What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 35 Also? (Additional updates for the fat paper recommendation ticket red envelope)

Although he really wanted to have a good breakfast with Qiong, it was a pity that the time on Aokiji's cell phone told him truthfully that if he didn't leave quickly, he would be late.

After finishing the meal, Aokiji washed all the dishes and chopsticks, and then Qiongcai carefully walked downstairs and sat on the dining table.

Aokiji shook off the water drops on his hands and turned to look at Qiong, who was sitting at the dining table with his head lowered and eating noodles in small bites. He suddenly felt very satisfied and warm in his heart, and couldn't help but wipe the water on his pants with his hands. Qian, he reached out again and gently touched Qiong's head.

Qiong was so frightened by his sudden movement that his whole body became stiff. Even the noodles he held near his mouth slipped, and the chopsticks stopped at his mouth as if frozen.

"If you want to eat any snacks, just tell me. I will buy them for you when I get home in the evening. You can't eat all the snacks I bought yesterday." Aokiji withdrew his hand and looked at her nervously. He only thought it was fun and cute, and gently warned: "Also, remember to eat well at noon. If you don't have enough money to buy what you want to eat, just call me."

Seeing Qiong still lowering his head and looking silent, Aokiji helplessly patted Qiong's head with his hand: "Then I'll go to class. If you need anything, remember to contact me."

Turning around and picking up his schoolbag, Aokiji, who was about to leave, suddenly heard a faint voice behind him.

"chocolate bar."

Looking back, Qiong raised his head expressionlessly, and looked at Aoki Si with clear eyes that seemed to have no emotion at all. Seeing that Aoki Si had a confused expression, he repeated and whispered again: "Snacks. X dark chocolate bar." "

This time Qiong even made it clear about the brand and flavor.

Aokiji nodded and waved to her: "Okay, I will definitely buy it for you. Then, goodbye."

Seeing Qiong fell into silence again, Aokiji glanced at the time on his phone, which was already 7:51, sighed, and hurried out the door.

As Aokiji slammed the door shut, Qiong sat at the dining table, staring at the egg noodles in front of his face. He sighed for a long time and said softly to the empty room: "Goodbye."

Aokiji, who rushed into the classroom quickly and slowly, almost pressing the bell, sat down in his seat sweating profusely under the gaze of his homeroom teacher Matsushita. The Mandarin book in Matsushita's hand was raised and put down. Finally, Sighing: If I continue to take self-study classes, the progress of the course will be slowed down too much, so I have to bite the bullet!

He started the lecture in an orderly manner, while Aokiji lay on the table, looking at the hand that had just touched Qiong's head in the morning and was silly and amused for a long time, before he started his happy study career with satisfaction.

However, the happy time is always short-lived. As the bell rang, a voice that made Aokiji a little worried suddenly rang in his ears.

"Aoki-san." A lively and melodious voice sounded in my ears.

He raised his head and saw that it was Shinmei Teruhashi standing in front of him.

Aokiji frowned slightly. He remembered that the beautiful girl monitor in front of him seemed to have given up on him. Why did he start talking to him again today?

"What's the matter?" Aokiji put down the Mandarin book in his hand. Now that he has read this book carefully, it only has a little experience value. It is better to listen to Matsushita Man read a text or write a reading to fill in the blanks. There are many questions.

Teruhashi Shinmei looked at Aokiji's indifferent face, and felt soft in her heart: Ah, Aoki-san has really lost confidence in the world. This indifference that repels people thousands of miles away must be his fragile heart. protective case

I almost misunderstood Aoki-san!

Teruhashi Xinmei smiled and said softly: "Aoki-san, have you had any difficulties in your life recently? If so, you can try to talk to me and we can find a solution together."

"????" Aokiji's expression almost turned into a famous emoticon. After thinking for a long time, he didn't know where she was wrong. She suddenly said such words to herself, but she just said lightly: " Thank you to the monitor for your concern, I feel like my life is very good recently."

This is the truth. He has been making a lot of money recently, Qiong doesn't avoid him, and no bad boy has come to trouble him. What a wonderful life it is.

Various strange mental images appeared in Teruhashi Shinmei's mind. The calm-looking Aokiji in front of her also changed into a pretending to be strong in her eyes, and her voice became much gentler: "Hey , do you want to have lunch together?"

"Well" Aokiji frowned slightly: "I always buy food at the convenience store, and during my lunch break I go to the kendo club to practice swordplay. So, I'm sorry."

God, why is he so pathetic? When Teruhashi Shinmei thought about it, the poor guy in front of her might be hungry at noon, squatting alone in a corner with no one, lonely and helpless. She felt like she was about to shed tears, but then she thought, what if Forcibly breaking his disguise may backfire and cause him to resent you. After all, a person like him must have a strong self-esteem.

Besides, pestering him all the time didn't seem to fit in with her image of a perfect beautiful girl. Teruhashi Komimi suppressed her emotions and smiled: "Well, if Aoki-san needs help, don't be shy. I will keep it a secret for you and will try my best to help you."

"Huh?" Aokiji nodded in confusion. He didn't know why, but he always felt that his thinking couldn't keep up with the beautiful girl in front of him. He didn't know whether there was something wrong with her head or something was wrong with him.

"Boss!" Maeda Tora carefully approached Aokiji after Teruhashi Kotomi left, and said with an envious expression: "Did even Kotomi-chan also like the boss? Sure enough, he is worthy of being the boss!"


Aokiji just felt something was a little weird.

Wait, why did you say the word 'ye'?

Aokiji's expression changed drastically and he distanced himself from Maeda Tora.

Well, everyone should stop sending red envelopes for recommendation tickets in the future. I heard that there will be a lot of invalid data that will affect the signing and listing, but you have to hand in all the recommendation tickets! If I can get 200 recommendation votes today, I will update it tomorrow! ! ! ! !

It’s a new week, everyone! ! ! ! There are now 1,290 votes, which means there are 1,490 votes before twelve o'clock! ! ! !

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