What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 586: Adding Points To Everything

At this moment, Song Shi's power is transforming. The price is only a few spiritual stones, but it has been improved to a great level.

The noise quickly subsided, and Song Shi muttered: "Nascent Soul, so fast."

His powerful spiritual thoughts spread and instantly returned to cover the entire Qingsang Village. After noticing the situation of the villagers, he couldn't help but smile: "The experiments on livestock and poultry are similar. I don't mind if you are willing to come over and be a guinea pig."

Without paying much attention to the villagers' affairs, his spiritual mind penetrated into the void and began to observe the operation of the rules of the entire world.

Now his mental power is finally strong enough to observe the operation of large-scale rules. Especially since the upper limit of this world is not high, it will be easier to observe.

"It's getting more and more fake."

Song Shi saw a lot of things just for the first time, "However, it is still higher than my peak state. This world is not far from the real world."

His thoughts continued to extend into the depths of the void. After reaching the limit, he could vaguely sense the existence of other worlds through laws.

At the same time, he was also vaguely aware that his body was still sealed by the law of reincarnation.

He didn't do anything. After being directly interrupted by the reincarnation Heavenly Venerable last time, he didn't want to die before reaching the pinnacle of this world.


Song Shi thought to himself that since he could see the outside from inside the cage, it wouldn't be too far before he could escape from the cage.

at night.

A silver moon hangs in the sky, and its bright light shines on the mountains.

The mountain is not high, and it is connected to a virgin forest, where insects chirp and frogs chirp, but it looks very peaceful.

In the courtyard on the top of the mountain, a group of poultry and livestock and even the fish in the pond were eating in the moonlight.

The moonlight enters their bodies like water, giving these animals a glow.

If other fairies see it, they will definitely be envious, because the technique that can absorb the power of moonlight is the best cultivation method in the monster world.

In the moonlight, Song Shi walked in the courtyard, the whole body was shimmering and hazy, as if shrouded in mist, without any movement.

He looked at the animals swallowing moonlight very carefully.

After observing for a while, he looked at the moon in the sky: "Does the power of the lunar moon come from the ancient lunar star, or does it come from the real moon?"

Song Shi touched his chin: "Or it may be transformed by his power. If it is the first two, maybe I can find the real world through the power of the lunar calendar."

He has some control over both the Sun and Taiyin Great Dao. The power of the Sun is too overbearing and it is difficult to find a flaw at this moment. The power of the Taiyin may be a breakthrough.

"No matter what the situation is, I think the power of the sun and lunar energy is common to all reincarnation worlds. There is no need to re-condensate the lunar yin and sun in different worlds."

Song Shi thought, raised his hand, and the moonlight flowed into his hand like water. The light continued to condense and turned into a light bead, which he swallowed in one gulp.

His body cultivates the lunar sun, and the power of the moonlight can naturally be absorbed, and if it absorbs some, it can be converted into a large amount of cultivation.


In the moonlight, a civet cat ran back from outside and knelt in front of Song Shi. It slept or played outside during the day and came back to practice at night. It had just gone out to eat a few mice to fill its stomach.

Song Shi touched the cat, and part of the moonlight melted into its body, transforming into Monster Qi. The latter's dark light suddenly brightened, and it barked twice happily.

"Go and practice. You are too lazy. The watchdog has become a monster."

Song Shi patted the cat's back. After hearing this, the cat's eyes widened, and he jumped up to the house to practice.

When he came to the door, he didn't see the big black dog and frowned: "If this guy doesn't come back to watch the door at night, where has he gone? He won't force me to eat dog meat, right?"

Song Shi muttered that it was a big secret that he cheated and promoted these guys, and no one was allowed to run away, otherwise running out and leaking the secret would cause trouble.

In other words, if you get a benefit, you must be loyal and are not allowed to escape. He is not afraid of enemies, but afraid of trouble.

After thinking about it for a while, Song Shi said thoughtfully: "It turns out that I am in trouble."

He took a step, disappeared like a teleport, and appeared in the back mountain.

If Qingsang Village is extremely remote, then the back mountain used to be a wild forest with few human traces. Even a Martial Artist would not go deep into it because there are not only ferocious beasts but also monsters, making it a forbidden area for humans.

In a valley, there were not many trees and vegetation, but strange rocks piled up. A few vines grew up the hillside, bending like snakes. At the bare roots, among the grass and trees, a big snake was lying down with a bulging belly.

