At the corner, Fujiwara Miao and Maeda Tora looked at each other and smiled evilly.

"How is it!?" Fujiwara Miao raised his eyebrows proudly.

Maeda Tora gritted his teeth and clenched his fists: "Well, that's a letter written by Shinmei-chan for us! Damn it, damn it! That damn fat man must have smelled the fragrance of Shinmei-chan's fingertips!"

"By the way, why would Teruhashi Shinmi-san be willing to write such a letter for us?" Fujiwara Miao touched his bald head, a little confused. He originally planned to write a letter himself and call it a day. Unexpectedly, Maeda Tora actually found Teruhashi Summi and said that it would be more realistic. In the end, Teruhashi Sumimi actually agreed!

Thinking of the way Sumimi Teruhashi's cheeks turned slightly red when she heard that she needed help, Miao Fujiwara almost yelled again, and patted her heart with fear: "Kimi Teruhashi's charm is so great. "

Maeda Tora looked melancholy: "I asked Xinmei-chan for help in the name of the boss."

"Could it be that?" Fujiwara Miao's eyes widened.

Maeda Tora assumed a vicissitudes of life posture with his head raised at 45 degrees, but in the end he could only see the ceiling of the corridor: "Ah, it's probably what you think. There's nothing I can do about it. If I were Shinmei-chan, I would be like this too. Yes."

"Boss is really awesome!" Miao Fujiwara sighed from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, okay, hurry up and prepare for the next part of the plan!" Miao Fujiwara stopped sighing and eagerly pulled Maeda Tiger away, who was still a little hurt.

after an hour.

"Ding-a-ling-a-ling" the bell just rang for the end of get out of class, and Class 2 and Class 4 of Senior High School suddenly fell into a commotion. The teacher on the podium reluctantly stopped the lesson that he had not yet finished, and watched the students begin to pack their schoolbags and prepare to start having fun. extracurricular life.

"Wow!" The door of the class was suddenly opened by a hand, and a bald head was illuminated by the sunlight outside the window in front of the class door. The dazzling light made many people subconsciously cover their eyes.

Maeda Tora looked arrogantly at the class that was very quiet after being frightened by him. He looked at the delinquent boy with short yellow hair who slowly stood up in front of him with an unhappy expression and a cold voice.

"Koda-chan, see you at the Fountain Park later." Maeda Tora made a throat-slitting gesture towards Koda-chan and mocked, "If you are scared, don't forget to ask Ueno Yang, who is a senior in high school, to come with you."

"You have been looking for my boss all day, so don't give up now!" After Maeda Tora said, he saw Koda Koda suddenly stood up, clenched his fists and said with a ferocious expression: "You kid who is a freshman in high school, your boss didn't teach you and Do I have to be polite when I speak? Do you want to die?"

"Ah, our boss told me that Ueno Yang, who is in his third year of high school, is in trouble. As for you, it seems to be by the way. I'll see you at the park not far away later. Don't come too slow." After finishing speaking, Maeda Tora said to him Grinning, and not giving him a chance to get angry, he closed the class door again. When the furious Koda opened the class door, Maeda Tora could no longer be seen in the corridor.

Koda Koda punched the wall angrily, making the classmates around him tremble. He angrily took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Where are you all? Come to me, let's go to the fountain together." Park! I’m going to kill all these bald guys from the first year of high school today!”

There was a vague response on the phone, and Koda Kofu's face became even more angry: "Huh? Say hello to Ueno Yang? He's nothing. You think I can't even deal with a freshman in high school, right?" "

"No? Why are you still talking nonsense? Call everyone here. If you can't appear in front of me in five minutes, just wait for me to find him tomorrow. Do you understand what I mean?" Koda Xiaofu hung up angrily. He picked up his cell phone, looked at the trembling classmates beside him, and yelled, "What are you looking at? Get out!"

Others dared to be angry but dared not speak and walked out of the class with their schoolbags.

Koda took a deep breath, kicked over the nearest desk, and looked as fierce as if he wanted to eat someone: "Aoki Tsukasa? Wait! Bastard!"

At this time, Maeda Tora had returned to his class. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Teruhashi Kotomi standing next to Aoki Tsukasa with a concerned look on her face.

"Aoki-kun, do you really want to fight with them?" Teruhashi Kommei quietly twirled her fingers in confusion.

Aokiji stretched himself. After sleeping all afternoon, he felt that his mental state was much fuller, and his body was no longer as sluggish as it was in the morning due to insomnia.

She smiled softly at Shinmei Teruhashi. In any case, she had helped today. Aokiji said sternly: "Thank you for your help before. The rest is my own business, so Teruhashi-san doesn't need to worry too much."

Teruhashi Shinmei frowned and said worriedly: "But you are only a freshman in high school, and those people are already in their second and third years of high school. It's not fair to fight with them. Why don't I go to the teacher to mediate, or, or we can call the police." "

She was really pretty with her pitiful look. Aokiji blinked, but there was still no fluctuation in his heart. He just chuckled twice: "No, you should just go home. On the way Be careful. Maeda Tora is back and I'm leaving."

Without giving Teruhashi Shinmei a chance to speak again, Aokiji straightened his collar, twisted his neck, moved his body, and walked towards the class door.

Maeda Tora stood at the door and raised his fist excitedly towards Aokiji: "Boss! It's time!"

Aokiji nodded to him and walked out of the class door. In the corridor, Matsuzaka Daitake, Fujiwara Miao, and the remaining nine bald teenagers stood straight. When they saw Aokiji walking out of the class door, their eyes were incomparable. Admired and excited, he stared at Aokiji without saying a word, waiting for him to speak.

"Hello!" Aokiji asked in a low voice from his slightly dry throat: "Are you ready?"

"Boss!" the bad boys suddenly shouted, "Ready!"

"First go and beat Koda to pieces, and then help Ueno Yang lose weight." Aokiji raised his head, the cold evil look in his eyes made people feel awe: "Then."


Aokiji raised his fist high: "I, Aokiji, will occupy it!"

"Oh!" the teenagers shouted excitedly.

"Let's go!" Aokiji shouted, feeling his blood surge all over his body. He was so excited that he had never experienced before, and he felt that his whole body was full of strength at this moment.

The rest of the bad boys looked at each other and saw the unbearable fighting spirit in each other's eyes. Following Aoki Tsukasa, a total of thirteen people strode out of the school from the corridor. Everyone's expression was serious and full of excitement, like soldiers ready to embark on the battlefield. Pedestrians on the road gave way, and classmates who knew about it were whispering among themselves. They all knew that Wuyang High School was going to change.


PS: Don’t use curse words or curse words in this chapter or in book reviews. You are welcome to report any offensive or abusive comments in book reviews, and I will delete them. My book is still in the public release period, and I consider my attitude to be quite sincere. Why should I hurt others with bad words that make my stomach hurt when I open my eyes? The reality is bad enough for me. I will listen to any good suggestions, and I will think carefully about criticisms, but I don’t think it’s necessary to curse people, right?

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