What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 74 Good intentions are rewarded

What should a homeless person’s home look like?

Aokiji didn't know much about it before, but he didn't know it until now.

In a remote open space, there are messy and dilapidated tents everywhere, and in the center, a bonfire using an iron box as an oven is burning.

The old man led Aokiji to twist and turn among the tents, and came to a simple and shabby tent.

Someone probably abandoned the tent and threw it outside. Not only did it look dirty, it also had a hole in the side. It was patched up with a piece of black cloth, which presumably only served to block the light. Bar.

There were a few homeless people in the camp who were warming themselves by the fire. When they saw Aoki Tsukasa, they looked away in fear and even faintly worried - there were many delinquent boys who made fun of bullying them.

The wandering old man raised his head and looked at the sky, as if he was reminiscing about something: "When I was young, my father was a very famous local doctor. And I was his only son. At that time, I was really stupid. I know that I go against my father in everything. He wants me to study medicine, but I prefer to study finance. He wants me to be careful in everything and leave a way out for myself, but I prefer to leave no room for anything."

"Until 1980, after my father passed away, I inherited all his inheritance." The old man sighed, his eyes full of regret: "The real estate speculation and stock fever at that time really made my eyes red and my brain red. No sense at all.”

"I invested all my money in stocks and real estate, but I still couldn't resist my greed. Faced with the soaring housing prices and stocks, I started borrowing money to continue investing. I made more and more money, but I didn't invest as much. More." The old man smiled bitterly and shook his head: "In the ensuing bubble economy era, stock prices and house prices began to plummet, and everything in my hands continued to depreciate. I sold all my property and was unable to repay my debts. In the end, I chose Bankruptcy.”

"After bankruptcy and liquidation, I had nothing, so I could only embark on the road of wandering." The old man looked at the ancient book, his eyes red with shame: "In recent years, it is not that there have been no opportunities to get rid of this difficult situation, but I still If you fail to grasp it, you will end up watching the opportunity slip away.”

The old man closed his eyes with regret, and a line of turbid tears flowed down his old cheek: "For people like me, maybe I have this kind of life because of myself. I can't even find who I should hate, I can only live one day." Just another day of living in this terrible reality, waiting for the day when it's all over."

"Sorry, maybe I talked too much. These things must be boring to you. It's just that I haven't chatted with anyone for a long time, so I can't stop talking about it." The old man wiped his tears and looked at Aoki. manage.

"How could it be?" Director Aoki breathed a sigh of relief and his eyes were clear: "I have learned a lot from the old man's story. I will cherish the opportunities I face more and be more careful about my actions. The old man's story I will remember it well and remind myself all the time.”

The old man was stunned, and then he showed a faint smile: "Thank you. It's great that there are young people like you in today's society. I can also trust you with this matter, and don't have to worry anymore. "

Aokiji frowned slightly: "What's the matter?"

"Come with me." The old man went into the tent first to get something unknown, and then came out to lead the way for Aokiji.

After walking not far, the two stopped at a remote bookstore about two blocks away from Aoki Tsukasa's home.

"Old man, you're here so early today!" In the bookstore, a girl with long black hair, neatly cut bangs, snow-white skin, slender and clear eyes, and a mole under her left eye smiled at the old man. Said hello.

"It's Liuli." The old man smiled and nodded to her.

Wu Geng Liuli frowned and looked at the indifferent Aoki Si behind the old man, and huddled behind the counter of the bookstore with some caution, not daring to look directly at Aoki Si. He quietly took out his mobile phone and made up his mind to call the police immediately if Aokiji dared to do anything to bully the old man.

The old man led Aokiji into the dark alley next to the bookstore. He fumbled around a few times in his old coat and took out a clean-looking iron wrist. He tapped it with his fingers and called out in a hoarse voice. : "Kuroko, Shiro, Natto!"

It was very strange to say that he just tapped his iron fist and called a few times in a not too loud voice. Several dog barks came from the complicated and intertwined alleys. After a while, three dirty puppies came to the rescue. He ran to the old man.

"This black one is called Kuroko." The old man sat on the ground, rubbing a black puppy, watching it lick the palm of his hand, and smiled as he took out the bread that Aokiji bought for him from his pocket. , broke into small pieces and put them into an iron bowl.

"This one has a white tail, and it's called White Tail." The old man touched the other puppy, which was black and white with a white tail, and introduced it with a smile.