This snake is coiled on a piece of flowing and shining bluestone. Its whole body is copper-colored, its muscles are full of strength, its head is pointed, and its head and body are covered with black lines. It looks quite dangerous.

There were scratches on part of its body, and it was bitten nearly three inches away and drew blood, but it was not fatal.

At this moment, it is raising its head and breathing towards the moon. When it breathes, moonlight enters its body. When it exhales, purple airflow rushes out from its mouth and nose, making a whirring sound. These airflows are condensed and not dispersed, with a strange sound. The power caused the surrounding ground to shake.

The purple-ringed snake is a venomous snake. This snake is more than three feet long and has become a python. It has actually been cultivated for more than two hundred years.

When it was a child, it had a chance and accidentally peeked into the Great Monster's training scene. It tried to breathe out and practice continuously for two hundred years, and it has become a little demon snake.

This strength is nothing in the wild mountains, so it can usually only operate on the periphery. However, today it encountered a big black dog with particularly sweet flesh and blood. It swallowed it up at a cost. After digesting it, it had the opportunity to make a wave of attacks. Great Monster realm.

"This stupid dog has some skills, but he dares to mess with you, a little monster."

A strange voice appeared, which was particularly obvious in the dark and quiet mountain forest.

The Purple Ringed Snake instinctively shrank in fear and spit out a stream of poisonous gas at the source of the sound. At the same time, it turned into a copper-colored afterimage and rushed towards Song Shi, bringing with it a violent sound that broke through the air.

Song Shi didn't do anything, the ferocious snake was frozen in mid-air, and all the Monster Qi were collapsing.

"The wild ones are indeed more ferocious. It's normal for a stupid dog to not be able to defeat you."

Song Shi nodded: "It's a pity that even wild ones will be killed by me."

The purple-ringed snake was so frightened that it stood upside down and struggled hard, but to no avail.

Song Shi glanced at the big snake's belly and seemed to be doing nothing, but the latter was disemboweled, and a black thing with acid fell out. It was a dog.

This guy was eaten alive and is still breathing, otherwise Song Shi wouldn't have done anything.

Song Shi glanced at the surrounding vegetation. The next moment, the nearby vegetation shook, and wisps of green light flew out and landed on the big black dog.

The strong vitality quickly healed the big black dog. The latter struggled to open his eyes, saw his owner, and made a whining sound.

"You should be lucky that it didn't kill you, otherwise no matter how powerful I am, I won't be able to resist the power of reincarnation and bring your soul back to life."

Song Shi said lightly that this world has the power of reincarnation, which will pull away the souls of living beings to be reincarnated. Theoretically, he can be resurrected as long as he snatches the soul back and restores his body.

But the power of reincarnation was too powerful and he couldn't resist it. "Aww, Master."

The big black dog was like a child who made a mistake, with tears in his eyes. He was really frightened and realized his mistake.

He gradually found the strength to speak: "I didn't mess with it, and it wanted to eat me."

"Hmph, the jungle is strong and the strong are out there. Do you think it's as peaceful as in the village?"

Song Shi waved his hand, and the power of the moonlight fell on the big black dog, restoring some Monster Qi to him, and said: "I'll help you this time, but I'll solve it myself next time."

After saying that, Song Shi walked towards the blue stone where the big green snake was lying while practicing, and took a look: "It turns out to be a special spiritual stone that can automatically absorb spiritual energy. This snake has some luck."

He continued to observe: "Nature contains a little power of law and becomes like Law Treasure. So, I can also cheat various things?"

Song Shi's eyes lit up and he saw another idea.

In the past, we used to cheat living creatures to strengthen our bodies and improve our cultivation, but we have never cheated on this kind of thing.

Since living things can be strengthened, these dead objects should also be able to be strengthened. In this way, it may be possible to easily obtain Law Treasure without going through tedious refining.

Song Shi smiled and looked at the big black dog that was gradually jumping up: "You have not suffered in vain today. You have opened up an idea for your master, and you will be rewarded."

"Ah, are there any rewards?"

The big black dog is a little confused. He is afraid that his master will punish him.

"Misfortune lies where blessings depend, and blessing lies where misfortune lies."

Song Shi said something meaningful, and at the same time he felt something in his heart.

Great Dao is simple, the rules of heaven and earth are actually contained in some ordinary things. You still need to read more and think more. You can't stay within three feet all the time and try to achieve True Insight of the Heavenly Mechanism.

"Looks like I need to move around a bit more."

Song Shi picked up the bluestone and studied it. The big black dog recovered and angrily bit the dead purple-ringed snake a few times, then held it up and followed Song Shi.

