What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 48 Attribute Breakthrough Specialty

In the taxi going home, I looked at the sparse moonlight outside the window. The faint moonlight fell on the street, just like Aokiji's mood, quiet and cold.

Aokiji's expression was a little downcast.

It's not that he doesn't know that Busujima Saeko seems to have a good impression of him.

But he didn't dare to respond, even if to be honest, Busujima Saeko was quite in line with his views on mate selection: beautiful, mature, gentle, and temperamental.

Although the system has helped him a lot, it is also the sword of Dalmos hanging over his head.

He has never forgotten the agreement he made with the so-called 'god' in the boundless darkness of death.

If he cannot complete the system's tasks, Aokiji will lose this life again, which is the so-called death.

It is precisely because of this that Aokiji studies extremely hard, works extremely hard to practice boxing, makes money, and is anxious to cure Qiong's problems. This is all because Aokiji is worried that if he does not work hard, he will suffer again. Become a loser. I am even more afraid that what I owe to others will not be paid until death.

The failure in his previous life left him with no choice but to transplant his own heart - because he was poor and because he couldn't make as much money to save his biological brother. The only one who could repay his parents' kindness and responsibility as an older brother was also It's just one life for another.

In this life, he really doesn't want to be a loser again.

And until he successfully gets rid of all this, Aokiji doesn't want to and doesn't dare to become friends with others easily. Not to mention other relationships that go further.

It's just a simple fear that if you fail again, it will make the people around you miserable.

【.The system will never issue tasks that are too dangerous, so please rest assured. Including this time, the host's physical condition, including the condition of the props, was also measured before the corresponding tasks were released - if the host was not strong enough, the system would not trigger the relevant tasks. 】

Perhaps Aokiji's very negative and pessimistic thoughts made the system unable to bear it, and a new chat box popped up in a very humane manner.

[If you are worried about failing the mission, it is better to work hard to make yourself stronger. Whether it is free fighting or kendo, if you can reach level ten, you are theoretically a non-human level existence. 】

[Being a bad boy is just a bad boy, there won’t be much danger. In terms of physical attributes alone, reaching twenty points is already a breakthrough of human limits. 】

Aokiji glanced at the system's words and just laughed a little at himself: "Maybe, but like today, if I don't have a tumbler sticker, Ishihara Kita's wooden sword is really dangerous. Bad luck, skull Even if you don't die due to internal bleeding, the possibility of becoming a vegetative state is not impossible. Maybe I am quite pessimistic. However, until I feel that I am strong enough, maybe I will not stop this pessimistic thinking."


The system didn't reply. Maybe he didn't think there was anything wrong with Aokiji's thinking of being prepared for danger in times of peace.

Crisis is always the greatest motivation, and this is universally applicable to humans.

Aokiji took a breath and regained his composure.

What the system said may not be unreasonable. If he could fight dozens or twenty of them without using props, what bad boy could threaten him? At least if your physical fitness is high enough, why can't you just run away if you really can't beat him? For example, this time, if Aokiji can be stronger and do more anti-impact training, even if he hits his head with a steel pipe, there won't be much danger! If the skill level was higher and the fighting experience was richer, not to mention whether he would be fooled by these bad boys, even if he could, he wouldn't be able to be attacked in the back of the head by someone so simple.

Come on! If you are strong enough, how difficult can it be to be a bad boy?

By the way, have my previous tasks been completed? Aokiji suddenly thought of this.

[Task: Become famous (completed). 】

[Task reward: Free attribute points X3, skill upgrade scroll X1. Mission completion: perfect. Additional reward: Free attribute point X1. 】

[Hidden mission: The Legend of Evil has been completed, please pay attention to check for rewards. 】

[Famous reputation: Your cruel methods and powerful strength are already known to most people. From today on, you are no longer an unknown ordinary delinquent, but a rising star in the world of delinquents! Finish: perfect. Reward: Charisma Points +2. 】

[Because your charm points have exceeded twenty points, please choose the charm expertise skill. 】

Aokiji's face changed drastically when he heard this.

"Show me my properties panel!"

