Aokiji covered his head and slowly sat up, staring blankly at the Japanese-style room in front of him that he had only seen in movies and anime. After a long time, he sighed and murmured in a feeble voice: "I really , have a new life.”

Yes, Aokiji died once. At that time, he was still a Chinese named Zheng Qian, who had an ordinary life and an ending that might not be ordinary.

When he knew he was terminally ill and had little hope of recovery, he resolutely gave up treatment, signed a voluntary heart donation form, and quietly waited for death until his short life ended.

He has no regrets. Because of his dedicated heart, his brother will have a new life.

It's just a pity that I can no longer watch my young brother grow up, marry and have children, nor can I support my elderly parents until they die.

Just when he was about to bid farewell to this world that was uncertain whether it was beautiful or torturous, the so-called 'god' appeared. He is willing to give Aoki Si a new life, but the price is to live as Aoki Si, a seventeen-year-old boy in another world, and be bound to a "system" mentioned by the 'god' to become a delinquent boy. .

The system will help Aokiji better adapt to his identity, and will also become a supervision tool to urge him to complete this agreement.

Aokiji did not refuse, nor did he have any reason to refuse. He has been a well-behaved boy since he was a child, with correct views and a caring heart. He has never had the thought of becoming a delinquent, even when he entered society and was considered one of the so-called social elites.

But if he could live again, he believed that this was not an unacceptable condition. And if he could live a new life without any burden, he would also like to challenge things he has never tried before.

Walking to the window, Aoki looked at the clean Japanese-style streets and buildings in front of him. He opened the window and blew in the cool breeze. He couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart: "It's so good to be alive!"

Simply leaning against the window, Aokiji slowly closed his eyes and began to accept the memory of another life in his mind. After a while, he opened his eyes, licked his lips, and murmured: "Total, I You will still be an unlucky guy in this life.”

From the memories that seemed to have been experienced by himself, Aokiji understood everything in his life so far.

Simply speaking from the perspective of parents in this life, Aokiji was unfortunate enough - his father was an unlucky worker who lost his arm in an accident and was laid off. His mother, who originally disliked his father, decided to divorce and run away because the family was gradually unable to make ends meet. Road, leaving his disabled father to raise Aoki Si alone.

When he was growing up, my father used one arm to carry bricks during the day and carry wine bottles at night, successfully beating him up into a bad boy for the rest of his life.

What's even worse is that just one month before Aokiji's time travel, his father fell into a river due to alcoholism and lost his life in vain. An uncle from Chiba came over to help with the funeral arrangements and decided to adopt Aokiji. However, the original Aokiji felt hopeless in life and finally committed suicide by swallowing sleeping pills that night after moving to Chiba.

Logically speaking, Aokiji should have died in the hospital.

But God gave him a new life and let Zheng Qian from another world take his place and start a new life.

"Aoki-kun, can I come in?" A knock on the door brought the sighing Aokiji back to his senses.

"Please come in." Aokiji closed the window and turned around. A middle-aged man with a simple and honest appearance was carefully opening the wooden door: "Well, I have already said hello to the school and I will go to school tomorrow. Is that okay? ?”

This is Aoki Tsukasa's current adoptee, his unrelated uncle Kasugano Masao.

Aokiji smiled and nodded: "Okay, uncle."

He could know from his memory that the Kasugano Masao in front of him could definitely be called a good old man. After all, not everyone has the courage to adopt a seventeen-year-old delinquent boy from a poor family.

What's more, Kasugano Masao and Aoki Tsukasa have no blood relationship at all, and they are just friends with Aoki Si's father since childhood. Being able to make such a decision under such a status, Aokiji believed from the bottom of his heart that he was a man worthy of respect.

Seeing Aokiji's smiling response, Kasugano Masao felt relieved and said hurriedly: "Hey, Aoki-kun, lunch will be ready in about ten minutes. Do you want to come down for dinner?"