"The last pug is called Natto." The pug was burying its head in the bowl at this time. Judging from its dirty fur, it was probably white all over and its ears were black. It looked quite simple and honest.

The old man looked at them eating bread with their heads down, and said in a sad voice: "If possible, can you take care of them for me?"

"If they are captured and no one adopts them for a month, they will be euthanized." The old man sighed: "I can only feed them here on time so that they can hide in the alley and not run around. Although it is only treating the symptoms but not the root cause. The method is the only way I can help them."

"Because I don't have money to vaccinate them, and the camp doesn't allow me to take them there." When the old man said this, he raised his head and his eyes were full of expectation: "Can you help me with this?"

Aokiji frowned, nodded slightly, but asked doubtfully: "But why do you want me to do it? Don't you do a good job, old man?"

The old man smiled bitterly: "There is no way, the camp will be demolished soon."

"Demolished?" Aokiji's eyes widened.

"Yes, that area needs to be transformed into a new park. A group of wandering guys like us have no choice but to change their place." The old man said helplessly: "If there is a choice, I would rather live with them Together, but"

"I'm old and I no longer have the strength to feed myself, let alone feed them." The old man said in a free and easy tone: "At least, if I follow my friends in the camp, maybe there will be someone to collect my body when I die. Not allowed."

"Old man." Aokiji was a little sad.

The old man waved his hand: "This is all the cause and effect that I should bear."

"As long as you help me take good care of them, I am willing to pray for you sincerely every day until the day I die. This is the only thing I can do to repay you." The old man's expression was a little lost, as if Feeling pity and self-blame for not being able to give anything in return.

"Old man!" Aokiji interrupted him quickly: "Don't say anything about death, it's too unlucky."

The old man smiled bitterly: "Can you promise me?"

"I'm fine." Aokiji sighed and nodded.

The old man then smiled and touched the head of the puppy in front of him. He looked much more relaxed than Aokiji. He stood up and said in a gentle voice: "You are a good boy. Compared with your appearance, you are completely different." Good boy."

"I just hope that you can always live with this kind heart." The old man suddenly coughed twice, covered his mouth to slow down, and then continued: "Compared to me who has half a leg in the coffin. For the old guy, there are more people or animals in the world who need help."

"With this kindness, go help more people." The homeless man smiled and nodded at Aokiji: "It's time for me to leave. Tomorrow morning, the camp will be packed up and ready to go to a new place. "

"Old man, give them all the bread, and I'll buy you another piece."

Aokiji wanted to take out his wallet, but was stopped by the old man.

"Perhaps I will continue to wander within the confines of Chiba. It's too far and I can't walk." There was no confusion about the future in the old man's eyes, only the free and easy look after having a thorough understanding of everything: "Maybe you will still be able to walk." You can’t tell if you see me again. Until then, buy me another samosas! The samosas and rice you bought me with the money you gave me last time, as well as the can of hot coffee, are really delicious. .”

Aokiji wanted to say something more, but the old man turned around tiredly: "Okay, old man, I am also a little tired this day. I have to go back to rest, so don't come to see me off."

"Compared to an old man like me, care more about those who truly love you. Whether it's thanking you or expressing your true feelings, in short, don't wait until you don't have the chance to regret it." The old man left In one word, he disappeared around the corner.

Three puppies chased him and barked twice at the entrance of the alley, seemingly saying goodbye. It wasn't until the old man disappeared around the corner that he returned to the iron bowl.

Aokiji looked at the three puppies in front of him, wagging their tails and eating with gusto in front of the iron bowl, and was speechless for a long time.

Natto ate big gulps. After a long time, he was full and left the rice bowl first. He looked at Aokiji who was squatting in front of him and barked twice.

Aokiji rubbed its head: "What's wrong?"

Natto barked twice more, then suddenly turned around and ran towards the alley. Not long after, he actually took out a tattered ancient book.

Aokiji curiously took the ancient book over. Aokiji raised his eyebrows and looked at the two traditional Chinese characters "Medical Scripture" written on the ancient book, which seemed to be written in Chinese. His heart suddenly jumped, as if he accidentally discovered a gold ingot dropped on the ground.

Is it possible? !


ps: Merry Christmas! Today I’m adding an extra chapter, for those of you who also don’t have a girlfriend/friend to celebrate the holidays. The second watch is at 12 noon, the third watch is at 6 pm, and the fourth watch is at 9 pm.

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