[Host: Aokiji]

[Strength: 10 (10 for adults, based on the overall muscle strength of the body.)]

[Agility: 12 (10 for adults, based on overall body coordination, muscle explosiveness, etc.)

[Brain power: 14 (10 for adults, based on a comprehensive score of memory, logic, learning and other brain abilities. Please note that this point is not equivalent to IQ, nor is it equivalent to emotional intelligence.)]

[Physical strength: 8 (10 for adults, based on a comprehensive score of muscle endurance and physical strength)]

[Charm: 20 (This attribute is calculated based on the average level of a normal person on earth as 10 points, and is scored based on the comprehensive charm of appearance, body, temperament, etc.)]

Looking at Yiqi Juechen's charm points, which were ahead of other attributes, the corner of Aokiji's mouth twitched slightly, feeling that his path seemed a bit wild.

[Charming expertise: ‘superior’, ‘big star’, ‘intimate person’]

[Superior: There is no need to express your extraordinaryness. When anyone sees you, they will understand that you are already different from them. This expertise will greatly enhance the sense of oppression you bring to others, making people who respect you respect you more and people who fear you fear you even more. 】

[Big Star: Your charm is far beyond ordinary people. Anyone who sees you cannot avoid being attracted by your charm. Every move and word you make will be extremely charming. This expertise will greatly enhance your attractiveness to others, regardless of gender, allowing them to admire you, fall in love with you, and roar when they see you! 】

[Intimate person: Your charm is no longer reflected in your superficial appearance, but more of your warm heart. Anyone who calms down to talk to you will feel that you are their best friend in life. This expertise will greatly enhance the persuasiveness and appeal of your language, making anyone you talk to feel like a spring breeze and open their hearts unconsciously. 】

After carefully reading the attribute strips of the three charm specialties, Aokiji sneered twice, feeling that the system did not give him any choice at all.

If he chooses the first 'higher one', he will have to go further and further down the path of the bald boss, even if he kills Aokiji, he doesn't want to choose. As for the second big star, Tsukasa Aoki only needs to think about Teruhashi Sumimi's appearance as if there is a light behind her, and you will know what effect it will have. He didn't want others to look at him, so he suddenly screamed "Oh!". Aokiji shuddered. Thinking of those men and women looking at him with nymphomaniacal faces and yelling, he felt... It's better for them to be afraid and just forget it.

Therefore, only the third one looks normal. At least, I won't make my life any more weird.

[Charming specialty has been selected: The Intimate Person. 】

Seeing that there are still four free attribute points that can be added to the attribute column at will, and an upgrade scroll that can upgrade any skill to one level, Aokiji feels that he should take a moment and think about it more clearly. Now his mind is still It's a bit messy.

By chance, the taxi had stopped. Aokiji took a look and found that he was indeed home.

"That... a total... a total..." The taxi driver looked at Aoki Tsukasa in the rearview mirror and felt that the bald man looked even more sinister than when he got in the car. He was extremely nervous, fearing that he would suddenly shout something at this moment. robbery.

Aoki glanced at the rearview mirror and looked at the driver. Seeing that he was so frightened that he quickly looked away, he just curled his lips and glanced at the meter. He counted the money from his wallet and handed it to the driver. I got out of the car in a hurry.

The driver didn't dare to count whether the money was enough. Aokiji stepped on the accelerator as soon as he got out of the car and rushed into the distance as if racing a car.

Aokiji watched the taxi disappear into the distance of the street, sighed, and looked a little desperate: He seemed to be more fierce, didn't he?

ps: Alas, the signing of the contract will probably have to be postponed, because I have been updating every day some time ago, and the number of words has exploded. I have to control the number of words. Please wait patiently for a few days. There will be no updates in the past few days. I will update you twice a day after signing the contract.

To be honest, I felt very uneasy. Other books were signed for 50,000 yuan, and recommended for 60,000 to 70,000 yuan. I only applied for 100,000 words, and I estimate that I can only sign the contract after 120,000 words. Recommendations are also far off. This has hit me hard. I hope everyone can understand my current situation. I also hope that I will still have you in this low point.

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