"Yeah, okay." Aokiji nodded, with a gentle and respectful attitude. Kasugano Masao was slightly startled when he saw this, and then he laughed twice with a strange expression: "Ha, ha, I'll go down first."

"Wait a minute!" Aokiji hurriedly stopped Kasugano Masao. Under his confused gaze, he bowed and thanked him solemnly: "Thank you very much, uncle, for your help. From today on, I will try not to give you any help." You are causing trouble!"

Kasugano Masao seemed a little at a loss, and hurried forward to help Aokiji, and said in a dull tone: "No, there is no need to be so polite."

As if he didn't know how to deal with the situation at hand, Masao Kasugano made an excuse and hurriedly closed the door and went downstairs.

Aokiji touched his long hair, picked up the phone on the table with some disgust, and used the selfie mode to take a look at his appearance.

Fortunately, there is no change in his facial features. Although he cannot be called handsome, his facial features are relatively three-dimensional, with no advantages or disadvantages.

Oh, there are still shortcomings.

It's the long yellow hair on the head.

Aoki Si looked at the messy medium-long yellow hair on his head, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "Do all the gangsters in the Neon Kingdom rely on their hairstyle to identify themselves? Tsk, I still remember when I was studying, because my bangs grew past my eyebrows I was dragged to have a heart-to-heart talk by the head teacher, and if I didn’t cut my hair, I would be pushed to the point of being bald, hehe.”

"Before going to school tomorrow, let's go to the barber shop." After thinking about what he wanted to do, Aokiji smiled at himself in the selfie on his mobile phone: "Delinquent high school students. I haven't seen this kind of thing myself. Well, if you occasionally arrive late and leave early, and be rebellious, you should be able to fulfill your agreement with that 'god'."

[The most powerful system for delinquent high school students in history was successfully launched. 】A machine-synthesized voice suddenly sounded in my ears.

"Who?" Aokiji's right eyelid suddenly twitched, remembering the fact that he had almost forgotten: "By the way, the name of this system is a bit too long."

[Please be sure to read the instructions for use]

As the voice in his ears narrated, a light screen like an AR projection appeared in front of Aokiji's eyes. He tried to touch it with his hand, and as expected, he passed through it. While passing through, perhaps because of the touch, When it comes to the text above, the light screen changes.

[Instructions for use: Hello host, this system was specially made by an unknown great being and customized for you to help you become the strongest high school student in history. Please strictly follow the requirements of the system and continue to work hard to grow into a qualified high school student, otherwise you will lose your second life. 】

[Supplementary Note: As long as you complete the most basic tasks and spend these three years, you will gain control over your life this time. Please note that this world is a parallel world, please do not bring your previous life experience and common sense into this world. 】

Aokiji held his forehead with a headache: "In addition to studying, to be honest, even the 50-meter run in the sports meeting is at the same level as girls. Although I don't know much about the profession of delinquent high school students. But as far as I know, it seems You have to be good at fighting, right? If you ask me to time travel into the body of someone like a muscular brother, I can't give it a try. But my body doesn't seem to be much different from when I was young."

[Please rest assured that this system has a unique task system and reward system. The skill system and attribute growth system mounted at the same time will effectively help the host complete its transformation. As long as you work hard, you can become stronger. 】

"It's more conscientious than a certain Antarctic creature. No need to charge money." After finishing speaking weakly, Aokiji lay on the bed with a look of no desire: "But to be honest, I hate trouble the most. , it is rare to have a second life, but I really hope to have a carefree, happy and completely self-sufficient life."

[After you have spent these three years with the help of the system, you will be greeted by an extremely bright future. No matter what career you want to be or how you want to live, the system can provide help. Of course, the premise is that you are here. In three years, the task was completed seriously. 】

"Actually, it's not unacceptable." Aoki Si sat up, holding his chin, with thoughtful eyes: "Can you let me see what you call the basic tasks?"