Back at the door of his home, the bluestone slab in Song Shi's hand shone brightly, and the aura it contained quickly became stronger. Song Shi had already strengthened it according to its characteristics.

"It's really possible, and it's less difficult to strengthen dead objects than living ones."

Song Shi couldn't help but laugh. This was indeed a good discovery.

When upgrading and strengthening living things, you also need to consider the essence and spirit, but you don't need to think so much about dead things.

However, the benefits of strengthening dead objects are not direct. They have to be transformed. For him, it can only be a supplement and cannot become mainstream.

The bluestone slab can continue to be strengthened once.

Song Shi affects the law again, and the material of the bluestone plate changes accordingly, giving it a jade-like luster.

Its abilities have been greatly improved, and the spiritual energy within dozens of feet nearby is automatically gathering.

After strengthening it again, the stone slab almost became jade, and at the same time it reached its limit. There were no loopholes available in a short period of time.

"Master, this deadbeat snake is quite big. Do you want to share it with everyone?"

The big black dog asked from behind.

"You eat first and give the rest to them."

Song Shi said that the snake flesh and blood of the demon contains a lot of energy. Only Dahei can eat more, and the others can be tasted.


Dahei said happily: "Master, won't you come a little bit?"

"Need not."

Song Shi had no interest in this kind of thing now. He put down the bluestone, waved to the big black snake, took off its back tendon, and walked to the bamboo forest on the side.

He chopped a piece of bamboo, took off the bamboo pieces, simply refined them, and made a long bow with snake tendons as strings.

Holding the long bow, Song Shi muttered: "Strengthen!"

A circle of green light appeared on the bow body, its elasticity greatly increased, and the snake tendons became particularly tough.

"Come again!"

Song Shi continues to strengthen, and the entire longbow has an extra luster, making it a Law Treasure.

"It only takes two times to get an ordinary Law Treasure. It is much more convenient than working hard to refine it for several days."

Song Shi lamented that if it were not limited by the material, he could strengthen this thing into Spiritual Treasure and Immortal Weapon.

This also shows that the hexagram he opened is not strong enough to add unlimited points regardless of the basis of the item.

But he was also satisfied. He could basically add points to everything, turn stones into gold, and turn ordinary items into treasures.

For those things that are treasures in the first place, he can naturally continue to improve on the original basis.

Song Shi threw the long bow aside. The material of this thing was not as good as the stone. It would not work after adding it twice.

His eyes fell on the bamboo and he waved his hand: "Strengthen them all!"

Amidst the sound of rustling leaves, the bamboo forest gained a burst of green light, and the overall quality improved, making it no longer just ordinary bamboo.

He turned to look at the gate and began to add more to the things in the yard. The door frames, walls, fences, floor slabs and other things were strengthened, the materials were improved, and the service life was greatly extended.

After working on it for a long time, Song Shi stopped and looked at the brand new residence: "It's not bad. Not to mention it has become a Cave Mansion, but it is no longer an ordinary residence."

The next day, the village chief and a group of people walked up the stone stairs carrying various things. They were all surprised when they saw Song Shi's yard.

"What's going on? It feels like a big change."

"Are you dazzled? Why are everything in the yard glowing?"

"I haven't seen you for a while. Why is Mr. Song's room so new?"

Everyone was amazed. In their eyes, the courtyard at this moment was completely different from the one before.

The bamboo forest next to the door is green and full of vitality. The tiles on the house are like glass, with a crystal color. The wooden things such as the door, eaves, pillars, etc. look tight and solid, and even the stone slabs on the ground are full of extraordinary.

The overall feeling is that the entire yard has become new and more refined.

Logically speaking, the courtyard that has been built for five years should be old and dull. How can it be so new?

"Mr. Song must have renovated it some time ago," Xu Hongniang guessed.

Someone immediately retorted: "Then why have these bamboos changed so much?"

"Uh, sure."

Xu Hongniang couldn’t understand either.

"Woof woof."

The big black dog ran out.

Last night, Song Shi rewarded him with a physical strengthening, an improvement in cultivation, and he ate most of the snake meat. He looked even more shiny and handsome.

"Village chiefs, what are you doing here with all these people?"

The big black dog asked curiously.

"This... we haven't seen Mr. Song for a long time. We came here to get acquainted with him."

The village chief said shamelessly: "I just have some free time recently, and everyone wants to come and get together."

"Come in, everyone."

Song Shi's voice came from inside. He knew where everyone was coming from, and he didn't mind strengthening them for a test.

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