What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 96 What To Do If You Are Born A Demon?


Song Shi just made a random excuse, but did anyone really look for it?

He curled his lips and said, "I don't know. It's probably been picked up by someone."

The latter showed regret, but didn't quite believe it: "Brother, you won't lie to me, right? You are so rich, do you still care about the little you lost?"


Song Shi was not interested in explaining to this man.

“It’s unkind to be rich!”

Amidst the curses, the refugees retreated.

The goateeed butler smiled jokingly: "This is how mortals are. Either they are full and warm, or they spend their whole lives pursuing glory and wealth. In fact, most of them are running around and working hard. What do you think, Master?"

"That's what people are."

Song Shi saw that the old man also showed his cards, and walked into the village.

While admiring the golden color around him, he shrugged and asked, "Is there anything you want to do, steward?"

"Yes, become an immortal."

The housekeeper knew Song Shi's identity, so he didn't pretend to be anything. He walked side by side with Song Shi, showing a look of yearning: "Only when you become an immortal can you truly live forever."

"It's just that the road to becoming an immortal is too difficult. I don't know if anyone in the world has achieved it."

Song Shi was curious: "Can a demon become an immortal?"

Goatee took a deep look at Song Shi and said with a smile: "Why not? It's just a realm. Just like mortals think we are immortals, but in fact we are just monks."

"It makes sense. We think immortals are very far away. In fact, immortals are monks who are much higher than us."

Song Shi agrees with this concept.

"That's the truth, but it's a pity how many can do it. I have to say that you people are more likely to become immortals, which makes me very envious."

"So, you come to a human village, pretend to be human and do things. If you want to become human from the bottom of your heart, aren't you afraid of being killed to get the Beast Core?"

Song Shi's words made the butler's beard tremble, and a ferocious look appeared in his eyes: "You shouldn't say such things."

"I can't run away anyway, what can't I say?"

Song Shi shrugged and glanced at the housekeeper up and down. He looked like a human being. With the help of his Taiyin Observation, he had already seen the guy's true form.

This man was actually an old goat, exuding a strong evil spirit, like a black cloud, and his cultivation should be very strong.

"Monster, so the aura I noticed just now is Huang Heyu's Monster Qi?"

Song Shi sighed, these guys in front of him are not evil ghosts.

In fact, evil spirits would not be so reckless in broad daylight.

He came out to do good deeds in the clear day, but he turned out to be a demon!

He used to have no idea about demons, but now he has, and he has seen it with his own eyes, but he can't tell whether this guy is inhuman or not.

"Hey, you are self-aware, but now that you know our identities, why aren't you afraid?"

The goat monster smiled coldly.

"Do you feel safe if you are afraid? Besides, if I am afraid, it will give you a sense of accomplishment. Then I don't need to be too afraid. I might even die."

Song Shi looked proud, clasped his hands behind his back and hummed: "A man is born in heaven and earth, and he is destined to die. It may be heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather."

The goat monster was calmed by these words and felt a little enlightened. He couldn't help but look thoughtful and carefully pondered the truth behind it.

"Is this okay?"

Song Shi was pretending not to be afraid of death, but she didn't expect to be able to frighten this Great Monster.

"It seems that there is no culture..."

He vaguely guessed some of the purposes of these guys.

"Young master is indeed different from those refugees. He is knowledgeable and talented."

Huang Heyu appeared with a smile, the water flowing in his beautiful eyes seemed to drown Song Shi.

"They are almost starving to death, how can they still think of saying such things?"

Song Shi doesn't think she has any talent, it's just some necessary texts from her previous life that slipped through the net in her memory.

"Young master is so considerate. The scholars I met in the past despised these white men in the mountains."

Huang Heyu walked over with his slender waist twisted, his eyes admiring.

Realizing that this woman's attitude toward him had improved a lot, Song Shi roughly understood the tone these monsters liked.

He opened the folding fan and said, "Everyone has his or her destiny. Some are born princes, some are born bandits, some are born white, some are born rich... Life in heaven and earth is divided into six realms, and what they despise more is the lowliness of the other party. It’s just identity.”

"Young master is really knowledgeable."

Huang Heyu suddenly felt that Song Shi's outspokenness was also a character. She humbly asked for advice: "What if someone is born a monster?"

Song Shi was speechless. He was not a life mentor. Why did he ask such a profound question?

But he still had to maintain his pretense. He coughed and said, "Be a monster and you must strengthen yourself."


Huang Heyu was stunned for a moment, and felt that this was right, but she still looked into the distance: "Actually, I want to ask, should a monster do good or evil?"

"This has nothing to do with whether you are a demon or a human. It depends on what you want to do. If you believe that good in this world outweighs evil, then you should do more good deeds and avoid causing karma."

Song Shi's words are also testing whether Huang Heyu is biased towards evil or good.

Huang Heyu looked thoughtful and thought of something. She smiled like a flower: "Good!"

"Young Madam, the world is a dangerous place. I think it's better to be more evil."

Goat Monster retorted.

“Why can’t we treat good with good and evil with evil?”

Song is strange.

Both of them trembled, their eyes brightened, and they looked a little different.

Huang Heyu's eyes became clearer and clearer, his aura became lighter, and the evil aura on the goat monster was much reduced.

"Are these two guys practicing?"

Song Shi is thoughtful, but why do monsters come here to practice? Isn't it dangerous?

There is a fierce fight over there in the Ten Thousand Poison Mountains. If you find a Demonic Beast here, don't mind taking the Beast Core and elixir.

"Thank you for your advice, Master. Listening to Master's words is better than spending ten years in the world of mortals."

Huang Heyu saluted gracefully, showing his sincere gratitude.

"Lao Yang, I admire the young master's talent and knowledge."

The goat monster also bowed.

Song Shi looked confused and said a few nonsense words. Is it worthy of a big gift?

Seeing the confusion on Song Shi's face, Huang Heyu pursed his lips and smiled: "Master, please come with Heyu."

Song Shi followed to the backyard, where there was an ancestral hall with coffins placed inside.

Huang Heyu walked to an open coffin, inside which lay a young man, lifeless.

"Are these people from the Huang family?"

Song Shi is speechless.

"Well, the Huang family has already died of the plague. Alas, I came a little late and failed to save my benefactor."

Huang Heyu regrets.


Song Shi couldn't help but look at the blushed young man, feeling a little weird.

"it's him."

Huang Heyu walked over and touched the coffin: "Ten years ago, this Mr. Huang went to the state capital to take the exam."

"Saved you on a night of lightning and thunder?"

Song Shi figured out a lot of things in an instant.

"how do you know?"

Huang Heyu was surprised.

"There are plots like this in novels about monsters. For example, a certain scholar saved an injured and dying vixen, and then the monster came to repay the favor. I didn't expect it to happen..."

Song Shi is a matter of course.

"About that. I was transforming in the mountains at the critical moment. The sage's book read by this young master helped me successfully enter the spiritual path instead of the troubled animal path."

Huang Heyu told the reason.

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