[Quests will be generated immediately based on events in the real world. 】

Aokiji curled his lips. It seemed that he could no longer paddle. Fortunately, he only had to be controlled by this system for three years. As soon as he graduated from high school, he could fly like a fish and fly like a bird. As a price for his life, he gave This so-called three years of working in the system is not unacceptable - in his previous life, due to his younger brother's poor health, his parents' expectations were almost entirely placed on him. Aokiji studied desperately until he fainted in class due to hypoglycemia.

After entering the society, in order to raise money for his younger brother's medicine and reduce the burden on his parents, he worked even harder. In two years, his six-pack abs turned into a beer belly, and he worked so hard that his long hair became wet. He has become a crew cut, and he is bald but living more tiredly. If he thinks about it carefully, he seems to have been unable to live a day for himself since he was sensible in his previous life. Until his younger brother had to have his heart replaced, and he found out that his heart matched, he signed the donation form, but he was too tired and wanted to stop there.

This time, he only had to wait three more years before he could live a life that truly belonged to him.

"I have endured and worked hard for twenty-six years in my last life. There is no reason why I can't survive in three years." Aokiji stretched lazily, set a goal for himself to only live in the subsistence allowance, and jumped out of bed. He stood down, touched the strong abdominal muscles on his belly, feeling the long-lost youth and vitality of this body, and asked: "By the way, didn't you say there is another skill system and growth system?"

[Host: Aokiji]

[Strength: 7 (10 for adults, based on the overall muscle strength of the body.)]

[Agility: 8 (10 for adults, based on overall body coordination, muscle explosiveness, etc.)

[Physical strength: 6 (10 for adults, based on a comprehensive score of muscle endurance and physical strength)]

[Brain power: 13 (10 for adults, based on a comprehensive score of memory, logic, learning and other brain abilities. Please note that this point is not equivalent to IQ, nor is it equivalent to emotional intelligence.)]

[Charm: 11 (This attribute is calculated based on the average level of a normal person on earth at 10 points, and is scored based on the comprehensive charm of appearance, body, temperament, etc.)]

Ohho Aokiji let out an unknown sigh, and touched his chin habitually, only to touch soft fluff: "What about skills? Do I need skills to improve my attributes?"

[Skill column: (vacant) (vacant) (vacant)]

[Attribute improvement can be achieved through skill bonuses and task rewards. 】

Unexpectedly, the physical attributes were not bad. After thinking about it, Aokiji understood the reason. Nine times out of ten, it's because the original Aokiji transferred his talent for learning to his body: "Then how do I acquire skills?"

[As long as you want, eating, going to the toilet, running, walking, sleeping, and even opening and closing doors can become skills. However, please note that once a skill is added to the skill bar, it cannot be canceled. Each skill will have corresponding attribute bonuses and skills. Effect. Skills can be upgraded through exercise and use. Skill slots can only be expanded for more difficult tasks. 】

Aokiji smiled coquettishly and put down his original plan to learn the skill of opening the door to see what weird effects it would have. By the way, does opening the door count as a skill? If you have a high level, can you blow open the door like an unknown soldier from a certain country and take away a few hostages?

And who would learn the skill of going to the toilet? ? Even if it is useful, if you want to upgrade this skill, I am afraid you will have to be connected with the anorectal hospital for the rest of your life.

Temporarily suppressing his curiosity, Aokiji decided to cherish this seemingly precious skill slot.

"Aoki-kun, the meal is ready."

The voice of Mrs. Kasugano downstairs made Aokiji temporarily stop communicating with the system. Anyway, the days of dealing with it will be long in the future. Seeing that the AI ​​of this system is not low, maybe we can try it in the future to see if we can make this AI better. Learn to tell jokes as a companion, etc.


Oh, this system also uses an ellipse on the light screen to express silence? He seems to be very qualified. Aokiji walked out of the room with satisfaction and went downstairs.


PS: This chapter has been revised and should be much better. There's nothing poisonous about it. If you still have any questions, you are welcome to comment on the book and make suggestions. As long as what you say is meaningful, I will study hard.

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