This was a man in gray robe with a fierce look: "He actually killed Hei Feng. If you still have some ability, then I will give you another one."

The voice was sinister, sharp and unpleasant, and it belonged to a woman.

Suddenly, a blaze of fire fell from the sky. She sensed it and jumped up in a hurry, but the fire followed the turn, scaring her so much that she could only defend herself. A black barrier just appeared, but was easily penetrated by the rocket, and even the Law Weapon that released the barrier was broken.

At the critical moment, a ball of black energy appeared in front of him, blocking the attack at the cost of an evil ghost, but he was still injured by the rocket and his body was scorched black.

"Damn, this power is so strong!"

She endured the pain and wanted to leave, but a large handprint containing fire pierced the night sky and hit her with a bang.


There was a loud noise, and a big pit was made on the ground. The woman in gray robe vomited blood and fell to the edge of the pit, covered in burnt black. Although she was not beaten to death from the front, she was seriously injured by the aftermath.

When she saw Song Shi coming out of the air, she was frightened and frightened. She hurriedly slapped the thing on her waist, and a group of ghosts rushed out, as many as hundreds of them, crying and howling, and they all killed Song Shi together.

Song Shi pointed a finger with an expressionless face, like a wildfire starting a prairie fire. A ray of fire triggered the spiritual energy of the world and quickly turned into a sea of ​​​​fire. All ghosts were directly wiped out in the sea of ​​​​fire.

This move made the gray-robed woman completely despair and extremely unwilling: "How is it possible? How can there be such a strong person in the Cao family."

She screamed, which made Song Shi impatient and slapped her to death.

Song Shi had no interest in exploring this guy's origins and just dragged the body away.

Song Shi quickly returned to the courtyard where Chen Ziqi was, where many people had gathered.

boom! !

A charred object fell in the yard.

Song Shi fell from the sky with a calm expression: "It's solved. As for her identity, you can check it yourself."

Cao Zongwan, who was studying the formations left by Song Shi, turned around and saw the corpse, and was surprised: "It turned out to be her!"

Song Shi didn't ask, and said, "There's nothing to do next, so you don't need to call me."

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