What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 83 Middle Grade Legal Body

Ding ding ding!

In an instant, the bone-breaking needle and the broadsword collided hundreds of times, and sparks jumped.

After a few moments, Song Shi took a step back.

"This guy actually took it. He is indeed quite capable."

Song Shi fell to the ground and gasped. This person felt to him like a deep lake, with flexible and long strength. No matter how he attacked, he could catch it and resolve it.

"The strength and moves are not much different. The difference between him and me is still in energy. This person's Yuanli is stronger than mine. After adding Law Weapon, his power is extraordinary."

Song Shi analyzes the gap between the two sides.

Whether you are a cultivator or a Martial Artist, the differences between different realms are still roughly similar.

Acquired, Innate Martial Artist, or Qi Refining monk, the energy in the body is all gaseous. The difference is that the former is called True Qi, while the latter is just spiritual power.

If the Martial Artist breaks through to Transcendent, True Qi will transform into true energy, and after Qi Refining Foundation Building, the spiritual power will transform into spiritual energy. Both of them can be called Yuanli!

Even further, the difference between the power of the Martial Artist and the Immortal Cultivator disappears.

After Foundation Building Transcendent, both of them will condense their power into a solid state, but Martial Dao practitioners are accustomed to call it True Dan, and immortal cultivators call it the Gold Core realm.

In fact, the power in this realm has begun to be called mana.

The difference between Qi, Yuan, and Dharma energy is a qualitative difference, so Song Shi's physical body is obviously very powerful. Even though he used two small Divine Abilities in a row, he could not easily defeat the Dao Sect master.

If it were a competition between spells and Law Weapon attacks, he would be even more at a disadvantage. Fortunately, this guy was a martial arts master and his use of Law Weapon spells was average.

"My physical body is stronger than his, and I can consume him to death!"

Song Shi could only use this stupid method. He flashed his sword and killed him again.

One round later.

The crisp sound appeared again.

Under such a swift and violent attack, the treasure weapon he had just taken out could not bear it and broke into pieces in his hands.

Without weapons, Song Shi's combat effectiveness dropped significantly.

The bone-breaking needle came at a weird angle. Song Shi's eyes narrowed and he locked its trajectory. He ducked sideways and used Phantom Step, turning his figure into a shadow.


His shadow was shattered and dispersed into bubbles.

Song Shi appeared strangely behind the opponent, the Dragon Elephant Skill was in motion, the fiery red power surged, and he formed a seal with his left hand.


The air fluctuated, and a fire elephant condensed in his hand. It was huge, like a real elephant, but its body was burning with the power of fire.

Shadowless Guard raised his other hand, and a large wave emerged, turning into a giant wave and rushing toward the flaming elephant.

The flaming elephant hit the huge waves, and with a deafening sound, the flames were extinguished by the huge waves, and the elephant's body was shattered.

"And Divine Ability!"

Song Shi was surprised, and then thought that he knew two minor Divine Abilities, why couldn't he master one more.

Moreover, this Divine Ability is very powerful, breaking the power of Dragon Elephant Kung Fu and trapping Song Shi.

He felt like he was enveloped by a real huge wave. He couldn't breathe. His body rolled out uncontrollably and he couldn't even use the Phantom Step.


Song Shi secretly screamed that it was not good.

His advantage is that he is physically powerful, but once his movements are restricted, he becomes a living target for others.


The bone-breaking needle was thrown by the Shadowless Guard as a hidden weapon, and it was accurately inserted into the center of Song Shi's eyebrows, passed through the back of his head, and flew back under his control.

Song Shi died in the air and landed on the ground. The blood hole between his eyebrows disappeared. He jumped up and rushed over again without any hesitation.

He has nothing to improve in terms of weapons for the time being. Next, he can practice some methods such as body skills and palm skills.

As soon as he took a step forward, four shadows rushed out.

This is the effect after the Phantom Step is completed. The four phantoms are enough to dazzle people.

The shadowless guard under the control of the nightmare was actually fighting with someone in a dream. After seeing Song Shi's method, he directly slashed with a bone-breaking needle.

A circular arc of cold light spread and cut across all the shadows.

Song Shi jumped up, and all the phantoms also jumped up to avoid the cold light.


The cold light cut a wall far behind him in half, and the upper half slid to the ground, splashing a circle of dust.

Without breaking Song Shi's movement, Wuyingwei's bone-breaking needle was swung like a writing brush, sending out cold rays one after another.


A phantom was cut into pieces, but Song Shi also managed to get close, and slapped his chest with the iron sand palm, and the blue water attribute essence was beaten to pieces by the iron sand palm.

The Shadowless Guard flew out and stayed behind. When Song Shi thought he had the advantage this time, the blue essence suddenly turned into a python, entangled him, and then shot out a bone-breaking needle.

"Damn it, he deliberately took a slap from me to identify my true identity!"

Song Shi reacted too late and was killed again.

He learned a lot and learned how complicated a real fight is. Even if he has an advantage on the surface, he may be overturned at the next moment.

If he hadn't been immortal, one life wouldn't have been enough for him to learn.

After being resurrected again, Song Shi became more cautious.

"There is no sure-fire blow, so don't give it a chance. Even if there is a sure-kill blow, you have to be careful. You have no idea what changes will happen at the next moment."

After his mentality changed, Song Shi took advantage of the effect of Phantom Step and began to fight back and forth with Shadowless Guard.

After getting familiar with this man's fighting style, Song Shi's evasion efficiency continued to improve, and multiple phantoms attacked at the same time.

At the same time, he discovered that after his Diamond Law Body was fully activated, he could directly collide with the needle tip of the opponent's Law Weapon.

This allowed him to put his skills to use. The free hand was versatile, combined with the phantom step, and directly surrounded the shadowless guard.

Ten rounds later, Song Shi's eyes turned cold, and he knocked it away with a palm of his hand, leaving himself intact and avoiding subsequent counterattacks.

"about there!"

Song Shi muttered and glanced above his head.

It's daybreak and it's time to send this guy on his way.

Now that he is familiar with this guy's methods, he can kill him at any time.

Before killing, you still have to make full use of its lethality.

As soon as he thought about it, his real power stopped providing power to the diamond runes on his chest. Suddenly the golden light on his body dimmed and his defense was reduced to the minimum.

After removing the power of the Vajra Dharma body's runes, Song Shi calmly walked towards the shadowless guard who had just stood up.

Without resistance, the bone-breaking needle, a special Law Weapon, can naturally pierce his head.

Discovering Song Shi's abnormal behavior, Wuying Wei's eyes fluctuated for a moment, and then the fluctuation was covered by a circle of gray mist.

I have to say that the Shadowless Guard is a bit unlucky. If he hadn't been deliberately targeted by the Nightmare Old Man, his cultivation would have been out of control long ago.

As a result, the power of the spell in his body was still very strong at this moment. Although he noticed some abnormalities, he still could not break free from the nightmare.

Old Nightmare never thought that the people he controlled would be used by Song Shi to increase the number of deaths. If he had known, he would not have left directly.

Song Shi lay there and died. After a hundred times, the golden light on his body shone brightly.

Low Grade body has been upgraded to Middle Grade!

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