What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 20 Another self-study and part-time job

"Songshan Fighting Club is recruiting a sparring partner. A junior sparring partner will earn 3,500 yuan an hour, an intermediate sparring partner will earn 5,000 yuan an hour, and a senior sparring partner will earn an hourly salary of 10,000 yuan. Junior sparring partners are required to be physically strong, have a peaceful mind, and have a certain Applicants with basic fighting skills and experience are preferred. Intermediate sparring partners are required to have more than one year of fighting training experience, be physically strong, have a calm mind, and obey orders. Senior sparring partners are required to have at least three years of fighting experience and be proficient in Jiu-Jitsu, kickboxing, ground techniques, and mixed martial arts. Those who qualify for one of these can come to participate in the inspection, and additional salary will be given according to their professionalism. For more information, please call XXXXX or go to Songshan Fight Club. Club address: XXXX (omitted)"

Aokiji's eyes widened, and he felt a light of hope suddenly appear in front of his eyes. Regardless of the fact that it was class time, he immediately stretched out his hand.

The English teacher who was still lecturing on the stage was a thin, middle-aged man wearing glasses. When he saw Aokiji raising his hand, he hesitated for a moment and then asked cautiously: "Aoki-san, what do you have? Something?"

"I want to go to the bathroom." Aokiji put his phone into his trouser pocket with a calm expression.

The English teacher nodded almost without hesitation: "Okay, please go."

It doesn’t matter if you don’t come back! The English teacher remembered that on the way here, he saw the Matsushita man lying on the desk in the office as if sobbing, and he felt a lot of pressure in his heart - this kid wouldn't have beaten the Matsushita man, right?

Aokiji, who had no idea that his reputation was getting worse in the teacher's mind because of Matsushita's appearance, immediately walked out of the class after getting permission, turned into the toilet cubicle, and made a phone call.

"Hello, Songshan Fight Club." The girl's gentle voice came from the phone.

"Excuse me, are the sparring partners I saw online still being recruited?" Aokiji shook his legs in excitement.

The voice on the phone was like the sound of nature: "Yes, our club has just been established, and there are vacancies for fitness coaches, fighting coaches, and sparring partners. If you are interested, you can come to our venue for an interview."

Aokiji raised his lips: "Can I go anytime?"

"Our venue is open from 7 am to 11 pm. You can come to the venue for consultation and interviews during this period. Our address is XXXX. Is there anything else you need to ask?"

"No more!" Aokiji hung up the phone excitedly and waved his fists excitedly in the toilet.

He is not confident in other things, but with his physical fitness, things like being a sparring partner are a piece of cake! Not to mention he still has two empty skill slots!

Five thousand yuan! ! !

Thinking that you will get rich soon, buy a computer in your room, have unlimited data on your mobile phone every month, and try the signature dishes of gourmet restaurants everywhere.

As for a year of fighting experience, even if he didn't have it, Aokiji would say he did.

He looks so fierce, who would question his ability to fight?

Aokiji finally found the correct way to use his ferocious face. He happily put his mobile phone in his trouser pocket, returned to the classroom, sat on the desk, held an English book and listened to the teacher's lecture.

ah! Even English books have become more interesting!

Seeing Aokiji's concentration, Maeda Tora clenched his fists, stared at the English that he couldn't understand at all, and whispered through gritted teeth: "The boss is indeed the boss. I must work hard to listen to the class! I can't give up like this!"

Maeda Tora and Aoki Tsukasa stared at the teacher with eyes eager for knowledge, unwilling to miss a word of the teacher's words.

The English teacher on the stage felt trembling all over as he was stared at by Tsukasa Aoki and Tora Maeda's eager and studious eyes.

It's over, it's over, am I going to be beaten like a male teacher?

"In this English class, let's have self-study!!" The English teacher slammed the textbook shut, without explaining much, and trotted out of the classroom with a cold sweat on his face.

Tsukasa Aoki and Tora Maeda widened their eyes almost at the same time: "Eh?!"


Time passed quickly as rumors spread like fire in a haystack. When school was over, Aokiji gave up his time to go to the kendo club to practice today and ran out of the school gate in a hurry. Using his mobile phone to navigate the way, he arrived at the gate of Matsuyama Fighting Club in half an hour.

Looking at the huge fight club in front of him, which was three stories high, Aokiji secretly clicked his tongue. When he opened the door, he saw two beautiful young ladies with soft looks bowing to him: "Welcome to Songshan Fighting Club. This club has quite professional fighting course teaching, professional course training, as well as gym courses and swimming courses. Guests, please go inside."

Looking at the two waiters who were enthusiastic, not wavering at all because of his charm, and the girl with a smile on her face, Aokiji could only feel the smell of capitalist money coming to her face - how much money does it cost to cultivate this girl? Such professional ethics!

Aokiji hesitated for a moment and then said, "I'm here to apply as a sparring partner."

The two waiters were stunned, as if they didn't expect that the bald young man in front of them, who didn't look strong, was here to apply for a job. But he quickly reflected: "Please go to the third floor from the elevator on the left. The third floor is the fighting training area. The coach there will be responsible for your affairs."


Aokiji nodded and got into the elevator.

After the elevator door opened, what came into view was a lively training scene. There are two standard octagonal cages and two boxing rings in the spacious venue. In addition, there are quite a lot of training equipment.

At this time, there were people jumping with skipping ropes, people fighting passionately in the octagonal cage, and people making loud bangs in the boxing ring. Although it cannot be expressed by rubbing shoulders and heels, there are definitely a lot of people. Like a newly opened venue.

"The boy over there." The rich voice attracted Aokiji's attention, and he turned to look. A bald man with tattoos was smiling and waving to him.

Just look at the bald man with tattoos, who is at least 1.9 meters tall. His arms are a little thicker than Aokiji's thighs. There are colorful patterns tattooed on his arms. His muscles are extremely strong. He wears a black tights to outline his exaggerated muscular figure. It's intimidating at first sight.

Didn’t I enter some underworld training base? Aokiji was pounding in his heart, but on the outside he walked over calmly: "Hello, I'm here to apply for a position as a sparring partner."

The strong man raised his eyebrows in surprise. Looking at Aokiji's not-so-strong body and the student uniform that he had not yet changed, he grinned: "Kid, being a sparring partner is not an easy job. Don't be attracted by high-paying jobs. Just come and apply for the job. Our junior and mid-level sparring partners do not have insurance. If you have a body like yours and accompany you for a fight, maybe half of your salary will be spent on medical expenses."

Aokiji nodded with a calm expression: "Yes, I know, I'm here to apply for an intermediate sparring position."

The strong man looked at Aokiji and felt that the bald boy in front of him did look like he had a lot of skills. He didn't look like a stupid young man who would rush over when his head got hot. After thinking about it, he gave him a chance to prove himself: "As an intermediate sparring partner, do you want to practice in the free fighting area or in the boxing ring? We also recruit sparring partners for unrestricted fighting, which are like those in the Octagon, and the salary will be higher."

"Oh, let's fight without restrictions." Aokiji thought for a while and then made up his mind.

I wrote and saved the manuscript, plus supplementing the details, until 6:30 in the morning. I was worried that it would be too late to update after waking up, so I just finished posting today's update at 6 in the morning. There will be a power outage here for a whole day on December 6th. I will send out the update around three or four in the morning on the 6th, and try to make subsequent updates before 3pm (actually when I wake up). There may be changes after it is put on the shelves, we will tell you at that time.

No one is watching anyway.


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